Speaker A [00:00:00] It's great to see you again, sir. Thank you so much. The microphone, sir. Donald Trump [00:00:05] Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you. Speaker A [00:00:08] Thank you, sir. It's great to see you back here in Univision. Thank you so much for doing this. Mucha gracias. Porcelain. Donald Trump [00:00:13] Well, this is an honor. And I've never been my own host before because today we're gonna sort of be together for almost an hour, and I look forward to it. We've done really well with the hispanic people. As you know, no Republican has ever done like this, and most people haven't. I've had a great relationship. Donald Trump [00:00:32] We've created a lot of jobs, and I think the numbers have broken every record, and I want to keep it that way. So we're going to have a good time today. Just very special people. Brilliant, energetic, and somehow it just. They've attracted to me, I've attracted to them. And we look forward to having a big win. Donald Trump [00:00:51] We're going to create a lot of jobs. We create jobs. That's what I do right next door. I own Doral. And a lot of you have seen that. A lot of you are from the area, and that's been a big success. We have tremendous numbers of hispanic people going there and working there. Donald Trump [00:01:07] So we're going to see what you have to say and we're going to answer some questions. Hopefully, they'll be very, extremely easy questions. But I look forward to being with you for a little while. Thank you very much. Speaker A [00:01:18] Thank you. Welcome. Wonderful. Speaker C [00:01:21] Welcome, everyone, to this historic night where Latinos, the voters elected by an independent company and convened by Univision News, will be able to ask the republican candidate, candidate to the presidency, Donald J. Trump, in this, again, historic encounter. Speaker A [00:01:37] She's been here for the first time. She voted was 16 years ago when she became an american citizen. Speaker D [00:01:54] Good evening, mister president. The cost of living is very high. Speaker E [00:01:59] Antes una familia como la mea comprabamos docentos dola la semana and comida a centres. Speaker D [00:02:09] A family like mine used to spend $200 approximately weekly for groceries. Nowadays we're spending over 350 and that's increasing. Speaker E [00:02:19] Que pienza cambiar paramejoral conomia del pais especial mente para Personas. Comoyo? Speaker D [00:02:27] What are you planning to change to improve the economy of this country, especially for people like myself? Donald Trump [00:02:36] Well, thank you very much. Look, this is a problem caused by this administration. Four years ago, you had no inflation. Now you have record setting inflation. What they've done to this country is incredible in so many different ways. Incredibly bad. We have people complaining about groceries, about prices, about rent, about everything. Interest rates went from 2% to 10%. Donald Trump [00:03:04] And you can't get the money. You want to buy a house, you can't buy a house anymore. You can't do anything. But the biggest thing I hear about is just what you said, groceries, the food. So we didn't have inflation. We had a great situation for everything, for virtually everything. When they came in, they spent, and they also blew my energy policies up. Donald Trump [00:03:25] So we had inexpensive energy. Now you have, the most expensive thing on the list is energy. That is such a big category that it leads to everything. Everything else follows. Everything follows energy. We have more liquid gold under our feet than anybody else. There's no other country that has liquid gold like we do. Donald Trump [00:03:43] That's oil and gas. We're going to bring your energy costs down. And with your energy costs, everything is going to come down. We're going to also make jobs available so you can afford literally much easier. We're going to have many more jobs that we have right now. We set a record. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:04:01] Now we have a lousy economy primarily because of inflation. So we're going to get rid of the inflation. We're going to drill, baby, drill. I'm going to get your energy costs down by 50%, 550% over the course of twelve months, which will be easy to do because we have more energy than Saudi Arabia, we have more energy than Russia, anybody. Donald Trump [00:04:22] We were energy independent just four years ago and now look at us. So energy is going to bring it down and the spending is going to bring it down. We're going to cut a lot of waste and abuse that won't affect anybody other than our bottom line as a country. And you're going to be in great shape. Donald Trump [00:04:39] You just hang in there. We're going to bring those costs way down. Speaker E [00:04:43] Thank you. Speaker A [00:04:44] Thank you. Thank you, President Trump. Thank you, Diana. Muchas gracias. President Trump, as you know, farming is one of the most demanding jobs. And farmers like Jorge Velazquez over here work hard to put food on the table of american families. He has a question for you. Jorge velazquez una good hair. Donald Trump [00:05:02] Yeah. By the way, President, look at that. Speaker F [00:05:08] Trump. Donald Trump [00:05:11] Etra bajado toda mivida conestas manos agachado pororas piscando, fresa cortando broccoli. Speaker F [00:05:20] Good evening, President Trump. For many years I have worked with these hens hunched over, picking strawberries and cutting broccoli. Donald Trump [00:05:30] Esteluro Trabajo Inso Malloria. Speaker F [00:05:36] This tough job is mainly done by undocumented people. If you deport to these people, who would do that job and what price would we pay for food? Donald Trump [00:05:58] Please. Finished? Yes. So the problem we have is we had people coming in under my administration, and they were coming in legally. They were coming in through a system that we had, which was great because I'm the best thing that ever happened to farmers, you know, that I was great. You know, farmers are doing very badly right now. Donald Trump [00:06:19] Very, very badly under this administration. Under my administration, farmers did very well. We have to have a lot of people come into our country. We just want them to come in legally through a system, because they've released hundreds of thousands of people that are murderers, drug dealers, terrorists. They're coming