Shawn Ryan [00:00:00] Hey, everybody. Just wrapped up once again, the biggest interview of my entire life with number 45 in his own building, President Trump talk a lot about the afghan withdrawal, talk a lot about China, talk a lot about what's wrong with the country. Please like comment and subscribe. Share this with everyone you know. Much love from SRS. Enjoy the show. Mister President Trump, it's an honor to be here in Vegas, my honor to interview you. And so you need no introduction, but I'm here as a us veteran. I served in SEal teams and as a CIA contractor. And I just want to talk to you about some of the most concerning topics when it comes to the, the combat veteran population. Donald Trump [00:00:57] Good, good. Shawn Ryan [00:00:58] And so I'd like to start with some rhetoric that's been in the news lately. I don't believe it. And there's been multiple times where the media has misconstrued some of the things that you say about veterans, the latest being supposedly you calling veterans wounded veterans that have been shot or wounded suckers and losers. Donald Trump [00:01:23] Yeah. A made up story was made up by a magazine and I think it was the Atlantic, which is a radical left magazine. And as soon as I heard it, I said that's a terrible thing. And you don't get rid of it. You know, they make these things and they just use it and use it. The opposing side, they know it's false. I had 26 people that said it never happened to who would say it? Who would say it? Nobody would say it. A stupid person or a person thats mentally ill. And you know, as you know better than anybody, I rebuilt our military. We gave 86 billion, 85 billion of it away to Afghanistan. So stupidly, but far bigger than even that. I rebuilt our military. I had the best relationship with the military of any president and respect the military more than anybody. And they just made up this horrible quote. I was in this massive rainstorm, massive. And I was supposed to take helicopters to a certain place in Paris, little complicated. I don't want to be too complicated. And the helicopters weren't able to fly. There were military helicopters, our helicopters. And I looked at it, I said, not going to be able to fly. So I wanted to drive. By the time we realized we had to drive, it was very late and everybody talked me out of going and all of a sudden, and it was a mistake. I wanted to go. And somebody made up the story that I said that. And I have so many witnesses. I have one of them in this room right now. He's a witness that I never said it. Nobody would say that. And I went to one the following day in a big cemetery, but they said, I said about soldiers, I think it was World War one. Soldiers. Theyre suckers and losers and theyre in graves. Think of it. They gave their life for our country. This was in Paris. It was an american cemetery. But they said that. And this was somebody that actually, he didnt say. They made it up with a magazine. They make things up. They dont even have sources. They make things up out of thin blue like a storyteller. And I wanted you to ask me this question because I think it's a terrible, terrible thing. But they make up stories. And then one guy who's a very sort of a low life guy, he is a low life. They got one confirmation, and 26 people said it never happened. But the one confirmation was a guy that I fired, a terrible, stupid person, actually, that couldn't do the job well. And I fired him. And he sort of confirmed it. I don't know how he confirmed it, but he did. And it's a totally false story. Nobody could say, nobody would say that. And I would say this to military people. I'm the president of the United States. I say suckers and losers. They gave their life. And it's just a disgraceful story, Sean, and all I do is deny it. We have so many witnesses. And I said, you know, that's one of those questions where no matter how you answer it, you lose. Do you understand that? I do. I can sit here and talk about it for another 20 minutes. And at the end, people would say, even if they have a doubt, you've lost just a little doubt. They only need a 2% doubt. And I would think that if people heard that, I think if I heard that, maybe I'd believe it if I was in the military. You know, what do they know? They're sitting there and they heard the story put out by this real rag thats failing badly, losing a lot of money. And, you know, its interesting. I was doing a rally and I was walking past press, and some guy shouted to me, I think, from that magazine, is it true you called them suckers and losers who they said, military in the graves. I said, now thats a loser. As soon as I heard it, I said that you can't respond to it because no matter how vigorously you deny it, people, I mean, they have an expression for it. I won't use the expression, but it's a bad expression. It's when they ask you a question that no matter how you answer it, it leaves a tell tale stain. And it's a shame that they can get away with it. And we have libel laws now where you can do anything, you can sue. You can spend $25 million suing people and they laugh at you. It's a disgrace. Shouldn't be