Donald Trump [00:00:00] Thank you very much. Wow, this is a nice place. And I'm just talking to Javier. You got thousands of people outside on the street. They want to get into your restaurant. Javier, you're gonna have to expand. You're right, you're right. And thank you very much. I wanna thank everybody for being here. We just had a very nice endorsement from RFK Junior. Bobby and I'll be talking about that. We're heading out right after this. We're going to be going to Arizona. We'll be talking about that and a lot of other things, too. But I just want to thank everybody. And I want to thank Bobby. That was very nice. That was really very nice. That's big. He's a great guy. Respected by everybody. So thank you all for this incredible welcome we're getting. And I'm going to tell Javier, the next time we do this together, he's going to give me a little light up here. Can you give me a little light so you can read this little speech? But you know what it does? It makes you speak a little bit less, so that's okay, too. But I do want to thank you all. And I want to thank Javier. This is a fantastic restaurant. And the reputation is as good as it gets. As good as it gets. And I'm going to come here next time to eat. Is that okay? I will be doing that, too. We have with us Lieutenant Governor Stavros Anthony, wherever Stavros is. Thank you very much, Stavros. That's an honor. We'll see you soon. Okay. Thank you. That's really an honor. Great guy, too. And Nevada GOP chairman Michael McDonald. Michael. And he's very happy about the no tax on tips because he was the one. He was the first one that presented after the young, beautiful waitress had suggested. I said, what do you think of it, Michael? He said, I think it's a great idea, but we've come here today to talk about the biggest promise, I think, that the restaurant workers have had in a long time. And that's no tax on tips. And in our case, we mean it. Somebody that I know just copied it. Just copied it. But, you know, that's not going to happen if you're a restaurant worker, a bartender, a hospitality worker, a caddy, a barber, a mover, driver of any kind or anyone else, you rely on a lot of tip income. Hopefully a lot. But when I win in November, hopefully we're going to win. We're going to turn our country around. We're going to make America great again. We are going to let you keep 100% of your tip income and not be harassed. And just so you understand the other side, Kamala. Have you ever heard of her? Kamala, nobody ever heard of her before. She lost in the first round. She was the first one out. And they, it's a weird thing. He got 14 million votes, and he's sitting on a beach angry as hell, and she got no votes and she's running. So you explained that to me. But the United States is home to an estimated 5.5 million workers whose livelihoods depend on tip income. And they work with their hands and their talent, their sweat and their skill, and they are really skilled people. And they're great people. They're people that have been with me always. And I'm with them. I'm doing them a big favor. Nobody ever heard of this concept before. And it's something that makes a lot of sense. As soon as I heard it, I said, let's do it. And then they copied us a couple of months later. But I don't think anybody's buying it. I don't think anybody's buying it. It's like last night, the speech. She made 26 different things that were lies. She lied. But that's okay because a lot of people lie. They'll do anything to get elected. But she lied about, you know, she's increasing taxes, I'm decreasing taxes. And she put it the other way around. Perhaps she misspoke. Perhaps. Nearly two thirds of the workers are women. And an estimated 700,000 single mothers nationwide rely on tip income to support their children. These are some of the best and hardest working people in America. And when I'm president, you are the ones I will be fighting for. And I'll be fighting for you very hard every single day. Kamala Harris is now pretending to endorse my policy. She's got a lot of other policies she suggests. She's a copycat. She's a. She's a flip flopper. You know, the flip. She's the greatest flip flopper in history. She went from. She went from communism to capitalism in about two weeks. But in fact, Kamala cast the tie breaking vote to hire 87,000 new IR's agents to go after your tip income. They're going after it in a lot of ways. So I don't know what they're doing. Now. This has happened with a lot of industries where we come out with something, they immediately fold. But you know that after the election, if something horrible, horrible happened, which is always a possibility, especially the way they cheat but if something horrible happened, you know that you'd go right back and you'd never see anything about no tax on tips. You know that under Kamala and crooked Joe Biden. Where is he? Where's Joe? What happened to Joe? He's on a beach someplace. He's angry. The IR's has imposed costly and burdensome new reporting requirements on restaurant and other employers. And these employers are great people. They're great people. They really work hard. Like Javier. They work very hard and they do an incredible job. And this is going to make their life a little bit easier because, frankly, for them, it's