# Donald Trump in Reno, Nevada | Oct 11, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Monday, 14 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/3y9UZD_Ben2hC1at4RT8PiWzcG0SfJgA * Words : 13,229 * Duration : 01:22:01 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-14 14:50:42 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 92.3% * Video - Kamala Harris - 2.0% * Speaker C - 4.44% * Speaker D - 1.25% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:00] So a very big hello to Reno. We love Reno. And hello to Nevada. It's great to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of proud, very, very hardworking american patriots. Thank you very much. Nice crowd. Big, beautiful crowd. We always have a good crowd in Reno. We love it. Before we begin, I want to send our love to all of the people back east who are recovering from two really devastating hurricanes. Our hearts are with those who lost a loved one, and we are with you all the way. We're getting it straightened out. And, uh, we need better help from a thing called the federal government, from. We need better help from, uh, I guess you could say from kamala. They've been very bad. They've been, they've been in particular bad to North Carolina and other parts that were really devastated. Really bad. But we have to get them on the ball a little bit. God bless them all. God bless you all. Thank you very much. 25 days from now, we are going to win Nevada. We are going to defeat kamala Harris, and we are going to make America great again. From the very beginning of this journey, I have been on a mission to rescue our nation from a failed and corrupt political establishment, and it is corrupt. And to give you back the country that you believe in, the country that you were born in, and the country that you deserve. And we're going to do it in that mission. I will never quit. I will never bend. I will never break. I will never yield, not even in the face of death itself. Won't, uh, happen. As you know, I'm putting everything on the line to fight for you, and I am also only asking you for one thing. Vote. Get out and vote. Early mail in voting is underway in Nevada right now. So return your ballot today, vote Republican at every level, and go. And we know that, uh, you're going to vote for Trump and we're going to make America great again. We're going to turn around our country so fast. Yesterday, it was announced that inflation surged viciously again last month, coming in at a much higher number than anticipated. Your food prices went way up, um, higher than expected. Your rent and housing costs went up much more than expected. Your car prices went through the roof. Yet Kamala Harris has no plan to fix it. You ever hear her? She goes, Waldo, uh, we did everything wonderfully. That place is falling apart. Then she's got ideas. I know what I'm going to do. Why didn't she do it three and a half years ago? Right? Kamala has already cost the typical family $29,000 with her horrible inflation and the cost of inflation. Yet she said this week when asked the question that she can't think of one thing she could do differently. Right. So you know what? Take a look at the video. We're going to talk about that. Take a look. Not one thing. Take a look at this. Video - Kamala Harris [00:03:26] You have done something differently than President. Speaker C [00:03:29] Biden during the past four years. Video - Kamala Harris [00:03:32] There is not a thing that comes to mind. Donald Trump [00:03:34] I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch. Speaker C [00:03:37] The chaotic and deadly us evacuation from. Donald Trump [00:03:39] Afghanistan stunned Americans and the world and. Speaker C [00:03:42] Cost the lives of 13 us soldiers. Would you have done something differently? Video - Kamala Harris [00:03:47] There has done a thing that comes to mind. Donald Trump [00:03:49] More than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been caught at the border and then released into the United States. An afghan national is in custody today after being accused of plotting an election day terrorist attack. The suspect entered the US on a special immigrant visa. Speaker C [00:04:04] Gut wrenching new details in the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley. The illegal immigrant suspect who cops say committed the heinous murder is a venezuelan national who crossed the unsecured southern border back in 2022. Two men investigators say are in the country illegally from Venezuela are charged with capital murder and the death of Jocelyn Nungarai, a fifth illegal immigrant accused of attacking two New York City police officers over the weekend showed no remorse or regret. Would you have done something differently? Video - Kamala Harris [00:04:33] There is not a thing that comes to mind. Speaker C [00:04:35] Only 18% say the economy is in. Donald Trump [00:04:38] Excellent or good condition. Speaker C [00:04:39] Us inflation has hit a new 40 year high, increasing by 9.1% over the financial year. The cost of homes have spiked. Homebuyers need to earn 80% more than they did in 2020 to afford a house. Were you the last person in the room? Donald Trump [00:04:55] Yes. So that answer that she would do nothing different is totally disqualifying. Our country is in crisis. We don't need four more years of gross incompetence, radicalism and failure. We need strong leadership. We're going to change it. We're going to do such a great job. Your head's going to spin. Your head is going to spin. It's time for the people of Nevada to tell Kamala Harris. Does anybody know the name Harris? If you say Harris, everybody says, who the hell is Harris? That we've had enough. We can't take it anymore. We're not going to take it anymore. Kamala, you're fired. Get out of here. Get the hell out of here. Get out of here. So bad. The worst we've ever had. Look, he's the worst president in the history of this country, the worst. And she's the worst vice president, and she's actually worse than him. Okay, we defeated him, and then now we have to defeat another one. I shouldn't have defeated him. It would have been just as easy. Think of it. I spent $150 million to beat him. And then we had the debate, and then everyone said, he's out of there. So they got him out. It was a coup. You know, it was a coup. He hates Kamala more than he hates me, in my opinion. And that's a lot. And the problem is that, uh, she's actually less competent than him. And that's hard to believe, actually. With your vote in this election, we will quickly defeat inflation and we will make America affordable again. Because you have such a problem. On day one, I will unleash. We will unleash american energy and I will cut your energy prices in half, 50%. I'm going to cut them within twelve months of taking office. We're going to cut them in half. We're going to cut them down 50. You know why? Because we have more liquid gold under our feet. I don't have to deal with other countries. All I have to do is say, let's go. We're going to have very large tax cuts for workers, and especially to help the hard working people of Nevada. We will listen to this one. No tax on tips. No tax on overtime. No tax on tips. Think of that. No tax on overtime. That's why we're going to win. And service workers in Nevada, they love Trump. And I love you, too. Take a little look at this. Everybody take a look at this. We love you. Speaker C [00:07:53] News reports confirm Biden and Harris have weaponized the IR's to confiscate your tip money. Harris and Biden have literally unleashed the IR's to harass workers who receive tips. And they just may be coming to your house next. Only President Trump has a plan that ends all taxes on service workers tips. President Trump, he's on your side. Donald Trump [00:08:15] I'm Donald J. Trump, and I approve this message. You know, what do I know? But this has to be the tipping capital of the world. I mean, you know, in some places, I say no tax on tips and we get, you know, nice. Here I was in Las Vegas two weeks ago, I said, no tax on tips. The place went crazy. So you're the same thing, but also no tax. Think of it on overtime. You do a lot of overtime. That's a big problem. And for those of you who are seniors now, I wouldn't know about that. Because I'm not a senior, Michael. Am I? No. I'll be a senior. What, another ten years? 