# Donald Trump in Waunakee, Wisconsin | October 1, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Sunday, 06 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/6TQrd7pCjBzt8UJSA2VWMhLvboYlqFNE * Words : 12,996 * Duration : 01:12:51 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-06 18:10:36 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 100.0% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:00] Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. This is a nice plant outside. We could probably get another 30,000 people. Donald Trump [00:00:14] Would anybody like to give, uh, up their position? I've never had anyone say yes. Someday we're going to meet somebody that says yes. Hello, Wisconsin. It's great to be back in this beautiful state with thousands of hard working, great american patriots. Donald Trump [00:00:32] We appreciate it, too. And, you know, we were, we were up here on Saturday. We had a group, Tommy, I think it was maybe 50, uh, or 60,000 people. And because we were not afforded the luxury of having enough security because of, not because of secret service, but because of Washington, I spoke in front of about 700 people, and 50 or 60,000 people weren't able to see. And I think they still love me. Donald Trump [00:01:02] But we have to make sure. We have to make sure. And you know what that was? That was the political opponent saying, we don't want him to have a crowd like that. But outside, I'll tell you, we have a lot. Donald Trump [00:01:14] This is a different kind of a speech rally. This is a speech on, uh, the economics and, uh, bringing back business and things. And it's a great plant and a beautiful couple, a beautiful, a beautiful mister and misses couple. And, uh, it's great to be here. It's really great to be here. Donald Trump [00:01:31] It's beautiful. I want to thank, uh, Troy Berg and everyone at Dane manufacturing for hosting us. Thank you, Troy. Where is Troy? Where is he? Donald Trump [00:01:43] What a beautiful couple that is. More importantly, I'd like to thank you. That's great. Thank you both very much. Appreciate it. Donald Trump [00:01:51] Is he a great. Is he a great owner? Great owner. Great everything, right? And what, what was the 16 all about? Donald Trump [00:01:58] Oh, 16. Oh, that's. He's better looking than you, Troy. Donald Trump [00:02:05] That's good. That's great. Thank you very much, everybody. Let me begin by sending our love to every family that has been affected by the hurricane, Hurricane Helene. I witnessed the damage firsthand yesterday in Georgia. Donald Trump [00:02:20] And as you know, North Carolina was just devastated. We can't even get in. They don't have communication. They don't have anything. Towns were flooded. Donald Trump [00:02:29] Asheville is, as you know, totally underwater. Big place. Massive numbers of lives were lost yesterday, the day before yesterday and still counting. They have a lot of missing people, the people living in western North Carolina. Incredible, uh, patriots. Donald Trump [00:02:45] They really are. I know that area well, and they're still suffering immensely. And we need to help them, and we are going to help them as citizens in Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia, and a couple of other places got a little hit, but uh, in particular, these places. And Georgia was hit very, very hard. But I want to thank Elon Musk for responding to my request that Starlink be provided to North Carolina. Donald Trump [00:03:14] The lines were all down. They had no communication. You couldn't get to North Carolina, the area that was hit. And they were all saying, does anybody know Elon Musk? I said, yeah, I do. Donald Trump [00:03:25] I raised my. Ask a question. I said, yeah. I said, what's the problem? They said, do you think you could get him to get Starlink? Donald Trump [00:03:32] Which is amazing stuff. Right? Starlink. Then I said, uh, I don't know too much about starlink, but if you want it, we can get it. I called Elon, and they had so many people over there, Tommy. Donald Trump [00:03:43] Uh, they had so many people over there so quickly, and they have great communication now. But, I mean, it's just, it's a terrible. But thank you, Elon. And because of you, they're in really great shape now from the standpoint of emergency needs. And, uh, we're going to be going there on Friday. Donald Trump [00:04:01] I hope we can get in because it's, uh, it's tough. It's really bad. One of the worst. They say one of the worst hurricanes may be the worst hurricane they've ever seen. Some people that have done this for 25 years said that was the worst they've ever seen because of the water. Donald Trump [00:04:13] The water was the big one. They had big winds, but the water was the big damage. It just went over the top of houses, if you can believe, houses. And, uh, people went up to the second floor for safety, and literally the water went over the house. But we mourn all of our fellow citizens who have lost their lives, and we're keeping their families in our hearts and will continue to work with them. Donald Trump [00:04:34] But praise, uh, be to God, I tell you. Uh, it's really, it's really incredible. Donald Trump [00:04:44] And then on top of that, as you know, the world right now is spiraling out of control. You might not have seen what's happened because it was a few hours ago. A lot of people were here, so many people outside, which we appreciate, but a lot of people were here. A short time ago, Iran launched 181 ballistic missiles at Israel. Uh, we just. Donald Trump [00:05:05] I've been talking about World War III for a long time, and I don't want to make predictions because the predictions always come true. We're not going to make, but they are very close to global catastrophe. We have a non existent president and a non existent vice president who should be in charge, but nobody knows what's going on. She was at a fundraiser in San Francisco, a city that she totally destroyed, by the way. Uh, San Francisco was the best city in the country maybe 20 years ago, and today, you can't even. Donald Trump [00:05:34] You can't even go there. You can't even live there. And I speak against myself because I own property there. I shouldn't be saying that. I should say it's the greatest place in the world. Donald Trump [00:05:43] Let's sell my property. But I say it's, uh. I don't know, maybe it stages a comeback, but it's literally, uh, not livable. And 20 years ago is the best city in the country, probably one of the best cities anywhere in the world. But they, uh. Donald Trump [00:05:58] You know, she was caught yesterday on an airplane staging a fake photo op. Did you see that? With the telephone? The only problem is she didn't have the phone plugged in. You know, she was talking. Donald Trump [00:06:08] She's talking on the phone. The phone is not plugged in. She's talking like she's working, you know, I'm working so hard. Oh, boy. What a group. Donald Trump [00:06:17] What a group. Donald Trump [00:06:26] No one is in charge of our country. And it's not even clear, uh, really, I mean, who's in charge between the two of them. You have a president, I guess you have a vice president. I guess she should have never been chosen because she never got any votes. Uh, I'm not a big fan of his, but he got 14 million votes, and that was a coup. Donald Trump [00:06:45] Would you say, Scott. That was a coup. If Scott Walker says it was a coup, Tommy. I say it was a coup, but it was a coup. It was terrible. Donald Trump [00:06:55] And, uh, nobody's ever seen anything like it. And, uh, we're doing great in the polls. They just came out with new ones. Rasmussen were really good. I mean, it took a little honeymoon. Donald Trump [00:07:07] You know, for four weeks, you did nothing but hear about. You went from. She went from being the worst vice president in history. He's the worst president in history. It's the worst administration by far, in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:07:20] Look at our border, where people are pouring in and they're criminals and they're murderers and drug dealers that, uh, look at what they've done. And then she goes up six days ago, five days ago, and tries to explain that, you know, we're going to do great things in the future. And I always say that everything. They say, why didn't you do it four years ago? Why didn't you do it? Donald Trump [00:07:40] They keep talking. She said, I'm going to do this, and then I'm going to do that, and then I'm going to. But she's not going to do any of it. They're incompetent. We can't have another four years. Donald Trump [00:07:50] We can't have. We can't have another four years of what we went through. It's embarrassing. The whole world is laughing at us. That's why Israel was under attack just a little while ago, because they don't respect our country anymore. Donald Trump [00:08:04] The so called enemy doesn't respect our country any longer. They don't. Um. And, uh. Oh, you'll get it back soon, I hope. Donald Trump [00:08:14] Thank you, whoever that is. Who is that person who said that? Thank you. Thank you very much. That's very nice. Donald Trump [00:08:23] Even though she disturbed my chain of thought, that kind of a disturbance, we don't mind, right? But when I was president, Iran was in total check. The Iranians were starved for cash. Uh, nobody was buying their oil, and, uh, they were ready to make a deal. They wanted to make a deal. Donald Trump [00:08:40] They wanted to do something terrible thing. You know, we got more votes in the second election. Uh, as you know, we're 2016, 