# Tim Walz on Jimmy Kimmel Live | October 8, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Friday, 11 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/1pHVxjQu7_iwFlta0CJYq8LfsBR4Z9rE * Words : 2,861 * Duration : 00:15:12 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-11 17:14:58 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Jimmy Kimmel - 40.58% * Tim Walz - 57.22% * Tape - Donald Trump - 2.2% ---------------------------- Jimmy Kimmel [00:00:00] Our first guest tonight is running for vice president of the United States. In his spare time, he puts helmets on his gutters and listens to eight track tapes. He's here in California and is all jacked up on Diet Mountain Dew. From Minnesota, please welcome America's sweetheart, Governor Tim Wallace. Thank you for coming. It really is great to have you here. Yeah. I feel like you're a real person. I mean, I thought maybe, like, our fantasies conjured you up. We were like, we need a really nice man to come in and help us. Tim Walz [00:00:48] Wow. Jimmy Kimmel [00:00:49] And here you are. Tim Walz [00:00:50] Yeah. Jimmy Kimmel [00:00:50] Uh, can you really control the weather? And be honest with me, because I have a pickleball game this weekend. I love you. Could just dial it down a little bit. It's been a little bit hot here in Los Angeles. Tim Walz [00:01:00] Yeah. It never ends, does it? Jimmy Kimmel [00:01:02] No, it does not end. The election is four weeks from tomorrow. You know that. What are you thinking of today? What is on your mind today? Tim Walz [00:01:10] Yeah. Well, good to see all of you here today. I think. Little heavy today. I think most of us know a lot of folks have heavy heart today. It's the one year anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel. And I think for many of us, there's, uh, 1200 folks dead, 46 Americans. And vice, uh, president and I talking about, uh, making sure that it never happens again, that Israel is secure and the hostages are brought home, and, uh, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza ends. These are things that we all talk. Jimmy Kimmel [00:01:43] About. Tim Walz [00:01:49] And bring that to an end. I had the chance to go through the Nova exhibit here, which was the Nova music festival, and a young woman named Noah, uh, who was a survivor, walking through that and just thinking, these are kids same age as my kids. And so I think for all of us, vice president's committed. Committed to Israel's security, but committed to, uh, bringing peace throughout the world. Noah said, we just want to dance again. That's what we want to do. And I think that's a sentiment. Jimmy Kimmel [00:02:14] It must be. I've been thinking about you a lot this week. And I've been thinking, it must be so strange to have been a social studies teacher, and now to be in the middle of the very things that you were teaching. Tim Walz [00:02:27] It's strange that Jimmy Kimmel thinks about me. That is strange. So, yeah, it's different. Jimmy Kimmel [00:02:33] So I wasn't great in social studies, I have to admit. What is one thing that you hope every adult remembers from their social studies class? Is there something that key we've forgotten? Tim Walz [00:02:46] Yeah. Well, you know, that little, uh. I'm just a bill sitting on Capitol hill. That is totally wrong. Totally wrong. No, I think about this, and for each folks out there thinking, uh, about what those social studies teachers talk to you about, this. This idea, you all remember it when we grew up. This idea that, uh, we could have different ideas, but we have unity, love the democracy, have an election, and then shake hands and admit the person who won won. I think some of those things, uh, we all grew up with pretty commonly. Jimmy Kimmel [00:03:15] Yeah, that was a. That seemed to be the biggest moment of the debate. When you talked to JD Vance and you asked him, you know, did you believe Donald Trump won the election? And he wouldn't answer. Tim Walz [00:03:26] That should have been the lead, don't you think? 