# Kamala Harris in Grand Rapids, Michigan Friday, | October 18, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Sunday, 20 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/6Xyv9uK8FDVS3kjsAxc4m7pUP5wQnYgW * Words : 3,303 * Duration : 00:29:03 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-20 19:58:23 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Kamala Harris - 100.0% ---------------------------- Kamala Harris [00:00:00] Good afternoon, Michigan. It is good. Kamala Harris [00:00:07] Oh, it's good to be back. It's good to be back. Kamala Harris [00:00:16] Good afternoon. Oh. Kamala Harris [00:00:24] Oh, my God. Kamala Harris [00:00:28] Okay. Kamala Harris [00:00:32] Thank you. Okay, let's get to business. Let's get to business. Thank you. Thank you. Kamala Harris [00:00:38] I'm very kind. Thank you. Uh, all. Oh, it's good to be here. Thank you all very much. Kamala Harris [00:00:46] Thank you. Thank you. Okay, let's get to work. Let's get to work. Let's get to work. Kamala Harris [00:00:50] Let's get to work. So let me first thank all of you for taking time out of your very busy lives for us to all be here together this afternoon. I thank you so very much for all you do, all you have done, and all you will do over these next 18 days. Thank you all so very much. Kamala Harris [00:01:14] Thank you. Kamala Harris [00:01:16] This is an incredible of incredible leaders, and your voice matters so much right now. And I think there is so much about our campaign that is about the spirit of reminding everyone that we're all in this together. We are all in this together. Kamala Harris [00:01:37] So thank you. And to all the governors who are here with us today, I'm telling you, they're riding thick. They're riding thick. Oh, and they are, all, each one of them, such incredible leaders, both for their state and our nation and such dear friends. And I thank you all, including, of course, Michigan's own governor Whitmer, who we love as big grudge. Kamala Harris [00:02:14] And to the governors, I want to say you've been traveling the country for our campaign, and I'm so deeply grateful for your support. I also want to recognize Senator Stabenow, a, uh, champion for Michigan, Representative Scolton, who we will re elect to the United States Congress. And while we're at it, let's send Representative Slotkin to the United States Senate. Kamala Harris [00:02:44] All right, so we got work to do. 18 days. 18 days left in one of the most consequential elections of our lifetime. And as you know, everyone here knows, this election is truly about two very different visions for our nation. Ours that is focused on the future, Donald Trump's that is focused on the past, ours that is focused on bringing down the cost of living for working families, investing in small businesses and entrepreneurs, ours that is about protecting reproductive freedom. Kamala Harris [00:03:33] But none of that is what we hear from Donald Trump. Instead, it is just the same old, tired playbook. He has no plan for how he would address the needs of the american people, and he is, as we have seen, only focused on himself. And now he is ducking debates and canceling interviews. Kamala Harris [00:03:58] Come on and check this out. His own campaign team recently said it is because of exhaustion. Kamala Harris [00:04:12] Well, if you are exhausted on the campaign trail, it raises real questions about whether you are fit for the toughest job in the world. Come on. Come on. Kamala Harris [00:04:29] So, for all these reasons and more, we are here because we know it is time to turn the page. It is time to turn the page because America is ready to chart a new way forward. America is ready for a new and optimistic generation of leadership that is all of us. All of us. Kamala Harris [00:04:55] Which is why Democrats, Republicans and independents are supporting our campaign. Kamala Harris [00:05:05] In fact, earlier this week, over 100 republican leaders from across the country joined me on the campaign trail, including some who even served in Donald Trump's own administration. Kamala Harris [00:05:19] The people who know him best. Right? And I believe all of this shows that the american people want a president who works for all the people. Kamala Harris [00:05:32] And that, uh, has been the story of my entire career. In my career, I've only ever had one client. The people. The people. Kamala Harris [00:05:45] As a young courtroom prosecutor, I protected women and children. As attorney general of California, I fought for students and veterans. As vice president, I have stood up for workers and seniors. And as president, I will stand up for all Americans. All Americans. Kamala Harris [00:06:08] And together, we will build a brighter future for our nation. Yes, we will. Kamala Harris [00:06:18] Because, by the way, we will win. We will win. We will win. Come on. Kamala Harris [00:06:31] Yes, we will. We will win. We will win. And we will win. And one of the reasons that we know we are working hard toward that win is because we believe together in building a future, in what we can do together as a nation and a nation of people