2020. We got millions and millions more votes the second time. And they missed by just a little sliver, right? Donald Trump [00:08:54] They said, somebody said, like, 18, 19,000 votes, just grace. Uh, they're not going to be able to do that a second time. They're not going to be able to do that a second time. Donald Trump [00:09:07] Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made Iran rich in a very short period of three and a half years. They have $300 billion. Now they're rich. I mean, they pay 6 billion every time they have a, uh. If they have somebody that was kidnapped, it's always $6 billion. Donald Trump [00:09:25] Whoever heard of that? Somebody else gets like, $4,000. How much you want? Give me $2,000. You have anything? Donald Trump [00:09:33] 6 billion. It's always 6 billion. With Russia, it was 6 billion. And they also got back their spy, their greatest spy. They say perhaps he was a, uh, spy, but he was really more of an arms merchant. Donald Trump [00:09:48] And the greatest arms merchant, the greatest buyer of military equipment, they say, anywhere, at any time. They got him back, but we got our basketball player back. That was the trend. Donald Trump [00:10:04] Well, that is true. She used to tie her sneakers during the national anthem, right? And we got her back. And they got the best. The best. Donald Trump [00:10:14] And I'm not saying he's a nice human being, but he was the number one arms dealer in the world for a long time. But Iran was, uh, on the verge of bankruptcy. They had no money left. They had no money for Hamas, they had no money for Hezbollah. People they're fighting now. Donald Trump [00:10:33] Uh, they would have been willing to make any deal. You could have made any deal, but Kamala flooded them with american cash. And even now, I mean, they're flooding them with cash. It's honestly, it's not even believable. It's like men and women's sports. Donald Trump [00:10:46] It's not believable. It's like open borders. Why would they want an open border? You know, it's so stupid. We're the party of common sense, by the way. Donald Trump [00:10:53] We are. I like to say it all. Forget conservative. Yes, but, you know, we're the party of common sense because it's really more common sense than anything else. We want borders, we want fair elections, we want honest elections. Donald Trump [00:11:07] And if you don't have those two things, you don't have a country, really. And we don't have a border. We had coming into our country in the last three, three and a half years, more than 21 million people. And many of those people were people you do not want to have in your country. And we'll discuss that in a couple of seconds. Donald Trump [00:11:23] But ever since Iran has been exporting terror all over the world, uh, its been, uh, just unraveling. The whole Middle east has been unraveling. But of course, the whole world has been unraveling since we left office. Russia would have never attacked Ukraine. Uh, this would have never happened in the Middle east. Donald Trump [00:11:41] It wouldnt have been on October 7. You wouldnt have had inflation, you know, well, go to a different topic. You wouldnt have had inflation. None of these things would have happened. How about Afghanistan? Donald Trump [00:11:50] The most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, in my opinion. Not that we're getting out. I would have gotten out. We were going to get out with dignity and strength. But they get out, uh, at the most embarrassing, people falling 3000ft off airplanes, the whole thing was, uh, bedlam. Donald Trump [00:12:08] We lost 13 great soldiers. I got to know their families. And, uh, a lot of people, you know, they never talk about the people that lost their arms, their legs, their face. They obliterated. And hundreds of people died. Donald Trump [00:12:22] Hundreds of people died that day on the other side, because I count the other side, too, but hundreds of people. Gross incompetence. You don't take the military out first. Let's put it that way. He took the military. Donald Trump [00:12:34] Remember a year ago, I brought a young boy who was five years old, took him out of the audience. I gave him a quick little study, and I said at the end, so now you know everything about the event, do you take the military out first or last? You take the military out last, sir. The kid was five years old, but we took the military out first and that's when it came. That was what happened. Donald Trump [00:12:57] You know, for 18 months, not one, under my, uh, administration, 18 months, not one soldier was shot at. Not one soldier in Afghanistan was killed. Donald Trump [00:13:16] And, well, I talked to the lead because they were killing a lot of our soldiers with sniper fire and they were killing a lot of our soldiers. And, uh, during the Obama Biden administration, and I called the head of the taliban because it's the taliban that really. And they said, how come you're calling him? The press? Fake news. Donald Trump [00:13:38] Look at all of them. That's a lot of people. That's a lot of people. That's a lot of cameras. But I called his name, Abdul. Donald Trump [00:13:45] He said, abdul. You're not going to do this anymore, Abdul. Anyway, it's a long story. They said, why would you call him? I said, because that's where the problem is with Abdul and with the Taliban. Donald Trump [00:13:56] And it's like Jesse James, uh, Jesse, Jesse. Why do you always go after banks? Why do you rob banks? He said, because that's where the money is. Pretty simple story, right? Donald Trump [00:14:08] But that's where the problem was. And since that time, 18 months, we didn't have one soldier killed or even shot at, not one soldier. But they took the military. When they took over, they took the military and then all hell broke loose. These people are grossly incompetent and now we have them in charge of potentially World War III. Donald Trump [00:14:32] And World War III is going to be like no other if it happens because of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction like nobody's ever seen before. I know because I rebuilt our military. I rebuilt it, it needed it and I hated rebuilding that, but I rebuilt that too, because we had no choice. But Iran had no money when I was in charge. They had a lot of money when I started. Donald Trump [00:14:59] They had no money when I finished. And now they have $300 billion and another $300 billion from their wholly owned subsidiary. Subsidiary Iraq. It's a wholly owned subsidiary. They probably don't like it when I say that, but that's true. Donald Trump [00:15:11] Iraq doesn't like it. But they have $300 billion also from oil. Uh, remember I used to say, don't go into Iraq, don't do it. The bush, don't do it, don't go into Iraq. But they went into Iraq, then they were there. Donald Trump [00:15:27] I said, all right, you're there, keep the oil, just keep there. Remember I used to say, keep the oil. You know, Iraq has more oil than almost anybody. It's like massive. But they didn't keep the oil. Donald Trump [00:15:41] And they have hundreds of billions of dollars right now, under my administration, we had no war in the Middle east. We had no war in Europe. We had harmony in Asia. We had no inflation, we had no Afghanistan catastrophe. Instead, we had peace. Donald Trump [00:15:56] Peace, peace. We had a lot of peace. Think of it, the only war, the only war we had was ISIS. And I went to ISIS. I went to. Donald Trump [00:16:08] I wanted to see what the hell was going on. I went to Iraq. I flew there late at night, middle of the night. I landed and spoke to a lot of great people. And I spoke to a general, uh, raisin Cain. Donald Trump [00:16:20] You know that story? I won't go into it, but Raisin Kane, General Raisin Kane, a real general. And these aren't like the guys you see on television. These are the real generals. We have unbelievable military. Donald Trump [00:16:30] Believe me. We wiped them out in four weeks instead of five years. It was supposed to take, sir, it'll take five years. Uh, I said, we got the greatest planes, the greatest weapons in the world. What do you mean, five years? Donald Trump [00:16:41] So I went over there and I said to the general, I landed, I saw him, um, central casting. These guys are all central casting. Better than anybody that you could get in Hollywood to, because they're a little, little, not so good in Hollywood. You know, they don't look quite as tough. They don't look quite as tough. Donald Trump [00:16:58] And I said, I said, like, what's your name? I'm coming down the stairs from Air Force one. I said, so what's your name? He said, kane, sir. Kane, um. Donald Trump [00:17:06] What's your first name? Well, they call me Raisin. I said, what? They call me Raisin. I said, you mean your name is Raisin Cain? Donald Trump [00:17:15] Yes, sir. You're the guy I'm looking for. I'm finally. I'm finally finding Tommy, the guy that I want. I said, how come it's taken so long to get rid of this just ISIS? Donald Trump [00:17:29] I mean, they fight with knives, by the way. They're great fighters. They are. They're great fighters. Just ask some of their other rivals. Donald Trump [00:17:37] But they're great fighters. Well, they weren't doing it the right way. So why didn't you do it the way you want it? Because it's not up to me. When they came in from Washington, you know, the millis of the world, stiffs, total stiffs. Donald Trump [00:17:49] Stupid people. They said. They said, they told us how to fight, sir. But I said, so why didn't you change it? Did you talk? Donald Trump [00:17:59] No, sir, we're not allowed to do that. You don't do that in the military. You take your orders. I said, that's a strange. I don't know if that's a good system or bad. Donald Trump [00:18:06] In one way it's good, but in a lot of ways it's probably bad. I said, so what? Do you know how to do it? Yes, sir, I do. So how long would it take? Donald Trump [00:18:14] We've been fighting him for years, and they say it would take five years to get rid of him. How long? We can do it in four weeks. What? We can knock them out in four weeks. Donald Trump [00:18:23] He said, four weeks. You got to understand, these guys are like central casting. He had a drill sergeant that was better looking and tougher than any guy you could ever put into a movie. You know, we've had a couple of them. Have you ever seen where the drill sergeant goes in and he wants to. Donald Trump [00:18:39] He has these actors, big name actors, and he's trying to teach them how to become a drill sergeant. In the movie, he's a drill sergeant. And after about five minutes, the actor said, I could never do that because it's a different level, okay, of toughness. And one movie, what was that great movie that was made where a full metal jacket, you know, that's a very, uh, they took somebody from the military, a top drill sergeant, right? Oh, that's good. Donald Trump [00:19:06] Stand up. That's great. Donald Trump [00:19:10] Full metal jacket, right? He was supposed to get the Academy Award. He should have gotten it. But he actually, you know, honestly, he wasn't acting, but he was unbelievable in that movie. So he was teaching, uh, I don't want to use the names, but big stars, and they couldn't. Donald Trump [00:19:26] They were really bad. And then one of the producers came in from one of the big studios, MGM, whatever it was. He saw this guy saying, do it this way. And he's screaming like crazy. They. Donald Trump [00:19:36] Right in the guy's face this far. Then he said, I don't think any actor can do that. Anyway, they end up hiring the guy that was supposed to teach. He went through five actors, and every one of them was weak and, ah, not believable. And he went through five. Donald Trump [00:19:51] And then the guy sees it. He said, maybe we could get this guy. But nobody ever heard of him. M he was in the military, and it ended up to be one of the greatest movies because of him. Largely because of him. Donald Trump [00:20:02] And he was supposed to get the Academy Award, but they didn't do, you know, because he wasn't part of the establishment, to put it mildly. Right. But he was great. How good was that movie? Right. Donald Trump [00:20:12] Doesn't get too much better. That's great. I like that. But now we go in, and he says to me, uh, yeah, for four weeks, sir. I said, well, we've been fighting for years, like, what, 20 years? Donald Trump [00:20:25] They said, no, we can do it. Why is it that it was, well, sir, they wanted to all leave from this major base, but were very far away by the time the planes got there. They had to come back. Refueling them was tough, but they had to really come back. So they'd be over there for about, just a short period of time, like about five minutes, and then they have to start heading back because it's a very long flight, and we didn't have any time, and we didn't have the right aircraft we were sending wrong. Donald Trump [00:20:50] He said, but we have, uh, auxiliary bases. We have what we call portable bases, sir. We have portable, uh, runways in the desert. Very good. And we got a lot of them, sir. Donald Trump [00:21:01] They didn't want to use them because they wanted to be politically correct. I said, so what would you do? I'd use them, sir. And so you tell me you think you can do something in four weeks that these people in Washington couldn't do in five years? And they said, five years ago, we don't know if we could do it. Donald Trump [00:21:17] Yes, sir. How sure are you? 100%. You'll have time left over? So I said, you gotta be kidding. Donald Trump [00:21:22] This was a good trip. The great Tommy Thompson. This was a good. This was a good trip for me, Tommy, because I said, you know, uh, I didn't expect this result. I said, maybe two years, three years. Donald Trump [00:21:34] And he goes, no, sir. He said, so what are you gonna do? We're gonna get to these bases. We're gonna hit them from the left. We're gonna hit them from the right. Donald Trump [00:21:42] We'll hit them from the east and the west and the north and the south. We're going to come from underneath. We're going to come under the ground. We're going to go over to a hedge. We're going to come from so many different. Donald Trump [00:21:51] They're not going to know what the hell. And I'm using a good word because Franklin Graham does not like it when I curse. It's not nearly as good. I keep telling him, I could have used a word that would have shocked the hell out of you. You would have loved it. Donald Trump [00:22:03] Then you would have gone home. Said, he uses foul language. No. Franklin M. Graham said, sir, we love your stories. Donald Trump [00:22:09] We love you. We love you. But, sir, if you could not use foul language, it would be even better. He's wrong about that. It's not as good. Donald Trump [00:22:18] Okay, not as good, but not as good. Donald Trump [00:22:26] But anyway. And he said, yeah, we'll not come out, and I won't go through the rest of the story. But the bottom line was less than four weeks. The guy was unbelievable. And they knocked the hell out of them. Donald Trump [00:22:38] Um, and we defeated 100% of the ISIS caliphate. 100% of it. And I tell that story sometimes because we have actually a great military, and we don't have a woke military. I mean, some of these idiots on top are woke politicians more than they are military people. That's why they got there, frankly, which is a little bit sad. Donald Trump [00:22:59] You should get there based on military victory, not because of that, but, uh, we have. You could keep these people like that fought for me so brilliantly. You could put them in a woke cage. We called a woke cage for two years. Scream at them. Donald Trump [00:23:13] Only woke stuff. And when they come out, they'll say, let's go, USA. Let's go, Maga. They'll say, we want Maga. They won't be. Donald Trump [00:23:22] They won't be convinced. They won't be convinced, Tommy. They're not going to be woke. I guarantee you. I met them. Donald Trump [00:23:31] They're not woksters. Anyway, so now war, or threat of war, is raging everywhere, and the two incompetent people running our country, or what, I don't actually think they're even running it, are leading us to, uh, the brink of World War III, a war like no other. This is what the policies of weakness and appeasement have brought to the world. And as I've been saying for a long time, you know, terrible things can happen when, uh, you have incompetent leadership. Really bad things can happen. Donald Trump [00:24:01] I mean, there's a story that I just told you about how quickly we took out the enemy that we were fighting for 20 years, close to 20 years. You wouldn't trust Joe or Kamala to run a lemonade stand anywhere, would you, if you were. If your child were running a stand? You know, the way I used to run a lemonade stand, I'd say, mom, outside of my house in Queens, I'd run. Uh, there weren't that many people walking in front of the stand, but I ran it. Donald Trump [00:24:29] But if I wasn't going to run it, I wouldn't let one of those two run it because they wouldn't have any idea. Like Joe, he was essentially uh, convicted of documents. You know, I was with all the weaponization. I went through years of hell, and I have the presidential Records act. Let you do that. Donald Trump [00:24:51] But I went through years of this. Well, he had the same thing times ten, and they found him, and he didn't have the presidential Records act because he wasn't president. Right. And so he was guilty. And they said, okay, he's guilty, he's guilty, but we're not going to hold him to it because he's incompetent. Donald Trump [00:25:11] Right. That's what they said. Essentially, in a little different language. They said, we're not going to hold him to it. So he is guilty, but we don't think he can stand trial. Donald Trump [00:25:21] But he's allowed to run our country, but he can't stand trial. I said, what's that all about? But I said, you know what if that's the only way to get out where they find you incompetent? I said, I'd rather be found guilty. I don't want to be. Donald Trump [00:25:37] I don't want that to be happening. I don't want that to be happening. But they weaponize government. It's no surprise that Iran desperately wants Kamala Harris to be president. They endorsed her. Donald Trump [00:25:51] I think they actually endorsed her. I don't know. So did Putin. Putin endorsed her. And he was endorsed. Donald Trump [00:25:57] He actually endorsed her with a smile on his face. He said, no, I think her. Archie. Donald Trump [00:26:04] He would want her. He would want. I don't think he know exactly what to say. It was very interesting, actually. But, uh, he did. Donald Trump [00:26:11] He said, I think she. Because of her. He said, because of her experience. Experience in losing. Because they know as long as she's in power, they can take advantage of America like never before. Donald Trump [00:26:25] And, you know, for four years, this country was respected. I was respected, but this country was respected. Viktor Orban said, if you bring Trump back, he's ahead of Hungary. You bring Trump back, there won't be any problems