in totally. Nobody knows who they are, where they come from. Donald Trump [00:06:42] And the people that are most against it are the hispanic people. They are totally against it. What's happened? The other thing I can say is that a lot of the jobs that you have and that other people have are being taken by these people that are coming in. And the african american population and the hispanic population in particular are losing jobs now because millions of people are coming in. Donald Trump [00:07:08] So they're coming in, but they're also coming in largely, and tremendous numbers coming in out of mental institutions. They're emptying out mental institutions. They're emptying out insane asylums. That's a step above a mental institution. Worse. Bigger, bigger problems. Bigger problem people. They're emptying out jails. Their jails are being led into our country from Venezuela, but not just South America, from all over the world. Donald Trump [00:07:36] They're being let in from jails, from, nobody's ever seen anything like it. The jail population throughout the world has come way down, and it's all coming into the United States of America. So we want workers and we want them to come in, but they have to come in legally. They have to love our country. Donald Trump [00:07:53] They have to love you, love our people. The problem with this administration is they've totally lost control. It's the worst president and the worst vice president that we've ever had in this country. What they have done to our country in terms of hurting it. Our farmers, by the way, are dying. They haven't had anything so bad in 25 years. Donald Trump [00:08:13] Four years ago, our farmers, including you, were making a lot of money. They were doing great. Now they're absolutely dying. We're going to turn it around, but we want people to come in, but we don't want murderers. So it was just announced that last month by the border patrol that under Biden and Harris, they allowed 13,099 convicted murderers, people in jail, to come into our country. Donald Trump [00:08:39] They released them from jail into our population, and nobody wants that. And that doesn't include the terrorists and all of the others, the gang members, Ms 13 gang members and other gang members. We have to have people that are great people come into our country, but we do want them in, and I want them in even more than you do. Donald Trump [00:08:58] And we're going to make it so that people can come into our country legally. Thank you. Good question. Thank you. Speaker A [00:09:04] Gracias. Poula pregunta. Thank you, President Trump. Our next question comes from Daniel Perez. Daniel is the first member of his family to have a college degree. Now he's worried about finding the right job, one that is relevant to his area of study. Daniel Perez, el primerose de la Universidad en su familia, platica nos de to pregunta. Speaker G [00:09:23] Good evening, mister president. As a first generation college graduate, I had to work multiple jobs while studying full time. The reason that being is because my family could not provide financial assistance while I was attending college. The high cost of housing led me to sleep in my car while I was attending college in a rural area. Speaker G [00:09:45] Despite my degree, I'm currently working as a delivery driver. My question to you is, how do you plan to create real job opportunities for recent graduates like myself? Donald Trump [00:09:57] It's a great question, and a lot of people ask that question because the job opportunities, the good ones, are not there. Under this administration, we are going to bring companies in through a system of taxes. Positive, we call it positive taxation. We are going to bring companies in at a level that you've never seen in this country before. Donald Trump [00:10:18] I was doing it in my administration, and then what we did, and we, nobody's ever seen what we're doing. A combination of taxes, tariffs and incentives, companies are going to be coming into our country. Car companies and many, many. That's for the manufacture of cars. They'll be flowing into our country like never before. Donald Trump [00:10:39] You need jobs and that's what you have to do again. We also have to get prices down. When prices come down, companies will be able to afford to open up again. A lot of companies over the last three years, three and a half years, have closed up. Companies that would have hired. You are not even here anymore. Donald Trump [00:10:55] We have had a terrible president and vice president in terms of keeping small businesses going. We want small businesses which are very, very important. It's actually, they employ more. They are bigger than big businesses. As a whole and we want them taken care of. But we're going to bring companies back into our country. Donald Trump [00:11:15] We've lost so many companies back into our country at a level that we haven't seen before. And you're going to get a lot of jobs. You're not going to, you're not going to be looking at one job. You're going to be looking at a job that you want because you don't want to just take a job. Donald Trump [00:11:27] You want to take a job. That's a job. I want to be with that company for 25 years or longer. And that's what's going to happen. You're going to have your choice right now. You're going around. You can just get a job even if you don't want it, you need it. You're going to have your choice very soon. Donald Trump [00:11:41] If I'm elected president, you're going to have a choice between lots of different companies and you'll match it out with pay and with really very important, just as important as pay as you have to love what you're doing. If you don't love what you're doing, having a job is brutal. So congratulations on your degree. Donald Trump [00:11:58] That's a big achievement. That really is a great thing. It's great that you did it. You will put that to use very soon when I'm elected president. Thank you. Speaker G [00:12:07] Thank you. Speaker A [00:12:08] Thank you. Thank you, Danielle. And congratulations on that degree. Our next question comes from Natalie Martinez. She's 21 years old. She lives here in South Florida with her family. Nathalie Martinez, Ventunanos. Speaker E [00:12:21] Hola. Ex Presidente Trump. Soynos to the president. Speaker D [00:12:26] Hello, President Trump. Speaker E [00:12:28] I am in university participeno