85 minutes before. Jimmy Kimmel [00:03:29] Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. Although you have to remember also, the last vice president who said he thought Trump lost the election wound up being chased, um, out of the Capitol building. So it is something. Tim Walz [00:03:42] It probably was in the self preservation mode. No, it's very surreal to sit there and listen. This is kind of the situation we're in. But I said, for me, being an eternal optimist, I always say that supervised the high school lunchroom. You're an optimist or you're dead. And I loved it. But this idea that. Look, we get to turn the page on that, and, uh, I plan on waking up on November 6 with Madam President, and then that will be different. Jimmy Kimmel [00:04:08] This will be. I just want to be. I want to be clear. You won't be waking up together. Tim Walz [00:04:17] No. Jimmy Kimmel [00:04:18] Unless there's. Unless you guys have gotten closer than we thought. Tim Walz [00:04:22] I have a problem about not being specific with my language, so thank you for that, specifically. Right. Jimmy Kimmel [00:04:27] I do want to ask you about being the lunchroom supervisor. What is that until. What are you watching for? Tim Walz [00:04:34] Well, it's preparation for congress. First of all, you're taking the tickets from the kids, and, uh, then you're just making sure that everything's okay. And this is. No good deed goes unpunished. One of my first years in there, I went over the freshman table, and they're getting kind of loud, and I'm like, fellas, calm down. I look over, kid's got milk coming out of his mouth, turning kind of blue. I look down, a half a polish dog there. I realize he's choking on the polish dog. So I grabbed him, and I wondered if it always worked, and it does. I gave him the heimlich, and I popped the polish dog across the room. I got lunchroom duty every year after that. That was what it was. Jimmy Kimmel [00:05:13] You were the football coach. You were the gay straight alliance. Uh, counselor. Tim Walz [00:05:18] Yeah. Jimmy Kimmel [00:05:19] I mean, this is. Tim Walz [00:05:22] Were, um. Jimmy Kimmel [00:05:22] You popular with the students? Tim Walz [00:05:24] I think so. I was. They picked me to be Santa Claus. I think it was. Looks so. I was Santa Claus every year, so seemed like, okay, would you go to. Jimmy Kimmel [00:05:31] The prom and watch and make sure the kids weren't, uh, touching each other too much? Tim Walz [00:05:35] Um. My wife and I built the proms. What do you mean and? Nothing. You have to build the set. So if it's, you know, under the sea or whatever, you build an undersea set. And then we did, you know, a night in Paris, you build the Eiffel Tower. And for me, my wife says nothing in moderation. She says, you couldn't just go vote and then you have to run for Congress and you do all this. But, uh. So we would build these elaborate proms and, uh, the sets together. Jimmy Kimmel [00:05:59] That's so crazy. And now you're in this position, I imagine, for your wife, this must be something that you guys look at each other from time to time and go, how did this happen? Tim Walz [00:06:08] Yes. And she just shakes her head and says, it's just the way it goes with us, I guess. So we're both teachers and you just kind of throw yourselves into it. But I think I. Vice President Harris talks about this. It's the beauty of America. Truly. Where could a, uh, you know, where could a girl from Oakland, a middle class family, a single mom and a kid from Nebraska, and she says this to me and she says, and look it, we're running for president and vice president. It's something. And she said, that's America, though. Jimmy Kimmel [00:06:37] And how did it happen? Because I feel like we're so desperate for great, um, leaders, for people who seem to know what life is about and what is important. And then you are not somebody that I was familiar with beforehand. And then. Tim Walz [00:06:54] Meaning I don't know those things. Jimmy Kimmel [00:06:55] Well, no, not at all. Meaning you do know those things and meaning that we didn't know you. Why didn't we know you? How did this, like, how did you get picked? Do you know how it happened? Um. Tim Walz [00:07:05] Well, I certainly said I never planned my life to be here, but I think my life prepared me well. I think the vice president was looking. I'm very proud of what we've done in Minnesota. I ran and won a congressional seat in a very red district for twelve years. And then governor, uh, of Minnesota, I think people watched and were doing things. I know the Republicans say they're super radical. Yeah. We feed our kids breakfast and lunch at school. It's a radical idea. And I think that she. And so I think she saw that. And I think the one thing is, and it's kind of, as all of us know, in life, uh, something's just meant to be by fate or whatever. We get along really well. She's amazing. Uh, she makes me laugh, and I think it's a good thing, by the way, I think a president should know how to laugh. Not