anywhere. We had no problems anywhere. Donald Trump [00:26:46] But that's why they target me. That's why I'm targeted. I got. I targeted by a lot Iran and targeted we know for a fact, but probably others. But they target. Donald Trump [00:26:58] They only target consequential presidents. They don't target Joe on the beach as he sleeps. He sleeps. How do you fall asleep when cameras are raging, right? You got the paparazzi, uh, you got everybody. Donald Trump [00:27:11] He's dead, sound asleep. I wish I could have that secret because, you know, that's a talent. I wish I could do that. Sleep with the cameras. Tommy could you do that. Donald Trump [00:27:20] I don't think Scott could do that, right? I don't think so. But if I were in charge, today's attack on Israel never would have happened. All of the things that we're talking about never would have happened, including that botched withdrawal that made us look so bad. Probably the reason that Russia went into Ukraine. Donald Trump [00:27:39] They saw that and they. Because it was right after that, they saw that and they said, wow, these people are, uh, not what we thought. If I win, we will have peace in the world again. I guarantee we will have peace in the world again. Donald Trump [00:27:58] And if Kamala gets four more, unthinkable, right? If she gets four more years, the world goes up in smoke. This world will go up in smoke. So we're grateful to be joined today by some tremendous people from Wisconsin. I love Wisconsin. Donald Trump [00:28:14] We should win Wisconsin. Will you please make sure? Donald Trump [00:28:21] If we win Wisconsin, we win. Right, Scott? Donald Trump [00:28:28] Now, if we win Wisconsin, we win. It's going to. That'll be a big one. Donald Trump [00:28:35] And I've done a lot for Wisconsin. You know the shipbuilding contract? I took such heat from other states, they wanted it and I gave it to Wisconsin. And they're doing a good job, aren't they? I hear that big, big contract. Donald Trump [00:28:48] One of the biggest contracts. They're doing a good job. But I took a lot of heat. And the, uh, Keystone XL pipeline. I know you had a lot of people involved in that. Donald Trump [00:28:57] What a bunch of stupid people. To think of it. I rejected Putin's pipeline going through. I had it stopped. And I approved the Keystone Exo pipeline. Donald Trump [00:29:08] Also the Dakota pipeline, by the way. Isn't it nice to have a guy that doesn't need teleprompters to tell this? Thanks. You know, I'm going through all these names and it's not part of my thing. I'm going through all these names. Donald Trump [00:29:21] You think Biden could do that? I don't think so. He can't remember. I won't say, I was going to almost say his wife's name, but I didn't want to say that. I almost said it. Donald Trump [00:29:31] Remember when he called his sister his wife? Some things you can't do. You know what you can't do when he. And I'm not? I don't want to talk about him because he's guns, though. Donald Trump [00:29:40] He's Gonzalez in many ways. But remember, it's great to be in New Hampshire and he was in Florida. And you can't make, you know, Winston Churchill was a great speaker. But if you say like, it's great to be in Iowa and it's Idaho. At least that's within the realm. Donald Trump [00:29:59] Right? But the Florida stuff, you can't do with the palm trees. Right? But do you remember he did that? And I was saying, you know, if you were Winston Churchill, he was a great orator. Donald Trump [00:30:08] If you were Winston Churchill, uh, and you made that mistake, no matter how good you speak for the. You could speak for 2 hours. After that, it's over, right? It's over. You will never have a successful speech. Donald Trump [00:30:20] So. But we're grateful to be joined today by a man who's really, uh, incredible, respected all over. We'll bring him with us. He's, uh, just somebody that really poured his guts out for this state and did a fantastic job. He was a great governor. Donald Trump [00:30:36] Scott Walker. Scott. Thank you. Thank you, Scott. Donald Trump [00:30:46] And another former governor, so respected. He's like the dean. He's the dean. They call him that. And I'll never forget, in 2016, I ran and he said, sir, you're wasting your time. Donald Trump [00:30:56] You're not going to win wisconsin. He just, uh, I said, I think I will. I made a speech up there place. I said, no, he's not going to win Wisconsin. But here's the deal. Donald Trump [00:31:05] Remember this? He said, here's the deal. If I think you're going to win, I'll call you back. Otherwise, don't waste your time. Go to Pennsylvania, go to other places that you have to win, which I appreciate. Donald Trump [00:31:16] I mean, that's better than, like, wasting your time. He said, so you're not going to win it. But if for any reason I see a change, I'm going to call you back, and you'll come up and you'll close it up. And he called me about three weeks later, he said, it's time to come up. You're going to win this thing, right, Tommy Thompson. Donald Trump [00:31:37] And we did. That was pretty cool. That was pretty cool. You remember that, Tommy m. That's pretty cool. Donald Trump [00:31:47] Most guys say, oh, come up, uh, come up, waste a half a day, even though you can win. Uh, it was pretty. I'll never forget that. Sir, get in your plane. Let's go. Donald Trump [00:32:00] You're going to win this state. And we did win this state. That was quite a time. Remember that beautiful evening in 2016? That was the greatest. Donald Trump [00:32:10] I had a 3% chance. And I said, I have, it's, uh, not a 3%. I was getting the biggest crowds that anybody has ever had, by the way. They're much bigger today than they were in 2016, in or in 2020. But I was getting the biggest crowds, everything was so. Donald Trump [00:32:26] And the fake news had me at 97% chance of losing. And then they have, as we started winning Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, all the way up running. It goes from 97 for her, Hillary cricket. Hillary, she suffers serious case of Trump derangement syndrome. Right. Donald Trump [00:32:49] But crooked Hillary. So we go 90, she's got 97. And then it goes, Trump just won Florida, 91, 86, 79. Do you remember? And then it got to be 50%. Donald Trump [00:33:03] Then it got to be 42% for her. And then that's when that crazy woman started screaming. Remember with the glasses? No, no. She was crazy. Donald Trump [00:33:14] I wonder what ever happened to her. She's probably, I just wonder where she is right now. I'd love to find out where she is. She was very famous. The level of craziness with her was incredible. Donald Trump [00:33:27] And we did a great job. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We did a great job. We have, we also have a candidate for Congress who's really highly thought of, Eric Olson. Eric. Donald Trump [00:33:41] Eric. Thank you. Thank you, Eric. Good luck. Good luck. Donald Trump [00:33:48] I heard you doing really well. Thanks, Eric. Early mail in and absentee voting in Wisconsin is underway now, right now as we speak. So don't vote as just, you got to go as soon as you can and get out there and do the voting thing. Do it any way you want. Donald Trump [00:34:03] You can, uh, vote. You don't have to vote one way, you can vote another way, but just get out there and vote. A lot of people say vote by ballot, vote by. This could also go, it doesn't matter, but make sure your vote is counted. We're going to leave nothing to chance and everything on the field. Donald Trump [00:34:18] 35 days from now, we're going to win Wisconsin and we're going to defeat Kamala Harris and we're going to make America great again. Right. Donald Trump [00:34:30] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:34:35] And I'm asking every citizen to join me in launching sort of a new golden age for America. It's so, we're so, we're so embarrassed by what's happened over the last four years. It's just a terrible, terrible thing. It's interesting, though, because, um, we had two great elections, the second one being much better than the first. Hard to believe, right? Donald Trump [00:34:58] They said, what happened? I said, well, we did much better. But they say that this one, I've just asked some of the people in the back that are here, working here, they said, this one is far stronger than number one or number two. And they were good. But this is much. Donald Trump [00:35:12] And you know, the reason I think, I think I've changed. I don't think I've changed at all. I think what has changed is, you know, you've got something to compare it to. And you're seeing the most incompetent administration in history, the absolute worst president in the history of our country. They rate vice presidents, too, and she's rated last, but he's rated last worst president. Donald Trump [00:35:34] Jimmy Carter is the happiest man because Jimmy Carter is considered a brilliant president by comparison. I mean, Jimmy Carter needed to let 21 million people come into our country without checks, without balance, without anything, from parts unknown, from parts of the world that nobody ever even knew existed. And they are, some of them are rough, and we'll talk about that, too. But as catastrophic as Kamala's failures are, the good news is that we have a plan to fix it, and we're going to fix it fast. And we have to get these people out, all these criminals that are coming into our country and destroying the fabric of our country. Donald Trump [00:36:17] And really an extraordinary future is within our grasp. We can do it. If we don't