una competencia sobrela deoda Nacional y poreso me procupamuccio. Speaker D [00:12:35] I participated recently on competition on the national debt and that has gotten me very worried. Speaker E [00:12:43] La Nacional. Yes. And $35 trillion in Opara. Speaker D [00:12:48] The national debt right now is $35 trillion and it does not stop there. Speaker E [00:12:55] Mi pregunta parostedes caria su administration para reducer la junto con el interesque pagamos para la deoda. Speaker D [00:13:01] My question for you tonight is what will you do to improve it, to reduce the debt and also to pay alongside its interests? Speaker E [00:13:10] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:13:10] Thank you. Thank you very much. Good question. So we do we have record national debt. We've never had anything like it before. We were getting ready to start paying down debt and then we got hit with a thing called Covid or the China virus, and that had to be the focus and we needed to help businesses stay in business. Donald Trump [00:13:28] And if we didn't do the job we did, Linda McMahon did a great job, small business association. If we didn't do the job that we did, you wouldn't have any companies, right? You would have been in a depression like in 1929. And we did a great job in keeping it all going. We ended up where the stocks were higher. Donald Trump [00:13:45] Despite all of the COVID China virus that came into our country, the stocks, when I handed over the stocks, were higher than they were previous to the COVID coming in. So we had to focus on that, obviously. But we had the best economy that we've ever had. We're going to have that again. Donald Trump [00:14:02] What's going to solve the problem is growth. It's a thing called growth that nobody even talks about from the Democrat standpoint because they don't know about growth. But we're going to bring companies in. We're going to bring tremendous business to our country, and that's going to solve that. Also waste, fraud and abuse. Donald Trump [00:14:21] And we have Elon Musk, who's a fantastic guy and a fantastic genius. He's a genius at a lot of things, but he's a great business person also. In addition to sending rockets, you saw his rocket come down the other day and land the way it landed was so incredible. Nobody had ever seen anything like that. Donald Trump [00:14:37] But Elon called me and spent a lot of time. He endorsed me, totally endorsed. He said, if Trump doesn't win, our country may be finished. That's a pretty strong endorsement from a true, a truly brilliant guy. But we're putting him in charge. He wants to do this so badly of cost cutting, bringing costs down so that it won't affect the people. Donald Trump [00:14:58] But the waste and abuse in this country, the fraud in this country is massive. And he and his team are going to work on that. We're going to get it down. We're going to start paying off debt. But the key is growth. We have to grow the country, keep the debt the same, and then bring it down and grow the country. Donald Trump [00:15:15] And we'll be stronger than ever. You elect me president, we're going to be stronger than ever. That's what I do. Okay. Thank you very much. Speaker E [00:15:21] Thank you, President Trump. Speaker A [00:15:23] Thank you, Natalie. President Trump, we're going to take a quick break. We'll be right back with more questions from undecided latino voters. Una abrebe. Pause. A yarra gracamos con maz este en cuentro lo latinos preguntan Donald Trump. Respond. Speaker H [00:15:47] Latinos ask. Donald Trump responds. Donald Trump [00:15:51] Sadeena. Speaker A [00:20:01] Entrevotantes Latinos. Yelex Presidente Donald Trump. And we are back. President Trump, our next question comes from Guadalupe Guadalupe Ramirez. She's a mother of three. Her parents were born in Mexico and benefited from the brazero program in the 1980s and became citizens. Speaker E [00:20:26] Before the eighties. Donald Trump [00:20:27] Before the eighties, then. Speaker E [00:20:29] Buenas noches, senore ex presidente yo vivo en los suburbios de Chicago. Yadiario yo veo las consequencias del flujo migratorio queo currido nestos ultimos. Speaker D [00:20:40] Good evening, mister President. I live in the suburbs of Chicago. Daily I see the consequences of the migration flow. What is your plan for an immigration reform? Speaker E [00:20:57] Porque us sosu influencia sobre los le his ladores republicanos para queno respondaran la propuesta cu viez brindadores fuerzos a la frontera. Speaker D [00:21:07] And I also would like to ask you why you used your influence to ask the republican legislators to not back up the strengthening of our border through the proposal. Donald Trump [00:21:21] You like strong borders. So do I. And we have them. We had the strongest border we've ever had in the history, recorded history of our country. We had, four years ago, we had a border that was great. And again, people were coming in, but they were coming in through a legal process. There were great people coming into our country. Donald Trump [00:21:38] And when you say Chicago, immediately we have to think about the crime because it's so dangerous in Chicago. And some of these people came from other countries. Many of them came from other countries. So what we're going to do is we have to be much tougher on crime. The Democrats are weak. Don't forget, the Democrats run Chicago. Donald Trump [00:21:57] They have a mayor from Chicago. They have a, he's terrible. They have a governor who's horrible. Pritzker. He's a horrible governor. That's the state of Illinois. He's horrible. And they're very weak on crime. You want to make sure that you're not attacked, you're not mugged, you're not shot. Chicago is a very dangerous city right now. Donald Trump [00:22:15] It's a great city potentially, but right now it's a very dangerous city. And we're working on that. But we have Democrats running it. Everything the Democrats run is bad. 25 cities, they're all run by Democrats and they're crime ridden and crime infested cities. The Republicans running, they, they don't have the same problem because we have law and order. Donald Trump [00:22:39] We have, we have it the way you need it. You need to be safe. You want to walk across the street for a loaf of bread. You want to be able to walk and not get shot or not get mugged or anything else. So we're going to bring that back. I'm bringing