# Donald Trump in Glendale, AZ | First speech Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Friday, 23 Aug 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/AHepjT5thwE2cb9GkfBRJFXuDl4CmN68 * Words : 2,127 * Duration : 00:17:05 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-08-23 23:50:25 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 100.0% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:24] Well, thank you very much. And a very big hello, Arizona. Hello, Phoenix. Donald Trump [00:00:35] I'm thrilled to be back in this incredible state with thousands of proud, hard working american patriots. That's what you are. You built our country 74 days from now. Can you imagine? 74 days. Donald Trump [00:00:51] Then we gently move into that beautiful White House, and we take over our country, and we make it great again. We're going to win Arizona, going to defeat comrade Kamala Harris, and we're going to win back our beautiful White House. We're going to win it back. We're going to win it back in record for sure. Everyone here tonight is part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:01:21] You know, this is the greatest political movement. It's called Make America great again. Donald Trump [00:01:34] And it's right now, uh, bigger and better and stronger than it ever was before. You know, we won in 2016, and we did much better in 2020. A lot of people don't understand that, but we understand it. Millions and millions more votes. But those two are nothing like the spirit that we have now. Donald Trump [00:01:53] It's amazing. And that's because we've seen how bad government can be. That's why it's, uh, combinations of a lot of things. The job they've done in destroying our country is unbelievable, and people have seen it. And because of that, there's never been anything like this. Donald Trump [00:02:09] Right, Carrie? Right. Our movement is not about Democrat versus Republican. It's about, uh, patriotism and common sense. You have a common sense with a party of common sense, you say what you want. Donald Trump [00:02:23] Nice to say conservative, but really with a party of common sense. We want fair elections, free elections. We want strong borders. We want a great military, we want great education. We want a nice home at low interest rates and low taxes and no regulations. Donald Trump [00:02:43] That's why we're welcoming support from millions and millions of disaffected Democrats, and they are joining like wildfire. Now, it's a little different than it was. You know, we had somebody. I was up 18 points, and they said, joe, you can't win. You're getting out of the race. Donald Trump [00:03:01] No, I want to go and give it a shot. No, Joe. You're getting out of the race, Joe. And if you don't do it the nice way, we'll do it the tough way. Joe. Donald Trump [00:03:12] Uh, and he said, okay, and now I have a new opponent. This never happened before. We spent $100 million and a lot of time on defeating him. And as soon as he was Gonzo, it all started with the debate. The debate. Donald Trump [00:03:31] All that time, all that effort. A friend of mine said, you did a terrible job in the debate. I said, why do you say that? Everybody said I was brilliant. They said, no, you got him out of the race with that debate. Donald Trump [00:03:45] It's all right. We have to do what we have to do. Right? We have to do what we have to do. And now we have somebody that, in theory, should be easier to beat. Donald Trump [00:03:55] In theory, because she's a radical left Marxist, and everybody knows it. But we're welcoming the support from millions of disaffected democrats, independents, moderates, old fashioned liberals who still believe in things like little things like borders. I was there yesterday. Uh, that's a scary place, sir. It's about time that you get out of the sun. Donald Trump [00:04:18] Sir, we're going to have to get you out of here, sir. Let's get the hell out of here. She was the border czar. She presided over the worst border in history. Not american history, world history. Donald Trump [00:04:30] Democracy, liberty, and, of course, always the right of free speech. We don't really have free speech right now. The press. Look at all of them. Look at all of them. Donald Trump [00:04:39] Look at that. Wow, man. That's a lot of press. That's a lot of fake news. That's a hell of a lot of fake news. Donald Trump [00:04:54] Gone forever is the old Democratic Party of FDR, JFK, and that's right, even Bill Clinton. Kamala Harris's Democrat party is the party of free health care for illegal aliens. Communist style price controls. Defund the police. All her life, she wants to defund the police. Donald Trump [00:05:16] A little while ago, she changed, didn't she? Huh? Uh. Banning gas powered cars and sex changes for minor children without parental. Without parental consent. Donald Trump [00:05:28] How about that one? How would you like that? Without parental consent. Can you imagine? Your kid comes home without parental consent. Donald Trump [00:05:38] What happened to my baby? What happened? The true divide in american politics today is between these far left fascists led by Harris and her group, and you know who her group is. And citizens of all political backgrounds who love our country, share traditional american values, the values that you have right here in this great state, and look past our differences to unite around a thing called our greatest american flag. And we should, and we should speak to. Donald Trump [00:06:14] We should speak to our great congressmen and congresswomen. They ought to make it illegal to burn the american flag. If you burn the american flag, you go to jail for one year. One year. That's all. Donald Trump [00:06:30] One year. You burn the american flag. Because in Chicago at the Democrat deal, they were burning flags all over the place. You burn the american flag, they say it's unconstitutional. To do that, I think it's constitutional. Donald Trump [00:06:45] You burn the american flag, you go to jail for one year. Nobody's going to be burning the american flag anymore. Donald Trump [00:06:55] Our opponents worship the deep state. We want to obliterate the deep state. Slight difference. Our opponents. Thank you. Donald Trump [00:07:05] Our opponents join with war mongers and neocons to wage endless wars, these wars that never end. We don't even know who the hell the country is that we're fighting. We believe that America is strongest when America is at peace. We want peace through, uh, strength. That's what we want. Donald Trump [00:07:24] Like we had four years ago. We