who see what we have in common more than what separates us. Kamala Harris [00:06:59] We will build towards a future where we have an economy that works for all Americans. We will build what I call an opportunity economy, so that every American has an opportunity to own a home, buy a car, build wealth, and start a business. In fact, do we have any small business owners here? Kamala Harris [00:07:25] I love our small businesses. I got a plan for you. I love our small businesses. Our small businesses are part of the backbone of America's economy. Economy. Kamala Harris [00:07:34] Bless you all for the work you are doing. So under my plan, we will also bring down the cost of housing, and we will help entrepreneurs start and grow small businesses. My plan will expand Medicare to cover the cost of home health care for our seniors so that more of our seniors can live with dignity. Kamala Harris [00:07:59] And, you know, I just give you a little background, uh, in terms of a personal story. So I took care of my mother when she was sick. Kamala Harris [00:08:07] And for any of you who have taken care of an elder relative, you know, what that is right. It's about trying to cook something that they can eat. It's about trying to find clothes that they can handle on their skin. It's about trying to, from time to time, think about something that'll put a smile on their face or maybe just make them laugh. Kamala Harris [00:08:30] It's about dignity. Kamala Harris [00:08:32] But under the current system, and especially for those in the sandwich generation who are raising young kids while you're taking care of your parents, it's difficult and under the current system to get help for taking care of your seniors, unless you got the extra money sitting around, you'd have to leave your job or pay down all of your savings to qualify for Medicaid. Kamala Harris [00:08:56] That's not right. That's not right. So my plan is about saying, let's have Medicare cover the cost of home health care for our seniors, which is a matter of understanding how real people are living and understanding the importance of everyone being in the our plan in terms of an opportunity economy, will lower costs on everything from healthcare to groceries. Kamala Harris [00:09:32] I'll take on corporate price gouging because I've done it before and I will do it again. Kamala Harris [00:09:40] My plan will also give middle class tax cuts to 100 million Americans, including $6,000 tax credit for the first year of a child's life, so that our young parents can do what they naturally want to do, which is parent their children well. But they don't always have the resources to be able to do it. Kamala Harris [00:10:05] So let's help them out so that they can buy a car seat, so that they can buy a crib, so that they can take care of that baby's needs during that critical phase of their development. We all benefit from it. We all benefit from it. Kamala Harris [00:10:23] Dignity. Kamala Harris [00:10:27] My plan also invests in american manufacturing and innovation because I will make sure America, not China, wins the competition for the 21st century. Kamala Harris [00:10:47] That's right. That's right. Kamala Harris [00:10:54] And so to that point, uh, and we will invest in the industries that built America, like steel, iron, and the great american auto industry. Kamala Harris [00:11:15] And we will ensure that the next generation of breakthroughs, from advanced batteries to electric vehicles, are not just invented, but built right here in America by american union workers and Michigan. I know. I'm going to tell you what you already know, but let us be clear for folks who are watching from different parts of the country, contrary to what my opponent is suggesting, I will never tell you what kind of car you have to drive. Kamala Harris [00:11:51] But here is what I will do. I will invest in manufacturing communities like Kent county. Kamala Harris [00:12:01] Together, we will retool existing factories hire locally and work with unions to create good paying jobs, including jobs that do not require a college degree. Because here's where I come from. I know a college degree is not the only measure of the skills and experience of a qualified worker. Kamala Harris [00:12:37] And I intend to re examine federal jobs when you all elect me president to assess those jobs that should not have that requirement. And then I intend to challenge the private sector to do the same. Kamala Harris [00:12:56] Now, all of this is to say Donald Trump has a different approach. He makes big promises, and he always fails to deliver. Kamala Harris [00:13:09] So remember, he said he was the only one. You know how he talks. He the only one who could bring back America's manufacturing jobs. Then America lost almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs when he was president. Facts. Kamala Harris [00:13:31] Including tens of thousands of jobs right here in Michigan. And those losses started before the pandemic, making Donald Trump one of the biggest losers of manufacturing jobs in american history. Kamala Harris [00:13:53] And his track record for the auto