a lot back to help the Democrat mayors where they have them run their cities better because they can't run their cities. Donald Trump [00:22:58] They're crime infested and Chicago's an example of it. And we're going to make it good as far as the border. We want to have a strong border and we want people to come in. And that's what we had. Remember, we had the strongest border in history and we had the best economy in history. Donald Trump [00:23:12] Two things I had, and I said, that's pretty good. We also got into no wars. I didn't get into any wars. I'm the first president in 84 years that never got into a war. But I beat ISIS and we beat him in two months instead of, I guess they told me it was going to take years, like five years. Donald Trump [00:23:32] I did it in two months. Our military is incredible. I rebuilt the military. But remember these two things. I had the strongest border in the history of our country and had the best economy in the history of our country and I had no inflation. No inflation. Thank you. Speaker E [00:23:48] Thank you. Speaker A [00:23:49] Gracias, guadalupe. Thank you, President Trump. Our next question comes from Arizona, key state in the upcoming election. Jose Saralegi lives right on the border with Mexico. Jose Saralegi de la frontera de sonora y Arizona. Una pregunta para Presidente Trump. Donald Trump [00:24:08] Thank you. Speaker H [00:24:09] Soy un Republicano, registrar Republicano. Speaker F [00:24:16] Good evening, President Trump. I am a Republican. I am a registered Republican, but at this time I am undecided. During the campaign, there has been some conspiracy theories in use. If you allow me, I would like to give you an example of it. Speaker H [00:24:40] La sautoria de Springfield, Ohio. Ana clarado una yo traves que los haitianos nocestan comiendo los perroni los gatos de sus gentes. Speaker F [00:24:51] The authorities in Springfield, Ohio have more than one time clarified that the Haitians are not eating their cats and their dogs. Nonetheless, you want to revoke the permit they have to legally reside in this country. My question to you, very respectfully is do you really believe that these people are eating the people's pets? Speaker H [00:25:30] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:25:31] Well, thank you very much. And this was just reported. I was just saying what was reported that's been reported and eating other things too, that they're not supposed to be. But this is all I do is report. I have not. I was there. I'm going to be there. And we're going to take a look, and I'll give you a full report when I do. Donald Trump [00:25:50] But that's been in the newspapers and reported pretty broadly. I will say this as far as Springfield is concerned, because I do know that situation. You have a city of 52,000 people, and they've added almost 30,000 migrants into the city. If you were a person that lived there, if you lived in Springfield, Ohio, and all of a sudden you couldn't get into a hospital, you couldn't get your children into a school, you wouldn't be able to buy groceries. Donald Trump [00:26:18] You could no longer pay the rent because the government's paying rent. A, any of that, if any of that happened, it would be a disaster for you and you wouldn't be happy. We want to make our people safe and secure, and we want to make them happy. But Springfield, Ohio, is a perfect example. Donald Trump [00:26:35] You have a town, a beautiful little town with no problems. All of a sudden, they have 30 or 32,000 people dropped into the town, most of whom don't speak the language, most of whom don't speak the language at all. And what they're doing is they're looking all over for interpreters. Well, I mean, I think you can't just destroy our country. Donald Trump [00:26:55] It's, maybe some people disagree with me, but you can't, you can't put in a very short period of time, 32,000 people into a 50,000 people town and expect things to go well. It's a disaster. It's a total disaster. And the people that live there are, you know, they want to leave. They want to move because if you read about it or talk to them, people want to move. Donald Trump [00:27:20] They want to leave because they've never had anything like this. And we can't let that happen to our towns and our cities and our country just can't let it happen. It's not, it's not sustainable. I appreciate the question. Thank you. I hope you vote for a Republican. Speaker A [00:27:34] Gracias, Jose. Thank you, President Trump. Let's take a quick break again and we'll be right back. Historico entrevotantes Latinos. Yeles, Presidente. Donald Trump. Speaker H [00:27:59] Latinos ask Donald Trump responds. Speaker A [00:32:10] Gracias, Porseguir and esta conversacion Conel ex. Speaker C [00:32:12] President conversation with former President Trump and our audience. And as you know, the topics we have touched upon, employment, health, immigration. Ramiro Gonzalez has a question for Donald Trump. Speaker A [00:32:25] As you know, Florida got hit with two major hurricanes in the last two weeks. Speaker I [00:32:30] Por favor, senior Trump. Good evening, Mister Trump. Okay. I am a Republican. No longer registered, though I want to give you the opportunity to try to win back my vote. Okay. Your action and maybe inaction during your presidency and the last few years sort of, you know, was a little disturbing to me. Speaker I [00:33:05] You know, what happened during January 6 and the fact that, you know, you waited so long to take action while your supporters were attacking the Capitol. Coronavirus. I thought we were. The public was misled during coronavirus and that many more lives could have been saved if we would have been informed better. And also people in your administration who don't support you. Speaker I [00:33:33] I'm curious how people so close to you and your administration no longer want to support you. So why would I want to support you? If you would answer these questions for me, I would really appreciate it and give you the opportunity. Your own vice president doesn't want to support you now. Speaker A [00:33:49] Thank you, Romido. Donald Trump [00:33:50] So the people that don't support a very small portion, we have a tremendous. About 97% of the people in the administration support me. But because it's me somebody doesn't support, they get a little publicity. The vice president, I disagree with him on