15 years? No. Look, for the seniors, think of it. You've been destroyed on fixed incomes with inflation. They have destroyed you because of energy and because of the way they spent, like, so stupidly on the green news scam. But you've been destroyed. And now we have no tax on Social Security benefits for seniors, so. And we owe that to you. Um, what they've done to this country. But, you know, I keep saying, still the most important, the border. I mean, it's. We can talk about inflation, and it's horrible. We can talk about it. But they've let. They're letting. They let 21 million people in here. And many of those people, murderers, drug dealers, gang members, people from mental institutions. To me, uh, you know, I watch. They say that the biggest thing is the economy and inflation, and the second biggest thing is the border and immigration. I sort of think it's maybe the other way around. Wait. We do a free poll. Ready? Which is bigger? Ready. I'll go border first and immigration pretty big, or the economy and inflation? I've been saying that, you know, in 2016, I won because of the border. And I made it so good. Uh, it was so good. Within two months, we had the best border, and that was it. And then I could never talk about it. My people said, sir, they don't want to hear it. You fixed it. But the problem is, this border is 20 times worse. What they've done here is crazy. They either hate the country, or something's going on. My message to every service worker in Las Vegas and Reno is this, if you vote for me, inflation will end, your taxes will be cut massively, your wages will skyrocket, your savings and pensions will soar, and your retirement will be more prosperous. You're going to be so much more prosperous. You're going to be more secure. You're going to be safer. You're going to have a much better life. Just vote for me. Let's get it over with. Okay? Much better life. Much better life. Under Kamala, it will be massive inflation, massive layoffs, massive tax hikes, and massive misery and depression. Depression. Kamala Harris will kill the american dream. That's what she's doing. And for your children. They don't have a dream with these people. These people. Look, she's a marxist. A lot of people don't know what a marxist is. So let's put it simply. She's a communist. We're not going to have a communist leading our country. She's a communist. She's also known as the taxing queen. She loves taxes. This is the first time I've ever seen. I've been doing this stuff a long time. Only for a short time on this side, but I became president, so. But I've been doing it for a long time on the other side, writing checks and like, uh, so I can contribute to guys like Senator John Cornyn of Texas at all. But, but m. But I've been. I've never seen, ever. All these great politicians are over here where somebody's campaigning on massive tax hikes. She's campaigning, we will raise your taxes. And people, some people, you know, they're not the smartest people, but they. Oh, thank you very much. I've never seen it. I've always heard politicians say, we will cut your taxes. Sometimes they don't mean it, but they say it. But these people openly say that they're going to raise your taxes. Well, they're. Let's, uh, let's give her credit for one thing. It's probably the only thing she's honest about. She's going to raise your taxes at levels never seen before, and she's going to drive out all the jobs in the country that I created. Her plan will raise taxes for the typical american family by at least $3,000 a year. Watch this tax video. You have to watch this. Video - Kamala Harris [00:13:11] Joe Biden and I are about to get rid of that tax bill, calling. Speaker C [00:13:15] For a full repeal of President Trump's tax cuts. If Kamala Harris was elected president. There are many different tax policies which could cripple the economy. But the first thing she wants to do is allow these Trump tax cuts to expire. Even the New York Times admits that 85% of the middle class got a tax cut. Americans will face a hike. The tax foundation finding that a couple with two kids making $165,000 a year would have to pay over $2,400 more in taxes. Video - Kamala Harris [00:13:44] And on day one, I will repeal that tax bill. Joe Biden and I are about to work to get rid of that tax cut. Joe and I are about to get rid of that tax bill. Joe Biden and I are about to get rid of that tax cut. Speaker C [00:13:55] Everything from a 70% to 80% tax rate. Video - Kamala Harris [00:13:58] I think that's fantastic. We've got to increase the corporate tax rate. Part of that is going to be about repealing that tax bill that they just passed. And also looking at estate taxes are going to have to go up. We will tax capital gains, but we're going to have to raise corporate taxes. Speaker C [00:14:12] Taxing unrealized gains just doesn't seem fair in any sense of the word. When the value of your home goes up, you pay higher taxes. Even if you don't sell your home, your value of your home never moves the way the stock moves. To say, we're going to tax what you don't have, that's a sore point, and it's a big deal. Is that something you think? She firmly believes it. I think it's part of the proposals of the campaign. Video - Kamala Harris [00:14:33] Under my plan, there will also be a carbon fee. There has to be some connection between, um, the fee and bad behaviors, and there has to be, in that we have to monitor whether it's going to be passed on to consumers. But I'm going to tell you, that should never be the reason not to actually put a fee, and in particular, carbon fee. Speaker C [00:14:55] Kamala Harris is going to significantly raise taxes. Video - Kamala Harris [00:14:58] Taxes are gonna have to go up. Speaker C [00:15:00] Kamala's plan will raise families taxes by nearly $2,600 a year. Under Kamala, prices have already soared. Now she'd make it worse with even higher taxes. Video - Kamala Harris [00:15:12] Taxes are gonna have to go up. Speaker C [00:15:14] President Trump will cut taxes a damn. No taxes on tips, overtime, or Social Security. Donald Trump [00:15:22] I'm Donald J. Trump, and I approve this message. So she's looking to increase your taxes. The biggest economic disaster it will be in american history. I will deliver, and I'll tell you what. Uh, we're going to show you some things pretty soon that are going to be amazing. What we've done compared to what they've done. We've had the most successful presidency ever. They had a disaster. They've had a disaster. The biggest inflation ever. About the senior citizens, the only reason I did that for the senior citizens is they've been devastated. It's been taken away from them. Everything's been taken away because of their inflation. So I'll deliver the biggest economic boom in american history. It's going to be the biggest. Take a quick look. You see what that says? But let's get back to business, because who the hell cares what it says? Look at that. I love the unrealized capital gain. In other words, it's an unrealized gain, but they're going to tax it anyway. That's a beauty. That'll be the first in. That'll be the first in history. And in Detroit yesterday, we had a great day in Detroit because we announced we're bringing the car industry back at levels never seen before. And we're going to make interest. We're going to make interest on car loans fully tax deductible, because affording a car is essential to restoring the american dream. We're going to restore the american drink to bring jobs and factories and wealth racing back to the United States. We will have a 15% made in America corporate tax rate, cutting the tax from 21 to 15, but only for those who make their product in. Remember, remember this? I'm the one that got it down from almost 40% to 21. Everyone said that was impossible. That led to a job boom, the biggest boom we've ever had in this country. And the numbers were great now, but it was better than competitive. It was good, but it wasn't the best. Now I'm bringing it down to 15, but only if you manufacture. If you make your product in the US, how good is that? Right, Michael, you have to make it here. You know, I had, uh, one of the top Wall street guys call me. They said, who the hell gave you that idea? How simple is that? You've never heard anything like, if you make your product here, you get a lower tax. You just. You don't hear it. It seems so simple. Like the paper clip. Some guy made the paper clip a long time ago, and everybody looked and said, why the hell didn't I think of that? Right? And for those who don't make their product in America, they'll be forced to pay a stiff tariff for the privilege of competing with our cherished companies that we are going to protect because they're stealing our jobs, our treasure, our wealth, and we will take in hundreds of billions of dollars to benefit american citizens. And pay, we are going to pay off debt. We're going to reduce your taxes still further as an individual, we're going to reduce them, and we will be at a level of prosperity, it's called growth, that we haven't seen in 60 years. Her. You're going to have a 1929 style depression. And remember, you know, the hat, it says, Trump was right about everything. Really was right about, but I was right about it. You're going to have a 1929 style, not recession, depression. My pro american trade policies are one of the major reasons why I've been overwhelmingly endorsed by the rank and file membership of the Teamsters, including 60% of the Teamster members in Nevada. Can you believe that? Huh? Where are the Teamsters? Do we have any Teamsters? Are you guys. Where are the Teamsters? Thank you. They're good people. Traditionally, they