do it this time, I think it's going to began. So I think it's, I'm not even sure you'll ever have another election. This group, these group is sick. Donald Trump [00:36:29] They're sick. We can soon have soaring incomes, skyrocketing wealth, millions and millions of new jobs, a manufacturing renaissance, and a booming middle class, which is really why I'm here to talk about, that's why I'm in this beautiful factory. We can live in cities and towns that are safe and clean and borders that are sealed and secure, and America can once again be a nation that is strong and confident and free. Together, we can reclaim our pride, our dignity, and our glorious american dynasty. We could also, for our children, we can create the american dream again, because there is no american dream right now. Donald Trump [00:37:07] But only if we make a clean break from the failures of the past four years, the worst administration ever, and elect a man named, have you ever heard of him? Um, Donald J. Trump on November 5. Donald Trump [00:37:27] Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:37:36] Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:37:40] Thank you very much. If Kamala Harris gets four more years instead of a golden age, America will be condemned to a fate of decline, desperation, and despair. That's where we are right now. Your family finances will be permanently destroyed. Your borders will be gone forever. Donald Trump [00:37:57] Tens of millions more illegal aliens will invade our cities and towns. You see what's going on with cities and towns all across America. They're devastated. Medicare and Social Security will buckle and collapse because these people are going onto your Social Security roles, if you can believe it. They can't speak English. Donald Trump [00:38:15] They came here illegally, and they're destroying Social Security. And I will never let it happen. And I will, I'll tell you, I never did let it happen, and I didn't do the rage, you know, they want to do, and they're going to do, uh, no doubt about it, a big way, an increase in age and wage, because what that means is you're going to go way up in terms of when you qualify. So how would you like to say, oh, wow, I was going to be on Social Security now, but I got to wait another five, six years because of Karmala. That's what's going to happen. Donald Trump [00:38:50] I have no doubt about it. That's what's going to happen because it's under tremendous pressure. They're signing these people just like they're trying to sign them to vote. Frankly, that's the thing that maybe bothers me more. You know, there's a reason why they let all these people in, because they want to get them to vote. Donald Trump [00:39:05] That's the reason. So, Wisconsin, if you want to avoid this miserable fate that we talk about for your family and for our country, and then you have to turn out in record numbers. You have to come out in record numbers because she is the worst. And we're going to look at her, we're going to say, Kamala, you have been terrible. You've done a terrible job. Donald Trump [00:39:25] You were the worst vice president in history. You shouldn't have even had a chance to run for president. Kamala, you're fired. Get out of here. Right, the apprentice. Donald Trump [00:39:43] The apprentice. She wouldn't have won the apprentice. I guarantee. We had much smarter people than that. She wouldn't have won the apprentice. Donald Trump [00:39:52] Starting on day one, we will end inflation and make America affordable again. We'll do that. We've got to bring it down now. Biggest problem, I mean, outside of, see, the biggest problem to me is always the nuclear problem because that's, you know, that supersedes everything. That supersedes inflation to me, that supersedes everything. Donald Trump [00:40:09] But outside of that, the biggest problem we have is, uh, all of that's what's happened with pricing. Uh, you can make the same or you can make more. But if you went up, if things cost 50, 60, 8100 percent more than they did four years ago, people, uh, that were saving a lot of money and now losing a lot of money, they're taking the money they saved and they're spending it. So we're going to get those prices down. We're going to start with energy. Donald Trump [00:40:32] But if Kamala is reelected, one of her very first acts will be to massively raise taxes on all american families. You know, she's, I never saw a person campaign on tax increases. She openly says, we're going to campaign on tax increases. And she wants to get rid of the Trump tax, which were the biggest tax cuts in history. And when you add it together, it's the biggest increase in taxes by far in history. Donald Trump [00:40:57] And they call her in San Francisco the tax queen because she used to tax people a lot and run the place very badly. Obviously, she's already cost the average family 29,000 with rampant inflation. Now she's coming back for more with a plan to raise typical family taxes by 2016, $600 a year. So on top of all of the costs that you have, they're not going to go down. They're not going to go down under their plan. Donald Trump [00:41:23] Under my plan, they're going to plummet, but they're not going to go down. She wants the largest small business tax hike in history. And many of you own small businesses in history by far, eliminating the small business pass through for tens of millions of small businesses. A lot of people don't know what that is. What it means is your business is worthless. Donald Trump [00:41:41] She backed a 33% tax hike on us manufacturers and domestic producers, which would mean jobs fleeing and prices skyrocketing for american consumers. You'll start the whole big inflation disaster all over again. And you know, what you saw the other day is they, for purposes of politics, they gave you a good decrease, uh, in interest rate, but it's okay because you deserve it. The reason they did it, though, is the economy is terrible, and everybody here knows it. The economy is terrible, and that's why they did it. Donald Trump [00:42:14] It probably political, but they probably did the right thing because the economy is absolutely terrible. She wants to drastically raise the death tax. You know what that is? Radically increase the capital gains tax. You know, on the death tax, I have a provision. Donald Trump [00:42:29] If you have a small farm or business, you can leave it to your children tax free. Tax free. She's getting rid of that. I always say, if you don't like your children, don't waste your time applauding. But if you do, does anybody not like their children? Donald Trump [00:42:44] No. If you have a small business, you have no estate tax or death tax. And if you have children, uh, that you love, that's a big deal. If you have children that you don't care about, you don't want to leave them anything. Don't waste your time listening. Donald Trump [00:42:57] But to me, I've never had anyone raise their hand. I mean, there must be some people I've never had. I've had big crowds. I said, raise your hand if you don't like your children. I think nobody had the courage to raise their hand, but, uh, no, it's a tremendous thing. Donald Trump [00:43:10] You know, uh, you leave your farm to your children, and, uh, before I came along, they'd go out. They'd have to borrow money. It's valuable. But they didn't have cash, and they'd borrow from the bank, and the bank would almost always end up taking it over in a disaster. Like a disaster. Donald Trump [00:43:26] The parents meant well, and the kids end up losing it because their tax is very substantial. So you don't have that tax to pay. She wants to put that tax back. That's a big deal. And she's pledged to create a brand new wealth confiscation tax on unrealized capital gains, which is one that nobody outside the communist countries, only communist countries. Donald Trump [00:43:46] Think about it. But they don't even do it. Which would crash the stock market, like in 1929, annihilate the pensions, 401 ks, and all of the retirement accounts, and millions of middle class families and seniors on fixed income would be in tremendous trouble. If you want your incomes to plummet, your net worth to collapse, your tax bills to soar, and your jobs to totally disappear, that doesn't sound too good. Then vote for Kamala, your tax queen. Donald Trump [00:44:15] She's a big taxer, and your taxes are going to go through the roof. But if you want Washington bureaucrats to keep their greedy hands out of your pockets and out of your. Just leave my money alone. And if you want to have a tremendous history and legacy, and if you want to have a country that's strong and prosperous and great, you're going to vote for Trump and we'll turn it around very fast. Not going to be that easy, but we'll turn it around. Donald Trump [00:44:44] See, we're lucky, because underneath our feet, we have more liquid gold than any other country. Country. You know, it's always been a big thing. Uh, who has the most energy? We have more energy. Donald Trump [00:44:54] We have more oil and gas under our feet than anybody else, more than Russia, more than Saudi Arabia. We go to Venezuela to buy. It's like they buy it in Venezuela and they use these strategic reserves. Did you hear the other day? They're the lowest they've been in 50 years because they wanted to keep the oil and gas down for the election. Donald Trump [00:45:17] So they've really jeopardized our, uh, country because that's meant for war. It's meant for big things, not to keep your prices down a little bit. And it doesn't even matter that much. You