what he did. I totally disagreed with him on what he did. Donald Trump [00:34:11] Very importantly, you had hundreds of thousands of people come to Washington. They didn't come because of me. They came because of the election. They thought the election was a rigged election, and that's why they came. Some of those people went down to the Capitol. I said peacefully and patriotically, nothing done wrong at all. Donald Trump [00:34:28] Nothing done wrong. And action was taken. Strong action. Ashley Babbitt was killed. Nobody was killed. There were no guns down there. We didn't have guns. The others had guns, but we didn't have guns. When I say we, these are people that walked down. This was a tiny percentage of the overall, which nobody sees and nobody, nobody shows. Donald Trump [00:34:48] But that was a day of love. From the standpoint of the millions, it's like hundreds of thousands. It could have been the largest group I've ever spoken before. They asked me to speak. I went and I spoke, and I used the term peacefully and patriotically. If you look at the democrats, what they say, you look at Maxine waters and you look at Hillary Clinton, and you look at what they say, and they don't put that on. Donald Trump [00:35:10] They only put republicans on. But they couldn't get me because of the fact that I said, everything's got to be peaceful and patriotic, and we'll see how it all works out. But I think that we're going to. We're right now, in another election, we want, all I want is honest elections. I'm willing to take any chance. Donald Trump [00:35:30] I want honest elections. We need borders and we need honest elections. And if we don't have either of those two things, thats it. We have tremendous loyalty to the Trump administration. Biden, when he lost in Afghanistan, when he looked so bad, thats why Putin went into Ukraine, in my opinion. He looked and he saw. Donald Trump [00:35:49] He should have fired every general involved in that. There was a disaster. He should have fired a lot of people because he had the most unsuccessful administration in the history of our country, a disaster acknowledged. I again had the best economy weve ever had. I rebuilt our military. I defeated ISIS. I did things that nobody thought in terms of medical right to try. Donald Trump [00:36:12] I got right to try where you could use space age things that wouldn't be approved for another five or ten years. You were able to use it. And we saved thousands and thousands of lives. But 97% of the people in my administration supported me. When you fire somebody, they say bad things. When I fire a John Bolton or when I fire any of these people, he was terrible. Donald Trump [00:36:33] But when I fire people, they go out and say, if I didnt fire people, they wouldnt say it. But you know what? Biden should have fired a lot of people because he had a very unsuccessful administration. And the first thing the person he should have fired is his vice president because shes absolutely terrible. Donald Trump [00:36:49] And ill tell you, shes no way fit in any way fit to be the president of the United States. In fact, she turned on him and they had a coup. They took it over from a president that got 14 million votes. I'm no fan of his, but he got 14 million votes. He won the primary. Donald Trump [00:37:07] She was out of the primary. She was the first one to quit. And she left 22 people. She was the first one out. She never made it to Iowa. And then she comes back and they do a coup. They take it over from him. So that's the way it is. When people don't do their job, I fire them. Donald Trump [00:37:22] And if they say bad things about me, that's okay. But overall, look, we're leading in the polls now. We have an election going on right now. I'm doing really well with Hispanics, and we're doing well pretty much with every group. When people don't do a job, I'm sorry, I get rid of them. Donald Trump [00:37:39] And if they want to say bad things, I've never fired somebody that said wonderful things. Sometimes they think about it. But when you let somebody go, even for cause and I only do for cause. They don't generally say great things, but Biden never think of it. Into the worst administration in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:37:58] He never fired one person, and that's disgraceful. And you look at the border. The border has been a disaster. All they had to do was leave my border. I had the safest, most secure border, and people came in legally. I had the safest border in the history of our country. All he had to do was leave our people and leave our policies. Donald Trump [00:38:17] I had to remain in Mexico. Policy worked out with the mexican government, the head of Mexico, all of them. They were my friends. They were good. They were great people. It wasn't easy to work it out, but I worked it out. Remain in Mexico. It was an unbelievable success. Remain in Mexico. We check you out, and then we bring you into the country if you check out. Donald Trump [00:38:37] Biden didn't do that. He got rid of everything. He had an open border policy where the whole world flowed in. Unfortunately, the world were prison populations. If I were running a country, any country, and I heard that the US had an open border policy, the first thing I do is open up my jails, take all of my prisoners, and let them out, murderers and everyone else. Donald Trump [00:38:58] And that's essentially what they did. And it's a shame. So it's, we had the most successful country we've ever had, and I hope someday maybe we'll get your vote. Sounds like maybe I won't, but that's okay, too. Thank you very much. Speaker A [00:39:12] Thank you so much. Jesus Gonzalez. He is the son of immigrants, the first US born member of his family as well. El primere membro de tou familia nacera quinestados unidos. Hijo de immigrantes. Speaker H [00:39:26] Good evening, President Trump. Donald Trump [00:39:28] Thank you. Speaker H [00:39:29] With respect, could you explain your gun control policy to the parents of the victims of school shootings? Donald Trump [00:39:37] I could. We have a second amendment and right to bear arms, essentially, and I'm very strongly an advocate of that. I think you need that. I think that if you ever tried to get rid of it, you wouldn't be able to do it. You wouldn't be able to take away the guns, because people need that for security. Donald Trump [00:39:57] They