go Democrat, but we got all over the nation, they they endorse Trump, along with the police, along with the firefighters, along with everybody, along with anybody that's sane. We got, you know, don't forget, we're the party of common sense. We really are. You need a wall. You need good elections. You need a fair press. You need a lot of good things. You need a lot of good things. And we're going to have very good things. And you don't need criminals coming into your country either, by the way. Uh, so as we rebuild our economy, we will also restore our borders. And I've just come from Aurora. I just left Aurora, Colorado, where the person that was in charge of your border, we call her border czar. Uh, she doesn't know she's alive. I'm telling you, she is so bad. Did you see 60 minutes? So I've done 60 minutes many times. I even had the great Mike Wallace say he was actually a great one. Mike Wallace, the toughest of them all. He gave me a great one. But she was interviewed, her answers were so bad that they put other answers in. They don't do that for me. You know, we're just the opposite. Her answers, they take it away and put new answers in. My answer is they just cut them up so that instead of four sentences that are perfect, it's one sentence that proceeds back. And all of a sudden, I used to say to him, why did you cut the hell out of my paragraph? You know, I do the weave right? Always a weave right, and always end up in the right location. But I said, why did you do that 60 minutes? And remember, I had, with Leslie Saul, a big fight, because she said, the laptop from hell came from Russia. And I said, leslie, it came from the bedroom of Hunter Biden. It didn't come. And then I proved to be right. And I'm still waiting for them to apologize. But I'll tell you, what they did with her, I believe, is the biggest scandal in broadcast history. I do. If that were me, right now, I probably wouldn't be allowed to speak that have me tied up someplace like. Sir, uh, would you come this way, please? And when you think about it, I've been investigated more than Alphonse Capone. Right? He was a killer. If he didn't like you, he would immediately kill you. I've had more investigations. These are corrupt people that we're dealing with. But what happens is this what CB's did? And 60 minutes did think of it. Her answers were terrible because she's only. And it's. I say it very respectfully. She's not a smart person. And we've had four years of that, and we can't have another four years because Russia and China and everybody, they're eating our lunch. We can't have another four years. So I don't get it. I don't get it. And I, uh. Look. Oh, by the way, we're leading in all the polls. Yeah, we're leading, but. So we're leading to. But we have to make it too big to rig, right? Too big to rig. We're leading by some pretty good margins, too. Michigan. We're leading the car industry. Those auto workers love Trump because, you know, we'll be ending that electric mandate very quickly. And we love electric cars, but, you know, we want them for some people and some people not. We want gasoline propelled. We want hybrids, which are good. The only one we don't want. Do you know the one we don't want? There's a certain car, hydrogen car. They have a new car. The problem is it doesn't go bad often, and it's quite efficient. But when it blows up, you're unrecognizable. Is that my husband on the tree? Let me take a look. I can't tell. Go. I can't tell. No, I don't want that one. I'm not going to do that one. They say they think they could fix it. The word is not acceptable. We think we can. So we'll forget about hydrogen, right? But we have a lot of alternatives. And, you know, we got the endorsement of Elon Musk. You know that, right? And, uh, he said it's. He said, it's absolutely imperative. We're going to save our country. I have to win. He gave me the strongest endorsement. He's a great guy, and he makes some great things. He helped us so much with North Carolina and Georgia. He said to Starlink, and they had no communication whatsoever in Samaria. And they said, sir, do you know Elon Musk? I said, I do. Do you think you could get a starlink? I said, what the hell is that? Explain to me. But essentially, it's unbelievable form of communication. So I called up Elon. Hard to get because it's very successful. I called him up. I said, you know, North Carolina in particular is in big trouble. It's almost been cut off from the mainland, and they have no community. All their lines are down. This was a terrible thing. And the government's done very little. The federal government's done nothing. She's done nothing. She was like, she's doing interviews on these stupid shows. And she's got to get there because they really have problems. But he said, uh, well, I'll tell you. And we talked for about a second, and then I get a message from the people in North Carolina. We want to thank you that the Starlink will be coming soon. I said, elon. I said, elon, how did you do that? You agreed to do it. And now I get a call before we hang up that they expect it to be delivered. Nah, he's a great guy. He's a great guy. Saved a lot of lives. He saved a lot of lives in North Carolina. He helped the governor of Georgia. Georgia governor's doing a very good job. But they helped the governor of Georgia with the Starlink a lot. Uh, and he was there. I'll tell you, he was there. So he's good. He's our. He's our friend, right? Kamala Harris has aborted a savage venezuelan prison gang. Other than that, they're fine people known as Trende Aragua. Did you ever hear them? Trende Aragua. But don't smile because they'll, uh, knock that smile off your face, said Natna. You people that has taken over an entire apartment complex, you know, they are like me. They're in the real estate business. The difference is I do it with financing. They do it with weapons that we've never even seen before. Where do they get these weapons? And it's terrorizing the residents at a level never seen. They literally walk in and tell them, get the hell out of your apartment. They took over complexes, and they have a radical left governor who's petrified. He doesn't want anything to do with it. He's afraid. He's chicken shit, okay? He's afraid they're breaking down doors. They're collecting the rent. Isn't it nice? They just come over from Venezuela. They are collecting the rent. You think? And you know what the landlord says, whatever you'd like, sir. You'd like to collect my rent? Whatever you want. No, they were actually going around collecting the rent from now. And you, uh, let me tell you, if I were president now, those guys would be out of here before you left this room. Send them back. We're sending them back, but they're shooting people. They're smashing jaws, breaking skulls. Watch this video. You're not gonna believe it. Speaker C [00:27:05] Open borders. Deadly consequences. Border crisis record high crossings are putting a strain on cities across America. Donald Trump [00:27:13] It is a full blown invasion. Speaker C [00:27:15] Armed venezuelan gang members storming an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado. Donald Trump [00:27:20] When people talk about migrant crime, this is what they're talking about Biden and Harris had created a program to bring them in under humanitarian parole. Video - Kamala Harris [00:27:27] I am in favor of saying that we're not gonna treat people who are undocumented and cross the border as criminals. Donald Trump [00:27:32] More than 13,000 illegal immigrants convicted of murder have been released into the United States. Speaker C [00:27:38] My 20 year old daughter, Kayla Hamilton, was murdered in her own room. Kayla's murderer was apprehended by Border patrol crossing illegally into the US. Kayla's murderer had been improperly released into the United States. Donald Trump [00:27:51] Abolish ice. Video - Kamala Harris [00:27:52] Yeah, we need to probably think about starting from scratch. Donald Trump [00:27:54] An afghan national is in custody today after being accused of plotting an election day terrorist attack. The suspect entered the US on a special immigrant visa. More than a dozen people suspected. Suspected of being trendar Agua gang members right here in San Antonio. Speaker C [00:28:07] The gang members had been terrorizing the apartment complex. New details in the murder of Lake and Riley. The illegal immigrant suspect who cops say committed the heinous murder is a venezuelan. Donald Trump [00:28:17] National and was paroled and released into the country by the Biden administration. Speaker C [00:28:22] Two men investigators say are in the country illegally from Venezuela are charged with capital murder and the death of Jocelyn Nungaray. Donald Trump [00:28:28] Court documents suggest a group of men arrested for beating and robbing a Dallas woman last month are members of a venezuelan street gang. Speaker C [00:28:36] Manuel Hernandez Hernandez was booked by Collieville police just two days earlier and released the day before the robbery. Donald Trump [00:28:46] These are our new citizens. These are the new people. These are the people that we have coming into our, uh, country, and we're now known as. And all throughout the world as an occupied country. We're an occupied country. Can you believe? And, you know, they have a lot of people, if you think about it, 21 million, not including the gotaways. You know what a gottaway is? Those are the people that just run, and nobody knows who the hell they are. But we have. We have, uh, 21. Think of this, 21 million people. Um, 13,000 murderers, to be exact. 