a lot better, too, when they have happy employees that are making a little more money and just do a better job. People like Javier are very happy. He was happy to hear about this. Every restaurant owner is happy to hear about this, but they're trying to squeeze every penny out of this tip income. The government is. And now they're not going to be able to do that. We're going to get this done very fast, too. By the way, Kamala also, she also sponsored legislation to blow up the tip system entirely, which would inflict financial calamity on food servers and bartenders in Las Vegas and all across America. You know, they have bills pending and things pending and resolutions pending and special orders pending where they're going after your tips. I don't know what they're going to do with that. Are they supposed to be dropping? I assume they're going to be dropping all that stuff, at least until after the election. They'll bring it back after the election. Kamala supports a bill to eliminate the federal tip credit, which would force restaurants to impose large service charges on diners, meaning customers will not leave tips at all. And you'll be stuck with a minimum wage or whatever you might be making. This is something that they're forcing. I will, I will never let that happen under the Trump administration. Keep your tips and restaurant workers will keep all of your hard earned money. I met this incredible young woman. She was standing behind the counter. I walked into a restaurant, whatever it may be. What was that restaurant? That chick fil a, right. Very religious owner and a great guy. And it's good, good stuff. And she saw me and she said, President Trump. And she gave me the biggest hug. She said, you saved my college. And she loved that college, right? And you love me. And I love you, too. I do, actually. I do, actually. But it was like instant chemistry, right? They didn't know I was coming. You know, we do that surprise. I guess we do that for certain reasons, like security and things. We don't want to broadcast it too much. But I walked in and we just, she grabbed me and I grabbed her, but, but I saved her college. That's the historically black colleges and universities. And, and she loved her college. She loved her college. She thought it was, I said, do you really like it? Was it good? Well, go ahead, give it a little point. I love the illustrious Park Atlanta University. Do you see? And she really did. It was great to see that as opposed to, oh, it was okay. She thought it was great. So I'll see you in a little while. Thank you, honey. Thank you very much for being here. We'll all be joined today by Nicole Williams, the mother of a six year old member of the culinary union and a bartender. Can we get the culinary union to maybe vote for Trump? Because, you know, they're great people. They always have a head of, you know, like a Democrat the head, even if the Republicans better, and a lot of the Republicans aren't better, but I'm a lot better, and I'm the one that got this thing done. And so if we could speak to the head guy, let him be nice and easy. Just relax. We're going to win. The state is looking very good. We just got a poll. We're leading by a lot, but we want to get the culinary union. How many members of the culinary union are here? Oh, you have a lot. I can tell you. You have a lot. But I think a lot of them, we had a poll done and a lot of them are voting for us, I can tell you right now. But, but people that depend on tip income for our family. So, Nicole, if I could ask you to come up and say a few words. Hi, Nicole. Thank you. Speaker B [00:09:53] Thank you. This is the honor of my life to be up here with my favorite president. And his no tax on tips policy is going to help my family. It's going to bring immediate relief to my pocketbook and my seven kids and all of you here who have children and families to take care of. This is going to be a great thing for all of us. So let's get out and vote for President Trump. Let's win Nevada for President Trump. Let's get out there, register all your friends and family, tell everybody about this policy. Donald Trump [00:10:30] Thank you. Thank you very much. Very nice. That's great. Thank you very much, Nicole. Thank you. I'll bet she does a great job, too. I'll bet you do a great job. Do you have any doubt about Nicole? I don't think so. Right? You love it, right? You love doing it. It's great. I can see it. Thank you very much. We're also have a little bit of a special announcement. Our host, Javier, began in the restaurant business as a dishwasher. Worked his way up to being a chef. Now he owns an entire family of mexican restaurants in Las Vegas. And Las Vegas here. How many? How many restaurants? How many? Five. This guy's got a lot of cash. That's fantastic. Great story. We love the hispanic people. Hispanic people love us. We just. He was just saying. He was just saying he's not a big fan of what's happening on the other side. They'll destroy our country. We'll end up in a depression like in 1929 if they get in with what they're proposing. Last month, Joe Biden stopped at one of Javier's restaurants to tout his support in the latino community. And, you know, Joe walked in. It's like. It's like, not the most. It wasn't too exciting when he walked