allowed. But it is allowed. Shawn Ryan [00:06:00] Since we're on a long form podcast and we're not going to take anything out of context or is there anything that you would like the veteran population to know about what you think of them? Donald Trump [00:06:09] That I love them, that I respect them, that I rebuilt our military, that I got budgets that nobody's ever gotten, that I increased their pay because of the respect I have. Now, if you take a look at whats happening with the military, its horrible. Under Biden, this woman, this woman is a, shes a communist, I guess. I mean, and I look at action, I dont look at words. Defund the police. She was the head of defund the police. Now all of a sudden she wants to, you know, deny it. She was for on the border. She was the border czar. And millions of people poured into our country. And they're from prisons and they're from jails, they're from mental institutions. And in sadness, atoms, they're all different. You know, it's like that's the mental institution on steroids, as you know. And they're from, and they're terrorists and they're, and they're jailed. They're from jails, though. In many countries recently, they came in from the Congo, in Africa. Where do you come from? I think 22 people, but many more than that. Theyre emptying their jails into our country. They say, where do you come from? The Congo. Where in the Congo jail. What did you do? They wouldnt answer. We have the toughest people in the world being dropped into our country, and not from just South America. From South America, yes. Venezuela. Their crime rates down 72%. Their prison population is way down. Their mental institution population is way down. And this is true with many countries. And thats because theyre all using as a dumping ground. Theyre dumping their prisoners, theyre dumping their gang members, Ms 13. Theyre dumping everybody into our country. We have a totally open border. And shes a marxist. Shes really a Marxist. Her father is a marxist professor. This woman ran against, I guess, about 22 democrats. She was the first to leave the race. She left the race before she even got to Iowa, the first primary state, as you know. And a lot of people followedand Biden, which is shocking because hes terrible and terrible for the military, by the way. But hes the worst president in the history of our country, in my opinion. And yet what happened to him shouldnt happen. He got 14 million votes. He got no votes. It was a coup. It was an overthrow of a president. Theres never been anything like that. That doesnt mean hes good or hes competent, but he did win. And then they said, we dont want you. You know, we had a debate, and after the debate, he was 17 points down in polls, and they went to him and they said, youre not going to win. You cant win. And we want to get somebody else. And he didnt want to go. And he fought it. And then they said, I think they were going to pull out the 25th amendment, which is mental acuity or something. And he said, I'll go. Now they're trying to act like it was a friendly. It wasn't friendly. He's a bitter man right now, and he should be. What happened to him? You go through primaries, you win. I mean, he won against 22 people. Now, I think he got very lucky. Things happened. I understand exactly what happened, but he got lucky. But it doesn't matter. He won getting 14. Think of it. He got 14 million votes. He got none. She never made it to the first contest, which is Iowa, and now shes running. Okay. Now im not complaining because she should be easy to beat. This country is not ready for a marxist or a communist. This country is not ready for somebody that wants to defund the police. That said, there will never be fracking in our country if we dont frack. If we dont drill for oil and gas, we wont have a country because thats where the power comes from. We can talk about all sorts of things, but that's the power that powers up our plants. Shawn Ryan [00:10:06] I'd like to talk about the power grid, but I'd like to start with one of the major concerns in the veteran community is the way that the Afghanistan withdrawal happened. Donald Trump [00:10:15] Terrible. Shawn Ryan [00:10:15] We had 13 service members killed, one missing an arm and his leg, 7.1 billion in equipment left behind. Allies in Afghanistan have been abandoned, people that we fought alongside with for 20 years. We left the intelligence at our bases that depict where they live, biometrics, everything. Taliban's hunting them down, killing them, raping their wives, raping their kids. We evacuated 120,000 plus Afghans that are unvetted. We have no idea where they're at in our country. And now we're sending them $40 to $87 million a week. It's so bad that we actually, I did an interview with Ahmad Massoud. He's the leader of the afghan resistance. Donald Trump [00:11:01] Right. Shawn Ryan [00:11:02] We wanted to get in front of Congress to warn us about the oncoming threat that we're facing because we're funding the Taliban. Donald Trump [00:11:09] Yep. Shawn Ryan [00:11:10] We had made a petition. It now has almost 300,000 signatures. We got it to Representative