13,099 murderers. The biggest drug lords in the world. They got them all out of Caracas, Venezuela. Uh, do you know that venezuelan crime went down 72% because they put all their criminals into the good old USA? We're not going to stand for it. We're an occupied state that refuses to let our great law enforcement professionals do the job that they so dearly want to do. You know, the law enforcement wants to do the job. They really want to do the job, and they're not allowed to do the job. They want to do it so badly. They're so good. But they don't want to lose their pension. They don't want to be fired and lose everything, lose their family, lose their house. But to everyone here in Nevada and all across our nation, I make this vow to you. November 5, 2024, will be liberation Day in America. Liberation Day. USA. USA. USA. USA. Speaker C [00:30:46] Hawaii patrol. Speaker D [00:30:47] Hawaii patrol. Donald Trump [00:30:52] M my teleprompter people are doing a great job. Thank God I don't use teleprompters too much. These people, they do a great job. I, uh, look at the teleprompter, it's totally gone. I say, what the hell happened? The sign fell on top of it. But I can level with you. Did you see her? Now, here's the good thing. Isn't it nice to have a guy that does a. Need a teleprompter? Isn't it nice? A president, a potential president that doesn't need a teleprompter. When you use a tele, it gets very boring when you use one. But how about her? There was 32 days left, and her teleprompter. You know, teleprompter goes bad a lot if you rely on a teleprompter. In other words, if you're like Biden, where he couldn't function without a tele, he couldn't function with a teleprompter. But if you need a teleprompter, like, to, you know, do like she did. She just. It was just announced. Did you see the picture? She did a town hall using a teleprompter. You can't do that. No, think of it. You're walking around, there's no teleprompter. She's reading a teleprompter. It's following. Oh, it's terrible. You can't have her as your president. You can't have her as your president. But did you see where she was? 32, right? It was 32 days. So she's going, and I'm watching her. I said, what the hell's wrong with her? She goes, 32, and the teleprompter went out. She, uh, meant 32 days till the election. So she goes, three. 2323-232-3232 I said, what the hell is wrong with her? I called the first lady. I said, first lady. What the hell is wrong with her? 32. And then, thank goodness for her, the teleprompter kicked back in. But usually it doesn't kickback it. Usually it doesn't. It's, uh, you know, you gotta be out there. I've been. I would say 5% of the time, if you want to do this professionally, like, if you want to run for president someday, no matter how good you run. Cause I have a guy game. He's excellent. I've had some real bad ones, but I have Gabe. Some of the bad ones, they go so fast. You know, I will go and pop, pop, pop, pop. I say slow to dab. No, a good one is really like gold, right? But I don't use them that much because I find it very boring. The concept I use, but I don't like it. But if you can't, if you want to run for president, you have to assume that 5% of the time, even if you have good people, you're not going to have a teleprompter, for instance, when you do outdoors. I was with Bernie Marino. He's doing very well for the Senate. And, uh, I think he's going to win in Ohio. He's got a chance. And I'm way up, and I went out and I didn't want to do it because I said, the weather's too bad, but that's okay. I did it. We had 45 miles an hour winds. This is in Ohio. That's like, you know, I thought we were in Scotland, actually, and the teleprompters were bending because they're not strong. They're bending, they're going over. And that didn't matter because within about two minutes, they blew off the stage. They actually blew away. And we had 50,000 people. I'm standing there like this. I didn't have any notes, votes, nothing. And you know what? He won the election. Thank you very much, President Trump. And other than a few people that saw the things flying away, they flew away beautifully. Nobody even knew. So anyway, no, there's something wrong with her. When you can't get up and make a speech, like, normally, like with all the work we do, you know, you think you could for 40 minutes? Well, she makes very short speeches, too. Do you ever notice they're like, ten minutes? It's. Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to thank you. My name is Carmela, and, you know, she'll speak, like, so routinely, so. And I hate the word, uh. They had word salad. The words, words. I don't like the sound of it, but it's sort of true. You know, she just, like, they're just words. They're put together. They don't mean anything. How the hell can we have a person like this to be our president? It's crazy, but I will round up the illegal alien gang members. And they will be put in jail or thrown out of our country until not a single one is left. And we're going to call it Operation Aurora, if you don't mind, okay? Because they were the first. And this is happening all over the country, by the way. If they come back, it's an automatic ten years in jail with no possibility of parole because we don't want them to come back. They got to stay out. And I'm hereby calling for the death penalty for any migrant that kills an american citizen or a law enforcement officer. Thank you very much. No, we have to do that. We have to do it. They're violent people. These are violent. Remember when Kamala said people that come into our country are far less likely to commit a crime? Really? The fact is they make our criminals look like very fine people, and that includes our murderers. They are very fine people, by God. Uh, these people make us look like a bunch of babies, okay? And we're getting them the hell out of our country. They're destroying our country. They're ruining lives. We're getting them out. Kamala's open border policy will destroy medicare and Social Security for seniors because they're stuffing them there. They're putting them everywhere, but they're stuffing them. She let in 21 million people and wants to make them all citizens. She wants to make them citizens because there's no way. There's no way of telling. They have no records. They have no anything. They let them in totally unvetted. Everyone's coming in. The murderers and whoever she wants to have them come in, and then they can loot, they can plunder. They can take everything that you've made in your life. They can destroy your lives. They can kill you. They can hurt you. She wants to make them all citizens. It's crazy. It's crazy. Remember with a party of common sense. And you know that doesn't work. A new study released this week found that if Kamala gets her way, illegal aliens will drain Medicare and Social Security to the tune of $2 trillion. In other words, they'll be useless. They'll be worthless. You won't get your Social Security worth. She'll kill it. And she has no idea, economically, with finance, she has no idea what the hell she's talking about. They asked her a simple question. When they asked her the other question, that was a disaster because she said, yes, I'll change a lot of things from Biden. And then she gets in trouble because he hates her so much. And she said, what do you mean? You'll change. So now they're fighting. So she doesn't know what the hell's going on. He's angry. Her people want her to say she'll have nothing to do with Biden because he's a disaster. And then she wants to say that she's okay, but Biden doesn't want that. So they go back and forth. This poor woman doesn't know what the hell is happening. I will protect Medicare and Social Security with no cuts. We're not going to have any cuts and we're not going to raise the age. She's going to raise the age by seven years on Social Security. We're going to have no cuts whatsoever. And we didn't have any. And there'll be no benefits for illegals. By the way, already Kamala is ransacking medicare to pay for the green new scam. Do you know what the green new scam was? She actually wants $93 trillion. Uh, think of this. That's bigger than our budget for like, 100 years. 