industry was a disaster. He promised workers in Warren that the auto industry would, and I'm going to, quote, not lose one plant during his presidency. Those were his words. Not one plant. Then american automakers announced the closure of six auto plants when he was president, including General Motors and Warren and Stellantis in Detroit. Kamala Harris [00:14:26] Thousands of Michigan auto workers lost their jobs. And Donald Trump's running mate recently suggested that if they win, they would threaten the Grand river assembly plant in Lansing. Okay? Kamala Harris [00:14:41] The same plant our administration protected earlier this year, saving 650 union jobs. Kamala Harris [00:14:51] 650 union jobs. Kamala Harris [00:14:56] His running mate called those table scraps. So we fought hard for those jobs, and we believe that you deserve a president who will protect them and not insult them. Kamala Harris [00:15:10] And make no mistake, Donald Trump is no friend of labor. Let's be really clear about that. No matter what the noise is out there, he is no friend of labor. Just look at the record instead of his rhetoric. Look at the record, and let's not fall for the okie doke. Kamala Harris [00:15:33] Seriously. He encouraged automakers to move their plants out of Michigan so he could pay, they could pay their workers less. Understand what that was about? So they could pay their workers less. And when the UAW went on strike to demand the higher wages they deserved, Donald Trump went to a non union shop and attacked the UAW. Kamala Harris [00:16:02] And he said, he said striking and collective bargaining don't make, quote, a damn bit of sense. A damn bit of difference is what he said. Exactly. That it doesn't make a, quote, pardon my language. A damn bit of difference is what he said. Kamala Harris [00:16:24] All right, brother. So Michigan, you know better, strong unions mean higher wages. Better healthcare and greater dignity for union members and for everyone, whether or not you are part of a union. Get that straight. Get that straight. Kamala Harris [00:16:50] Which is why, when I am president, I will sign the pro act into law and make it easier for workers to join a union and negotiate for better pay and working conditions. Kamala Harris [00:17:10] And now Donald Trump is making the same empty promises to the people of Michigan that he did before, hoping, hoping you will forget how he let you down the last time. But we will not be fooled, because we know how to read Project 2025. For those who haven't seen it, just google it. Kamala Harris [00:17:36] You know, I just have to keep repeating, I can't believe they put that thing in writing. I cannot believe they put it, they put it in writing. Kamala Harris [00:17:44] They bound it, they published it, and they handed it out, and now they're trying to run from it. Come on. And so we've read it. It's a detailed and dangerous blueprint for what Donald Trump intends to do if he were elected president. So that's why we know, not only because it's what he did before, that's why we know Donald Trump will give billionaires and corporations massive tax cuts, cuts, attack unions, cut Social Security and Medicare. Kamala Harris [00:18:20] Get rid of that hard fought, hard won $35 cap on insulin for our seniors. Kamala Harris [00:18:29] Check out what's in it. It will make it easier for companies to deny overtime pay for workers and impose what I call a Trump sales tax, which is basically, he's talking about at least a 20% tax on everyday necessities, which economists have measured will cost the average family nearly $4,000 more a year. Kamala Harris [00:18:58] And on top of this, Donald Trump intensity and the Affordable Care act. Okay. And has no plan to replace it. Kamala Harris [00:19:09] You watched the debate. So you remember he has, quote, concepts, huh? Of a plan. Concept of a plan. Kamala Harris [00:19:24] So he's going to threaten, he's going to threaten the health insurance of 45. We need a medic over here. We need a medic over here. Let's clear a path so they can come through. Please don't forget, you have unveiled, and we got jokes over here grounded in reality. Kamala Harris [00:19:51] We okay? Okay. We're okay. Thank you all. So there we go. Kamala Harris [00:20:02] Okay. So, you know, um, where I was going with that is many of you may have heard me say, I do believe that Donald Trump is an unserious man. And the consequences of him ever getting back into the White House are brutally serious. Brutally serious. So on that point about concepts of a plan, it's funny, we thought it was ridiculously hilarious when we first heard it, but here's the thing about that. Kamala Harris [00:20:35] He is basically going to threaten the health insurance of 45 million people based on a concept and take us back to when insurance companies could deny people with pre existing conditions. You remember what that was like? Well, we. We are not going back. We are not going back. Kamala Harris [00:20:58] We're not going back. We are not going back. We're not going back, and we are not going back because we intend to move forward because ours is a fight for the