McCaul. He's done nothing, not one thing. Why do you think Congress doesnt want to see him sued? Donald Trump [00:11:24] Well, im surprised when you say Mccauleys a good man, but I was so against that whole thing. You know, just so you know, I wanted to get out, but I wanted to get out with dignity and strength. I spoke to the head of the Taliban on numerous occasions because they were killing our soldiers. They were snipers and they were killing our soldiers during Obama and a little bit during me at the beginning, and I heard about it and I said, get the head of the Taliban. And the press went crazy when they heard. I was speaking to him on a telephone, and I told him in a pretty tough way, but nice enough, don't do it. Abdul. His name is Abdul. He's still there. He's still the head. And I said, don't do it. And he understood that. And in 18 months, not one person was killed. You know that during my time, yes, nobody would have been killed then. We had a rigged election and they took over. And it started, it started, started in a lot of places. Russia started to form along the border. Would have never happened if I was president. But with the, and by the way, October 7 would have never happened in Israel because Iran was broke. They had no money to do anything. Now they have $300 billion. They made it all in the last three and a half years. I said, anybody that buys from, I just wanted to have a deal with Iran. Very simple deal. Can't have a nuclear weapon. That's it. I want them to be happy. I want them to have great lives. I want them to have a great country. Can't have a nuclear weapon. Very simple. And I would have had that deal done within a week after the election. But the election was a disgrace to our country. Another disgrace. But with Afghanistan, you had to get out. But we were going to get out with dignity and strength. We were going to take our people out, our Americans out. We have people living there, as you said, better than anybody could say it. When you said raping the wives, raping the people, I mean, I assume that could be happening, but can you imagine? We didn't take them out. The military ran out first. It was almost like they ran. We didn't remember this. We didn't have one problem for 18 months with them. And the taliban's rough. They're good fighters. They're ancient fighters in a way, their equipment and everything else, but they're very good fighters. But we had no problems. And then when this happened and when I was out, they heard that the military was gone. And I could just imagine somebody coming back and saying, abdul, Abdul, the Americans have left. The soldiers are gone. He probably said, you fool. Dont ever tell me that, that nobody could be so stupid. But Milley was a stupid person, very stupid. You know, we have great generals, but Milley was stupid. Guys like John Kelly are one of the hes one of the dumbest people ive ever met. A bully, but a weak bully. And, you know, we just have some stupid people. Kelly wasnt so involved in that. We have some really stupid people at the top, but a little bit lower down. The non television generals are phenomenal. I beat the, you know, I took out 100% of the ISIS caliphate. You know, I took out ISIS. Shawn Ryan [00:14:47] I do. Donald Trump [00:14:47] It was supposed to take five years. I did it in three weeks. And we have great generals and we have great military. And they're not woke, Sean. You know, the people that are woke are the people, the top people. They should all get out. And ill tell you another thing. I fired a lot of people. When they dont do a good job, I fire them. I think its important. Bidens never fired anybody. Shes never fired anybody. Everybody involved in that horrible, most embarrassing day. You understand that? I think its the most embarrassing day in the history of our country. Its humiliating. I think it told Putin, hey, Im going to go in now. These guys are nothing. Thats what it did. And it gave President Xi of China the right to fly bombers all over Taiwan, you know, which hes doing. I mean, its just a question of time. Although if I get in, I think its a different story. But it gave him the right to do things that he never did with me. He never was flying. The other day, they flew 38 bombers over Taiwan. Theyre surrounded by ships, and a lot of bad things are happening there. Whoever worked on Afghanistan should be fired. The general should all be fired. That was the most incompetent thing. They left first and they left Bagram. Bagram's one of the biggest air bases in the world. You probably know it. You're a military guy and with the most powerful runways, like 9ft thick and, you know, just can handle the biggest loads of cargo and everything. But more importantly, it's 1 hour from where China makes its nuclear weapons. Right. And we gave it up. Just walked away. Just left the lights on. Walked away. They left the dogs too, by the way. You know, a lot of people say, what about the dogs? They had a lot of dogs there, the german shepherds, special dogs. They left them all. They left them all. The Taliban doesn't like dogs, by the way. Yeah, but they left the dogs. They