didn't have any wars, except we wiped out ISIS very quickly. It was supposed to take five years to beat ISIS. I did it in three weeks. Donald Trump [00:07:40] They support coercive COVID vaccine mandates and want to fire you. If you don't obey, you get fired. We oppose these mandates as a fundamental violation of our God given rights. We don't want the mandates. We don't want the mandates. Donald Trump [00:07:57] They want to arrest their political opponents and silence those who disagree. We reject censorship in all forms. And we believe in freedom, open debate and fair, equal and impartial justice under the constitutional rule of law. Our opponents slander us as a threat to democracy. Trump is a threat to democracy. Donald Trump [00:08:21] No, they're a threat to democracy. Donald Trump [00:08:25] How many times have you heard, you know, it's a talking point for them, right, Deb? It's a talking point. Donald Trump is a threat to democracy. Donald Trump [00:08:36] And those guys say it, too, because they're the same thing. They're like a part. They're a subsidiary of the Democrat party. Meanwhile, they rig their primaries, they force out Joe Biden, they force them out of the party. Joe Biden got 14 million votes in an unconstitutional coup. Donald Trump [00:08:57] And they appoint a nominee who never got a single vote. And when she ran against this guy, and I'm no fan, he was the worst president in the history of our country. He let in millions and millions of people through her. Let in millions of people, would destroy our country. But we're going to get those people out, the people that came in here from jails and prisons and mental institutions, but they threw him out. Donald Trump [00:09:25] You know, they ran against each other for the primary, and she never even made it to the first state. The great state of Iowa never made it, and now she's the one running. A little strange, isn't it? You see, that's really a threat to democracy if you get right down to it. Right? Donald Trump [00:09:41] Uh, in our movement, we know that democracy does not mean rule by the democrat establishment. It means rule by the american people. Tonight, I'm very pleased to welcome a man who has been an incredible champion for so many of these values that we all share, and we've shared him for a long time. I don't think too many of you people have heard of him. He's very low key. Donald Trump [00:10:13] He's a very low key person, but he's highly respected. He is a great person. I've known him for so long, for the past 16 months. Robert F. Kennedy Juniore m man Whoa. Donald Trump [00:11:16] And he deserves it. He deserves it. Donald Trump [00:11:33] For the, uh, past 16 months, Bobby has run an extraordinary campaign for president of the United States. I know because he also went after me a couple of times. I didn't like it. And I mean this sincerely. Had he been allowed to enter the Democrat primary, he would have easily beaten Joe Biden, but they wouldn't let him in. Donald Trump [00:12:00] They put up rules. I've never seen rules like, he had to have 65% of the vote in order to run. You know, little things like that. His candidacy has inspired millions and millions of Americans, raised critical issues that have been too long ignored in this country, and brought together people from across the political spectrum in a positive campaign grounded in the american values of his father, Robert Kennedy, a great man, and his uncle, President John F. Kennedy. Donald Trump [00:12:35] And I know that they are looking down right now, and they are very, very, very proud of Bobby. I'm proud of Bobby. You want to know the truth? Donald Trump [00:12:50] And I don't think I've ever introduced anyone that got applause like he just got. I must tell you, I don't think it's true. I don't think I've ever introduced anybody. I got applause like that. Donald Trump [00:13:16] Amazing. It's true. Donald Trump [00:13:25] Amazing. Donald Trump [00:13:32] Soon after, I was. I can't even believe I have to say this. Nearly assassinated in Pennsylvania last month. Bobby called me to express his best wishes. He knows firsthand the risks incurred by leaders who stand up to the corrupt political establishment. Donald Trump [00:13:51] Uh, when you stand up, you bring on some trouble for yourself. But you have to do what's right. You have to do what's right for the country. I will tell you, we are both in this to do what's right for the country. That's one thing I can tell you. Donald Trump [00:14:08] He lost his father and uncle in service to our country. Country. And Bobby himself was subject to repeated threats to his safety during the course of his campaign while being denied protection by the Harris Biden administration. Donald Trump [00:14:26] And this is a tribute in honor of Bobby. I am announcing tonight that upon my election, I will establish a new independent presidential commission on assassination attempts, and they will be tasked with releasing all of the remaining documents pertaining to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Donald Trump [00:15:05] And they will also conduct a rigorous review of the attack last month. But I tell you, I have never had more people ask me, please, sir, release the documents on the Kennedy assassination. And we're going to do that. And I also want to salute Bobby's decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children. Nobody's done more. Donald Trump [00:15:35] Millions and millions of Americans who want clean air, clean water, and a healthy nation have concerns about toxins in our environment and pesticides in our food. That's why today I'm repeating my pledge to establish a panel of top experts working with Bobby to investigate what is causing the decades long increase in chronic health problems and childhood diseases, including auto. Autoimmune disorders, autism, um, obesity, infertility, and many more. We want every child in America to grow up and to live a long and healthy life. Donald Trump [00:16:19] So I just, uh, want to ask Bobby to speak for a little while. I'll stand aside. I'm going to stand aside. Donald Trump [00:16:31] But I can only tell you, I've known him a long time now. We've been a little bit on the opposite side of the equation, but I will say this. He is a brilliant. I still think of him as young. He's not that young. Donald Trump [00:16:46] I always call him young, but he's not that young. But he is a phenomenal person, a phenomenal man who loves the people of this country as much as anybody can love the people of this country. So, Bobby, please say a few words. Thank you very much.