lose it so fast because there are so many cars, and it really dissipates it. But they just announced that it's the lowest it's been in many, many decades, and that's really dangerous, actually. Donald Trump [00:45:38] We need that for bad times. Real bad times. Kamala's promising the largest tax hikes in american history. Think. When did you ever hear of. Donald Trump [00:45:47] Did you ever hear of that, Scott, that we are going to give you the largest tax hikes in the history of our country? You know, all my life, I've been with sort of, I'd like politics. I've never seen people like this. They, uh, announced that they want open borders. They announced that they want men playing in women's sports. Donald Trump [00:46:06] And they announced that we're going to give you the biggest tax hikes, not cuts. When I read the story, I thought they made a mistake. I thought it was like somebody did a typo cuts instead of hikes. But they are going to deliver you the largest tax hikes in the history of our country, like 40%, 50% more. She said 70 or 80% is okay, and you're going to be a big beneficiary of that. Donald Trump [00:46:31] It's a disaster. But I delivered you the largest tax cuts in american history, larger than even the Reagan tax cuts, as you know. Donald Trump [00:46:41] And in, uh, my next term, we will give you massive tax cuts for workers, families, and small businesses. We're going to go further. That's one of the reasons we were able to succeed, because we brought taxes down and those businesses thrived. You know, we did more business. We cut the business tax from 39% to 21%. Donald Trump [00:47:00] Everyone said it was impossible. And you'll see. Now I'm cutting it down to 15%, but only if you make your product in Wisconsin. Only if you make your product in America. How good I've had. Donald Trump [00:47:13] I've had these guys from Wall street sharpers. Hell, call me. Where the hell did you get that idea? In other words, we're bringing it down to 15. So 21 made us pretty competitive with the rest of the world. Donald Trump [00:47:23] We're competing with the world. But 15 makes you really super competitive. But only if you build it here. And then you have something that she copied but hasn't. Uh, we haven't heard from it since. Donald Trump [00:47:37] She can't do it. She would never be able to do it because they have all this legislation pending so that you could go after people with tips. She wanted to go after people with tips. We have the opposite. We will have no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on. Donald Trump [00:47:58] On Social Security benefits for our seniors. Donald Trump [00:48:10] Remember that? And she's not doing that. She never will. She never will. She can't do it. Donald Trump [00:48:15] You know, remember their promise to, you know, the education was going to get rid of the student loans? That didn't work out too well. And for the students out there, you didn't get it. They talked about it for three years. They didn't get it. Donald Trump [00:48:28] And, uh, just a wasted promise. I just hope everyone knows you're not getting it because they never got it. They said they were going to get it. But I get what we want. I get 100% of what we want. Donald Trump [00:48:41] Instead of raising taxes on american manufacturers, like this one, we will cut their taxes from 21%, which nobody thought possible, to 15%. So. But only if they make their product here in America and hire american workers for the job. Okay. I think it's great. Donald Trump [00:48:59] Good idea. And if they don't make their product here, then they will pay a tariff. In other words, if they make their product in another country, a, uh, competitor. Their competitors right now, you know, I had that all going, and then we had to take care of the COVID situation. We did a great job with COVID Never got the credit for that. Donald Trump [00:49:18] I got credit for military, I got credit for economy. I got a lot. We did a great job on that and amazing job on that. Nobody knew what the hell it was that Covid came in a gift from China, right? But, uh, we did, but we had to take care of that. Donald Trump [00:49:34] But we were all set. We were doing. We already did it with a couple of countries, Japan and China and others, but we'll take in, uh, billions and billions of dollars and use that money to reduce tax burdens on hard working Americans. Uh, we're going to use the power of the tariff so that when you open your factory and you start producing and you have your low tax, that china and various other, not only China, don't come in and steal your business away from you like they did prior to trump. And Mexico right now is going to town. Donald Trump [00:50:03] You know, you have big auto plants being built by China and Mexico. They think they're going to sell cars, make cars by the millions, and destroy Detroit and South Carolina and lots of other areas that make cars. We're not going to let that happen. We're not going to let that happen. We'll put a tariff on those cars of 100% to 200%. Donald Trump [00:50:22] We're not going to let them. I don't know if you heard, they're building some of the biggest auto plants in the world right opposite the border. They think they're going to make those cars and put them into our country and pay no tax and drive Detroit out of business. By the way, United Autoworkers, did you see where the Teamsters endorsed Trump? The rank and file, 61%. Donald Trump [00:50:43] But the United autoworkers are at 80% for Trump, because they are, let me tell you, they're being sold out by this stupid person they have leading them. Um, just like I mentioned, the Keystone pipeline, the head of that, I don't know if he's still there. I don't know. The head of the union. We had 50,000 jobs, many of them in this area, from this area, but we had 50,000 jobs of people. Donald Trump [00:51:07] All they do is build pipelines. And this guy went along with Biden, and he endorsed Biden. And the first thing Biden did is cut the Keystone pipeline. I had it proved it was under construction. We needed it. Donald Trump [00:51:20] It was very important. But the rank and file was always for us, and you'll see that a lot. The rank and file wants us. And you have these, uh, leaders, if you call them leaders, they're so used, it's almost like by habit or something else. You know, some other things happen that are very good for them. Donald Trump [00:51:37] But they endorse the Democrats, but the people, the workers in this country, they want us. We're going to put them back to work. We're going to have more factories opened here for cars and for other things. And it's a very simple thing to do. And by the way, not so different, uh, from what China does. Donald Trump [00:51:53] If Elon wants to sell cars into China, they'll say no. But if Elon wants to build cars and sell into China, they say, come on over, build a plant. We'll even help you build it. We'll finance it. We'll do lots of things. Donald Trump [00:52:06] But come over and build your plant in China. India is another example, with Harley Davidson. Harley Davidson, we know all about it. That was terrible. Uh, they're building a massive plant, built it in India because India had tremendous, India charges tremendous tariffs. Donald Trump [00:52:22] And I once asked, I said, how do you do in India? Not good. Why? Because we have 152% tariff or something. I said, so you can't sell, right? Donald Trump [00:52:30] No, we can't. But they said, if we build over there, we'll be fine. So they actually went over there. They built a massive plant. It's not the way it's supposed to work. Donald Trump [00:52:37] But you know what? If they play that game, we have to play that game, too. We have to do the same thing. It's a very simple game. We want factories to be built in our country, not in other countries. Donald Trump [00:52:47] It's going to happen. It's going to happen very fast. And we'll be able to bring the auto business to where it was 50 years ago. And we're going to bring down your energy costs. You know, your costs are really high here. Donald Trump [00:52:59] I don't know what's going on. Oh, that's right. He's not governor anymore. You have a Democrat, huh? I don't know what's going on with energy costs here. Donald Trump [00:53:07] You say one of the highest energy. We're going to bring down your energy costs from January 20, the day if we win, that's the day we take office. We all take it together. We're going to bring them down five, zero, fifty percent within twelve months and it will be easy. Easy. Donald Trump [00:53:26] We're bringing them down 50% because they're crazy that they're too high. And again, we have more of it. We don't even use it. We don't even go for it. They don't let us take it out. Donald Trump [00:53:37] Uh, environmentally. They spend all their time and energy on the green news scam. Do you ever know? They don't talk about that anymore. When was the last time you heard about the green new scam? Donald Trump [00:53:48] They don't talk about it. You know why? Because it doesn't work. They wanted $93 trillion. The ultimate plan was $93 trillion. Donald Trump [00:53:58] They wanted to rip down all the buildings in Manhattan, those gorgeous buildings with those big beautiful windows and they wanted to rebuild them without windows because without windows is more energy efficient. Tell somebody you're going to take 40,000ft of office space, but you have no windows. This is what they want. These people are crazy. They're crazy. Donald Trump [00:54:21] Take a look. Take a look at some. Some of