need it for entertainment and for sport and other things, but they also, in many cases, need it for protection. If you have a house out in the country or you're in a little bit of a rough area or in a very rough area, and the bad guy, let's call him, has a gun, if you don't have a gun, you're finished. Donald Trump [00:40:16] You have no chance. So you need them. You want to have, you want to have a lot of good people have them. But if we didn't have that, you would see a crime rate. That's crazy. I'll tell you though, it's very interesting stat. The toughest gun laws in the United States by far are Chicago. Donald Trump [00:40:35] And that's got one of the worst records of any city and a lot of them are shot. 17 people died on Labor Day. 17 people died Labor Day weekend in Chicago. It's got laws that are so tough, they want to do everything they can, do anything they want. You have a gun. There's no place maybe on earth that has a tougher gun policy than Chicago. Donald Trump [00:40:59] There's no place that has, and they can, they have the right to do anything they want to. You know what happens? It's the probably the worst place right now, one of the most unsafe places anywhere in this country, maybe anywhere in the world. So it's not just that you have to be, remember this, it's the person pulling the trigger. Donald Trump [00:41:20] It's not the gun, it's the person pulling the trigger. But if you ever did, if you ever passed something, she wants to take everybody's gun away. You know, she's always wanted that. That's because it's what she wants. She wants to take everybody's gun. You know who, the ones who will never give their guns up. Donald Trump [00:41:35] The bad guy. The bad guy's not giving up the gun. So that's what we have. We want safety, we want security, but you have to still adhere to the second amendment. Thank you. Great question. Thank you. Speaker A [00:41:45] Thank you Mister president. Thank you, President Trump. Our next question comes from Carlos Aguilera. He's a veteran of the construction sector here in South Florida. He says he's in an environmental crisis grow before he. Carlos Aguilera, veterano del sector Carlos? Speaker J [00:42:02] Yep. Good evening, mister president. For 30 years I've been working in the construction industry and building water plants in Florida. I've seen with my own eyes the devastating impacts of climate change. Things that include sea level rise, saltwater intrusion in our drinking water supply, frequent flooding of our coastal communities. Given the amount of the mounting evidence of climate change, do you still believe it's a hoax? Donald Trump [00:42:31] Well, let me tell you, first of all, I built, you know, Okeechobee dam and I did so much for Florida in terms of when I was president and even as a private person I built a lot. But I did the Okeechobee dam, which solved a big problem from the climate standpoint, what I do think is this. Donald Trump [00:42:49] We can't destroy our country over being forced to do things they want to do. The. I call it the Green New deal. They call it the Green New Deal. Some people call it the green New hoax. They want to spend $93 trillion on the climate. Now, I happen to think that there are very important elements of climate, water and air in my administration. Donald Trump [00:43:16] I had the cleanest air on record, and yet I didn't destroy jobs. I had the most jobs of any administration ever. I also had the cleanest water, crystal clean. We had the cleanest water, the cleanest air. To me, those are the primary factors. Clean water, clean air. We went into rural parts of the country and fixed people's water. Donald Trump [00:43:35] They were drinking such terrible water. We were. It was very important to me. All of that's important. At the same time, you can't give up your country. You can't say that we're not going to have any jobs anymore. If they said, if they took their ultimate, which is 93 trillion, the Green New Deal, 93 trillion, that's more money than we would have in 20 years, we wouldn't be able to survive. Donald Trump [00:43:57] We wouldn't be able to live. So I always feel that with the climate, and I have been a great. I have been an environmentalist. I built many things. I own Doral, right next door did that in a very environment. I get awards, environmental awards, for the way I build it, for the water, the way I use the water, the sand, the mixing of the sand and the water. Donald Trump [00:44:17] I mean, many different. But I've had many awards over the years for environmental. The way I've built. Because, you know about building, that's what you do. It's very important to me. At the same time, we can't destroy our country, and we're competing against countries that don't spend anything on climate change, like China and others. Donald Trump [00:44:35] And they're able to make their product for tremendously less than us. And we're not going to let that happen either. We have to have a strong. A strong country, and we have to have a nice climate. And there's nobody better at that, I think, at that combination than me. I will say this, though. Donald Trump [00:44:51] I hear a lot about climate, and they talk about global warming, et cetera, et cetera, because they now used to call it global warming. Now they call it climate change because that covers everything. Global warming. The real global warming that we have to worry about is nuclear. The waters coming up an 8th of an inch over 300 years. Donald Trump [00:45:09] The ocean is going to rise. And, you know, nobody knows if that's true or not, but they're worried about the ocean rising an 8th of an inch or a quarter of an inch in 300 years. What I'm worried about is nuclear weapons tomorrow because the power of nuclear weapons. And we're going to end up with this administration. Donald Trump [00:45:26] If she gets in, we will end up in a third world war. She's grossly incompetent. And if she gets in, Kamala, if she gets in, we're going to end up in a third world war. And with me, you'll never end up in even a war. So we have to be very careful. Thank you very much. Speaker J [00:45:43] The, thank you. Speaker A [00:45:43] Thank you. Thank you, President Chuck. Thank you very much. Speaker C [00:45:50] Welcome back in this encounter with ex President Donald Trump. Thank you. Speaker H [00:46:00] Latinos ask Donald Trump responds. Speaker C [00:48:14] We