# Donald trump in The Faulkner Focus | October 16, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Thursday, 17 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/MwHTXGNSc2m83u9WyfYoO7JQhlx5rVLB * Words : 2,521 * Duration : 00:13:41 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-17 01:07:09 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Harris Faulkner - 23.36% * Donald Trump - 59.78% * Video - Raphael Warnock - 3.05% * Lisa - 3.41% * Linda - 7.74% * Rachel - 2.66% ---------------------------- Harris Faulkner [00:00:00] So I have to tell you, uh, I'm getting a little taste of what it's like to roll with you. So early voting, just so you know, for the state of Georgia, just began, and they're already at a quarter million people in early vote that will break a record in the state. And I cannot believe how people come for you already. Harris Faulkner [00:00:23] I don't know if you know this, but early voting is a sign that people are coming out, as you know. But it's also a sign that there might be a few people who have something to say. So I want to share with you. Senators Warnock and arsoff, mayor, uh, bottoms and Atlanta, Mayor bottoms and Amber Thurman's family have come out on a press call, and they're doing what's called a prebuttal. Harris Faulkner [00:00:46] Two hour town hall right now. Donald Trump [00:00:48] Oh, that's nice. Harris Faulkner [00:00:49] Yeah. Donald Trump [00:00:49] And I want to get better ratings, I promise. Harris Faulkner [00:00:55] I want to get your. I want to get your reaction to something, because I was a little thrown aback about how quickly this fight would start. No. By the way, Tim Walsh, the governor of Minnesota, who wants to be the next vice president, his wife is showing up where? Tomorrow here? Uh, yep. Harris Faulkner [00:01:16] She has an issue with the women's issues. Town hall. All right, so let's take a look at what senator, uh, Warnock had to say. I want to get a, for the first time, former President Trump's reaction to what's going on here in Georgia. Let's watch. Video - Raphael Warnock [00:01:32] If you. To not vote is a vote. It's a vote for Donald Trump is to send this man, uh, one step closer, uh, to the White House, which finally, let me say, will be literally dangerous for, uh, so many of the people that we know. Dangerous as we've demonstrated for women. But this man, let me remind, um, the black men who are listening to men of color, communities of color. Video - Raphael Warnock [00:01:58] He will be dangerous. Harris Faulkner [00:02:04] You are up with minority voters. Donald Trump [00:02:07] Yeah. Harris Faulkner [00:02:08] Vice President Kamala Harris is hurting right now in that category of voting bloc, and they know all women are at this town hall. This is a prebuttal from a short time ago. Your reaction? Donald Trump [00:02:19] Well, I would say this, uh, we just got the endorsement of border patrol all over. I mean, all over the country. Border patrol, virtually every sheriff's department, every police department, the fraternal order of police, four, uh, hundred thousand police, the biggest in the country. We have every. We have every single, uh. I don't think they have a policeman or a policewoman single. Donald Trump [00:02:45] And, uh, we have the border. We have the safest border in the history of our country. Now, we have the most unsafe border in the history of our country. So when you talk about, uh, safety, we had, uh, it was just announced as, you know, last week, 13,099 murderers were released into our country. Donald Trump [00:03:01] Drug, uh, dealers, drug addicts, drug. Everybody is released into our country. Uh, we've never had anything like this. We've never had a mess like this. 625,000 criminals released into our country, along with 21 million people. We have no idea who they are. And, you know, that's just a soundbite. I, uh, don't know this guy, but he got lucky as hell to win, I'll tell you that much. Donald Trump [00:03:23] But, uh, uh, it's a soundbite that they like to use. But remember this, law enforcement's with me 100%. And we have to keep our community safe, and we have to take these murderers that they've allowed to come through open borders without knowing anything about them. We have to take those people, and we have to remove them. Donald Trump [00:03:41] We have to get them out of our country. Harris Faulkner [00:03:42] Amy, we're going to get into all of it. I want, first of all, a show of hands, who voted early today? All right, sounds good. Oh, uh, and they're waving. Donald Trump [00:03:51] Who did they vote for, I wonder? Harris Faulkner [00:03:53] That was the first thing you wanted to know. Donald Trump [00:03:55] I'm glad to essay, too. Who did you vote? Harris Faulkner [00:03:57] Um, so another show of hands. How many of you actually feel good about how the economy is right now? No? Donald Trump [00:04:07] Yeah. Harris Faulkner [00:04:07] You have our first question on the economy. We will start there. Your first name, please, and tell us your hometown. Lisa [00:04:15] My name is Lisa, and I live in the city of Milton. Uh, first of all, welcome back to Georgia. President Trump. Donald Trump [00:04:23] Thank