at someone, but laugh with things or whatever. So. Jimmy Kimmel [00:07:52] And I like. Yeah, you like? So, yeah. Because this. This guy used to be president is a little ups. A little sore with me for, uh, a joke I made. Tim Walz [00:08:04] Yeah. Jimmy Kimmel [00:08:04] Uh, that wouldn't bother you. You don't get bothered by people making fun of comedians on Saturday Night live or whatever. Tim Walz [00:08:11] When I started this, I taught school. I said, the only thing, if you're gonna do profanity, spell it correctly towards me. Write that on there. Jimmy Kimmel [00:08:18] So I think your school experience, it's so interesting because you do, you know, life is so much like school in so many ways. Um, even just talking about taking tickets, you know, from students at lunch, you know, some of the students probably didn't have tickets. Tim Walz [00:08:32] That's right. Every teacher who's done that job had another account where they just paid for them. Um, and that's just the way it worked. But we made the case in Minnesota. Why should we even have to go through all that? You don't have the kids come in and say, have you paid the heat bill at the school today? We just got new carpet. Where's your money for this? Or whatever? You go to school, take care of them. And what we found out is, when you do school meals, guess what? More kids show up for school, they do better. You can't learn on an empty stomach. And so. Jimmy Kimmel [00:08:56] And you also have, I think, a very unique perspective on, um, the school shootings and this horrible gun violence that is happening in our schools. During the debate, JD Vance suggested that we have stronger windows and stronger doors. As a teacher, what do you think when you hear and what can we do about this? Tim Walz [00:09:15] And their idea is to arm teachers. That is a very, very bad idea. Teachers are not why they don't want it. I just like the vice president. I simply refuse to accept. Donald Trump tells us to get over. JD Vance says, you know, it's just a fact of life or whatever. We have got to get to the point. And I'm a hunter, I'm a veteran. Pheasant season opens in Minnesota this weekend. I'm excited about that. You can pass common sense things not infringe on the second amendment. But our first responsibility is those kids. And I think listening to them make these things up, try and tell you and then pivot to, like, it's a mental health issue. Trying to demonize people who are trying to get mental health care. Jimmy Kimmel [00:09:51] Oh. Tim Walz [00:09:51] At the same time, they're cutting the funding for mental health care. Um, we don't have to live this way. And I brought up in there and he batted it down. Countries that have just as much gun ownership as us, but common sense things in place. Their children don't get shot in school. So it just. Jimmy Kimmel [00:10:05] Governor Tim Wells is with us. We'll be right back. Tape - Donald Trump [00:10:09] Weird, weird. Tim Walz [00:10:10] Weird. Tape - Donald Trump [00:10:10] They're all going, but we're not weird guys. We're very solid people. He's not weird and I'm not weird. I happen to be a very solid rock. We're not weird. I think we're the opposite of weird. They're weird. You know, he said that JD and I are weird. I think we're extremely normal people. Like you. Exactly. Like, he's weird. Jimmy Kimmel [00:10:28] We are back with Governor Tim Walls. You kind of got the weird ball rolling, didn't you? Tim Walz [00:10:35] If you have to tell people numerous times you're not weird, you might be weird. Jimmy Kimmel [00:10:41] I don't know. You. Tim Walz [00:10:44] Um. Jimmy Kimmel [00:10:44] Uh, you know what? I have a little quiz for you. Help us decide what. What is weird and what is not weird? Weird or not weird? Families wearing matching pajamas at Christmas time. Tim Walz [00:10:54] Oh, not weird. Jimmy Kimmel [00:10:54] Not weird? Tim Walz [00:10:55] No. Jimmy Kimmel [00:10:56] Wearing a shirt in the pool. Weird or not weird? Tim Walz [00:10:59] Not weird. I am away. Jimmy Kimmel [00:11:02] People who ask you to take your shoes off in the house. Is that weird or not weird? Tim Walz [00:11:06] No. Not weird either. Jimmy Kimmel [00:11:07] Oh, okay. All right. Tofurky. Tim Walz [00:11:10] Oh, that's weird. Jimmy Kimmel [00:11:11] All right, I'm gonna skip to the last one. A six year old man drinking diet Mountain Dew. Tim Walz [00:11:24] That's just life right there. Jimmy Kimmel [00:11:30] This has gotta be weird. Um, Bruce Springsteen made a lengthy video endorsing