# Donald Trump in Milwaukee, Wisconsin | October 1, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Sunday, 06 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/FhaOMeJpg7mxronUvW6IiDX8V1Z9Cu5j * Words : 16,796 * Duration : 01:32:14 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-06 18:25:14 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 97.42% * Michaela and Leah - 2.58% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:00] Well, thank you very much, everybody. It's an honor to be here. We're working very hard in this state. We're leading in the state, and with Tommy's help, we're going to win this state. And with everyone else's help, also, we're going to win it. Uh, we won it once. Uh, we had great primaries here, and, uh, we think we did really fantastically another time. But we're, uh, we think we're going to win it very big. Tremendous enthusiasm. We've never had the enthusiasm that we have right now. So I just want to thank Governor Thompson and thanks as well to Congressman Brian stile. Thank you very much, Brian, for the job. Appreciate it. And everyone else, for being here today. It's a very impressive looking group of media. This is largely a press conference. This is a big press conference. I was surprised they got that much hand. I don't know. Is the press. Were they clapping? Because I was very impressive. No, I was impressed, actually. But, uh, now, a lot of respect. We have to be together. Before we begin, I want to send our love to the millions of people who are still suffering from the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Yesterday I was in Georgia to survey the terrible damage from the storm. It was terrible. And, uh, Georgia was hit very, very hard. They're doing a great job. Governor's doing a great job, everybody. They're all working together, and, uh, we helped them out a little bit. In North Carolina, the biggest problem seems, uh, to be, like, zero communication. The poles are all down, the wires are all down. And they asked me whether or not I could help with starlink. It's, uh, another genius concept of Elon Musk. And I called Elon, and they were having a hard time getting. It's a hot thing. And Elon immediately got involved. And we have, uh, the most incredible that they did in one day. They got tremendous communication. They went from no, I mean, literally no communication to tremendous. So I want to thank Elon Musk for what he's done in North Carolina, a little bit help in Georgia, too, where they had some areas that had a hard time with communication. He hooked it up to the satellites, which he feels very confident in doing. He likes satellites, you know, he likes rocket ships, satellites, and there's nobody better. He's something. He's a piece of work, I'll tell you. But he had it done in about 15 seconds. He said, look, it goes right up to the satellite. It's already back down. And they had so much, uh, they had such great communication so rapidly. It's incredible actually. And uh, the situation in western North Carolina is very catastrophic, very bad. And uh, they don't even realize the extent of it yet. A lot of people are missing. But uh, we're going to work with them in North Carolina. Great people, great state. And ah, we're working very hard with them to make sure that uh, it works out as well as it can. Amazingly, this is one of the biggest hurricanes anyone's ever seen. It's late in the season, very unusual. I guess the water, the water was 20ft high and nobody expects that. People go up to their house and they think they're safe on the second floor and they weren't safe. This was uh, one of the, they call it the waterfalls. This was one of the biggest they've ever seen. So it's too bad. Very late in the season. You almost don't even think of it as hurricane season. Our hearts break for every family that has lost a home and they've lost uh, so much, they've lost everything in many cases. A lot of people don't have insurance and uh, we have to come together as neighbors and friends and fellow citizens to support those in need. And there's a lot of those in need right now, unfortunately. I look forward to being back in North Carolina and Georgia very soon. And also uh, Tennessee and Alabama. We had uh, some big damage, big damage. Uh, but North Carolina was really hit. So we're going to work with them very hard and hopefully help them. We're here today to talk about how we're going to rescue american families from the nightmare of the Harris Biden administration and launch a new generation of golden age for America. Uh, you know, what's going on with the schools in our country. Not a good situation since Kamala Harris cast the deciding votes on the bills that caused the worst inflation in american history. By far, by the way, higher prices, of course. The typical american family, over $29,000 and you're continuing to pay $1,100 every single month. More, more than you were doing before. Nobody can afford that. Even if you get a salary increase, it's nothing compared to the kind of numbers you're talking about. Inflation is devastation. Inflation is country busting. It breaks countries. Look at Germany from centuries ago. Look at other countries. Whether it's centuries ago or decades ago, anything, any country that goes through inflation and we went through a really bad period, we're the worst in our history. 8.4 m million Americans are now working second jobs, the highest in more than 38 years. And you now have to make $111,000 a year. That's a lot of money to afford an average home, a 46% increase since when I was president. So it's 46% higher. And that's not even including the cost of interest, because interest went from 2% to 11%, and you can't get the money at 11%. So it's not eleven. It's a lot higher than that. With her, uh, colossal big government negotiations, Kamala Harris, who's really who destroyed San Francisco and destroyed California. San Francisco is the best city in the country. 1819 years ago, Bob Tisch, a friend of mine from Lowe's, many of you know Bob Tisch, he said it was the best city in the country. He was a businessman that had holdings all over. He said San Francisco was the best. He wouldn't believe it. He passed away a number of years ago, but he wouldn't believe what's happened to it. And he's also added an estimated $6,300 a year in regulatory costs onto the backs of every american family. Kamala Harris has done this, and shes done, uh, it at a level like nobodys ever seen, with the help of Joe Biden. But im not sure Joe was involved, because im not sure he was involved in anything, to be honest with you. Now Kamala is coming back for more. So she ruined San Francisco, she ruins the state of California, and now shes coming back to destroy the United States of America. But were not going to let it happen. As you know, shes a marxist. Her father is a marxist professor who nobody has spoken to. Id love to talk to him. I would be interested in talking to him, actually. But, uh, we cant let this happen. We were way up on Biden, 21 points up on Biden after the debate, and, uh, they had a coup. They told him, youre not going to run. And hes not a happy man. Hes pretending hes happy. But they took him out. He had 14 million votes. She had no votes. She was the first one that got broken in, uh, the primaries. She never made it to Iowa. She was the first one out, and now she's running. The whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense. She had many people did much better. They had 22 people running, and she was the first one out. She went in and she went out because people didn't like her. She wasn't good. And now she's the one that's representing the party, uh, and the press gives her a free pass. And that's a little ridiculous, isn't it? Huh? Uh, but, um, also never happened, uh, where we spent over $100 million on fighting Joe Biden, and then all of a sudden, we're fighting somebody else. That's like a fight. The fighter is doing badly, and you say, okay, let's take them out and give somebody else a chance to win in the middle of the fight. So Kamala's plan is projected to raise the typical family's taxes by $2,600. And the tax queen, you know, they called her the tax queen in California because she always had. She liked taxes. I've never seen anyone win a race where they raise taxes all the time, but she liked taxes. This is a unique. This is definitely a unique election. Anyway, the tax queen also wants the largest small business tax hike in history and a 33% tax hike on american small businesses, which will send consumer prices skyrocketing. You think they're bad now? If Kamala gets four more years, she will crush family budgets with crippling energy costs, thanks to her green new scam. The green new scam is one of the greatest, uh, most difficult things to be watching. The real number they want is $93 trillion. They want buildings taken down and new buildings built without windows because it's more efficient. Let's do that. Let's just tell people, you have a beautiful apartment, but you don't have any windows. It's one of the great scams. But, you know, the amazing thing is that nobody talks about it anymore. They're not talking about the Green New deal anymore. They're not talking about environmental anymore. They're not talking about the oceans will rise by one 16th of an inch over the next 400 years. They don't talk about it anymore. Something's happened. I don't know what it is. I think it's. Maybe it's not selling too well anymore. They call it now climate change because global warming wasn't working, because the planet's actually gotten a little bit cooler recently. But climate change covers everything. It can rain, it can be dry, it can be hot, it can be cold. Climate change, everything is. Look, and, um, I believe I really am an environmentalist. I've gotten environmental awards. But I want clean, beautiful air and clean, beautiful water. It's all crystal clean water, and we want clean air. And, you know, during the last two years of my administration, we had the best on record, and we had, uh, a lot of drill, baby, drill. We had a lot of drilling, but we had the best on record. My plan will cut energy prices in half. Within twelve months. We're going to have energy prices for businesses, but in my opinion, maybe even more importantly for the average household, I said by twelve months from January 20, which is the day we go into office, I hope we have a country left, because we are. What's going on now is very dangerous. I've been talking about World War III. What's going on now between Russia, Ukraine and the Middle east blowing up all over the place? Uh, it's a very dangerous time, most dangerous time since the end of world War two, without even question. But my plan will cut energy prices in half. We're going to knock it out 50%. All this is for families and businesses and everything. And with the artificial intelligence, as you know, and shocking, but you need more energy to make that competitive with China and some others, but primarily China, they're going wild now. They're building tremendous electricity, electric capacity, as you know, but you need more electricity. They have to create tremendous amounts of electricity in order to compete, and more than