93. You know who made it up? AOC plus three. We said, did you go to college on the environment? No. Do you have anything to do? This is AOC. Do you have anything to do with the environment? No. No. But I've decided that this is the way it is. All buildings in New York are going to be ripped down and new buildings are going to built without windows. Because, you see, a window is environmentally unfriendly, having to do with the heat, the gases and the sunlight. The ideal building is tall, thin, with no windows whatsoever. It's a hard cell. If you can get somebody to buy it, you can sell anything. It's the only thing. No, they have. Craziest thing I've ever. But the total cost is $93 trillion. So if you had us, China, every other country in the world and gave us about 40 years, we might be able. These people are crazy. They're destroying our country. They use it almost as a method of hurting us and hurting our country. And some countries laugh at it. You know, China laughs at it. Kerry goes over there on his private jet, lands, meets with President Xi. We don't want you to use coal anymore. Oh, okay. We'll work. And we're going to start working. Meantime, he's building a coal plant a week. We'll, uh, work on that. Kerry goes, he promised he'd work on it. He promised. What a fool. No, it's so embarrassing. You know, these people are very streetwise. They're brilliant people, and they're at the top of their game. We have a man that 30 years ago wasn't at the top of the game. And she's worse. I'm telling you, she's not as smart as Biden. Watch. And you see it now, and she's fading rapidly in the polls. The only reason she was okay is because nobody knew who the hell she was. They said, Harris, who the hell is. Nobody knew who she was. And now they're learning that she's a communist. She's. We're learning that all sorts of bad things are bad. She's further left than Pocahontas. Do you know Pocahontas? Remember when they wanted me to apologize to Pocahontas? I said, I'll do it, because I destroyed her presidential campaign. She was leading for president. And then she said she was an indian. Why are you an indian? Because my mother told me I had high cheekbones. This was. You can't get in trouble when you're telling the truth. That was why. That was her reason. And then when I heard that, I said, oh, let's call her Pocahontas. And because she didn't look like an indian to me, but we drove her crazy, and then she fell for it. She went out and did a test, remember? And it came back 1020 4th. In other words. In other words, somewhere in a million years, there may have been one guy there. And she was so happy, remember? She was so happy that she released the finding. She thought it was good because maybe there was a tiny little chance. And then I said, well, I have more indian blood than she has, and I have none. Unfortunately. I'd like to have some. No, I'd like to have some. I would be very honored, but I have none. But I think I have more than she has. And that was the end of a political career. She likes me very much. But, Pocahontas, because of the Medicare cuts, Kamala passed with her tie breaking vote on the inflation creation act. Did you ever hear of the. It's. I changed the name. If you. I take a little, much less liberty than 60 minutes takes, by the way. They would take the whole damn thing out and write it for her. Uh, no. It's called the Inflation Reduction act. Right? And I thought he says, oh, yeah, you're right. The inflation Reduction act. And I call it the inflation Creation act. So that's not nearly as bad as 60 minutes, right? Uh, 60 minutes just took everything out. They say, listen, we put her on. She gave us this answer. If people hear this answer, she will immediately be thrown off. I mean, it's so bad. So why don't we just give her a new answer? So they took it out and gave her an entirely new answer. If I ever did that or if that were ever about like a Republican, it would be the biggest scandal in history. I think it's going to be anyway. 60 minutes should be taken off the air for what they've done. Uh, it should be taken off the air. And you know what else, John? They should lose their license, because that's not just a little bad stuff. You know, they have licenses. These networks have li. They're worth billions of dollars. But the one thing is it said, you have to be honest, that's election interference. They're interfering with the election. Am I right? They should lose their license, and 60 minutes should be taken off the air. Medicare, because of her vote, 560,000 seniors are set to lose their Medicare advantage plans. Did you know that? Oh, uh, did I ruin your evening? No. It's going to happen in the next few weeks. Because of her vote, 560,000 seniors will lose their plan. In other words, Kamala is shafting fixed income seniors on Medicare to fund $7,500 tax credits for rich people to buy luxury electric cars. You know, we're subsidizing this whole crazy thing with you. Uh, again, I love electric cars, but you can't do this. You can't do this. They don't go far. Lots of little problems. They're made in China. We don't have the material, but, you know, we do have. A lot of gasoline is down there. A lot of gasoline. I will stand up for our seniors and I will save Medicare advantage. So, seniors, you must vote for Trump or you're going to have a very unhappy rest of your life. But you got to get out and vote. Um, you know, I learned the other day, I was saddened by it because I have the endorsement of the NRA. I have all the, uh, I have everybody endorsement, so. But here I was saddened by this. Evangelicals who where I'm like, at 90%, but they typically don't vote very much. In other words, they vote like 15, 20%. If the evangelicals would vote, we would win in a landslide. So, evangelicals, you got a lot of them here. Please vote. The other ones. There are two groups especially, meaning they vote very, very disproportionately low. The other group, you know who doesn't vote? Gun owners. Gun owners, they don't vote. This has been true for 50 years. I think it's a rebellious thing. Okay. It's rebellion. They're having a rebellion. Gun owners, get out and vote. Evangelicals get out and vote or you're gonna have somebody in office that's gonna destroy your country. You also need to defeat your disastrous radical Democrat senator Jackie Rosen and elect a great patriot to defend your, your Washington values and your values in Reno, although I don't know Renoir. Can I talk about great values in Reno? Yeah, I think I can. I'm not sure if everybody's going to believe that one, but I believe it. I know a lot of great people from Reno. We have values and all different values. And you have great values here. She's going to, Jackie Rosen is a disaster. She votes virtually 100% of the time. Originally, you know, she was a big Barack Hussein Obama. Have you ever heard of him? Remember Rush Limbaugh? Rush Limbaugh, he'd go, he'd be talking about, we go, Barack, he like falling asleep. Barack Hussein Obama. Barack Hussein Obama. We miss Rush, right? But we've got Sean Hannity and we've got Laura, we've got Jesse, we've got Gutfeld. How do you like Gutfeld? I did his show. You know, I did his show and he had the highest rating last week. Two weeks ago I did his show. He had the highest rating in the history of his show and he won the entire week in television. How about that? Is that, no, he's good. You know, he used to hate me. He used to hate me. He used to hate Trump. And then after about a year, I said that guy really doesn't like me much. Gutfeld he's a great guy and very talented guy, but he hated me. Oh, I was terrible in saying bad things. And then after about a year, I noticed it was a change. He said, you know, I don't love this guy, but he does everything. I mean, everything he says, he gets it done. Like he defeated ISIS in record time, said he was going to do that. He gave you the largest tax cuts in history and he said he was going to do it. He got it passed in Congress. He gave you the largest regulation cuts. And he goes through this list. I didn't even know I did that much. But he said, you know, I'm starting to like him, actually. He said, would you rather have a guy that you really like but he gets nothing done or a guy that you can't stand and everything gets done that's good for the country? I built, I built hundreds of miles of wall. I built hundreds, 571 miles of wall. I was going to add to it much more than I said I was going to build, he said, he built the wall. He built. Now, I will say this, I was going to add 200 miles more. I didn't promise to do that, but I thought it would be good. And when they came in, they sold a lot of that for $0.05 on the dollar. And I said, you know what? I think they want open borders. That's when I learned, I think they want open borders. But Gutfeld was great. So anyway, he had these great ratings and now he really likes me a lot because he says he does everything he says he's going to do. And I say I'm going to do more than anybody else says they're going to do because I'm a worker and I know how to get things done. So, so I would like you if you would because he's a spectacular man. And I'll be honest with you. Stan, would you stand up, please? There is nobody that has ever run for the Senate that has given up so much. He's given up so much. He's a great war hero and he took a big hit. Big hit. He took a, uh, hit like nobody takes. And if they took a hit like that, most people wouldn't be around and other people would just, they wouldn't know what to do. This guy, and he's got the greatest wife and family you've ever seen. And nobody, nobody has given up so much as Sam. And Sam, I want you to win so badly and you know that. And he is my full endorsement and all of that stuff. But, uh, he's a great guy and he's doing very well. He's against an unpopular person that has no respect in Washington. So let's see what happens. But he has my total and complete, as I say, endorsement. Thank you, Sam, very much. Thank you for being here. We're also pleased to be joined as well by Senator John Cornyn of Texas. John, please. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. And I think John agrees with me on Sam, what Sam has done and what he's given up. And, uh, he's a big hero. He really is a big hero. Another great one is Wesley hunt of Texas. Stand up, Wesley. Wesley's fantastic. He's a great guy. Mark Amadei of right here, right around here. Come on, Mark. Where is Mark? Thank you, Mark. Good job. He's a warrior and a great football player and a great congressman. I used to watch him on the great Sean Hannity. Does anybody know Sean Hannity? You are right now on Sean Hannity because we're live on Sean Hannity. And, uh, he's great. He's great. He's one of the most successful guys in show business, and you wouldn't know it. He's a modest guy, but he's got some mouthpiece. So I got to tell you, he's modest, but those lips move. But we have some really good people. But Sean Hannity is great. And that whole group, Jesse, has been great. Pete Heksath, Rachel, they're all, they have a lot of good people, and then they have a few that I can't stand, I'll be honest with you. And I think it hurts them badly, if you want to know the truth. But they have some, uh, they have some really, really good ones. And, uh, it's an honor. Who. Tucker's great. Tucker's great. Tucker's great. And speaking of Tucker, because he liked this guy. How did we like JD vance the other night? Right? JD Vance was unbelievable the other night. So, Burgess Owens, please stand up. Great football player, great man, great friend of mine. He's been my friend from the beginning. Even before the beginning, he was saying, I hope Trump runs. You know, m. No, I don't know him, but I think he'd do a very good job. And so he was there before the beginning. And the Nevada GOP chair, we have a man who works his ass off. Uh, Michael McDonald. Stand up, Michael. So are we going to win, Mike? We're going to win. He's the Nevada chair and, uh, he's working hard. We're six points up. Did you know that? But I don't want to say it. I don't want to say it. Michael, always, I say, assume that you're one point down, right? Assume you're one point down. In four incredible years under the Trump administration, we achieved more than any administration history of our country. We passed record tax cuts, biggest tax cuts in our history. They want to end them. And that would raise your taxes at levels that nobody's ever seen before. You know, you have one thing in those tax cuts that I hope people appreciate. The estate, uh, tax for small businesses, farms and other things, it's non existent. You are leaving your farm or your small business to your children. And they had to go out, borrow money to pay the tax, and they'd oftentimes lose it and be depressed for the rest of their lives. And I got that out. You don't have any estate. When they end this, that comes back. And that's, you know, I only tell you that to the people that love their children, because if you don't love your children. It's not really worth that much, to be honest. Is there anybody in the room who does not love their children? I've only had, like, I've said that about ten times. I've only had one person raise, and I thought he was kidding, actually was in Kenneth. But that's a big deal. Think of that. You have no estate tax. You leave your farm now, and they can operate the farm. And, you know, because a lot of farmers, they have great value. They have. But they don't necessarily have a lot of cash. A lot of businesses, they have a value. They have valuable businesses, but no cash. They couldn't pay. They go out, they borrow, and all of a sudden they end up losing it. That won't happen. But if they end our tax cut, you know, that's part of it. So, uh, to me, it's a very important part. Record tax cuts, record regulation cuts, more than any other administration in history. And we achieved an all time low unemployment rates, record low poverty rates, and rising wages for everyone at the highest level ever. We had the most successful country in the history of our. In our history. We had. We never had. And probably in the history of the world, we had never had a period of time like this. And we had. Remember this? We also had the best border. Remember that famous. Remember that graph that I like more than any graph ever, ever. Ever. Because I wouldn't be. I wouldn't be here. Do you have that graph, by any chance? Put it up. I love this piece of beautiful paper. Where is it? Oh, I love it. Oh, I love it. You see the line on the bottom? The red line? That's the lowest point. That was my last day in office. That was the lowest we ever were on illegal immigration. That includes drugs and a lot of other things, too, by the way. But look at that. And then it exploded like a rocket ship. Look what happened to it. And now it's worse. Worse than ever. Uh, but what a beautiful. Even if that red line wasn't there, if it was two inches to the right, I'd still say, what a beautiful piece of paper. Because if I didn't turn to the right to look at that beautiful piece of paper, I wouldn't be talking to you tonight, you know? Beautiful, beautiful. Yeah, I just realized. I just went like. That's what I did. I went like that. We ended the NafTa disaster, canceled the TPP, which would have been a disaster for your state, withdrew from the ridiculous one sided Paris climate accord and stood up to China. We stood up to China like never before, bringing in tens of billions of dollars when no other president got $0.10 from China. Not Bush, not Obama. They never got, in fact, I put on taxes and tariffs, I took in billions, hundreds of, uh, billions of dollars from China. Never happened before. And don't let that baby bother you, because it doesn't bother me. To me, it's that beautiful. Where is that baby? That's a good looking baby. Don't worry about it, mom. It doesn't bother me. You know what it means? Happy, youthful, beautiful baby. Perfect baby. Thank you. We had the most secure border in US history, fully rebuilt the US military, and created a thing called space, uh, force. That hasn't been done. Remember that? That hasn't been done since air force. 82 years ago, we obliterated ISIS. And with the Abraham Accords, we made peace in the Middle east. But Biden didn't follow it up. They don't follow anything up. I'm proud to be the first president in decades to have started no new wars. I finished wars. And I also gave you $35 insulin, which Biden and Kamala are trying to take. You know, I was the one that did it. And, you know, it's interesting because I did it, but it doesn't kick in for, like, two or three years by statute. And when it kicked in, I said, you know, I better win this thing because otherwise, some, whoever the hell is president, they're going to take credit for 35. No, I did it. I did it. But those four wonderful years of peace and prosperity have been followed by four years of misery and failure under the worst president and vice president in american history by far. It's true. It's true. In fact, Jimmy Carter is the happiest man today. You know, he's almost 100. I guess he's celebrated. Or celebrated. He's very close to 100. And, uh, he is now happy because he goes down as a brilliant president by comparison to Biden. He didn't have a border like this. He didn't have the problems that we have. We're going to end up in third world war with this guy. We're going to end up in a third world nuclear war because of this guy, because he doesn't have a clue what the hell he's doing. And she is worse. Remember, I said it. Xi is worse than him. She's not as smart as him, and he's not smart at all. But here are the facts. Kamala Harris is a radical left Marxist rated even worse than Bernie Sanders. She was an original creator of defund the police movement. Think of that. Uh, anybody that was involved in defund the police, even for a day, let alone years, is not worthy of being president of the United States because we cherish our police. We cherish our police. Kamala Harris vowed to abolish. She vowed to abolish ice. You know, ice, these are great patriots. They also happen to be tough people. They take MS 13 gang members out, they deposit them back in their country where they came