left the lights on and they just fled. There was no reason to leave. But they did. We did want to get out, but we wanted to keep, I wanted to keep Agram. And I was set to get out. It was enough already. I was going to take all the equipment. First of all, I was going to get the Americans out. Then I would have gotten some of the people that helped us, but you don't want to go crazy with that. And then, you know, the interpreters, etcetera, because they had some good people that are probably dead now. You know, the people that got on those planes, that was like survival of the fittest. The toughest people got on the planes and those tough people were enemies of ours in many cases. And they got on those planes and many of the people got on those planes, but they didn't get inside. They were on the outside and they fell off the plane at 3000ft, which is like three times the height of the Empire State Building, they fell off the plane. Those scenes of those planes taking off way up in the air, going at 400 miles an hour and the people falling off the planes, they won't show those. The whole thing was so horrible. Shawn Ryan [00:17:39] They won't show that footage anymore. Donald Trump [00:17:41] They don't show it. They don't. Oh, you're right. I never thought of it. You're right. And they never talk about it. Do you notice? They don't talk about that. They don't talk about the border. And just to bring you up to date, today was learned that 818,000 jobs that they said were produced were not produced. They don't talk about that. Yesterday it was revealed, two days ago it was revealed that Joe Biden and the family stole $27 million. Can you imagine if Trump stole $27 million or $2? It would be, they would have stopped everything. They would have stopped the Democrat convention. They'll say, let's make it next week. Biden, it was revealed by Congress, by committees in Congress, I think three committees confirmed $27 million stolen by the family or something having to do with Biden. And you dont hear about that. I didnt see any stories about it. I saw a little piece on Fox. But outside of that, I didnt read one story about it. Can you imagine? They confirmed that $27 million the night that he made the speech, which was a very nasty speech. The hatred he had for the people that overthrew him, it was an overthrow, it was a coup. He screams, everything is, he's like screaming all the time. It's like very uncomfortable. But I understand his screaming since he's got a disorder. But Nancy Pelosi and Barack Hussein Obama and a group of people went to him. They said, we're going to, you either get out or we're going to wheel in the 25th amendment. Shawn Ryan [00:19:26] What did you think when you got. Donald Trump [00:19:27] That news that he was leaving? Shawn Ryan [00:19:30] That he was leaving. Did you know he was going to leave? Donald Trump [00:19:33] There was a lot of speculation, but I dealt with him. I mean, my primary contact with him was during the debate. And the debate was very early, if you remember, because he didn't even really have the nomination yet or, you know, so I didn't care. I gave up everything I said. They gave me a thing they really didn't want to debate. They gave me CNN, they gave me Dana bash. They gave me, who's not exactly my best friend. And they gave me what I used to call fake Tapper, but I don't call them fake anymore because I thought they were very fair. Both of them were very fair during the debate. But they gave me two people that I would never take. They gave me a network that I would never take, a cable station, CNN. They said, we'd like you will both sit down. I said, look, let's stand up. Okay. I was able. That's the only point I got. And they gave me all of these. Oh, they said there's no audience. I'd rather have an audience. But they say there's no audience. And they said, we're going to cut your mic off after your question. So they gave me everything and they thought I'd reject it. I said, I'll take it because it was the only way I could debate him. And they were surprised I took it, but they sort of had to go forward with it. And we went forward. And I wouldn't say he performed brilliantly. This was not Winston Churchill. And he was very white. You know, he wore very white makeup. I don't know what happened. I don't think his makeup artists did a great job, actually. I walked in, I said, man, is he white? But he didn't perform too well. And that's where it started with him. You know, there was no chance of that happening before that, even though I didn't think he was exactly sharp, he wasn't the brightest bulb in the ceiling, as the expression goes. Right. But that's when it started. And then he did a series of interviews to show that he's actually okay. And they were real set up interviews. George Slapadopoulos from ABC. ABC's the worst of the group, by the way. You know, they're doing the debate. They were going to do the debate. I made a deal with Fox and ABC and also NBC. He's turned down Fox. He's turned down NBC. He'll only do ABC. ABC is actually the worst of the group, believe it or not, the nastiest. If you're in my line of work, which