we have right now for the whole country. So you have to more than double up what we have right now to be competitive. And we'll be able to do that. I'll be able to do that. They won't be able to do it. You have to make sure your environmental impact statements get approved very quickly. Otherwise you'll never be able to compete. They don't do environmental impact statements in China, to the best of my knowledge. They have one man say, uh, you can build it, and that's the end of that. That was the environmental impact statement. We have to go through sometimes years of things, but all of that's going to be rapidly expedited. It's going to save you thousands of dollars on gasoline and home heating and air conditioning and electricity. We're going to. So we're going to be down for the entire, uh, energy package. Uh, you will be down by a minimum of 50% one year after January 20. Nobody else will say that, but I can do that because we have more liquid gold under our feet than anybody, any other country, and, uh, I know how to use it. We had it going so well, and now we're buying oil from Venezuela and lots of other places that we shouldn't be buying. I call it venezuelan tar, because essentially it's tar, you know, it's. They, uh, have, uh, the places that they hone it and develop. It is right in the middle of Houston. Right in the middle of Houston. We have a refinery that only does that oil. It's the only one in the world that does that oil, because it's not oil. It's tar. And if you're an environmentalist and you like Texas, because I love Texas. We just got a pole from Texas. We're through the roof in Texas, which I love, uh, because I think it's an incredible place. But if you're an environmental person, the tar and all of the other things coming out of those chimneys in that, uh, wonderful place, the only place in the entire world that does venezuelan. I call it venezuelan tar. But there's no reason for us to be doing it because we have more oil and gas. We have more, I say liquid gold. I think it's the best expression. We have more liquid gold than Russia, Saudi Arabia, any other country in the world, and we don't even use it. And ours is pure. Perhaps worst of all, Kamala's mass migrant invasion will destroy our economy, importing tens of millions of, I mean, think of it, more illegal aliens than we've ever even thought about taking in. And for me to watch her the other night standing up at a television set saying, uh, with a news conference saying how she's going to all of a sudden get involved at the border, she was the border czar. She did a horrible job. She allowed 21 million plus people to come in. And many of them, and you've heard me say this many times, they came from prisons and jails. They came from mental m institutions and insane asylums. And they came from, uh, terrorist camps where they trained them to come into the United States. And they come into the United States many, many terrorists. We have more terrorists come into the United States in the last three years than we have had in the last 30 years. And, uh, these are the real terrorists. These are the real ones. We have no idea who they are. They let them come in. Just open borders. Just the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Other than if you're trying to sign them up to vote, which is what they're trying to do. Uh, Kamala grants them all amnesty, and she's promised that it will obliterate. I mean, she promised them that they're going into Medicare and Social Security. And if they go into Medicare and Social Security, then she's going to kill Medicare and Social Security, and we're not going to let her do that. And I didn't let anything happen to either of them during my four years. We didn't raise the age for Social Security. They're going to end up raising it by six or seven years. If they get in with four more years of Kamala, you'll have a 1929 style depression. That's sort of the ultimate depression. 1929 was the worst. You don't get worse than that. And, uh, it took 25 years to recover. Frankly, people say, oh, we recovered with Roosevelt. No, it took 25 years to recover from it. And it was tremendous pain and suffering, and that's going to happen again. And I've been very good at predicting things. The hat says Trump was right about everything, and it wasn't even my hat. I didn't even do it. But somebody had made a lot of money. Trump was right about everything. But when I win, the next Trump economic boom begins the moment the polls close in Wisconsin on November 5. And again, Brian, uh, and Tommy and, uh, I. All of the people that have been so great here, we're seeing numbers that a lot of people have never seen, real numbers that a lot of people haven't seen, especially as Republicans. Ah, they haven't seen because they want to have our country back. They don't want to have millions of people pouring in that are criminals, that are murderers. Think of it, we had 13, and this was, these are numbers that were never announced because they never wanted to do that. They never really talked about these numbers. They've never done it in many years, but they did here. And I think somebody at, uh, whether it's border Patrol or justice, but somebody said it has to be done. It was announced just before she went to the microphone to say that she was going to do a good job at the border. And a lot of people were saying, well, why hasn't she done it in four years? Why are you doing a good job now? She's done a horrible job. Even where they tried to give it a little bit of a kick two months ago, three months ago, so they could look a little bit better for the election, they didn't say that they're flying thousands of people over and those numbers are unintended. Or the app, where they have an app that's being used by the cartel leaders, the people that making billions of dollars, the cartel leaders think of this, call the app, and they say where to drop the illegal migrants. This is done under their administration. Uh, nobody's ever seen anything like it. But they said they closed the border, but they didn't say that, uh, airplanes are flying over with hundreds of thousands of migrants, dropping them all over the place. And I'll tell you what, the people in these towns are scared. They're scared even if they haven't arrived there yet, they're scared. When you take a look at what's happening in Ohio, Springfield, where you have a town of 50,000 people. Beautiful. It's safe, uh, a great place. Idyllic, actually. And now they've, in a short period of time, dropped 32,000 people there. Uh, and some of those people are pretty tough people. And the mayor of the town, I don't know him, but he seems like a nice man. But he doesn't want to talk anything. He doesn't want to say anything bad. He wants to be politically correct. And all he says is were trying to get interpreters, because none of the people, virtually none of them speak English. So hes looking for interpreters when he should be looking for people to take them home. Because this country cannot sustain whats happening to it. We cant sustain hundreds of thousands of people coming in a month, or more importantly, in a short period of time, 21 million plus. We have no idea what it is. You have got a ways. Nobody has any idea, if you include the Gataways, what the number, we can't even really say. You know, with other countries like China, you say it's 1.4 billion. With India, you say it's 1.5 billion. That big. With us, you don't really know what the number is. You say, uh, how many do we have? Is it 320? Is it 325? Is it 350? Nobody knows. If you go to government agencies, say, how many people are in our country? They have no idea. Well, we're going to have an idea very soon. Under my leadership, real median household income rose by $7,684. And that's before the pandemic. And even after the pandemic, the annual income was up $6,400. We did a great job in the pandemic. Never got the credit we deserved, uh, but we, uh, did an amazing job. Operation Warp speed is being studied by many, many schools, both militarily and business wise. Operation Warp speed, even my greatest enemies, they say what a job that was. That was a job like no other. Nobody else has ever done. And it's ripped the world apart. Every country got ripped apart, including China. China was delayed, but it was hit harder, proportionally, probably, than almost any country. Uh, it was a, uh, terrible time. Probably $60 trillion in damage and caused by the Wuhan lab. I said that from the beginning, came out of Wuhan. And, uh, the Wuhan lab. It wasn't from bats in a cave that was 2000 miles away. It wasn't from Italy, it wasn't from France. They blamed everybody. It's really the china virus. But, uh, we did a great job with the ventilators, with, um, the masks and the gowns and everything. You know, when we got here, the cupboard, our cupboards. I used to say our cupboards were bare. We had nothing. No president put anything in for a pandemic. And I don't blame them. Who would have thought? I thought it was sort of an ancient thing. It wouldn't happen now. So it wasn't, you know, something that I ever mentioned very much. I didn't blame other presidents, but they didn't put anything into it. So we had. The cupboards were bare, and all of a sudden we heard there's something coming from China. And, uh, terrible. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We gave you the biggest tax cuts in the history of our country and the biggest regulation cuts by far in the biggest all by far in the history of our country. And, uh, rebuilt our military. But a lot of that. Not relatively speaking, maybe, but a big chunk went to Afghanistan, where they're one of the biggest sellers of military equipment now in the world. What I say is the most embarrassing moment in the history of the United States, that we took the soldiers out first. You're supposed to take the soldiers out last. A child would know that. I brought a child up to the dais once, and I gave him the fax in front of a very big, uh, crowd of maybe 10,000 people, maybe more. I gave him the facts. I said, so would you take the military out first or last? He said, I take the military out of last, sir. Uh, he was five years old. I said, how old are you? He said, five. A lot of you saw that. As president, I will deliver gigantic tax cuts for working families, and we will have no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors. And that's a very big thing, but especially the last one for our seniors, because they've been decimated. Young people have, too. They've been decimated, seniors, on their fixed incomes. Uh, but nobody's ever been hurt more. Nobody has been hurt more than seniors with respect to inflation. Inflation has just absolutely destroyed seniors. So I'm giving them no tax on Social Security benefits, and that'll make up for some of it. This was all created by Biden and Harris, although nobody knows, I say Harris, nobody knows who I'm talking about. So, Kamala. And while working Americans catch up, we're going to put a temporary cap on credit card interest rates of 10%, because those rates are going up to 22, 24, 26%. And it's not sustainable, it's not fair. So it'll be temporary, but we have to help people. Uh, they can't pay those rates. We're going to unleash american energy, drive the prices way down. We're going to stop the people from pouring into our border. We're going to have a mass deportation of criminals. We have to get the criminals out of our country. They're not going to help us. Uh, again, you had 13,000, more than 13,000, to be exact. 