from. It's a tough job. I mean, I have some tough friends in the front row. They don't want to be. Would you like to be a member of Ice and run into a pack of MS 13 killers and swing it out for about 2 hours and then stand up and say, let's get them out of here? You wouldn't. Tough guys don't want any part of it. They're tough and they're smart, but you know what? They love our country, and they do an incredible job. And she wants to. She wants to get rid of them. She wants to get rid of ice. It's not going to happen. She wants to ban fracking, as you know. She wants to ban anything having to do with fossil fuel. She imposed the natural gas export bandaid and is now shutting down power plants and destroying our electric grid with her crazy green new scam regulations. Energy prices are already up this year, 50% in Nevada, under. In Nevada, under Kamala. They're going higher. They're going to be maybe double within a year from now. She lost more. And here's to me, the worst. Because she said no, she'd like to keep everything just the way it is. This is, to me, the worst. She lost 325,000 migrant children. They're gone. They're gone. No, but. But you can't understand. Think of it. 325,000 children are missing. Most of them are dead, in my opinion, but. And they might, she said all of them. They might be all. They're either sex slaves, slaves, dead, or just missing, but many of them are dead. And she said, I want to keep it just like we've had it. Uh, there's never been a travesty like that. Think of that. Think of that in relation to wars and everything. There's never been anything like that. They're innocent kids. Their parents will never see them again, most likely most of them. And she has the 13,000 illegal alien convicted murderers roaming free in our country, free to kill again. And as California attorney general, she redefined child sex trafficking, assault with a deadly weapon, and rape of an unconscious person. As totally non violent crimes. No, she's radical left. She just moved a little bit toward MAGA when she realized she wasn't getting any votes. Right. In fact, we're going to send her a maga hat, I think, tonight. Uh, and, uh, she pledged to confiscate your guns and endorsed a total ban on handgun ownership. She sponsored a bill to oppose a 100% ban on gas powered automobiles. Can you imagine that? You have to give up your automobile, darling. I really want to drive to Washington, but I don't want to make seven. She even called for free sex changes for illegal aliens and detention at taxpayer expense. One of the most expensive operations, by the way. That's the least of the problems. And perhaps most revealing of all, she lied about working at McDonald's. How simple is that? No, she said, uh, everything that she. I worked hard at McDonald's for a long time. I worked over the french fry bin. You know what I'm doing next week? I'm going to a, uh, McDonald's to work, because if I work there for ten minutes, I will have worked there longer than her. You know, in many ways, I don't like talk because it's so basic. You know, it's just so, uh. But there's something beautiful about it, too. It's so simple. She said she worked at McDonald's, meaning I worked so hard. It's hard work. She worked at McDonald's. It turned out to be a lie. She's a liar. That's why I call her lyin. That's why I call her lion. I had her as comrade. Okay, here's another poll. Who likes Comrade Kamala Harris? Comrade, meaning, like, you know, sort of a communist thing, or who likes lion? Let's do comrade first. Who likes comrade? Comrade Kamala Harris. Lion Kamala Harris. I guess that's the end of that one. But would you vote this November? And I did three of them today. I did a little one, a little tiny one with a small group, and then I did a really big one. I did a, uh, big one, and I did this one, and I'm still raring to go. They say, how the hell do you get the other? How do you get the energy? How do you get that energy? But I love doing it. You know why? Because I see it. We're making so much progress. We're exposing her for what she is, an incompetent communist. People aren't going to have that because we don't have a choice if we don't win this election. You know, there are those people that say, you'll never have another election if we don't win this one. That could be possible. Look at Venezuela. Look at so many places. You know, it sounds far fetched. It's not at all. Look at what's happened in just three and a half years. Look at what's happened to our country in three and a half years. We have to get out. We have to win this election. But with your vote this November, we are going to defeat these radical left country destroyers, and we are going, going to finish what we so brilliantly started. We had it going so good. Uh, on day one, I will close the border, I will stop the invasion of illegals into our country, and we will begin the largest deportation operation in the history of the United States. We have no choice. The illegal migrants coming into our country are taking the jobs of american citizens. But you know what? They're really taking the jobs of black and hispanic workers. They're taking the jobs. Black community, hispanic community is being decimated by what's happening. They're coming in and they're taking the jobs. And you know what's going to be next? Unions are going to become. They're going to be next. They're going to take a lot of union jobs away. They're going to take jobs away, period. But the black community, you saw the bad numbers last week. They were terrible. They got. Now you know why? Because they're hiring people. Well, you had a job. You had a job for years, and now all of a sudden, somebody else is taking the job. And it's also affecting the hispanic people and my numbers with the black and especially black men. I love black men. I love them. I love them. I have gone through the roof with black men, black men. I don't do quite as well with black women, I must say. I don't know why, but I'm sure that'll work out, too. But I do appreciate it. I do. And, uh, we're doing unbelievably with hispanic, the hispanic population. Incredible. We will quickly become energy independent as we were before, and make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far. We will frack, frack, frack and drill, baby, drill. Get our prices down. And we will terminate the insane mandate demanding that you have to have all, everybody has to have an electric car within a very short period of time. That goes for trucks and everything else. You know, the truckers, it doesn't, it doesn't work. The battery is so heavy. You know that a battery for a truck is so heavy that you'd have to build, rebuild every bridge in America because they can't hand away. That doesn't affect these people. The other thing is, you'd have six stops between New York and Los Angeles with diesel. You'd have none and can even come back 10%. You'd have none. Think of it. And it takes up a lot of payload. But think about it. It's much heavier. The battery is very heavy, right? Very, very heavy. You would have to rebuild every bridge in America because it's not designed for that kind of a load. Can you believe it? And I said to this gentleman, one of the big truckers, one of the biggest, maybe the biggest in the world, I said, have you told them that? Yes. What did they say? We don't care. We want you to build all electricity. Trick. And, uh. He ain't doing it. I'll tell you, he's not doing it. I said, how many trucks do you have? He said, 29,000. I said, you got 29,000? How big are they? They're all 18 wheelers. Is that what it is? The big ones are 18 wheelers. They said, you must be very rich. He said, I'll tell you what, they're going to try and make me poor. He said, you know, he said something interesting. He said, sir, I've been trying. I've been buying trucks for 50 years, and every year they get better, more efficient, stronger, bigger, better looking. And now we even build beautiful. Call them an apartment. We build beautiful apartments behind that cab. And they are beautiful. This guy loves trucks. And they are beautiful, sir, honestly, you'd be proud to live in one of them. And I said, how about the first lady? You think she'd love? I don't know. I don't know if she'd love it. I can handle it. I don't know if she would like it. I don't know if she. By the way, go buy her book. Her book is great. I was a little nervous when I read it, because I said, I wonder if she's going to be hitting me hard now. She was very nice. Otherwise, I wouldn't recommend it. It's very simple. Now go buy it. It's great. It's number one. Number one bestseller. I will stop outsourcing and turn the US into a manufacturing superpower. Working with Elon Musk, we will slash a record amount of government waste. He's good at that. That's what he wants to do. He doesn't want to be a secretary. He doesn't need it. He's got rocket ships all over the place. Place he's going. He's a wild man, I'll tell you. But you know what he wants to do? He said, I can cut costs, trillions