can be a very dangerous line of work, by the way, I was telling the people at the border, they said, there are some people out there that are pretty rough on the border. And I said, I think so. But I said to him, you know, it's actually very dangerous being the president. It's actually a pretty dangerous line of work. If you think, just look at the number of people that didn't exactly make it, the proportion is very much higher than race car drivers or by 15 times. But it's, I said, it's a dangerous line of work, but you have to do it and you have to do it properly. They were saying, are you sure you want to be here? I say, I have an obligation to be here. The border is a very unsafe place, and we have to straighten out the border. The border czar. Who is this? Kamala never went to the border. She went to a border that you would take your family and have dinner there. This is the part of the border that's not the part that's the problem. But she essentially never went to the border. She was the border czar. She was the worst border czar in the history of the world. There was never a border so bad as this one. Never. Shawn Ryan [00:22:57] I'd like to go to Russia, Ukraine. Donald Trump [00:22:59] Yeah. Shawn Ryan [00:22:59] That's a major concern of a lot of Americans. We've sent over $175 billion. We've seen no progress. And so I think a lot of people want to know, when you get into office, if you get into office, will you be able to sit Zelensky and Putin down and have them negotiate a deal so that we can spend the next $175 billion on our own infrastructure? Donald Trump [00:23:24] So let me tell you, two countries should have never happened. Would have never, ever happened, and it didn't happen for four years. There was no talk about Russia going in to, and I knew Putin very well, got along with him, actually. Great. And thats a good thing, not a bad thing, by the way. People say, oh, he got along with the stupid press. They go, some of the stupid press, some of the press is not stupid at all. But they say he got along with Putin. Thats a terrible thing. He said, no, no, thats a good thing. Hes got 1800 nuclear weapons. So do we. And the biggest risk today, you know, when I hear these poor fools talking about global warming, they dont call it that anymore. Climate change, because, you know, some parts of the planet are cooling and warming. It didn't work. So they finally got it right. They call it, they just call it climate change. They used to call it global warming. You know, years ago they used to call it global cooling. In the 1920s, they thought the planet was going to freeze. Now they think the planet's going to burn up. And we're still waiting for the twelve years. You know, we're down almost to the end of the twelve year period. You understand that? Where these lunatics that know nothing, they weren't even good students at school. They didn't even study it. They predict, they said we have twelve years to live and people didn't have babies because they said we only have another. No, no. It's so crazy. But the problem is in the fact that the oceans in 500 years will raise a quarter of an inch. The problem is nuclear weapons. It's nuclear warming. The level of power of the nuclear weapon today. The, you take a look, go back many, many decades and look at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, that was so many years ago. And now you look at today and multiply that what took place there by 300 or 400 times. And that's the problem. That's the biggest risk today. Now with our country, the biggest risk is that always that, always that. But we also have some very bad people. You know, you have crazy Nancy Pelosi and all these lunatics within our government. They're lunatics. And it's a real problem. But the biggest problem we have and the world has is weaponry, weaponry of other kinds, too. Not just nuclear, but nuclear weapons are so massive and so powerful and so destructive. And these poor fools talk about global warming all the time. You know, the planet's going to get, it's going to global warm to a point where the oceans will rise an 8th of an inch in 355 years. They have no idea what's going to happen. It's weather. And in the meantime, we're spending our wealth on this foolish stuff. What would you do when we have people, Sean, with nuclear capability? Now you have five countries with nuclear capability that is so devastating it would be obliteration. Shawn Ryan [00:26:29] What would you like to see happen with Russia, Ukraine? How would you like to see that deal go down? Donald Trump [00:26:33] So it would have never happened. It didnt happen. You know, a lot of people say, well, how do we know? Actually, democrats even say that wouldnt have happened October 7, Israel wouldnt have happened. But what ive told people, I know Putin very well. I told him, dont do it. It was the apple of his. I had, we would talk a lot, and Ukraine was the apple of his eye. I said, dont do it. Dont do it. I wont go exactly what I said in terms of why you cant do it, but you cant do it. And he wouldnt have done it. He wouldnt have done it anyway. But when he saw