them are actually, uh, you got to see the bathrooms that they project for people. Uh, I can't talk to you about because it's so gross. But basically water free bathrooms. Donald Trump [00:54:33] Water free, no water. This is not good. But these people are crazy. But the total for the ultimate package is $93 trillion. You could get China, us, uh, and everybody else on the planet and you couldn't afford that in 20 years there. Donald Trump [00:54:52] And you know, they really hurt our country because you can't do anything unless you get the environmental approvals. And I'm an environmentalist. I want clean air and clean water. Really clean water, really clean air. Beyond that, we have to have jobs and we have to have success, and we have to rebuild our country. Donald Trump [00:55:10] Kamala's plan will kill the american dream and make inflation worse than it ever was. My plan will bring back the american dream, but bigger, better, and stronger than ever before. That's what's going to happen. We're going to have to. We're going to do it fast. Donald Trump [00:55:25] We're just five weeks away from the most important election in the history of our country. It is. I believe it's the most important election. I used to say that in 2016, most important election, then 2020. I didn't say because we were doing great. Donald Trump [00:55:40] We had a great country. I almost had a logo. Remember, keep America great. But it was CAG. CAG, keep America great. Donald Trump [00:55:48] And I sort of liked Maga much better. I don't know if it would have switched. I don't know if CAG would have played well. When Biden used to go out and say, we've got to stop. This group called Maga, we're going to stop. Donald Trump [00:55:59] Remember with the purple background and pink background, it looked like the devil, right? We're going to stop Maga. I said, joe Maga, make America great again. That's going to be stopped. It's not going to be stopped. Donald Trump [00:56:14] It can't be stopped. It's going to be stopped. You don't have a country anymore. Make America great again. That's all it is. Donald Trump [00:56:20] I could be having a nice life right now. Nobody would be shooting at me. I'd be at, uh, the most beautiful beaches in the world. I'd have the, uh, greatest life. Somebody said, if you had it to do again, would you do it? Donald Trump [00:56:33] Because I did. I had the greatest life. I have the most beautiful properties in the world. I really believe I do, but I have the most beautiful. I could have had the greatest, nicest life. Donald Trump [00:56:44] None of this stuff. Would you do it again? Absolutely, I do. Because we're doing something this special. It's not even close. Donald Trump [00:56:51] It's not even close, right? It's not even close. Donald Trump [00:57:01] Not even close. I could have been right now in Monte Carlo, but I'd rather be in Wisconsin, if you want to know. It's true. Donald Trump [00:57:13] You know, honestly, there are a lot of rich guys that are in different places, but there's only one maga. There's only one group of people like you. There's only one. We're going to all, we're working together. There's only one. Donald Trump [00:57:25] This is, uh, this is the greatest movement in the history of our country. And we're going to prove it again. We're going to prove it again on November 5. It really is. It's like, right. Donald Trump [00:57:36] And you have to be very careful when I talk because the fake news, if I say something wrong, a little wrong, if I'm 3% off, they'll do headlines. Trump was, they'll give me pinocchios. You know, the Pinocchio, the Washington Post, they give you pinocchios. If you say something perfectly, they give you Pinocchio. They always find a reason. Donald Trump [00:57:54] But if I say anything a little bit out of order, they say, oh, so I have to be very careful. But I will tell you, we're going to do so great with this and we're going to bring it back. But Mega is the greatest movement in the history of our country. There's never been anything, you know, you've had some great people. Remember Pat Buchanan. Donald Trump [00:58:18] And I think he came in second to New Hampshire. He's a great guy, conservative guy, wonderful guy. I watched him for years and years and he had a career in coming in second in New Hampshire. I think it was right. He came in second. Donald Trump [00:58:29] And we won Iowa. We won New Hampshire, we won South Carolina. We won everything. And then we went on to win the election. There's never been anything like this. Donald Trump [00:58:39] We won 32 states. And then we did better the second time. But we're going to do better than we ever did this time. I think we're going to do better than we ever did. Donald Trump [00:58:50] And I don't take day offs. You know, they all say, are you planning any days off, sir? What would your days off pay said? I'm not taking days off. We have 33 days. Donald Trump [00:58:59] I'm out every day. I'm scheduled every single day. I'm not taking days off because we can't, we can't take days off. We have to wait. Um, and I've been working a lot of days in a row. Donald Trump [00:59:12] I don't know what it is, but we were all over the place. I think we're going to Texas tonight or tomorrow. I don't even ask anymore. I get on the plane, I say, what's my next stop, sir? Tonight we're going to Texas. Donald Trump [00:59:23] Congratulations. You know, uh, but, uh, and we're winning big in Texas. I'll tell you, we're winning big in Texas. Three days ago, I was in the small town of Prairie Duchenne Wisconsin, where an illegal alien member of a savage venezuelan prison gang from Kamala, who let her in, let them ingest to the country. And, uh, this vicious savage was arrested this month. Donald Trump [00:59:55] Good law enforcement up there. I mean, I got to meet the whole group. They're great. But was arrested this month for holding a mother and daughter against their will and sexually assaulting them and roughing them up like you wouldn't believe. You don't want to hear about it. Donald Trump [01:00:08] What Kamala is doing to our country is criminal, and it's impeachable. In my opinion, that's totally unforgivable. She's allowing people to come at levels like nobody's ever seen. And the corrupt media is outraged that I keep talking about migrant crime and the migrant crime epidemic. It's the worst thing that's happened to our country in 50 years. Donald Trump [01:00:33] They're taking over our, uh, small towns and cities. They're taking over our big cities too. Look at New York, look at Chicago. Look at Los Angeles. Look at our biggest cities. Donald Trump [01:00:42] They can't move. They can't function. The crime is through the roof. And if you fight it, you get indicted. The mayor of New York, you fight it, you get indicted. Donald Trump [01:00:53] He was appalled at what was happening, and they indicted him. And I predicted it. I said, he'll be indicted within a year. Because I saw he was saying, this is horrible. This is horrible for our city. Donald Trump [01:01:05] We have thousands of thousands and thousands of people all over the streets. And they're rough people. They're rough people. And I say they come from prisons, they come from mental institutions, they're terrorists. These are tough people. Donald Trump [01:01:20] And I'm, um, outraged that Kamala Harris keeps importing, they keep coming. But the other day, two days, she's getting killed in the issue. And I think it's maybe the most important right now. Uh, it may be the most. To me, it's the most important issue. Donald Trump [01:01:33] You know, inflation. We can solve it. So many things we can solve. When you let 21 million people in our country, and let me tell you, if she's here for four years, she'll have 200 million people in our country. And they will likewise. Donald Trump [01:01:48] They will likewise come from prisons and mental institutions. So I'm outraged that over 13,000, the exact numbers. Thirteen, zero, nine nine convicted illegal alien murderers are now on the loose. They allowed to come in over 13,000 murderers, many of them murdering many more than one person. They're murderers and they're out there someplace. Donald Trump [01:02:17] Who knows? We may have a few in the room. Uh, would anybody like to raise your hand, don't think of it. 13,000. It's 240,000. Donald Trump [01:02:27] Very serious. But it's actually 644,000 major criminals came in with the 21 million people. Uh, this is more. You know, there's a murderer. You ever watch there's some murder, escapes jail. Donald Trump [01:02:42] They have a dregnet. They have a big dregnet. They're looking all over every city, every state, they're looking. We got 13,000 people that are worse than any criminal that we've been looking for for a long time. I mean, you have, some of these guys have committed ten murders. Donald Trump [01:02:58] Twelve murders. Many were on the, uh, death, um, chamber. They're going to be executed. They said, why should we execute them? Do you know the money that these, they're letting all their prisoners out of jails. Donald Trump [01:03:10] They're taking all their gang members in town and they're letting them out. Caracas, Venezuela. Crime is down south 72%. They're down because they're taking all their criminals and putting them here. I'm outraged at Kamala Harris freed two illegal alien thugs who assaulted, kidnapped and murdered a twelve year old girl named Jocelyn. Donald Trump [01:03:28] You know all about Jocelyn. I'm outraged that Kamala released into America the predator who murdered Laken Riley. Beautiful Lake. And