# Donald Trump in Evans, GA | October 4, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Sunday, 06 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/7Plq6rM8pb2Aji5zYOKSIQfk3_LCngaB * Words : 1,357 * Duration : 00:08:12 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-06 19:01:30 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 100.0% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:00] Well, Brian, thank you very much. Your governor is doing a fantastic job, I will tell you that. And, uh, we're all with him and with everybody. We've just met a group of really wonderful, uh, patriots that are working very hard. They've done it before, but they told me they've never seen one like this. Donald Trump [00:00:16] Brian, this is the worst they've seen. And some of them are looking back 25 years. That's a lot. But I want to thank the governor and everybody for having, uh, put out to the extent that they've had to, uh, really incredible. Um, some of the people that we, uh, met just now, Congressman Rick Allen. Donald Trump [00:00:36] Terrific person. Speaker of the Georgia House John Burns, who's here, former congressman Doug Collins. Where's Doug Collins? Is he around here? Doug Collins, what a nice guy he is. Donald Trump [00:00:49] Oh, Doug, I haven't seen you in so long. You haven't changed. You look good. You look better, actually, if you want to. State Senator Max Burns, who's here, and district Attorney Barbie Christine. Donald Trump [00:01:03] And we want to thank you, but we want to thank the people that are working so hard. And we're here in Evans, Georgia, to express our support, our love, and our prayers and, uh, all of the communities. The suffering is not even believable. When you look and you see the kind of suffering that's going on right now, one of the biggest, uh, I guess, question marks is the fact that there's so many people missing. I've never seen anything where so many, the numbers are so large of those that are missing, governor. Donald Trump [00:01:33] Right. So that's, uh, something that hopefully they'll be found, and they'll be found very healthy. But, uh, it never looks great. Never looks great. Our hearts break for the more than 200 american families who have lost their lives already. Donald Trump [00:01:46] Officially 200. And, uh, that number, unfortunately, is going to be going up. It's, uh, one of the deadliest storms in american history. More than two dozen Georgians have died, including a 27 year old mother and her two precious babies, who lived not very far from the. From McDuffie county. Donald Trump [00:02:06] And, uh, father. A lot of people knew these people. They're great. As father and grandfather, I know that such sudden and tragic loss must be almost unbearable. Don't know how you can even take it. Donald Trump [00:02:18] Uh, loved ones all over your county, all over your state, and all over a lot of other states. You have Florida. Think of it. You have Virginia, you have South Carolina, you have Alabama. North Carolina maybe hit the worst. Donald Trump [00:02:32] North Carolina is so bad. I want to thank, uh, Elon Musk, by the way, for his quick action with Starlink supplied a, uh, lot of equipment to the governor, to Georgia and to North Carolina in particular. And he acted very, very quickly. They needed communication. There was no communication. Donald Trump [00:02:52] The poles are down, the wires are down. And he acted really, really quickly. In fact, I called him and I was getting thank you notices already from North Carolina and Georgia, and I wasn't off the phone with him, so I don't know what the hell he's, I guess he's got some kind of a, a, uh, little special deal going. He works pretty fast, I'll tell you, but he's been great. And, uh, Larry Ellison made a very big contribution. Donald Trump [00:03:16] And a friend of the governor's and mine is right here, Steve Witkoff, who also made a very big contribution. Steve, we appreciate it very much. Thank you. The, uh, homes and roads, as the governor told you, uh, it's all being worked on. Everything's being worked on. Donald Trump [00:03:31] And the good thing is, uh, when I, I just met a group and now I met two groups and now I'm meeting a third, and I will tell you that I, uh, have no doubt that whatever can be done is going to be done. It's going to take time, it's going to take a lot of effort, and, uh, it's a very heartbreaking situation. We're going to go to North Carolina now and we're going to see some of our friends. North Carolina, some very good friends, and they have just been totally devastated. They've never seen anything like this. Donald Trump [00:04:01] But I want to thank everybody for being here. And, uh, we have a big election coming up, and if, uh, I'm involved, I told the governor, if I'm involved, they're going to get the best treatment. They're going to get treatment, uh, like we did in the past. We always had, we had a big, uh, the farmers got hit very hard and I guess they got hit just as hard. Or maybe. Donald Trump [00:04:22] Is this worse or is this of equal? Probably worse. Probably worse. That was a bad one. But, uh, we worked two or three times together in big storms, but I don't think we've seen anything like this. Donald Trump [00:04:34] But we got it taken care of in record time and we will be very open and very committed to this state because it's a great state and you have great leadership. And the governor again, is doing a fantastic job. So thank everybody very much for being here. I appreciate it. And, uh, we may see you later, we may not, but we will be back. Donald Trump [00:04:53] And whenever the governor needs us, we will be here. And thank you. Over there. That's a nice group of people. Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:04:59] Appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. Donald Trump [00:05:20] It's great. No, no, no, it's great. Now we work together. We've always worked together very well. Very, really well. Donald Trump [00:05:28] It's. It's top. Yes. Yeah, of course they are. Uh, it's been a, uh, terrible response from the white House. Donald Trump [00:05:37] Uh, they're missing a billion dollars that was used for another purpose. And nobody's seen anything like that. No. From that standpoint, it's been terrible. Donald Trump [00:05:50] Say it. Donald Trump [00:05:54] I'm not thinking about voters right now. I'm thinking about lives. And to be honest, it's, uh, much bigger than anything else. But we're thinking about lives. A lot of lives lost, a lot of people missing. Donald Trump [00:06:05] And, uh, that's what I'd be focused on right now. Donald Trump [00:06:22] No, it's not. It's, uh. Inflation is, uh, devastated our economy. It's one of the big problems we have. And on jobs, we have, uh, the illegals have taken more jobs than anybody else. Donald Trump [00:06:33] You have illegals, uh, coming in and they're taking the jobs. And when you look at the numbers, from that standpoint, it's a shame we have to get the job. So the people that have lived here for a long time and that are great, great citizens of our country, but when you look at the job numbers, they just came out. And then you look at who's getting the jobs, and it's been, uh, very unfortunate. From that standpoint, uh, you have illegal, you have the migrants, you're reading about it now. Donald Trump [00:06:58] A lot of the money that was supposed to go to Georgia and supposed to go to North Carolina and all of the others is going and has gone already. It's been gone for people that came into the country illegally, and nobody's ever seen anything like that. That's a shame. Donald Trump [00:07:26] I don't know anything about what he said. I only can hope that it's going to be free and fair. And I think in this state it will be. And I hope in every state it will be. I think we're going to do very well. Donald Trump [00:07:36] But right now we're focused on this. We're not focused on the election. Donald Trump [00:07:52] Well, I won it easily in 2016. We actually were very close last time. And right now, the recent poll came up, we're up seven. So I think we're pretty far up. And we seem to be going up and she seems to be going down. Donald Trump [00:08:04] So I hope we're going to keep it that way. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. I appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you.