you on Friday. Did you know he was doing that? No. Tim Walz [00:11:41] No. Those of you, a 60 year old, this is a high school kid. And got the river changed my life. It was a religious experience. Bruce Springsteen's the river. Jimmy Kimmel [00:11:50] And, uh, when you see a high school kid. You mean this high school kid? Tim Walz [00:11:55] Look at that corduroy suit. No. Didn't know it. Uh, to have Bruce say that. And my daughter said, bruce Springsteen knows your name. That was. That was the strangest thing, uh, over the last few years. Jimmy Kimmel [00:12:06] That's pretty crazy, isn't it? Have you not met Bruce yet? I have not methadore were you married in high school? What's going on here? Tim Walz [00:12:15] That is a. That is a class ring. Yeah. Jimmy Kimmel [00:12:17] Oh, all right. Tim Walz [00:12:21] Look at that hair, though. That's the thing I'm looking at. Jimmy Kimmel [00:12:23] Yeah. That hair is spectacular. Tim Walz [00:12:24] There you go. Jimmy Kimmel [00:12:25] You are, without a doubt, the only vice presidential candidate in history for whom this would be, uh, an, uh, enticing way to raise. Tim Walz [00:12:34] Oh, yeah. Jimmy Kimmel [00:12:35] That is, um. And people want your recipe. And have they been making your recipe? Tim Walz [00:12:40] They haven't. We're raising money off that recipe. Jimmy Kimmel [00:12:43] I know that. Tim Walz [00:12:44] A hot dish, all the food groups. Tater tots, cream of mushroom soup, a, uh, protein cheese spam is the protein that wins it. Jimmy Kimmel [00:12:54] That's how I run on that. True. When you got the call from the vice president asking you to be her running mate, is it true that you let it go to voicemail? Tim Walz [00:13:06] Yeah, in typical me fashion, I missed it. It was an unmarked number, so I'm thinking it's like a car warranty thing. And then. Then I got a call from a high ranking aide and said, pick up your dang phone. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:19] They call you, you had their number. And is she in your contacts now so that that doesn't happen again? Tim Walz [00:13:24] She is. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:25] Yes, she is. May I ask, how do you have the vice president listed in your contacts? Tim Walz [00:13:31] It's my dry cleaner. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:34] Really? Is that right? Tim Walz [00:13:36] Yes. So, uh, my drive to come m up with something, it's all like a thank you. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:44] Well, you're probably gonna have to change it now. Tim Walz [00:13:45] I know. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:46] Now. Tim Walz [00:13:46] Sorry about. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:47] But then what happens if your dry cleaner needs to get in touch with you? You're not gonna be. Tim Walz [00:13:51] I didn't think that far ahead on that. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:54] Your dry cleaner can be Madam vice president. Tim Walz [00:13:56] That's it. Jimmy Kimmel [00:13:58] Um. Uh, so you're, uh, you're on tour right now. You're. You're talking to people, you're meeting people. You've been to LA before, I assume. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You like it here? Tim Walz [00:14:07] I do. I do like it. Uh, I defend California. I say it's beautiful out here. You know, they always. In Minnesota, they're like, oh, you're trying to turn Minnesota into California. They never say it in February. No one ever says it then. Look, it's a beautiful state. And, um, coming out here and seeing folks. Jimmy Kimmel [00:14:23] Who's running Minnesota while you're gone? Is there a babysitter there? Tim Walz [00:14:27] I'm still there. I stop in and our team is there. I, uh, went back and did some interviews for judges. Um, continue to hire judges in Minnesota, folks who follow the rule of law. That's a good thing. Jimmy Kimmel [00:14:37] Yeah, that would be nice. Yeah. Tim Walz [00:14:39] So. Yeah. So we still make it work. Good to you. Jimmy Kimmel [00:14:43] Well, it's great to have you here. And, uh, you know, I think I speak for a lot of people, and I say we like you a lot. I mean, you're a very, very like. You seem like to me, honestly, and I. And I can come up with no higher compliment than this, but you seem to me like the kind of guy who cleans the lint out of the dryer after every use. Tim Walz [00:15:05] Every use. Jimmy Kimmel [00:15:08] Governor Tim Wells, everybody. We'll be right back with Jet Alcatraz.