are back in this historic encounter with ex President Donald Trump and the latino voters. Speaker A [00:48:20] The question comes from Yaritzia Kuhn. She's a homemaker and has a question about women's reproductive rights. Speaker D [00:48:46] Good evening, Mister Trump president. Recently, your wife Melania said that she supported women's rights of reproduction along with being able to get an abortion. My question is, do you agree with her? Donald Trump [00:49:09] Well, thank you very much. First of all, I told Melania that she has to go with her heart and she has to do what she has to do. She has to support what she wants to support. And she wrote a great book. It was just, it's the number one bestseller. I hope you all go out and buy it. Donald Trump [00:49:24] But it's really a great book. But I want her to do what she wants to do. I wouldn't be want to oppose what I think what has happened is over the last 52 years, people have wanted to get Roe v. Wade out of the federal government. And they've been trying every lawyer, every legal scholar, Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, liberals, everybody wanted it out. Donald Trump [00:49:46] It shouldn't be in the federal government. They wanted it out for many different reasons, all of them very good reasons. And I was able to do that and with the courage of six great Supreme Court justices who are brilliant and courageous because this issue has torn our country apart for 52 years. It's torn our country apart. Donald Trump [00:50:08] And if something wasn't done, it would have continued and maybe gotten worse. And I was able to do that. And I, like Ronald Reagan, I believe in the exceptions for life of the mother, rape and incest. So I believe in exceptions. Most people do. Most Republicans do. There are some that probably don't. Donald Trump [00:50:27] Of course, that number has gotten a lot larger with with the years and what they wanted. What people wanted is for it to go back to the states and a vote of the people. It's going back to the states and a vote of the people. It's out of the federal government now, which is so good. Donald Trump [00:50:43] And now if you look, the states are voting on it. And some states, like Ohio, a state that I won by a lot, took a very liberal stance. They have a very liberal stance, same thing with Kansas and other states. And some states took a tougher stance. But what it is, is it's now the vote of the people within the states. Donald Trump [00:51:05] This is what everybody has wanted for 52 years. They wanted to get rid of Roe v. Wade and let it come back to the states. And I've done that. And now the people are voting on it. And you're going to see it's going to heal. It will never heal. It would have never healed if it stayed in Congress, if it stayed in the federal government. Donald Trump [00:51:25] It's now in the states. The people are voting as we speak, the people are voting. Some states have completed like Kansas, Ohio and a lot of others. But it's going to settle a problem that was only going to get more divisive, divisive and worse. It was a big, big dispute for a long period of time. Donald Trump [00:51:46] And I think the question is great and I appreciate it. Thank you very much. Speaker E [00:51:49] Thank you. Speaker A [00:51:50] Gracias, Yarita. Thank you, President Trump. Our next question comes also from Arizona. Carlos Garcia was part of our town hall last week with Vice President Harris. Carlos Garcia, participo con la vice Presidenta Harris Buenos Noce, senor Presidente Estanoche. Gracias. Speaker F [00:52:08] Pro contest good evening, Mister President. Thank you for being here tonight with us and thank you for answering my questions. Donald Trump [00:52:15] Aparte Sierra Analysta, Pastor de Jovenes en. Speaker F [00:52:18] Miglesia local besides being a data analyst, I am a pastor for the youth in my local church. So I believe in the power of growth through reflection, learning. We can always have triumphs, but we can always also have mistakes. My question to you is, desus quattro. Donald Trump [00:52:48] Anos en la Casablanca. Speaker F [00:52:54] Out of the four years you were in the White House, can you name one error or something you learned. Donald Trump [00:53:07] During. Speaker F [00:53:08] Those four years so we may learn from you and once more give you our vote? Donald Trump [00:53:13] Thank you very much. We had a very successful administration. Everybody acknowledges it because we had the great economy, which is so important. We didn't have inflation. We won the war, we rebuilt the military, we won the ISIS, and we didn't. The nice part is we didn't get into any wars. As a pastor, as somebody of faith, you have to like, that hasn't happened in 82 years that that happened with the president. Donald Trump [00:53:38] I didn't get into war. We had great trade policies. We changed some of the horrible policies. We did a lot of good things. So when you say about something, I regretted the thing I would say that's most important, and it's going to be most important for coming up, is people. It's all about the people. Donald Trump [00:53:57] Where I had great people, things happened good. Where I had people that I didn't like as much, it doesn't work out as well. And I, you know, unlike Biden or Harris, I get rid of them. I get new people in because I'm not, I'm working for you. I want to make sure the country is running well. Donald Trump [00:54:14] And if somebody's not doing their job, I make changes. So I would say this, the mistakes I made weren't big policy. We had the strong border. We had the great economy. We had all these things. But I put some people in that I wouldn't have used again. Now, when I went to Washington, as you know, I was only there 17 times in my entire life, 17 times. Donald Trump [00:54:36] I never stayed over. The press informed me of that. So I don't know if it's true, but it sounds like it might be right. Very little. I wasn't in Washington, so I didn't know the people very well, and I relied on other people to give me. And generally speaking, I got it right. Donald Trump [00:54:49] Bob Lighthizer and trade, we had great trade people. We had a lot of great people, but I had some people that I would not have used again. Now, I have tremendous experience. I think I have more experience than anybody in history in terms of the people, in terms of that kind of experience, the