13,099. Uh, and, uh, these are murderers. These are murderers that have murdered, in many cases, about 30% of the cases, more than one person, and in some cases, more than five people. These are real murderers. These make our bad people look like innocent people. Uh, I know a lot of, uh, the talk from the radical left people was, well, these immigrants don't commit crime. Now, these people are, uh, among the worst in the world. They come from, from the Congo, in Africa, many people from the Congo. I don't know what that is, but they come out of jails in the Congo. You know, they're letting their jail population come into the United States. Their jails are being emptied into the United States. Their gang members are being taken out of Caracas, Venezuela, and lots of other places, which was a rough city. Rough, very dangerous city. And they're being delivered into the United States. They're gang members. And these are tough gang members. You see whats happening in Aurora, in Colorado. The mayor is petrified. He doesnti mean hes petrified, but the governor is a, uh, mess. He doesnt know what the hell. Hes a Democrat, liberal. And, uh, theyre taking over real estate, lots of real estate. The governor doesnt know what to do. And, you know, they want to be politically correct. They dont want to say anything. Theyre so afraid of saying anything and offending anybody. They have to go in. They have to get them out. But, uh, uh, when you look at what's happened in Aurora, in Colorado, it's incredible. And Springfield is unbelievable. Again, a beautiful community. And now, almost immediately, 32,000 more people. And, uh, these are people that have had a rough life, too. They're tough. Some of them are real tough, but they've had a rough life. It's not sustainable. It's not sustainable. People in Springfield are moving out. They have to move out. They can't, they're not going to be able to live there. I'm going to appoint Elon Musk, who's a, ah, fantastic guy, to lead a government efficiency commission tasked with saving trillions of dollars in fraud, waste and abuse and driving down inflation and driving down costs. We have tremendous fat. Tremendous fat. I mean, just one example. When I came in, uh, I was asked by Boeing to sign a contract with, for the purchase of a new air force one. And, uh, which is actually two planes. A lot of people don't know. And in a way, it's four planes, because it's sort of air force one becomes the plane that the president uses. And I was asked to do it, and I was able to cut one point five, one point six billion dollars off the deal without any changes, except I was giving it a better looking paint job. And we ordered new ones, you know, because we have air, uh, force one is 32 years old, two planes, 32 years old. And you'd come and you'd land it next to some of these planes from Saudi Arabia and a, uh, lot of other places. United Arab Emirates is a beauty. But, uh, you'd land the plane and the plane looked awfully shabby. It was time, 32 years old. So I got, uh, new ones, but I came in and they asked me to sign a 5.6 or $5.7 billion contract. Now, they have very special planes because it's like people hear billions for airplanes, but they're very special. I can't even tell you why, but I can't tell you that I'm not supposed to. But, uh, they are very expensive, but incredible planes from Boeing. And I said, I'm not going to sign it. And Boeing came back and they cut $400 million off just by my saying that. And I said, nope, it's too high. It has to have a three in the front of it. It has to have a three because this was a five, right? 5.65.7 billion. I said, nope, it's too high. And, uh, they called back a week later and they took another $250 million off. Um, so I got 650 million with, like, about two minutes of conversation. I said, no, I'm not doing it. Has to have a three. And this went on for about a month, and I sort of forgot about it. I said, look, forget it. Well, let's not do it. And lo, uh, and behold, about four months later, I get a call from Dennis. This was prior to the, uh, horrible accidents, the two accidents that really hurt Boeing. I mean, it was the greatest company in the world. I think it was thought of as the greatest company in the world. And now it's, uh, nothing. Consider that they went down a long way. But this was when it was primetime Boeing prime time at the beginning of my term, and they said, ah, here's the story, sir. We thought we had a deal at $5.7 billion. We'll do it for 3,999,000,999 and penny less than I said, you had a deal. So I saved about 1,000,000,006. Same exact plane, nothing different. It's not like, oh, gee, we have cheaper engines or we have no generation system or the wings are smaller or lots of things that you can do to cheapen it up. No, the exact same plane, except we had a much better paint job, and, uh, we saved $1.6 billion. And it took me, like, three months. And actually, the last part was the most effective because I gave up on him. And, uh, he called up out of the blue, in fact, when he called, I said, the head of Boeing, what the hell does he want? That's always the best way to negotiate when it doesn't matter to you so much, right? I said, what does he want? And then he said, you know the plane that we've been talking about a few months ago? Yeah. Tell me about it. That's when he made the best offer. So we saved a billion six or a billion seven. I said, so you were going to make a billion seven to build an airplane? That was the way I looked at it. And we have so much. Elon Musk is a master of that, and he's so into it because he loves the country so much. He endorsed me with the warmest endorsement. He thinks it's very important that I win because we're going to save our country if these people win, we're not going to have a country. Uh, we're going to have Elon do it, and he'll be able to save, I think, trillions of dollars. I really do. I think trillions of dollars. And nobody in the country will feel a thing, except we'll save our country and we'll then start paying down debt. But we have deficits. I think we're going to have a $2 trillion deficit with Biden this year, or Kamala. Uh, $2 trillion. It's not sustainable. You can't do that. And China's gotten totally out of control. Uh, the deficit with China is incredible. The deficit with the European Union is massive, like $320 billion. And, you know, we have a new one now, Mexico, because Mexico is starting to get a little rambunctious with the car business. And, uh, for those people in United Auto workers, the head of the union is incompetent. The deal he made and allowing the United States to go to, uh, all electric is insane because people don't want to buy all electric. I think electric cars are great, but, you know, it's a market. A little percentage, probably 10%. I don't know, some percentage. I think they're great, but they don't go far. They're made in China, and they're very expensive, and not everybody can have them. They want everybody to have an electric car. It won't work. We don't have enough electricity right now to take care of our homes and our buildings in California. Uh, Gavin Newscomb has a situation that's unbelievable. He's having blackouts and brownouts every week, and now we're supposed to, on top of it, feed cars, all of this electricity so it doesn't make. So I'll be terminating that on day one. And again, we're all for electric cars. I think it's great. I think Tesla, Elon makes great cars. And, you know, somebody said, did he ever speak to you about it? Because, you know, the way I've been saying this for two years, it's a, uh, tribute to him. He never mentioned it to me once. It's pretty amazing. He didn't say, well, listen, you got to lay off, because I'm a big fan of electric cars, but not for everyone. You have to have gasoline powered cars, and hybrids are great. And, uh, some new ones are coming on the market. We have hydrogen. Uh, hydrogen is a hot one right now, but it is a little problem. It tends to blow up on occasion. And if it does blow up, you are unrecognizable. Uh, they will never be able to see who you were. Maybe a blood sample, but it's a bad blow up. I would say that's a serious problem. So I don't expect to be buying a hydrogen car for myself. Uh, but, uh, a lot of great things are, are in the marketplace because we're here in Wisconsin with the great governor Thompson. He's a great man. He's a great politician. One of the most popular, I think, the most popular politician in the history of the state. Um, and it's an honor that he even does this. I mean, he just feels it's, he's a little like Elon in that sense. He feels it's so important. But one of the founding fathers of school choice, I didn't even know that until a couple of days ago. But he's a big school choice. A lot of people are. I got lots of calls. I got lots of calls. Uh, I even got a call from Rupert Murdoch, who I have a lot of respect for. And he said, school choice. School choice. You have to go with school choice. That was just today. I said, I didn't know he was so into school choice, but he feels very strongly about it, and he's a good man, too. I also want to talk about another way that we can help the american family supporting school choice for every child. And, you know, you have to do the school choice thing, because right now we are just about at the bottom of every list, and yet we're number one on every list of cost, per pupil, cost, uh, per student. We're number one. And if you look at a list of the top 40, uh, nations, we are at the bottom of the list. We're number 40, number 39 all the time, often led by Norway and Denmark and Sweden and China is in the top five, usually pretty amazing with 1.4 billion people, pretty amazing. But China is in the top five, and we're number 40, number 39. And one of the things we'll be doing is moving education back into the, uh, states. And if you think about it like a state like this, I think, would do fantastically well with education. Uh, I think that a state like Iowa and Idaho and, uh, Indiana, I think you'd end up. I was looking at him the other night, looking at him just from common sense, you know, with a party of common sense. And then I said, more than anything else, now with a party of common sense, because that's more important than anything else. We don't want men in women's sports. We want to have strong borders, and we want to have fair elections, not rigged elections. And, uh, we have a lot of problems in this country. But if you take a look at all of it, uh, everything that we're doing, every single thing that we're doing is based on structure and common sense. I was looking at the various states, and I think 35 states could be the equivalent of Norway and Denmark, if you think about it. They'd run great. I mean, I think Iowa would do great. I think, uh, Idaho would do great. I mean, these are states that have no debt, they have low