Riley, who's going to be a nurse. She was at the top of her class. Donald Trump [01:03:39] Always was at the top of her class. Beautiful person. A great family, by the way. I'm outraged that she let in this savage who raped and murdered Rachel Morin. Kamala let her in. Donald Trump [01:03:52] Let her in. She murdered him. In my opinion, Kamala murdered him just like she did. Just like she had a gun in her hand. I'm outraged on behalf of every american family because remember, Kamala was the border czar. Donald Trump [01:04:05] She was appointed. Now, she doesn't want that title, but she had that title for three and a half years. And I'm really outraged when I look at the television screen a few days ago and I see her up there trying to justify how well she did on the border. Worst border in the history of our country. And a bad human being. Donald Trump [01:04:24] She's a, she's a, as you know, she's a Marxist. Her father's a Marxist. She's a marxist. And we don't want a Marxist in charge of this country. We never want a Marxist in church. Donald Trump [01:04:34] A lot of people don't know what a marxist. They said, sir, don't use marxist. They don't know what it is. You have a good enough, uh, use, say, communists. Would that be easier? Donald Trump [01:04:44] We don't need it in this country. We're not going to have it in this country. She's the one, and they're the ones that are destroying our country. Donald Trump [01:04:54] You remember with the state of the union speech, I said, we will never be a socialist country, and I have to always be. So I was happy in only one sense. We will not be a, uh, social, beautiful state of the union speech. I thought I did quite well. Standing ovations, at least, from the Republicans, I got to say, but standing ovation. Donald Trump [01:05:15] But I said, we'll never be a socialist country. And I was right, because they skipped socialism. They went right down to communism. They went right down. They skipped it. Donald Trump [01:05:24] So I was right. So I said, I told you there'd never be a socialist guy. I didn't expect that to happen. 425,000 convicted criminal aliens, according to ISIS newly published data and are now free to, uh, roam the United States. They're roaming all over the country. Donald Trump [01:05:39] They're here, too. You just don't know it yet. You'll find out. Uh, Kamala's agenda is bringing death and despair. Kamala and Joe are crime creators. Donald Trump [01:05:47] We are crime fighters. We're crime fighters. We will restore light and hope, and I will make America safe again. On day one of my new administration, the invasion ends and the deportation begins. Donald Trump [01:06:10] I will stop all migrant flights to Wisconsin and every other state. Can you believe it? They were saying, no, no. We're fighting on the border. We're fighting. Donald Trump [01:06:19] You know, they had to. They're not really, because they want them to come in. They want them to vote. We're fighting on the border. We're fighting. Donald Trump [01:06:25] And then we find out that big Boeing airplanes are flying over with hundreds of thousands of people and dumping them into towns and little cities and states all over the midwest and all over our country. They're here. They fly in. They're saying how much they're fighting it, and then we learn that they're flying them in. Well, that means that it's a big con job because they're flying them and they're in airplanes. Donald Trump [01:06:51] I will shut down all entries through Kamala's migrant phone app. She's got a phone app. And you know who it's meant for? The cartel heads. The heads. Donald Trump [01:07:01] So the cartel heads call the app, and they tell them where to drop the illegal migrants. This is the administration. It's not even believable. But those people back there, the media are so corrupt, they don't even want to write about it. They don't want to write about it. Donald Trump [01:07:17] They're corrupt. I will send in federal law enforcement to liberate every midwestern town that has been taken over by migrant gangs and criminal alien thugs. We will send them back. And we will take back our country. Soon we'll be using local police. Donald Trump [01:07:41] Local police. They want it more than I do. They don't want these people, these, uh, law enforcement people that we have. You know, almost every single law enforcement group in the United States of America has endorsed me. They don't endorse her. Donald Trump [01:07:55] Almost everyone. I just shook hands with a lot of the police, sir. We endorsed you two months ago. Uh, like everyone, we will become energy independent and then energy dominant like no country has ever been before. But we have more than anybody else. Donald Trump [01:08:09] And we will bring energy prices, as I told you. We're going to bring them down five, zero, fifty percent in twelve months from January 20, when we take off. And we will terminate the green news scam and spend the trillions of unspent dollars on roads, bridges, real infrastructure, and paying down debt. $36 trillion. Not fake infrastructure. Donald Trump [01:08:34] That's caused massive inflation and no benefit. You know, a lot of the spending they did, this wasteful spending is the thing that caused it. I think energy caused it. Number one, what they did with energy. But I think that the spending was a big factor, too. Donald Trump [01:08:46] I will settle the war in Ukraine before I even take office. I'll settle it as president elect. I met with President Zelenskyy the other day. I know President Putin very well. I'll get it settled. Donald Trump [01:08:57] I will end the chaos in the Middle east, and I will prevent World War III. Something nobody else can say. And we will rebuild our cities, including Washington, DC, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again. And we will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve. A, uh, currency. Donald Trump [01:09:14] Right now, it's under threat, it's under siege. It's horrible what's going on. If we lose the world's reserve currency, that's like losing a war, isn't it? That would be like losing a war. May be worse in many ways. Donald Trump [01:09:27] Then we would be a third world nation. This is how we will end the era of inflation. Inflation, mayhem, and misery under Kamala and Joe Biden. Crooked Joe. And unleash safety, prosperity, and peace for Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed. Donald Trump [01:09:42] So important. We're going to make this, uh, country so good, and we're going to do it fast. The hardest thing we have to do is solve the crime problem. The crime problem is out of control. It was out of control before the migrant situation. Donald Trump [01:09:54] But now, it's crazy. Together, we will deliver low taxes, low regulations. We will deliver low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation, and everyone can afford. Everyone's going to be able to afford groceries again, a car again, and a home. You can't afford cars. Donald Trump [01:10:13] You can't afford home. Interest rates have gone from 2% to 10%, but it's really much higher because at, uh, 10%, you can't get any money. It's obviously not 10%. They say 10%. I said, you don't get the money, so you have to go higher. Donald Trump [01:10:29] We will stop the invasion, end migrant crime, support our great police, strengthen our military, build a missile defense shield, which we're entitled to keep critical race theory and transgender insanity the hell out of our schools, and we will keep men out of women's sports. We will defend the second amendment, restore free speech, and we will secure our elections. Everyone will prosper. Every family will thrive. And every day, we will be filled with opportunity and hope. Donald Trump [01:11:07] We don't have opportunity. We don't have hope anymore in this country. There's no hope. Your kids, you have beautiful kids, and, you know, they don't even know what to do. There's no hope. Donald Trump [01:11:16] We're going to bring back spirit. You know, it's. Spirit is a word, but we're going to bring back spirit for our country again, and they're going to have lots of hope, and they're going to have that american dream back soon. But for that to happen, we must defeat, uh, Kamala Harris. Kamala Harris. Donald Trump [01:11:30] You know, you can't call her Harris. Nobody knows who the hell I'm talking about. I say Harris has been a horrible vice president. Harris. Let's see. Donald Trump [01:11:39] Harris. Isn't it funny? The name just doesn't care. So we call them Kamala, but we'll defeat her, and we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all. She's a radical left lunatic. Donald Trump [01:11:52] Remember, early mail in voting is underway, so vote, vote, vote. You gotta get going. And we want to make this election. You know the expression too big to rig? Too big to rig because that at a certain size, they can't do it. Donald Trump [01:12:07] They're gonna say, oh, Jesus is tougher than we thought because they have no shame on, uh, November 5. We will save our economy. We will save our country. It will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. We will rescue our middle class. Donald Trump [01:12:23] We will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders. And we will put America first. We will put it first always. We will make America. Powerful again, wealthy again. Donald Trump [01:12:38] Healthy again. Strong again. Proud again. Safe again. Free again. Donald Trump [01:12:45] And we will make America great again. Thank you very much, Wisconsin. Uh.