in, Libby. He didn't know where the hell he was. What kind of a restaurant is this? Italian? Is this. He says, is this a french restaurant? Looks like a French. We have to focus on her because he's gonzo, so we'll focus on her. She's terrible. She's worse than he is, by the way. He's the worst president in the history of the United States. Jimmy Carter is very happy because he is considered to be a brilliant president by comparison. He's a very happy man. And she's considered to be the worst vice president in history. I don't know who the hell did that. If they do polls and they do studies, she's considered to be the worst vice president in history. Six weeks ago, they were laughing at her. She was a joke. And now she got. And now she got the nomination. She didn't get any votes, but she got the nomination. Explain that one. But I understand that Javier has something he would like to say about that. And so I'll ask Javi to come up and say a couple of words. Thank you. About the meeting you had with Joe. Speaker C [00:12:57] Thank you for being here. President Donald Trump, me and my family really appreciated you guys. Give us the opportunity to host this event. So important. And I was telling them earlier, before you got here, that I came when Ronald Reagan was the president. And you know what? I really miss those times. So I need you to please make America great again. Donald Trump [00:13:31] Thanks, Abby. Thank you. And we will. We will. You got a good. You got a good sample. Speaker C [00:13:42] My daughter over there. Donald Trump [00:13:44] Yes. Speaker C [00:13:45] And she agrees with you. Donald Trump [00:13:51] My daughter over there, it's a beautiful daughter. Speaker C [00:13:54] She, she really thinks that you are cuter than. Donald Trump [00:13:59] Oh, I see. She agrees on that. Well, that's a good thing to agree on. That's very nice. Thank you very much. So appreciate it. Great job you're doing. So thank you to Javier, to everybody. Under my leadership, our latino american community has prospered like, as you know, and as he knows, prospered like never before. Yeah. And, you know, we were winning. We won places. The governor of Texas called me the last election. We won every border town along the border and almost entirely hispanic. And we won all of them. We won the votes. First time they said since reconstruction. So I said, when you say reconstruction, you know, that's a little complicated word in a sense, because it means a lot of things to a lot of people. But I said that means civil war. Is that what you're referring to? That's right. Since the civil war, that's never happened. And we did it twice. We did it in 16 and we did even better in 20. We actually did much better in 20 than we did in 16. But lots of strange things happen in life. Right? But we're doing better now than either of those two. There's more spirit. I mean, you look at outside in the street how many people are out there, and I only hope they stick around. And when I leave and they, they come into your restaurant, you'll never be able to serve them. Just too many people. But you're going to see. But hispanic american household incomes hit an all time high under the Trump administration. Hispanic american unemployment rate hit the lowest it's ever hit lowest ever. Hispanic american poverty rate reached a record low, the lowest number ever. And by the way, it's now inched up very substantially. And yesterday, Javier, they did something that was terrible. It was just found out, they reported that 818,000 jobs were here that weren't. They were fake. They reported fake jobs. And they were going to announce that after November 5, the most important day in the history of our country, the election, they were going to report it after. But there was a whistleblower or somebody leaked it. There was a leaker, a friendly leaker, a Patriot leaker leaked it. And that's not a revision. You know that usually they call that a revision. Like there's, you know, 10,000 jobs. This is 818. I think it was the biggest number, certainly in memory, 818,000 fake jobs. They reported they don't exist. Total fake jobs. And this is what we're dealing with. And that's a big number. That's a big, big downward number, in other words, on their reporting. But they reported these jobs, and now they've had to revise it and take them off the books. More than 1.5 million Hispanic Americans were lifted out of poverty during my administration. And the household wealth of the median hispanic family grew by 65%. That's a lot, Javier. 