taxes, they've done great. And then you have the same, you know, you have. A guy like Gavin wouldn't do very well, I don't think, with it. He signed it. He signed a thing yesterday. Somebody told me I haven't, it's not confirmed, but he signed a document yesterday that said you're not allowed to ask a voter for id identification. And if you do, it's like a crime. Why would anybody do that? In other words, this was signed yesterday or the day before by Gavin Newscomb, a failed governor. And it said if you ask anybody whether or not anything having to do with their identification now, for everything else, you're allowed to have a card. But for voting, which is our most important act, it's considered virtually a crime. So you're not allowed to ask for identification. Now, there's only one reason that's done. That's because they want to cheat on elections. When you have something like that, where there will be no asking, it's not a question of having voter id, it's a question you're not even allowed to ask. And if you ask, it's a crime. Uh, that's only because of the fact that they want to cheat on elections. And we can be nice and we can be politically incorrect, but the only thing they're going to do there is cheat on elections. And, uh, we just can't let this happen. The city of Milwaukee is the home of first and oldest choice program you have. The school choice program in Milwaukee is the oldest in the whole nation. In Milwaukee, which has been run by Democrats for over half a century, it's incredible. Families are faced with one of the worst public school systems in the entire country, considered pretty much the worst. But there are some others that are right there with you. I guarantee you that only 16% of Milwaukee public school students are reading at grade level, and only 10% can do math at grade level. So you're talking about 16%, and 10% can basically read or do math. School choice gives Milwaukee children a lifeline to a better education. 8th grade students in Milwaukee and in Milwaukee schools choice programs are more than twice as likely to be proficient or advanced in math, and that's good. But, you know, when you say we're going to double up from 16% or double up from 10%, it's not really great, is it? And outsourced, uh, we're going to outsource and outscore other public school districts. So they want to compete against startup by competing against certain public school districts. And I guess that's a good place to start. But, um, they got to straighten out the schools in this country. Schools are really bad, and, uh, we're going to be. I think we're going to be able to do that. I think we're going to be able to do a lot of it. But if they're run by the state and run by, like, the parents, because in Washington, you know, half of the buildings, such a large number, every building you pass in Washington says Department of Education, you would have, you're going to have a lot of uh, like vacant space. Now we can have somebody else maybe move in. But these schools, these, it's massive. It's massive. I figure we'll have like one person plus a secretary. You'll have a secretary to secretary. We'll have one person plus a secretary. And all the person has to do is, are you teaching English? Are you teaching arithmetic? What are you doing reading, writing and arithmetic? And, uh, are you not teaching woke? Not teaching woke is a very big factor. But we'll have a very small staff. We can occupy that staff right in this room. Actually, I think this room is too large. And all they're going to do is they're going to see that the basics are taken care of. We don't want to have somebody get crazy and uh, start teaching a language that we don't want them to teach. But uh, we'll do something with education. I think, uh, when we move it into the local districts. But the big thing is we're going to, uh, take it all out of Washington. We're going to send it all back to the states. We're going to spend less than half and we're going to have much better education. But in many states you will be the equivalent, I mean you have states that are incredible. And uh, in many states you'll be the equivalent of a top, uh, three top four school, like a Norway or a, uh, Sweden is very strongly thought of too, although lately theyve had some problems. You know all about that. Uh, if you want a better education for your child, Kamala Harris stands in your way. Kamala and the radical Left Democrat party want to keep black and hispanic children trapped in family government. I mean, I think thats really the reason its all Democrat were talking about. You know, of the top 25 dangerous cities, virtually every single one of them is a Democrat run city. And I think there'll be a lot of changes made. I really do. I just can't believe people can continue to go for this. But by contrast, I believe that school choice is the civil rights issue of our time. A child's fate should be the, and should be determined by their, you have to, it has to be determined by their love of education, by their parents, by so many factors, but it can't be determined by a zip code. And no parent should be forced to send their child to a failing government run school. I mean, in all fairness, they get into these schools, they're so bad. You don't give them a chance. We spend more money on education than any other country in the world. And I said before, much more money per pupil. We're number one on every list. And yet our public schools get worse and the results get worse. And it goes just so horrible to see. Think of it. They graduate from public school and they can't read, they can't write. This is people that actually literally graduate, can barely read or write. Wisconsin private schools receive nearly 3000 less per student per year through the school choice programs and public schools. Yet they achieve far better outcomes. Great job they've done actually. Even as they fail to educate our youth, our opponents are using government schools to indoctrinate children, pushing radical transgender ideology on children and changing the child's gender without even parental consent. Can you imagine that your child leaves for school and comes home and their gender has been changed. I don't want to get into the details, but it's not even believable without parental consent. All of that's changing. It's changing immediately. Uh, one of the things I wanted to mention, with all of the people coming in, they're taking black and hispanic jobs. The black population, their unemployment is way up over the last few months and the fake news isn't reporting it. And the reason they're way up is the illegal migrants are taking the black population's jobs and the hispanic population's jobs. And thats not fair. Thats not a good thing. But thats whats happening. They come in and many of these people, again, and many of them arent, many of them are criminals. Many of them are people that have murdered people we just dont know about. We know nothing about these people because they came in, they didnt have to report, they didnt have to give a piece of paper. I had remain in Mexico very strong. The president of Mexico approved it. I said, look, youre going to have to approve it. He said, I wont approve that. Why would I approve that? Am I stupid? I said, no, you're not stupid. You're very smart. That's our problem. You're too smart. He said, but you're going to approve it. And he said why would I do that? I said, because if you don't, I'm going to put 100% tariffs in your cars coming in and we're going to make a fortune. He said, like you said, I will approve. It took me about two minutes, but that is one more reason why I'll fight for the right of every parent to send their child to a public private charter or a religious school. Of their choice. We have to be able to have school choice. School choice is very important, and the Democrats are very much opposed to it, as you know. And I have great faith in teachers. You know, I don't care if they're union or non union. I have great respect for teachers. They're very. I've had some teachers that were so good, had a lot to do with, uh, my life. Now, some people would say they did a really bad job with him, and that's possible. That's possible, but no, they had a lot to do with me. I will tell you, I have great, great respect for teachers at a level that few people would understand. We want federal education dollars to follow the student rather than propping up a bloated and radical bureaucracy in Washington, DC, which is what we're doing now. Ultimately, we want to close the federal Department of Education, and we're going to do that and we're going to move it all back into our states. As I said, some states are going to be unbelievable and some states are not going to do a good job. The ones that aren't going to do a good job are the ones that aren't doing a good job now and everything else. We're joined today by two beneficiaries of school choice here in Wisconsin, sisters Michaela and Leah Lawrence. Where may you look at? You both attended St. Marcus Lutheran School, a high performing k through eight private school. And, uh, it's a choice school in the inner city, Milwaukee. And I love Milwaukee. We had such a great convention here. They treated us so well. I also like the result. If I didn't get the right result, I probably wouldn't like Milwaukee. I got a great result, but it was beautiful. The building was beautiful. We're going to come here, I believe my people are working. We're going to come here in the same arena. The arena was great. And we're also going to go to green bay. We're going to be announcing it pretty soon. Green bay, for a big, big one. We're going to have two big ones, very big ones, maybe a third, uh, of a little bit more of this nature, but we're going to do, uh, your main, your basketball arena. We're all sort of set, and we're going to do green bay. We'll do it the day before the game as opposed to the day of the game, but michaela graduated with honors from high school in May and is going to school for dental hygiene. And lee is now a senior in high school, uh, a wrestler. Wow. At wisconsin lutheran who went to the state finals twice. Wow. And is currently scouting engineering schools across the country. She's looking at a really great engineering school. So, leah and michaela, if you could come up, I'd love you to say a few words, please. Thank you. Who's the wrestler here? Tom? I'm not going to mess with her. Please. Michaela and Leah [00:46:10] All right, well, my name is Michaela Lawrence. Um, as you already know, um, just first want to come up here, um, and thank everyone for the opportunity for me speaking, um, on behalf of my family. I thank, um, my dad, um, specifically for, um, putting me and my sister in choice schools and having the opportunity, um, to learn, um, personally, um, going to the high school, I went to luther preparatory, um, really learned about Christ like behavior and, um, how to show that in the outside world. And a person like me going to college now, you get to the outside world, and it's like, wow, a lot of these people really need Jesus. Um, but I'm thankful for that opportunity. I'm thankful, um, for President Donald Trump, too, uh, someone who supports that