of dollars, and nobody will be even affected, and our country will be back in great shape. Between that and charging countries that come in and plunder and steal, we'll have a country that's a machine. We're going to make a beautiful machine, and then we're going to take all that money and pay off debt and help people that are not in good shape and sick and old and tired. But he wants to do that. He doesn't want anything. He doesn't want a title. He just wants to say, look, there's so much waste and abuse and fraud. You ever hear the expression fraud, waste and abuse? Right. Uh, levels that you wouldn't even believe. You know, when I cut the price of Air Force one, I bought it, sir, it will be five, uh, $.8 billion. They said, nope, I'm not doing it. I was supposed to walk in and sign it because I said, who negotiated the contract? They said, barack Hussein Obama. I said, well, then it's too high. They said, why do you say that, sir? Because he negotiated it. It's too high. Um, and I said, it has to have a three. You know that story. So I waited, waited, waited. Boeing. And then finally they said, oh, boy. Because, you know, they thought they had. So think of it. If I didn't do that, they would have made $1.7 billion. I said, because they ultimately cut it down to 3,999,000,999 and 90, um, nine cents, one penny. I said, it's got to have a three in front. This had a five and a, uh, 5.7. So I said, let me ask you a question. So if I didn't come along, you would have made 1.7. Same exact plan, right? Except I had a much better paint job, job much nicer. It's true. It was red, white and blue, the way it should be. It wasn't baby blue. It was blue. Not that little baby blue. But, uh, no, I did a great job on it. But I said, I said to the head of Boeing, I said, this was before the two planes went down. This is before the problem. So Boeing, Boeing was considered maybe the greatest, but certainly one of the greatest companies in the world. And now they've suffered a lot. But this was before. I said, you mean if I didn't come along, you would have made $1.7 billion on this? On this. Actually, it's two planes. You know, air force one is actually two planes. Two identical planes. 747s you made. You would have made 1.7 billion. He said, well, uh, we have. Course, you know they would. The answer is they would have made 1.7 billion. So Elon's actually right, because they shouldn't make that kind of money on it. But I got him down $1.7 billion. It took about two months of not returning phone calls. Um, I will end the war in Ukraine, stop the chaos in the Middle east, and prevent World War III. I will crush violent crime and give our police the support, protection, resources, and respect. They so, uh, dearly. They dearly. Look, you know that they dearly deserve it. We're going to give our police their respect back. They want to do the job. No, but think of that, with all the criminals that are being put in all over the world. This is not just South America. We mentioned Venezuela, but it's all over the world. Crime is down all over the world. Prison populations are down all over the world. They're delivering into the United States. Mental patients, prisoners, killers, drug dealers, gang members, criminals, street criminals. They're all here. They're all going to be here soon. We're not going to allow it to happen. Not going to happen. We will strengthen and modernize our military. We will build a missile defense shield, all made in the USA. And we will not have a woke military. Watch. Watch this, watch this, watch this. You like this. Speaker D [01:14:33] You little scumbag. I got your name. I got your ass. You will not laugh. You will not cry. You will learn by the number. Speaker C [01:14:41] Happy pride. Donald Trump [01:14:42] Happy pride. Pride month. And actually, let's declare it a summer of pride. Speaker D [01:14:46] So you're a killer. Sir, yes, sir. Let me see your warface. Sir, you got a warface? Ah, that's a war face. Now let me see your warface. Bullshit. You didn't convince me. Let me see your real warface. You will be a weapon. You will be a minister of death, praying for war until that day you are puked. You are the lowest form of life on earth. You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized, grabbastic pieces of amphibian shit. Donald Trump [01:15:27] How to abracadabra. These bitches know I got answers. The way I look to be like. Speaker D [01:15:32] The best part of you, ran down to crack your mama's ass and ended up as a brown stain on the Madras. I love working for Uncle Sara. I love working for Uncle Sara. Let me know just who I am. Let me know just who I am. 4234-9634 United States Marine Corps. Donald Trump [01:16:09] It may not be politically correct, but we won two world wars. We won two beautiful, big, ugly wars. And, uh. And we are in a woke moment. Look, I defeated ISIS in a matter of weeks. It was supposed to take years, and those people did it. And I had great generals. Not the guys you see on television that don't know what the hell they're doing and they are woke. But the military, you could take these military guys that we have and put them into a woke cage. They call it a woke cage. Scream at them for two years about woke ism, and they come out and they want to beat your ass. We have very tough, smart, great military. Uh, we have to take care of our military, though. We gave billions and billions of dollars of it to Afghanistan, Afghanistan, to the Taliban. You know, we didn't have one soldier killed in 18 months. They were going along killing our soldiers. And I made a phone call. And the fake news, that's a lot of fake news back there. Look, the fake news, that's a lot. That's a lot of cameras. It's amazing. When I watch and I see those red lights, you know when the red lights are on that. And sometimes I'll point to them, and as soon as I start pointing, those lights go off so fast. We will lead the world in space and reach Mars before the end of my term. And we will rebuild our cities, including our capital in Washington, DC, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again. And I will support universal school choice. Very important. We will get critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our schools, and we will keep men out of womens sports. I will defend the second amendment, protect religious liberty, free speech, and we will secure our elections under the Trump administration. We will put american citizens first, american children first, american patients first. You cannot get into a hospital, by the way, because the migrants have all of the beds. You cannot get into a hospital. You cannot get your kids into a school school because there are migrants there that don't even speak the language. It's unbelievable. They're giving, because of Biden and Kamala. They're giving precedence over your children who have been in that school. Think, is it not even thinkable? I will put american taxpayers first, american workers first, and american communities first. And we will put communists and Marxists and fascists left. We're going to put them last, way down at the bottom, and they will always be last. We will defend our territory. We will not be conquered. They're trying to conquer us. Think of it. These guys are walking in with guns that are more sophisticated than our military has. They have no money. They come in from different parts of the world, and they have better guns than we have. There's something going on, but I'll get to it very quickly. It's going to end. It's going to end unpleasantly for them. We will reclaim our sovereignty, and I will give you back your freedom, your life, and your country. Everyone will prosper. Every family will thrive, and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope. We're going to bring back the american dream. But for that to happen, we must defeat, uh, Kamala Harris and stop her radical left agenda once and for all. We want a landslide that is too big to rig. Too big to rig. And again, early mail in voting is underway. And you have to get out there and do it and get everyone you know to vote, because all, I mean, think of this. After everything that we've been through. We've been through a lot together, right? These are vicious, horrible people. I call it the enemy from within. We stand on the verge of the four greatest years in the history of our country. If we win this election, we're going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country. With your help from now until election day, we'll. We will redeem America's promise. We will put America first. And we will take back the nation that we love. November 5 will be the most important day in the history of our country. And together, we will make America powerful again. We will make America, America wealthy again. We will make America healthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. We will make America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you, Reno. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you all.