Afghanistan, I think thats when he really said, this is a time he can go on. And I was out by this time, I was out. But when he saw Afghanistan, I think that changed his whole thinking toward us. He lost respect for the United States. He also has no respect for Biden, who does. So Putin went in. Zelensky was involved in the impeachment hoax. Number one. There was a hoax, a couple of hoaxes, which I won, both of them. But he was very honorable. I made a very innocent phone call to him to congratulate him on his I victory. One of the people that worked for me, not the brightest one, kept telling, asking me to call Zelenskyy. Call Zelenskyy. Oh, please call him and congratulate him because they wanted to do an oil deal or something. I said, call him for the United States and call him and congratulate. Kept asking me, finally, I call him. And they took that call, which was a congratulatory call, and they made it into an impeachment, which, and I will say I got great support from the Republicans. You know, the Republicans in Congress, I think I got 196 out of 196 votes. When did you ever hear that about the Republicans? Right. You know, I had great support, Jim Jordan and all these guys that were great. But, and in the Senate, I had great support, too. So it was wiped out easily. But I got to know Zelenskyy then because they asked him at a news conference or something, did President Trump say anything that was threatening to you or bad, this was the reason you get impeached. Can you believe this? And he said, not at all. He was very, he was a gentleman. He called me to congratulate me. He said it was a very normal call. Now, he could have grandstanded. I respect him for what he did. He could have grand. He could have said, oh, yeah, I felt very threatened and all that. Just the opposite. He said he did nothing wrong, and that sort of ended it all. But he was very honorable. I know other people might have done something that could have been different. Now it also changed because, by luck, the phone call was taped, and it was a perfect call. And they had already started the impeachment process. And when crazy Nancy Pelosi saw the phone call, which was two great stenographers, military stenographers, every word was perfect, right? Very professional. Every word was exactly my conversation is, it was perfect. Congratulations. I actually said, if you find any corruption in your country, please report it to the attorney general of the United States, which they have to do. You know, we had an agreement with them because Ukraine has been traditionally a very corrupt country. I said, if you find any corruption, please report it to the attorney general. Whats better than that? And basically, I congratulated him on his victory. But when he went, and by the way, when they saw that the call was essentially recorded, they died, they said, how can Nancy Pelosi looked at this idiot Schiff and said, how can you get us to do this? You know, shifty Schiff is the one that sort of led the charge. He made up all sorts of things. You know, many of them made up statements about the call, and it turned out to be totally wrong because when they saw the taped call, the statements were total fraud. But because they're in that building, you're not allowed to sue them for fraud anyway. And I tell you, Zelensky was, he was 100% good. So, and I've said this before, Sean, I will to have that war settled when I'm president elect, meaning before I get to office on January 20. Many more people have died in that war than is being reported. I think, you know that. You're a pro at the whole thing. You get it. You know, you're, you're a skeptic. You almost have to be a skeptic, especially when you see all the lies. But that war is much more devastating than people understand. And people freeze to death in the winter. You know, Russia is a great winter fighter. They won. They beat Germany, and they beat Napoleon. They're not easy to beat, and they're a massive military. And Ukraine isn't Ukraine, but Ukraine has us giving them a lot of money. One of the things that's unfair is that you mentioned 170 or so, but I think we're into 200, 5250 billion worth of equipment and money and everything else. And Europe is probably at 75 or 80. And I said, they have to equalize. Why are you not? It's much more important for Europe than it is for us. We have an ocean separating us. Right. Whereas Russia is right at their doorstep. And Ukraine has always been like sort of a guardrail. It was to Russia. Russia's always been a little difficult, obviously. Right. Whether it's Russia or Soviet Union for a while, etcetera. The problem you have, and the thing that most irks me is all you have to do is say, you got to catch us. You know, Europe, if you add up the countries, is essentially the same size as the United States because of certain things I did, were actually now bigger, but the economy is relatively the same. You know, you add up all the european countries and compare, and they should be. They should have paid at least $150 billion more than they've paid. We're way ahead of them. And I say they have to equalize. But I will get that war