opportunity that I got, um, from grade school, um, to high school, uh, learning about Christ and having the choice to really have an opportunity to get a good education and have a relationship, a close relationship with all my friends and teachers. So thank you. Donald Trump [00:47:15] Thank you. Michaela and Leah [00:47:16] Thank you. Um, and my name is Leah. I'm the wrestler, uh, by the way. And I'm so grateful again, um, for getting the opportunity to come out here and speak, um, on behalf of school choice. This, uh, is an amazing program. I'm so thankful that Mister M, President Trump, he is m helping out with this program. He's doing so much for education, and education in Milwaukee, especially, is in dire need, um, especially right now. So I do want to personally thank, um, Mister Trump for helping us with this. Thank you. Donald Trump [00:48:04] That's pretty good. She's got a good record, you said, what's your record in wrestling? Thank you both. Beautiful job. Thank you. How nice is that, huh? Very proud of you both. It's amazing. So thank you. And also with us is Tukara Bell, a mom of three whose family has been uplifted by school choice. And so, Takara, could you come up and say a few words, please? Come on up. It's very exciting. Michaela and Leah [00:48:42] Um, thank you all for this opportunity. Um, I really appreciate it. Um, I am a mom of three. We benefit from the school choice program. This is my daughter, Cynthia Dunlap. Um, and school choice, it gives us an opportunity to, uh, send my children to a school that aligns with my morals and my values, and while also giving my children a personalized educational experience, um, I greatly appreciate it. And they would not have these opportunities if it was not for student choice. Cindy, would you like to say something? Hi, I'm Cynthia. Um, school choice has given me so many opportunities that any other school could ever give me. I am so thankful for school choice. And, um, I also have a gift for you. Donald Trump [00:49:27] Presidential. Michaela and Leah [00:49:30] On behalf of Trinity, thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:49:34] I'm going to wear it tonight. Thank you, dad. Don't take it from me. I want to keep. So, uh, again, universal school tour is very important. We're backing it all the way, 100%. And, uh, I want to thank everybody for being here. Uh, there's a lot of media here, so if you'd like to ask a couple of questions, I think we'll do that. So, uh, go ahead, please. Brian. Yes. Thank you. Under your administration, I wanted to get your comments on what's going on right now in Israel. Brian, I think it's the most dangerous time we've had, certainly since the end of the second world war. I think you could end up being a world war. You have two hotspots, and youll probably have a third, maybe with Taiwan, but you have, uh, Ukraine and Russia, and thats going. Thats out of control. I met with President Zelensky, and I got along very well with President Putin. I think I can get it solved. Uh, but we should get on and immediately. I think I would like to be able to solve it while president elect, if I get elected, im going to work on that immediately. Its going to be my first two phone calls, and, uh, my second is going to be, uh, were going to close the border immediately and have people come into our country, but legally. And my third will be drill, baby, drill. You know, its, like, not too complicated. But, uh, those, uh, that call, that series of calls, I think is going to be very important, that war. Uh, millions of people are being killed. I dont think people recognize how many people are being killed. I dont think its being properly reported. It's a horrible, horrible war. And then you see what's happening even today, you know, where is that going to stop? And, uh, you have to give Israel a lot of credit for being able to protect itself. You look at these forces, they shot down almost 200 rockets today. But this is not the way anybody, uh, should have to live. So we're going to, uh, obviously be very involved in the Middle east. This would have never happened. We did the Abraham Accords. I think everybody, including Iran, would have been in the Abraham Accords, had I taken over as president, uh, I believe, I think even Iran would have been in the Abraham Accords. Ultimately. It would have been great for everybody. And you would have had peace in the Middle east. Uh, we got four countries solved and very respected countries. As you know, they were signed up. And then, uh, when Biden took over, they havent signed one country. I would have had, every country in the Middle east would have, uh, been signed up. The only question would be Iran. And I think they would have, you know, for certain reasons, I think they probably would have been there, too. It would have been peace in the Middle east and said, this is just tearing it apart. This has really been, uh, this has really been bad. But, uh, they have to finish that process. However it turns out, they have to finish the process, uh, a little bit, like, uh, two kids fighting in a schoolyard. Sometimes you have to just sort of let it go a little bit and, uh, well see what happens. But, uh, it's really caused by a lack of respect for the United States of America. This would have never happened. Israel would have never happened. October 7, never would have happened. Russia never would have invaded Ukraine. And for four years, they didn't. They would have never invaded. We wouldn't have had inflation. We wouldn't have had a, not the withdrawal, because we were withdrawing. We're the ones that got it ready to withdraw, but we wouldn't have had that, uh, horrible, most embarrassing day in the history of our country. And a lot of other good things would have happened. And right now, we have a world in chaos. Uh, I always quote Victor Orban because he's a very respected tough guy. They say he's a tough guy. Well, I guess they're all sort of tough guys. But Victor Orban said, if Trump comes back, you won't have any wars. You won't have any wars. And he's about as tough as they get. And he said it loud and clear, and he said, why? But you won't have any wars. So I just want to see, uh, uh, look, there's no huge benefit. I think Europe has to pay up more because it's very unequal and they have to pay up more for that. And they have to do it now because we're, you know, we have an ocean in between much more important to Europe than it is to us. But we want to see that war taken care of, and we certainly want to see peace in the Middle east as soon as it's possible. All, uh, right. Thank you very much. The president, please the president Zelenskyy last week. Should President Zelenskyy be prepared to give up some of Ukraine territory in order to end the war? And the second part here is, if you were president right now, after Iran launched its more than 200 missiles towards Israel last week, you had suggested that if Iran tried to attack you, that you would blow the country to smithereens. How would you handle Iran right now? Would you use us force? No, I wouldnt be around if they did that. But lets assume im not around. The president of the United States should blow that country to smithereens because you cant do that. The president should make a statement to that effect. Uh, but as you know, I mean, you're in danger right now. You are in danger now because of them. Uh, and their challenge to me and the reason they did that is because I had them in a position where they would have made a deal. They had no money. There was no terrorism. There was no money for Hamas. There was no money for Hezbollah. You know that. I mean, that was reported when I was leaving. They said there was absolutely no terrorism in four years. We had no terrorism. And a large part of that was Iran had no money. And I wasn't looking to hurt them. I was looking to, I want them to be wonderful and great and happy, but we didn't want them to have a nuclear weapon. They can't have a nuclear weapon. Well, I don't want to say what I'd use because I don't want to give up negotiating abilities because. So I don't want to say exactly, but, uh, they understand where I stand. And we have to get back to being at least a partially civilized world. What's going on today? They sent 200 missiles over to Israel, and now people would say, well, now it's Israel's turn, right? That's what happens. It goes back and forth. It could happen for a long time. Should have never happened. It would never have happened. And, uh, again, Iran was not in a position to sponsor terror because they didn't have any money. I mean, now they have $300 billion. Biden, uh, took off all the sanctions. I had sanctions. I told China, if you buy any oil from, if you buy oil from her, and that was their biggest customer, you're not going to do any business in the United States, and we're going to put tariffs all over your products. And they said, well, we're going to pass. And they didn't buy. And I said the same thing to other countries and they didn't buy. And, uh, time went by and all of a sudden, they had no money, and they would have made a deal, and I would have made a good deal for them. I'm not looking to hurt them. I want them to be great. Let them be happy and good. But they can't have a nuclear weapon, and now they're very close to having one. And, uh, it's very dangerous for the world. Very dangerous for the world. I mean, the biggest problem today, in my opinion, biggest risk is the nuclear weapons, the weaponry. It's so powerful today. And I know because I rebuilt the United States military during my term. I rebuilt it. We had fighter jets that were 50 years old. And, uh, we have all f. We have great planes now. We have largely new. We gave a lot of it to Afghanistan. Stupidly new goggles. They have the newest goggles. They had the best goggles. They never fought at night because they couldn't see, but now they can fight at night. They have the goggles. They have the trucks that are armor plated. Think of the 70,000 trucks. 