experience you need. Donald Trump [00:55:09] And I know all of the people. I know the players. I know the good ones, the bad ones, the smart ones, the dumb ones, the ones that don't have courage. You think you never really know about courage until you test it. But I know the people very well. I know who I want, who I don't want. Donald Trump [00:55:25] So I would say that in terms of knowledge and learning, it was people. If you have a good group of people or a great, like secretary, somebody in charge of a big agency, it's all about the people. So I would say that would be the biggest mistake. Mostly good, but some bad. Speaker A [00:55:45] President. We have time for a couple more questions. Donald Trump [00:55:48] Well, it's okay. You know, they said, would you like to sit down? I said that is the most uncomfortable looking chair I've ever seen. I'm looking at that chair. I said, I don't think anybody could sit in that chair. No, I didn't get one. Let's go do a couple of more. Fine. Speaker A [00:56:00] Wonderful. Eloi Contreras, he's a security guard at a hospital. Speaker H [00:56:09] Good evening, President Trump. Thank you for being here and taking these questions. When you left office, mister president, we were a divided nation. Instead of the United States of America, we were the divided states of America. Win or lose, if the american people to send you back to the White House or not, what specific steps will you take to unite a deeply divided nation? Donald Trump [00:56:37] So when I left office, we had an election that was in dispute by most people, I think, but certainly a vast majority of people. That was the primary division. And that was a shame. That was a shame because that should never happen with a country. And it's really too bad that it did happen. Donald Trump [00:56:59] But we are much more of a divided nation now than we ever were then. And I will tell you this, that when we had the economy blazing, the best economy we've ever had, liberals, radical left people, as I would call them, Democrats were calling me, our country was coming together. Then we got hit with a gift from China called Covid, and we had to fight that. Donald Trump [00:57:24] But for two and a half years, almost three years, we were the most united. People wanted to get together. They wanted to be people that I never thought would want to be meeting and were asking to have lunch, have dinner. Our country was coming together, and the thing that will bring our country together is success. Donald Trump [00:57:46] It was coming together because we were so, it was so successful. Everybody, Hispanic Americans, black Americans, everybody had jobs. Women, men, people with high school diplomas, people without high school diplomas, people from the best colleges in the world, from MIT and Harvard, the Wharton School of Finance, from Stanford, and people with no education. Donald Trump [00:58:09] Everybody was doing better than they had ever done. Everybody, every group. Every group. And you know who is doing the best proportionately? We're low income people, and that's a statistical fact. Everybody was doing better. There was no division. Success will bring our country together. And I never knew that I'd say that. I thought that even if you were successful, because the views are so different on so many things, for instance, the Democrats want men to play in women's sports. Donald Trump [00:58:39] I don't like that. I don't know if they're going to change, but I don't think I could ever change. I see the difference is I don't understand how they could want it, they want transgender operations change a man into a woman and in some cases a boy into a woman without parental consent. Donald Trump [00:58:58] I don't, I'm not going to go for that. So I don't know. I never thought you could come together. But I will say this success will bring this country together. Thank you. Good question. Speaker A [00:59:10] Thank you. Our last question last week, Teresa had the opportunity to ask the last question on our town hall. Speaker C [00:59:19] Asked the last question last week, and she'll have the opportunity to thank you. Speaker E [00:59:25] Semia se Justin. Speaker D [00:59:32] Good evening, mister president. I only think it's fair to ask the same question I posed the Democrat candidate. Speaker E [00:59:43] En la visa. Presidenta Kamala Harris. Speaker D [00:59:46] What are the three virtues that you see in Vice President Kamala Harris? Donald Trump [00:59:54] That's a very hard question. That's the toughest question. The other ones are easy. I'm not a fan. I'm not a fan. And I think she's harmed our country horribly, horribly at the border with inflation, with so many other things. But she seems to have an ability to survive. She seemed, because, you know, she was out of the race and all of a sudden she's running for president. Donald Trump [01:00:23] That's a great ability that some people have and some people don't have. She seems to have some pretty long time friendships. And that's, you know, also, that's, I don't call that an ability. I call that a good thing. And she seems to have a nice way about her. I mean, I like the way, you know, some of her statements, some of her, the way she behaves in a certain way. Donald Trump [01:00:49] But in another way, I think it's very bad for our country. Very bad for our country. But she does seem to have some relationships that be lasting and she does seem to be a survivor because, remember, she was the first one out and all of a sudden she's running for president. And the other 21 people that are running, they're sitting home watching her on television, right? Donald Trump [01:01:10] So that's by far the toughest question I've had today. Thank you very much. I appreciate your answer. Speaker A [01:01:16] Thank you, Teresa. Thank you, President Trump. We've reached the end of our historic conversation. Thanks again for being here with us and answering the questions of latino voters. Donald Trump [01:01:24] Thank you all very much. It's been an honor. Go out and vote. Thank you. Thank you. Speaker C [01:01:31] We say goodbye. Thank you for joining us. We wake you tomorrow at 07:00 p.m. after the answers for a special show after this public encounter in this forum with both candidates. I am Enriquedo. Thank you for joining us. Speaker A [01:01:45] Thank you again, sir. Donald Trump [01:01:45] Thank you.