settled. It would have never began. It's so devastating. Many more people when you're going to see the end result. Just like they lied about jobs today, where the 818,000 jobs were fake. They did that to look good. So, you know, before an election that wasn't supposed to come out. That was supposed to come out after the election, and they had a leaker somewhere in the statistical department and in department of labor. Shawn Ryan [00:33:31] What would you have invested that $175 billion into our infrastructure? Would you have maybe put it into the power grid? Donald Trump [00:33:41] Well, your power grid. We have everything. I mean, we also have $36 trillion in debt. We're doing all of this. When I rebuilt the military, I came in and you probably remembered this. I thought it was terrible. We had no ammunition. Did you know that? We had no ammunition? Our ammunition stock was empty because we had given it to all these people that we defend and that hate us. And I came in, and just before I got there, there were people saying in our military that we have no ammunition. I said, who are these stupid people that would say that anyway? Why would you say that? Why would somebody say we have no ammunition? It's terrible. Even if it's true, you don't want to say it. And we had no ammunition over the first year, first thing I did was fill up every storage house with, you know, we had these empty storage houses. They were packed to the gills. And then these guys gave most of it to almost all of it. Now we have no ammunition. Again, by the way, these guys gave the ammunition to Ukraine. They gave it massive amounts of missiles and bullets and everything. We gave it to Ukraine. So I would say this, Ukraine in a lot of ways is very brave, but if we didn't help them, they would have lost in the first week. And we did help them. Europe helped them also. But they should, you know, they should have done much more. And I say this, if we everyou know, with NATO, as you remember, when I first came in at the time, we had 28 countries and only seven of them were paid up. The rest of them were delinquent. They owed the money, huge amounts of money. And Obama would go there, hed make a speech and id leave, made a speech and he left. I went, looked at the books and I said, you guys, you haven't paid. You got to pay. And I went back the next time and I said, you got to pay if you don't pay. They said, well, if we don't pay, one of the presidents of one of the countries said, if we don't pay, will the United States defend us against Russia in case of a war? I said, no, we won't even think. You mean you're delinquent if you're a delinquent. We are not going to defend you if you're a delinquent. As soon as I said that, the money came in by the billions, you know, I got $400 billion. These guys were never paying. They would have never paid. Why should they pay if the United we were paid? Shawn Ryan [00:36:12] So that's all it took was you saying we're not going to back them if Russia. Oh, had I not said that and they paid? Donald Trump [00:36:18] Yeah. Had I said, we will back you, they would not have paid? Yeah. Shawn Ryan [00:36:24] Join me and my special guest for the next behind the scenes experience, exclusively available on vigilance elite Patreon. The behind the scenes footage is raw and uncut. This is as close to the set as you can possibly get. You can expect anything from off topic conversations, studio tours, the final moments before the interview starts, and everything in between. The behind the scenes content is constantly evolving and will continue to bring you. Shawn Ryan [00:36:51] More as we grow. Shawn Ryan [00:36:52] You can gain access for just $15 a month exclusively at vigilance elite Patreon. I know everybody out there has to be just as frustrated as I am when it comes to the B's and the rhetoric that the mainstream media continuously tries to force feed us. And I also know how frustrating it can be to try to find some type of a reliable news source. It's getting really hard to find the truth in what's going on in the country and in the world. And so one thing we've done here at Sean Ryan show is we are developing our newsletter. And the first contributor to the newsletter that we have is a woman, former CIA targeter. Some of you may know her as Sarah Adams, call sign Superbad. She's made two different appearances here on the Shawn Ryan show, and some of the stuff that she has uncovered and broke on this show is just absolutely mind blowing. And so I've asked her if she would contribute to the newsletter and give us a weekly intelligence brief. So it's going to be all things terrorists, how terrorists are coming up through the southern border, how they're entering the country, how they're traveling, what these different terrorist organizations throughout the world are up to. And here's the best part. The newsletter is actually free. We're not going to spam you. It's about one newsletter a week, maybe two if we release two shows. The only other thing that's going to be in there besides the intel brief is if we have a new product or something like that. Donald Trump [00:38:30] But.