70,000 go to the biggest used car lot in America, and they probably don't have more than four or 500 cars available at any one time. We have 70,000 trucks, many of them millions of dollars each, armor plated with the finest four, five, six inch armor on these trucks. And we gave it to them, and they sell the equipment, and they're one of the largest sellers of military equipment. They're selling the equipment that we gave them. Who would do that? Who would be so stupid to do that? Who would move the military out first? Because, you know, they have american hostages. Most importantly, we lost 13 great soldiers. And of tremendous importance, we have many soldiers that lost their arms and their legs and were just obliterated because of stupid people. We should have left from Bagram, not that base. We had it all mapped out, and we had options. We had a lot of things they had to do, everything they had to do, and they weren't doing it. And we said, good deals dead. And then they did it. We would have had that. It was perfect. It was a beautiful thing. It was going to go well. And, uh, they respected me. They respected me. Remember, we didn't have one soldier killed in 18 months in Afghanistan. The Taliban. I mean, the Taliban, that's their fighter. And I spoke to Abdul, the head of the Taliban, a couple of times, but I explained to him, you can't do that. You can't do that, Abdul. And from the time I spoke to him, we didn't have one, not one fighter killed, not one american soldier killed or even shot at for 18 months. And then I, uh, left, and we had these clowns take over, and it all blew up. It was not going to blow up. It was going to be good. Uh, one of the worst things they did is give up the largest, one of the largest air bases in the world, the largest runways, most powerful runways, very, uh, deep with concrete. You could land anything on them, you know, meaning the weight. You, uh, could land any plane on a very long, I think, 18,000ft. Uh, and to give that up, and the importance of it wasn't Afghanistan. The importance of bagram, and very important was it was 1 hour away from China, where they make their nuclear weapons, right in that area, but 1 hour away from china. Forget about afghanistan. We should have never been there. We were 1 hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons, and now you know who occupies it. China. How about that? They left, so I was never going to. I was moving out. We were all set to. I'm the one that got the soldiers down to that level. We had no problem, and we were going to move out. Soldiers would have moved out less. We would have taken the equipment. We would have done everything. I had no confidence in the army, meaning in their army, the people that they were giving us, because they were loyal to the other side. I always knew that. That's why you had so many, uh, blue on brown and brown on blue. You had so many attacks where we trained them, and then we hand them a gun, and they turn the gun around, they shoot the sergeants and everybody else there, the Americans. I said, well, there's something. We never had so many attacks like that. We train them, and as soon as they get a gun, they're slaughtered. They turn it and they shoot everybody. And I said, what the hell is going on over here? And they're tough fighters, too, but they weren't, uh, uh. The reason they were even in there is because they were the highest paid soldiers in the world. When Mattis would say, sir, they are fighting for their country. Well, they weren't really fighting for their country because otherwise you wouldn't have had so many. I call them turnarounds, where they turn around and shoot you. Uh, they weren't fighting. They were fighting because they were getting so much money as a soldier. It was such a job where they were making a lot of money, but their loyalty wasn't, uh, that group. And the hate guy was a total thief. I knew that. I didn't get along with him at all. He left with bags of money on a helicopter, and there were bags of money at the end of the Runway. How stupid can Americans be? The, uh, world doesn't respect us because we're, we've made so many stupid moves. I mean, this guy left with bags of money, and I said he was no good for years. I said he was no good. I met with him a couple of times. They're fine. But, uh, that whole thing was collapsing. But they weren't loyal to us. They were loyal to themselves. Good fighters, great fighters. I will tell you, among the best they were actually among, they could take a knife. They were like Rambos. It's like putting a million rambos. Good old Sylvester Stallone as my friend, but it's like putting a million rambos. Somebody explained that to me. They're great fighters. It's like putting a rambo. Give him a knife, and that's all he needs. And by the time he finishes, he'll go down and he slits the throats. Look at what happened with Russia with them. Look at what happened. So many different, uh, wars. They fight tough, but now they have great equipment. And then the other day, it sickens you to see it. They have through their boulevard, they have this boulevard, and theyre running our equipment through the boulevard. The defeated Americans. We should have left from Bagram, because Bagram is a massive base with hundreds of miles of, you know, surrounding area with nothing there and fencing. And you would have had nobody killed. Instead, a lot of people got killed. We had the 13, but you had hundreds of people who were killed. People, civilians were killed at the same time. So it's a shame. Again, common sense. We have to use common sense. They should have never left. That's like an inner city airport, and it was packed. You couldn't even move. And then the bomb went off and just was, uh, so destructive and so sad, because I got to know the parents of, uh, the 13 soldiers, most of them, and they're incredible people. They were treated very unfairly. Um, Biden never called them. Kamala never called them. And then on top of it all, in the debate, she said, we don't. We have no soldiers fighting at all. We have no soldiers. We have soldiers fighting. They were very inside. She had no idea. She has no idea what she's doing. And it's very sad, Zelenskyy, to be prepared to cede some of Ukraine territory. I didn't say anything because I think it's too soon. I listened, but, uh, I think a deal is there to be had. Absolutely. That's what I do. What I do is I make deals. Do you think that that sort of deal will happen? I think that he will make a deal. And I think, look, it would have been a lot better before because the cities now are all blown up. I mean, they're all blown up, except for Kiev. You have. The cities are those beautiful golden towers. They're ancient gold. They were all laying on their side, smashed smithereens, right? Ah, the cities are. Many of them are just gone. It would have been so great. It would have been so great. Number one, it wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have had to make a deal. Putin never would have gone. I talked to him. It was the apple of his eye. I talked to him a lot about Ukraine. I mean, it was the apple of his eye. You know, he said, this used to be a part of the Soviethe Union. It used to be a part of Russia. But, uh, uh, he had a whole history going. It was something. He would have never done it. He would have never done it with me there. I mean, I can't speak for the future. Probably would have done it eventually. He would have done it because he wanted it, but this was something that was very important to him, but he would have never done it. And, you know, honestly, he never did do it. And there was never even a threat of him doing it. But I'll get something done. I know both of them. I know both of them very well. You talked about what? Early voting in Dane county today. Nearly half a million Wisconsin voters have received their ballots already. Now they're returning them in the mail ballot drop boxes for you to win. I'm curious what you tell voters who are skeptical of that process after they've heard you talk about things like fraud or one day voting. Well, I think people are going to watch the process a lot closer. Last time we had Covid, people couldn't even get out. You had no security in rooms. Uh, people were afraid to go. Even security people. You couldn't get security. It was a terrible thing that happened last time. If that didn't happen, we'd have a much different country today. You'd have a much different world today. But last time we had Covid, and to be honest, I mean, you take a look, uh, take a look at the security. The security was non existent. No security guard wanted to go out because they didn't want to catch COVID Big strong guy. And we said, oh, you'll be great. And then he says, I'm not going out. I don't want to die. And, uh, it was a very sad thing. They did a lot of bad things, including not getting legislative approval for some of the things they did. But I think that, uh, people are watching this time. We have lots of lawyers watching, and we're doing it early rather than late. Not going to do it after we're doing early. That's why you see the lawsuits filed. And we're going to try and say, uh, too big to rig. You know, we use the expression, uh, as you get a lot like, uh, Tommy Thompson was telling me he's never seen such enthusiasm in this state. In Wisconsin, a lot of people have told me that, but they've told me that in other states, too. And typically, I poll, you know, we're leading. You saw the polls came out today, we're leading, but typically I poll very low. And then, in other words, people, it's a little, you know, I'm not sure is the nicest. They say, look, we don't want to tell you, and then they vote for Trump, right? That's why the exit polls were so wrong on number one. They didn't want to say who they're voting for. And then the exit polls reflected that. And then at the end of the evening, I won. But, uh, all I want is a fair election. That's all. Just a fair, honest election. I hope we're going to get that. Do you trust the process this time around? Did I what? Do you trust the process this time around? I'll let you know in about 30, uh, three days. No, look, I mean, m 33 days. Yeah, go ahead, please. Blue. Thank you. Um, do you. Thank you. First of all, do you think Israel should retaliate, uh, to these missile attacks from Iran? But also, do you believe that you should have been tougher, uh, on Iran after they had launched ballistic missiles in 2020, uh, on us forces in Iraq, leaving more than 100, uh, us soldiers injured? So, first of all, injured. What does injured mean? Injured means. You mean because they had a headache, because the bombs never hit the fort. So just so you understand, uh, there was nobody ever tougher in Iraq. They had no money with me. They would have made any deal with me. I would have had a deal made with, literally, I would have had a deal made within one week after the election. They were dying to make a deal. And when you say not tough, they had no money. They had no money for Hamas. They had no money for Hezbollah. And when we hit them, they hit us and they called us and they said, we're going to shoot at your fort, but we're not going to hit it. And if you were a truthful reporter, which you're nothing, you would tell the following. None of those very accurate missiles hit our fort. They all hit outside, and there was nobody hurt other than the sound was loud. And some people said, uh, that hurt, and I accept that. Uh, but, uh, they told us that they were going to do this and that they weren't going to hurt, and they wanted us to know that because they didn't want us to retaliate. I essentially bankrupted Iran. They had no money for. And it was a big story. There was no money for Hezbollah, there was no money for Hamas, there was no terrorist, we had no terror attacks. And I think I would have ultimately gotten along with. But there was nobody ever that was tougher on Iran than I was. I took their money away and they behaved, and I will say, and I said it many times, what Biden should have done. He should have made a deal with them in that first week because they were dying. They had nothing. They were dying to do it, but they did just the opposite. They took all the sanctions off. I had the sanctions that were the toughest. It's like a lot of people say with Russia. Well, I was the one that ended the Nord stream two pipeline. You know that. I think you admit that I