future. And, uh, it is a fight for freedom, like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. Kamala Harris [00:21:40] And we here remember how we got to this place. Because then President Donald Trump hand selected three members of the United States Supreme Court with the intention that they would undo the protections of Roe v. Wade, and they did as he intended. And now, in America, one in three women lives in a state with a Trump abortion ban. Kamala Harris [00:22:06] Many of these with no exception, even for rape and incest. Kamala Harris [00:22:10] Which means you're telling a survivor of a violation to their body that they don't have a right to make a decision about what happens to their body next. That's immoral. That's immoral. And I think we all know one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree. The government should not be telling her what to do. Kamala Harris [00:22:40] Not the government. Kamala Harris [00:22:45] If she chooses, she will talk to her priest, her pastor, her rabbi, her imam, but not the government. Not some people up in a state capitol, not Donald Trump. Kamala Harris [00:22:59] So let me tell you, when Congress passes a bill to restore the reproductive freedoms nationwide, with your help, as president of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law. Proudly, proudly, proudly. Kamala Harris [00:23:26] And across our nation, we are witnessing a full on assault on other hard fought, hard won freedom and rights. Fundamental freedoms and rights. I'm traveling our country. I mean, attacks on the freedom to vote. You know, um, in the state of Georgia, they passed a law that makes it illegal to give people food and water for standing in line to vote. Kamala Harris [00:23:50] You know, the hypocrisy abounds. What happened to love thy neighbor, right? Attacks on the freedom to join a union. Attacks on the freedom to be safe from gun violence. Attacks on the freedom to love who you love openly and with pride. Kamala Harris [00:24:13] So much is on the line in this election, and you all are spending your precious time here together because we know this is not 2016 or 2020. The stakes are even higher this time for many reasons, including because just months ago, the United States Supreme Court basically told the former president he is effectively immune, no matter what he does in the White House. Kamala Harris [00:24:42] Right? Because we know. Just imagine Donald Trump with no guardrails. Kamala Harris [00:24:49] Just imagine he who has vowed to, he would be a dictator on day one, he who calls Americans who disagree with him the enemy from within. You know where that language comes from, the enemy from within talking about Americans. He who says he would use the military to go after them, american citizens. Kamala Harris [00:25:16] He who has called for the, quote, termination of the Constitution of the United States of America, and we are clear. Someone who suggests we should terminate the constitution of the United States should never again have the privilege of standing behind the seal of the president of the United States. Kamala Harris [00:25:48] Never again. Never again. Never again. Kamala Harris [00:25:59] Never again. Kamala Harris [00:26:04] Never again. Never again. So, Michigan, it all comes down to this. We know why we're here together. We know what's at stake, and we are here together for one of the most important of all, the reasons we are here together, because we love our country. Kamala Harris [00:26:27] We love our country. We love our country. And we know that it is one of the highest forms of an expression of love of our country, patriotism, to then fight for our ideals, to fight to realize the promise of America. That's what our campaign is about. And election day is in 18 short days. Kamala Harris [00:26:58] Okay? And here in Michigan, early voting starts on Saturday, October 26, which is one week from tomorrow. Kamala Harris [00:27:10] So now is the time to make your plan. To vote. Make a plan. Make a plan. And if you have received your ballot in the mail, please do not wait, fill it out and return it today. Kamala Harris [00:27:26] Because, folks, uh, the election is here. The election is here right now. And like I know everybody here knows to do, we've got to energize and organize and mobilize and remind our neighbors and our friends that their vote is their voice, and your voice is your power. In a democracy, while we can hold on to it, our vote is the power that each of us, as an individual, has. Kamala Harris [00:27:59] It's an extraordinary power, and we will not give it away, and we will not let anyone suppress or silence our power. Kamala Harris [00:28:11] Don't ever let anybody take your power from you. Kamala Harris [00:28:24] So, Michigan, today, I ask you then, are you ready to make your voices heard? Kamala Harris [00:28:34] Do we believe in freedom? Kamala Harris [00:28:38] Do we believe in opportunity? Do we believe in the promise of America? And are we ready to fight? Fight for it. And when we fight, we win. Kamala Harris [00:28:56] God bless you, and God bless the United States of America.