you very much. Lisa [00:04:24] Americans are concerned about the state of our economy. Democrats argue that your policies favor the wealthy, especially through tax cuts for billionaires, while the middle class continues to struggle these last three and a half years under the Biden Harris administration. Could you outline your plans to revitalize the economy again as president and policies that specifically support the middle class when reelected? Donald Trump [00:04:51] Sure. Thank you very much. Great question and sort of an easy question for me to answer because we have tremendous wealth in this country, but it's under our feet. It's called liquid gold, and we're going to bring down your energy costs. And with that, everything's going to follow. We're also going to make it possible for companies to come into our country again. Donald Trump [00:05:08] You know, we've lost so many, uh, businesses. If you're in, uh, furniture, uh, making like in North Carolina, just. They're flocking out of our country. Because we have politicians that don't know what to do. We're bringing them all back. We have a tax rate that's going to lure them, and we're going to protect them with tariffs so they can make money and so they don't get stolen. Donald Trump [00:05:27] But we're going to have record setting jobs. And just to know, I mean, the advantage I have is that I've done it. We had the greatest economy in the history of our country. We had, we had never had an economy. And remember this, we also had the safest border in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:05:41] We never had a border that safe. The famous graph that I looked at, uh, you know, my all time favorite piece of paper. I mean, even. It's my all time favorite. I love that piece of paper. But that shows you that day, the day I left office, the border was the safest it ever was in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:06:02] We had the fewest number of people. We have the least amount of drugs. Everything was, uh, human trafficking, which is now twelve times higher than it was when. And it's trafficking, I hate to say this, mostly in women. It's a vicious thing because of the Internet and because of this administration, maybe more so than the Internet, but, uh, we had the safest border. Donald Trump [00:06:24] We had the best economy, think of it, a combination of security and finance and all of the other things. And we're going to make it even better. We're going to make the border even better. But the border can't. I mean, we did things with the border that nobody could have done, including built. Donald Trump [00:06:38] We built 571 miles of wall, and that wall worked. Then I got Mexico to give us soldiers, a lot of soldiers, 28,000 soldiers, to protect us. I said, you have to protect us because you're letting all of these criminals come into our country. You have to protect us. They said, we're not going to do it. Donald Trump [00:06:56] I said, good, then I'm just going to tariff all your goods until you do it. They said, like I said, we're going to do it. And they gave us the social. So we had great protection and we had the best economy in the history of our country. Harris Faulkner [00:07:08] Okay, let's get back to the economy. According to America's health ranking organization, 70.7% of Americans aged 65 and over voted in the past presidential election. So women are the largest registered and active group of voters. Social Security is important to some women, and people over the age of 65 are a very large voting, uh, block as well. Harris Faulkner [00:07:33] You have said that you would not tax some of that Social Security money, how would that work? Donald Trump [00:07:38] We're not going to tax any of the Social Security money, the benefits that go to seniors, because what you've done, what they've done to you with inflation is a disaster. It's the economy. But in terms of really, the numbers, it's the inflation. We had the worst. They say it's in 48 years. I say ever. Donald Trump [00:07:56] We had the worst inflation in the history of our country. And the ones that really got hurt the worst are people that are on a fixed income, like our seniors. And I said, we're not going to tax social, uh, security benefits on our seniors, and we're not going to tax. Harris Faulkner [00:08:10] And we can pay for that. Donald Trump [00:08:11] And that will a little bit more than even make up to what you. I mean, you lost a fortune. You went up again. They say 21%, I think it's 50%. And all of that money, you're on a fixed income. People that were buying breakfast, they could no longer buy breakfast. They have a case. Donald Trump [00:08:28] A woman goes up to the counter with three apples, and then she says, oh, I can't afford it. She brings one apple back. That's not supposed to be our country. That's not our country. Harris Faulkner [00:08:36] All right, let's, um, move to a big campaign issue. I don't know if many people thought this would be where we are at this point, but in the election and in this country, transgender issues have become a focal point in races up and down the ballot. How many of you are worried about biological men and boys