ended it. And then when Biden came in, he approved it. That was the biggest thing ever that Russia's ever done, was the biggest pipeline just about in the world, going to Germany and various places in Europe, and I ended it. And, uh, there was nobody tougher on Russia than I was. But, uh, with Iran, it's a very sad situation, but, uh, we could have made a deal with Iran and all of this would have never happened. And the reason was I was the toughest by far. Nobody was ever tough running around Iran, but they did. They called us and they told us we have to retaliate only in the sense that. And they. I think people know this, we have to retaliate, but we're not going to hit anybody. Just keep your people inside the military base. That's what happened. The rockets hit in all areas. And of the 18 rockets that were launched, six of them, uh, self destructed. Twelve of them. Approximately twelve of them arrived. And when they arrived, very accurate rockets, missiles. And when they arrived, they missed the fort, but they had to do that. And, uh, I thought it was a very nice thing because they didn't want us to retaliate again. But I was the one that started that. Okay. Michaela and Leah [01:10:24] Uh. Donald Trump [01:10:30] Yeah, that's a big deal. Look, Americans are already struggling with inflation under Kamala Harris. How does this supply chain issue going to build up and once again be another disaster, disastrous economic episode, uh, under Kamala Harris. It's massive. It's massive. Those workers are very important to the lifeblood of our country, and it's a massive thing. But don't forget, they've been hurt very badly with inflation. You know, those workers, uh, some people would be upset with them and some people not. But those workers were very badly hit with inflation and, you know, they're not happy and they do a good job. And, uh, they also don't want to see, uh, certain new technologies, which in many cases don't work very well. I mean, you know, when they modernize ports, a lot of times it doesn't work. There's nobody to talk to. It's very inaccurate. I've heard a lot of complaints about these modernized, uh, stations, a lot of very big complaints. But those are really hard workers. I, uh, know some of them, and, uh, no, thats going to be a tremendous, thats a tremendous hit. Theres another one. Biden shouldnt have let, uh, that happen, not that he should have ended it. He should have worked out a deal between them and the others. He could have worked out a deal. Thats an easy deal to work out in a sense, because you have a certain power of being the United States. A lot of these are foreign shipowners, and you have a lot of power being the US. That, uh, should have been worked out. Uh, it's a devastating event for the economy. It's also devastating for inflation because everything's going to cost a lot more because of it. I don't know how long it's going to go on, but I understand the workers. I mean, I see both sides. Uh, these workers have been devastated by inflation, and the inflation was caused by energy, stupid energy policies, and equally as much by dead head spending. And that's what they call it. They call it deadhead spending. You know why? Because stupid people do what they did, and that caused inflation. So they were badly hurt. Thank you. Go ahead. CB's saying that you have pulled out of a planned interview, uh, on 60 minutes. I'd just like you to address that report. And if you indeed are not doing the interview, explain, uh, your reasoning why. Well, uh, right now, I went to, they came to me and would like me to do an interview. But first I want to get an apology because the last time I did an interview with them, if you remember, they challenged me on the computer. Uh, they said the laptop from hell was from Russia. And I said, it wasn't from Russia, it was from Hunter. And I never got an apology. So I'm sort of waiting. I'd love to do 60 minutes. I do everything. I mean, I do you right now. Right. Um, and you're tougher than 60 minutes, frankly. Uh, the laptop from hell was from Hunter. It wasn't from. So I haven't gotten, if you remember, Leslie Stahl. We got into a little bit of an argument on the camera, talking about that and other things, and, you know, they really owed me an apology, I'll tell you. David Muir. How about David Muir? When he said that crime went down, and then the following day, they released the numbers from the justice department, that crime went up 45%. Where's my apology? They should apologize. They were wrong on everything. Uh, so I like to get an apology. So I've asked them for an apology. Let's see if they do it. I wouldn't mind doing, uh. I've done 60 minutes a lot. I did 60 minutes twice with Mike Wallace. The great Mike Wallace. He was great. His son is from a different ballpark. His son doesn't have. I said, you want to be like your father? Just don't have the talent. Uh, who else? Please go ahead. Thank you so much. Um, I wanted to ask you about Milwaukee. Obviously, you're here today in Milwaukee. You were in Dane county. What more do you need to do in the next 30 days to win over the voters in these largely democratic areas? I think we're doing well. You know, we just went to Dane and we had a great time. And, uh, the other day, we were, uh, I mean, we had 50,000 people. I think it was Saturday, Friday or Saturday, we had 50,000 people. And we had a small venue because, uh, the United States government wouldn't allow us to have enough secret service people. So we were forced into having, like, a thousand seat venue, and we have 50,000 people outside. We wanted to do a rally, an outside rally. And, uh, when we drove in, I said, boy, that's a big crowd. And I'm used to the biggest of crowds. This was a big, beautiful crowd. And, uh, Washington would not allow us to have the security that was necessary. The secret service that was necessary. And that happened a little bit with respect to today also. You saw all the people. I don't know if anybody was up there, but you saw the people. That crowd was massive. But last week, we had a crowd of 50 to 55, 60,000 people. And, uh, we had planned an outdoor rally, and it would have been amazing. And Washington, uh, would not get us. They said that we have to guard, uh, the United nations, which meant the president of North Korea, who's basically trying to kill me. So they want to guard him, but they don't want to guard me. So we're going to start having it out with them because we sort of have it. They want to use it. It's like a form of election interference. When they tell you you can't have enough people to guard yourself. I mean, a lot of people show up for what I'm doing, and that's one of the reasons we're going to win. That's like a poll, and we've never had this excitement. Tommy Thompson said it before. We never had the excitement that we have now. Uh, we've had great excitement. Look, I won it. And the second one, they say lost by 20,000 votes. So. Sure. But you know what? We did millions and more votes. Everybody knows we did millions and millions more votes. The second time got the most votes in the history for a sitting president. Sitting president. Never even came close to that. And we're doing much better. You people report, actually, you people reported it, that we're doing much better today than we did with Hillary or we did the second time. So I think we're going to have some good results here. You spent time in Dane and Milwaukee counties today. In 2020, your campaign sued to throw out the absentee ballots cast by voters in those two counties. What is your message to someone watching in Dane and Milwaukee county who feels they did nothing wrong in 2020, they might support you, but you tried to throw their vote out four years ago. I think they generally agreed with me. My voters generally agreed with me, and I think we have a really good chance of winning it. You know, they're counties that normally are republican and wouldn't win. But if you would see the crowds that we just left, if you'd see the crowds that we had on Saturday, uh, I really think that we're going to win Wisconsin. I think Wisconsin's great. And I'm doing, ah, a rally in the arena and I'm doing a rally in Green Bay, and I think we're going to win Wisconsin. I think we might win Wisconsin big. Um, we also, you know, we also have something else that doesn't get reported much, but we have an enthusiasm level that's double or triple what theirs is. The Republicans have, and usually it's the other way around, but we have an enthusiasm level that's, uh, substantially more than the Democrats. Enthusiasm. That's a big thing. Yes, please. The President Trump. President Trump. The Supreme Court term begins next week. Um, if you were to get another supreme Court picked, what positions must a judge hold for you to consider them? Honesty, integrity. Uh, we want people that are honest. Uh, we want great integrity, and we want genius. You know, Supreme Court, you have to be very smart, and, uh, we don't want to have people that are not brilliant people. And I know many of the justices, and for the most part, I think they're very brilliant people. You want brilliant people, but you want great integrity, honesty, and, you know, that's, uh, I don't think it should necessarily be along party lines. It usually tends to be that way, but I don't think it's necessary. I think the main thing is, uh, they have to be really respected. Uh, people, they have to be respected. You have to respect our supreme court. I think they get treated very unfairly. You know, you have people that go around, uh, trying to play the ref with them. And I know these people, and, uh, they're, they're really, uh, they scum. They're bad people. And they'll go after not only supreme court justices, but regular judges, and they'll hit them about, oh, they're not good, they're not smart. They're not. And actually, they're very smart. They're a lot smarter than the people doing the calling out, but they're trying to be Bobby Knight, you know, the great basketball coach who was constantly playing the ref, screaming, screaming, screaming. And he said, maybe I won't win this call, but I'll win the next one. And he was off and right. He was a big supporter of mine from Indiana. He was a big supporter of mine. And he was a great, uh, great coach. But he played the ref. Uh, they play the ref by insulting. I don't even know, is it legal to do what they do. I mean, they're so outrageous. But a lot of the judges don't stand for it, and the ones that really are respected don't stand for it. They do what's right. Are there certain issues that you would like to see the court take up? No. Uh, they have to take up whatever they want to take up. I have no preference. There's certain issues I'd love to see taken up, but they have to do what they have to do. They have that, I'm sure, very well under control. I think the supreme court has really, uh, made some very brave decisions over the last year. And I think the, I mean, I'm looking at their approval numbers and they have approval numbers for everything. But I'm looking at their approval numbers. Go up and up and up. Yeah, please go ahead. Right there. Have fun. I said JD, have fun. That's true, JD. That's right. We