65. It makes sense. Right now. It's heading south, by the way, just in case. But we'll get it back up fast. The hispanic american high school graduation rate reached an all time high. And homeownership among Hispanics also hit a record high. And for working families and small businesses like this one, this is not a small business. This is a big business. But we'll call it a small business for tax purposes. Okay? We delivered the largest tax cuts and regulation cuts in the history of our country. We achieved energy independence, and we built the greatest economy any time in the history of the world. It was the strongest economy anybody had ever seen. Under Kamala, it has been one disaster after another. Take a look at the border. You want to really see a disaster? I was there yesterday. What a disaster. After Kamala cast the tie breaking votes on the bills that caused the worst inflation in decades, the Harris price hikes have cost the typical Nevada family. And you take a look. So the Nevada family spent $32,000 more under this horrible regime of people that don't know what the hell they're doing now Kamala is promising communist price controls on food. Her plan will cause catastrophic inflation, shortages of rationing. The restaurant industry will be obliterated. And I say welcome to 1929. Do you know what 1929 was? You don't want to know. Right? You don't want to know. But that's where they're headed if they do what they're planning. Kamala is also pledging the largest tax hikes in american history. And Las Vegas hospitality industry would actually never recover from that. It's the largest tax hikes in history. And, you know, you heard her words last night. She doesn't talk about that. Do you notice they talked. I guess she mentioned the Trump name many, many times, like 19 or 21 or something. She didn't mention the border. She didn't mention inflation. She didn't mention the bad economy. She didn't mention crime. She didn't mention any of the things that she's supposed to be mentioning. But she mentioned Trump 21 times or some crazy thing. And she mentioned thank you about 50 times. Did you see the beginning. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank, thank, thank thank you. I said, what the hell is wrong with her? But then she recovered. She did much better. But. But she didn't tell anything. She didn't say anything. She talked about her family, how beautiful San Francisco was. I put out a note. I said, well, the word was is very important because what the hell happened under her? As district attorney, she destroyed San Francisco. And then as the attorney general, she ruined the state of California with her stupid policies. But she was showing her beautiful life in San Francisco, and everybody was joking. That was before she destroyed it. She's supported the idea of a 70% to 80% tax hike. I don't think the man behind me will be happy. You wouldn't mind paying 80% in taxes? What the hell? He says, whatever's good for America, right? 80% tax rate. And now she's even pushing a tax on unrealized capital gains. In other words, the appraisers are going to make a lot of money, which will soon be applied to small business owners, and you will be forced to sell your restaurant immediately, and the new owner won't do the job, and this restaurant will be closed. But we're not going to let that happen, Javier. We're going to make it bigger, better, stronger, just like the country. So this is really beyond social, because she is, she's a socialist, but she's really a marxist. A marxist is a step beyond. Remember how you said at the state of the union, we will not have socialism in America. We will never be a socialist country. I was right. We skipped over socialism. We're down to communism. Okay. I was right about it, though. I like to be right. This is. Thank you. I like that woman. Where are you? I like that she said, you're always right. But this is beyond socialism. This is the beginning of communism, and it really is. And we can't let that happen. You look at Venezuela, you look at some of these countries that we all know so well, and what happened to them can happen to us. It's just a bigger version. That's where we're headed if this group gets elected. But we'll not let Kamala and the group turn America into a communist nation. Not going to let it happen. We can't let it happen. I'll cut taxes. And what we're doing is we're cutting taxes, regulations. We're going to defeat inflation rapidly, bring prices down, and make America affordable again. It's not affordable. People can't buy, as Javier said before, they can't buy sneakers. They can't buy anything to help seniors. We will have no tax on Social Security benefits. That's a big deal. I don't know. I'm trying to figure for restaurant workers, it's. And all workers tip workers. It's no tax on tips. But the Social Security. No tax because they've driven them out of business to, these people have suffered and they've done, they've done things the right way. They've saved and saved and then the inflation destroyed them. And we're going to have no tax on Social Security benefits. And that's a big thing. And it's very important. Just as important as what I said before about the no tax on tips. Kamala wants to bring sky high California energy prices to the rest of the country. And they have just destroyed, destroyed California. First time ever more people left California than came in. They've never had that before because they have the best weather, the most beautiful land. Everything is so good. But they have a terrible governor. He doesn't know what the hell he's doing, but he's got a great line of bullshit. He's got a good line of stuff. We're doing great in California. You know, the U Haul, it's. And the trailers and stuff. They go to Texas, Florida, other states. Right? And they don't know what to do. They only go one way. They want to try and they want to try and get them. They want to try and get them back. They have a hard time bringing them back. They don't know what to do. But under the extremist net zero