competing against women and girls in sports? Harris Faulkner [00:08:57] Just show me. That's almost the entire. That is the entire room, and I know you have a question. Donald Trump [00:09:02] I do, by the way. Excuse me. It's so crazy. Linda [00:09:05] It's so crazy. Harris Faulkner [00:09:06] Your question. Your name and your hometown. Rachel [00:09:09] My name is Linda, and I'm from Milton, Georgia. Uh, but originally Brooklyn, New York. I'd get that. My question is, how do you plan on addressing the transgender issue in women's sports? I have nine grandchildren, six of them female, all playing sports, and we are very concerned for their safety, not just on the field and the courts, but in their locker rooms as well. Donald Trump [00:09:32] Right. It's such an easy question, and everybody in the room, and you know that answer. We're not going to let it happen. You look, uh, just yesterday, they had a volleyball match. Did you see that? Harris Faulkner [00:09:43] Yeah. Donald Trump [00:09:43] Where a person that transitioned. Okay. We have to be very careful, because this can terminate your political career if you say it's slightly off. All right. But transitioned from man to female and, uh, was on a volleyball. And I saw the slam. It was a slam. I never saw a ball hit so hard, hit the girl on the head. Donald Trump [00:10:03] But other people, even in volleyball, they've been permanently. I mean, they've been really hurt badly. Women playing men. But you don't have to do the volleyball. We stop it. We stop it. We absolutely stop it. You can't have it. It's a man playing in the game. I mean, physically, from a muscular, even if it was a little bit less, maybe. Donald Trump [00:10:22] They do all sorts of tests and drugs and everything else. Look at. Look at what's happened in swimming. Look at the records that are being broken. Harris Faulkner [00:10:29] So how do you stop it? Do you go to the sports leagues? Do you go to the Olympics? Donald Trump [00:10:33] You just ban it. The president bans it. You just don't let it happen. Not a big deal. Harris Faulkner [00:10:44] You have the next question. I know. Linda [00:10:47] Hi, um, my name is Rachel ship, sde. Rachel s, uh, here from Cumming, Georgia. Um, I'm a single mom to two kids here. And just in three and a half years, my child tax credit has decreased by 80% almost. Donald Trump [00:11:03] I get what? Excuse me. Harris Faulkner [00:11:05] Her child tax credit has decreased by 80%. Linda [00:11:09] Sorry. My child tax credit has decreased by almost 80%. Daycare for the lowest amount is roughly $1,400 a month for one child here. Last year, I broke my neck. Um, I almost lost. Donald Trump [00:11:27] You have a beautiful voice, by the way. Linda [00:11:28] Thank you so much. I'm having a panic attack right now. Harris Faulkner [00:11:31] Oh, no. Like, don't panic right? With you. Linda [00:11:36] Um, but last year, I had broken my neck, and I tried applying for any kind of assistance and was denied because I did not make less than $700 a month. Um, and I'm shaking like a freaking leaf. I cannot stop. Um, so I could not afford daycare. I obviously was having to go through physical therapy and a lot of issues, and I'm still having issues to this day. Donald Trump [00:12:02] Right, I understand. Linda [00:12:03] Um, but what kind of realistic changes that do you think you can provide, single parents, married parents, any kind of parent, to just simply afford children in today's world, with the way things are. Donald Trump [00:12:15] It'S not fair, right? It is not fair. Harris Faulkner [00:12:17] No. Donald Trump [00:12:18] You never heard of Ivanka, right? Ivanka, my daughter drove me crazy on this. We had the simplest, most beautiful tax. You know, I gave you the largest tax cuts in the history of our country, okay? Larger than the Reagan cuts, larger. But my daughter, Ivanka, she said, dad, we have to do tax credits for women, you know, for the child tax credits. Donald Trump [00:12:40] She was driving me crazy. Then I did it and I got it just about done. Dad, you've got to double it up. I said Ivank uh, it was actually more complicated than the entire bill but I got it done. And what we're going to do and I'm going to make because I understand exactly what you're saying. Donald Trump [00:12:56] We're going to readjust things so that it's fair to everybody because it's really not fair to everybody. But we have a lot and we're going to, we're going up higher but we're also going to readjust because you have to make some readjustments. Its unfair to some people and were not going to have that. Donald Trump [00:13:12] But she was the one that got it started. You know, those were our credits. Those were not the Democrat credits. A lot of Republicans said rightfully dont do it because we never get credit for that. You know, were not known for that. But the truth is I wanted to put it all in the form of the tax cut. Donald Trump [00:13:26] So I got the maximum tax cut but were also bringing down the taxes for companies and for people were bringing it down to 15% and for companies only. If you make your product, build your product in the USA otherwise you don't get it. So it'll be good.