have, we have a big deal going on and uh, I said JD, have a lot of fun. He's a smart guy. Uh, he's been amazing. He's been a real warrior. Uh, top uh, student at Yale. He was a very brilliant guy in so many different ways. And you know, he's a very hard worker. He goes around and he's not afraid of the media. He'd stand here and he'd answer all of your questions. I have a lot of people that wouldn't do that. They don't like doing that. They get shouted at and they don't like being shouted, shouted at. But uh, JD is very much a warrior. Very much a warrior. Michaela and Leah [01:21:21] Thank you very much, mister president on oil prices. Donald Trump [01:21:26] Thank you, Iris. Ty with NTD here. Michaela and Leah [01:21:28] Um, the crude oil prices rose by. Donald Trump [01:21:30] Over 2% today after the latest iranian attacks on Israel. Are you concerned about major oil supply disruptions affecting the US? And I do think Americans are prepared for that. And also secondly, on China, you mentioned in China. Do you think China might be trying to seize this moment, to take advantage of this moment? Shred a planet attack on Taiwan and Indo Pacific theater? Thank you so much, David. Well, you never know with President Xi. Uh, I had a great relationship, as you know, with President Xi. He's a very smart guy, so I don't want to read his mind. Ah, but he's very smart and he has a way of doing things. It's uh, uh, very good for China. Uh, he's at the top of his game. Our people are not at the top of their game, so you never really know. I um, think that, uh, China's going to be a very interesting subject over the next couple of years. China's having a lot of problems right now. The economy is having some big problems. They just issued very big stimulus, but uh, it's someplace. And he's a very, I mean, people get upset when I say it, but he's a very fierce person. He really is. He's a fierce warrior. He's a fierce challenger. But I had a very good relationship with him. Okay, a couple of more. Go ahead, please. Go ahead. Behind you. Thank you. You've said two can play at that game. When talking about the Department of Justice. How would you use the DOJ if you're reelected well, I think it's terrible what they've done. They've weaponized government to an extent that nobody's ever seen before. Uh, its done in third world countries, banana republics. But I mean, like, as an example, they said, oh, the documents case. The documents case. Well, he was guilty. They basically said hes guilty, but hes incompetent. Hes allowed to be president, but hes not allowed to go to court. Was a strange ruling, but I was exonerated from my case. That was a big case. As you know, down in Florida. We had AI, dont know the judge, but a brilliant judge, totally brilliant judge. And I was exonerated and fully exonerated. And, uh, I can only say this, that, uh, you know, when I stand here and I watch, uh, the questions being asked by people that are somewhat, uh, hostile, many, uh, people that are fair. I mean, you have a lot of different talent, a lot of different talents in this room. Uh, I was just thinking to myself, I really, all I want to see is fairness. Our country needs you so badly. The media, you're like the policemen and women of the world. You're so important. You keep politicians honest. You keep politicians from doing really bad things. It's so important. And it's so important that the media be fair and really improve, because, uh, I watch how unfair it is and how one sided it is. And you need the media to really buck up in this country, because nobody's ever seen anything like it. And I can tell you, I don't want any favors. I just want fairness. I want, like, a level playing field. And if we can get the media back to a level playing field, that's going to do a lot for the good of our country, because we have to make a comeback. Our country is a failing nation. This is a failing nation. We're failing at the borders. We're failing at everything we're doing. You look at the numbers. We lost $2 trillion this year. $2 trillion. You know, people don't report that. Our country, we have a deficit of $2 trillion. It was never a deficit in the history of the world like that. And one of the reasons I'm going to bring Elon Musk into, uh, negotiate a lot of that. He's very good at it, and he's a great guy, and he loves the country. He really loves the country. It's not easy for him to do an endorsement. He endorsed me. But, Brian, I would say it's not easy for him to do an endorsement. Right. He's got a lot of different factions, a lot of different sides. But he wants to save the country. And, uh, you know, I tell you the airplane story, I could tell you 20 other stories just like it. Uh, we have to. We have to be a lot different. We have to run a lot different. We are a failing nation, but we're not going to be a failing nation for long. I predict we're going to have a. I hope we're going to have a great victory. A big victory. And then we're going to straighten out our country. We're going to seal up our borders, and we're going to let a lot of people into our country, but they're going to come in legally. We had remain in Mexico, and for some reason, he voided that immediately. And she did. I guess she did because she was in charge of the border. And I hate to see that when somebody was so bad at the border and then tries to pretend like she wasn't even involved. Uh, this was the worst border in the history of the world. Not here the history of the world. There's never been a border like that. I always say third world countries would have used sticks and stones to keep people out if that happened to them. There's never been anything like it. And the press doesn't want to report about it, and they've got to report about it. It's a big story. To me, it's the biggest story. When you allow 13,000 murderers into our country and they're free to kill. They're free to kill. These are people that are rough, tough, horrible people. It's not going to be a positive thing. When you allow thousands of terrorists from very tough countries into our country. They're here. We don't even know who they are. We know they're terrorists and we know something about some of them, but generally we don't. But we know there are thousands of terrorists let into our country. Drug dealers are in our country at levels we've never seen before. Uh, we're really, you know, we're a very sick country, but we're going to figure it out. We're going to get it fixed. I predict you have one of the biggest rallies coming up on Saturday in Butler, attendance wise. Can you give me a preview of that? And what's going through your mind going back to Butler? Butler, uh, that's right. It's going to be on Saturday. And, uh, it's going to be an amazing rally. You know, Butler has become quite a famous place. It's like a monument now. People ride through the streets of Butler looking as though it were a monument. It's very important. We lost a great person. Corey the fireman and two other people were supposedly going to die. And they ended up living because a great doctor up there, these doctors, two separate doctors, uh, one was just hit badly and the other was hit really badly. They were both. When, uh, I said, first thing I said is how many people are dead? Because, you know, we had a massive crowd as far as the eye could see. And there was no empty areas. So when bullets are fired, they're going to hit people. And these are Ar 15 bullets. They go. They were going over my head. I heard them. I didn't know you could hear bullets, but they are 4000 miles an hour or something, and they're going over my head. Um, and I was amazed that they just said three. They said, probably three dead. That was my only. And then two of the three. And I'm very happy to report the, uh, a friend of mine, some people have heard this, but he said, I'd like to make a contribution. These people live good. There's no crime there. You know, it's beautiful in many ways, but not a lot of money. And, uh, they had a great relationship, Corey and his wife was really nice. And two daughters. He, uh, was killed jumping on top of the daughters. He didn't want the daughters to be hit. And when he jumped on top, he got hit. He got hit really badly. There was a, uh, national guardsman that was seated nine seats away. And we're going to give him something for what he did. Uh, Corey was hit in the head, bleeding profusely. And this national guardsman went over to Corey, saw that he was still living and gave a mouth to mouth resuscitation. And nobody's ever seen anything like it. And it was tough. And then Corey died. But for that man to do that was amazing, actually. So, uh, you know, I'm very pleased to report. So a friend of mine, rich guy, a member of Mar a Lago, said, I'd like to, uh, make a contribution to the family of Cory the firefighter. And I said, well, that would be nice. And I said, where is it? He gives me a check. And it was for a million dollars. I gave it to Corey's wife. A million dollars. But bigger than that, we did a GoFundme and I think we picked up about $6 million. And we're giving her, I guess, about four. She'll end up with about $5 million. And she said to me, I'd rather have my husband. I understood that it was such a beautiful thing to say, but she said, I'd rather have my husband. They never saw her. A million or 5 million, you know, this a tremendous amount of money for them. Uh, and the other gentlemen are getting more than a million dollars apiece. And we went out to, uh. We went out, and that was the public. I mean, it's amazing. So we're going to be there on Saturday. It's going to be a really big event, and it's going to be something, uh, we'll celebrate the life of Corey, I think. And I want to celebrate the two gentlemen that got hit really bad. I mean, but we should celebrate their doctors. Who would think you go up into sort of the country, right? The country, and you have two doctors that took two men that were so badly wounded and they saved their lives, right? Just very talented people. There are a lot of talented people in our country, so that'll be exciting. And the question is, how am I going to start the speech? And I think I was going to say, as I was saying, because, uh, that's about where I was. I was very early. And if I didn't have that chart, which I always bring up, I rarely bring it up, but when I do, it's always at the end of the speech, and it's on my left. And here it was, the first moment of the speech, and it was on my right. Had I not made that turn, I would not be speaking to you people today. And some of you would be extremely happy about that, I suspect. But I want to thank you all. And, uh, I'm now going to Texas, going to Houston, and we have some big things there. And, uh, we're traveling, I think I'm booked every single day for 33 days. And as you probably have heard, I've worked for 17 or 18 days, wouldn't you say, in a row? And I'm working even when I'm not working. But we're doing a lot of things. We made a lot of different speeches. We're starting up the rallies again, very big, and we have more enthusiasm than we've ever had. And all we want to do is very simple. We want to make America great again. Thank you all very much. Thank you.