energy policies, the, what you call them, the extremists, the radical people, they're really hurting our country and ultimately destroying our country. The environmental extremists, we call them, Nevada electricity prices have already increased by 50%. So it's 50%. Do you see them going up there? I mean, you're, you see that they've gone up by 50% over a very short period of time. And I'll unleash american energy and we'll cut your, your prices in half. We'll get you, we'll be able to get your energy prices cut in half. And that goes for the whole nation. That's ridiculous that they've increased that much. And you see that. Well, that's terrible. I'll deliver universal school choice, letting your child go to the public, private, religious charter school of your choice, the family's choice. And there's something. School choice is a big deal. It's a big deal. Everybody wants school choice, and I'll support our police and stop the crime wave that was caused by this woman. What she's done on the border, you know, she was the border czar. She doesn't want to talk about it. She said, I'm not the border czar. For four years she's the border czar now. She's not the border czar. All of a sudden. You know why? Because people are coming in at levels that nobody's ever seen before. They're coming in by the millions, and they're coming from jails and prisons. They're slightly different, meaning they're coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. They're emptying out so many of their cities of criminals, and they're busing them into the good old USA. They're busing the worst gang members, the worst drug dealers, terrorists, and they're bringing them in and dropping them here. They're saying, if you come back, we're going to kill you. We're going to kill you if you come back, or we'll give you the death penalty, but we're going to kill you if you come back. So they're dropping their criminals here, they're emptying their jails and dumping everybody. And these are tough people, too, and they're dumping them into our country. And you take a look at the prison populations all over the world. We're not just talking about South America. All over the world, the Congo, in Africa, many people are coming out of the Congo, and they're coming from jails in the Congo. So their jails are being emptied, the mental institutions are being emptied, and they're all coming to the USA. There'll be customers very shortly of Javier's fine restaurant. What's happening is horrible. It's horrible. And they're destroying our country, and we're going to do the largest deportation in the history of America. We have no choice. We have no choice. And you see the death. You see the death and destruction they're causing. I was at the border yesterday with some people whose families were just obliterated by these horrible, horrible people that have been allowed to come in. And remember, terrorists are coming in at levels we've never seen before. Only bad things can happen. So I'll secure the border, keep radical islamic terrorists out of our country, and we will do something that's very important. I will prevent world war three. You have. World War three is on the cusp. You take a look at what's happening, Biden didn't have a clue what he did with Russia and Ukraine, what that happened. That's a war that should have never started. If I were president, zero chance that that would have happened. It would have never. And it didn't for four years. Same thing with Israel. October 7 would have never happened. And you know what else? You wouldn't have had that horror show, the most embarrassing day in our history, Afghanistan. And very importantly, you wouldn't have had inflation because inflation was caused by energy. Now it's caused by everything. And the prices are so high that people are being driven out of business, including a lot of hispanic people, a lot of black people. What's happening with the black population is they're losing their jobs to the people that are pouring across the border. The black population is being decimated. You wait until you see the real numbers that come. They're losing their jobs because Biden and Harris are allowing millions of people to come into our country and they're taking black people's jobs, african american jobs, they're taking those jobs. And a lot of those jobs are hispanic jobs, too. And the next thing that's going to be hit, I can tell, you can tell your union leaders, the unions are going to be hit really, really hard. So I just want to end by saying that November 5 is a very important day. I believe it will go down as the most important day in the history of our country. That means you have to vote. It's going to be a big vote. If we win this state, if we win Nevada, we're going to win something that's going to be very, very special. We're going to, we're going to win the whole thing. If you win a, if we win Nevada, we're going to win the whole thing. And I don't know how the hell we can lose it. I've never seen such support, the support we have. So to Javier and his family, we will win. We will win. It's nice. Thank you. Thank you very much. I like that group over there. You know, they're a little, they're a little bit, they're a little bit frisky. But I like you very much. So I just want to thank everybody here.