# Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania | October 5, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Monday, 07 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/W4ZNgLrkf1I_SOl7s0ciwAVDoQqTpzC2 * Words : 13,107 * Duration : 01:30:40 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-07 00:52:06 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 95.19% * Elon Musk - 4.81% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:01] Lee, thank you very much. Really. And thank you. A ah. Very big thank you to Pennsylvania. We love Pennsylvania. And as I was saying. Oh, I love that. I love that chart. I love that graph. Isn't it a beautiful thing? But also beautiful, because look at the number. That's the day I left office. It was the lowest border patrol, the lowest it's ever been. Illegal immigration today, it's out of control. But I love it for other reasons, too. You know that. So thank you very much and thank Lee. And, uh, what Lee has done with that song, and it's such an honor to have. Have it. Uh, I want to just let you know that tonight I return to Butler in the aftermath of tragedy and heartache to deliver a simple message to the people of Pennsylvania and to the people of America. Our movement to make America great again stand stronger, prouder, more united, more determined and nearer to victory than ever before. We're going to make America great again. Going to win the election. Going to win the election. And to all Americans, whether you are Republican, Democrat, independent, conservative or liberal, or you have no label whatsoever, it makes no difference. Our movement, it belongs to you. It belongs to our country. Belongs to our country. And together, in just one month, we are going to usher in a new golden age of american security, prosperity, sovereignty, and freedom for our, uh, citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed. Exactly twelve weeks ago this evening, on this very ground, a cold blooded assassin aimed to silence me and to silence the greatest movement Maga. In the history of our country. Maga. We love Maga. For 16 harrowing seconds during the gunfire, time stopped as this vicious monster unleashed pure evil from his sniper's perch, not so far away, but by the hand of providence and the grace of God. That villain did not succeed in his goal. Did not come close. He did not stop our movement. He did not break out our spirit. He did not shake our unyielding resolve to save America from evils of poverty, hatred, and destruction. Yet we are here this evening in record numbers. This is a big crowd. This is a big one. This is a big one. Not only to mark the triumph of american spirit, but over. And you know that this is really, truly, in the truest sense, spirit over evil and adversity, but also to pay tribute to some of the best and bravest we have ever known. This field is now a monument to the valor of our first responders, to the resilience of our fellow citizens and to the sacrifice of a loving and devoted father, a really great man. You know that forever afterward, pouring, pouring pouring. Pour it. Pour it. Pour it. Pour it. Forever. After all who have visited this hallowed place will remember what happened here. And they will know of the character and courage that so many incredible american patriots have showed. And know, and they know it at a level never seen before. Probably first, I want to thank the men and women of the US Secret Service who threw their bodies on top of mine without even a thought for their own lives. They were. They were on top of me so fast. They were on top of me. And there was not even a moment of doubt in their minds. You watched those tapes. Not even a moment of doubt. I want to thank Secret Service. A great, great people. They are great people. And in that moment, those agents displayed a devotion to duty that cannot be described. And they did it yet again, less than three weeks ago, when they really did a fantastic job. Another attempt. It was another attempt. We have an evil world. We have a very sick world. My gratitude to them is beyond measure. We also owe a tremendous debt thanks to the secret service countersniper and a local police sniper who returned fire within seconds and stopped the shooter quickly and saved many lives. If he didn't stop, he saved many lives. He had a lot of bullets, a lot of ammunition up there with him. And we are, uh. I mean, just amazing when you think they did it so quickly, without any knowledge of what was going on. Boom. And had that not happened, it would have been a very different story. It would have been many, many, potentially many, many people. I also want to express our thanks to the Butler Township police department. Incredible people. The butler sheriffs, deputies, Pennsylvania State Police, and all of the other, uh, law enforcement heroes, as well as the emergency personnel, doctors, the medical teams at Butler Memorial Hospital, Allegheny General Hospital, who rushed me and rushed some of these very badly wounded people. They were wounded. A lot of badly, uh, wounded people. And in particular, two people. Two people. And I tell you, uh, they were very brave and great people. They were big Trump fans, and they still are. That means something. That was. That was pretty amazing. You know, when I got up, I asked whether or not anybody was killed. I assumed that there would be a lot because I heard the bullets winging right over my head. They said probably three. The doctors did such an incredible job. It was one. One great gentleman. But, uh, the other two have been amazing, actually. They've gone through it. They've gone through a lot. And, uh, when the crisis struck, they did really Pennsylvania proud. You've heard that expression, Pennsylvania proud. It's a great place. I went to. I went to school I went to college in Pennsylvania. It's a great place. The people are incredible also. And I have to say, after returning to the field tonight is one of the really brave Americans who was hit by the assassins bullet, us Marine veteran David Dutch. David, thank you. Thank you, David. Thank you, David. And David, we're thrilled to see your recovery is going well. Great doctors up here, I have to tell you. Great doctors. Your courage is really an inspiration to us all. So I want to thank you very much, David. Great, uh, gentleman. Great, great gentleman. I want to send our love to someone who could not be here because he has just gone, undergone a major surgery related to the shooting. A man who was really, uh, badly wounded, like David James Copenhager, because James was, uh, a wonderful man, a big Trump fan. And Mister Copenhaver is out there watching us right now, but he's in a hospital, uh, where they did some additional work. But he's in great shape. He wanted to be here so badly, but he's in great shape and we appreciate it and we're looking to his full and complete recovery. He will have a complete recovery. Thank you. Thank you very much. And of course, there's one more hero who could not make it back here tonight because he is no longer with us. Right? You know who that is, right? Corey. Our beautiful Corey. Corey is, uh, not with us tonight and he should be. And, uh, we all miss him. He's become somewhat of a folk hero, I have to tell you. Who is with us is beautiful wife and daughters and relatives. Sister, please. Where are you? Where are they sitting? There they are. There's a lot of people. It's not easy to find people in this audience. Goes back further than you can see. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Great family. A great, incredible family. And he loved you a lot. And, uh, you know, his wife said something very beautiful. The public, a lot of people, all of us, a lot of people have been very generous. And she said, I'd rather have my husband. That's a good thing to say. That's a good thing to say. I'd rather have my husband. Cory comparator was an incredible husband and father. A devout Christian, a veteran, and a proud former fire chief. Very respected within the town. Everybody knew him. Few Menta volunteered to run into fires, but Cory was one of those who did. He ran into fires. I spoke to people that were they, this guy would do anything. He was brave, right? Brave guy like you. And, uh, he was also a protector who put his life on the line for others. And he loved doing it. And when the sound of gunshots pierced the air on that July evening, Corey leapt into the fire one more time. In his last seconds. Um, this earth. He threw himself on the top of his wife and daughters. He didn't want them hurt. He threw himself. He said he knew what was happening. He didn't want them hurt. And he was hit hard. He was hit hard. And he gave his life to shield their lives. Every father and husband in America hopes that if the time came, we would have what Cory had. Tremendous courage, tremendous guts. And he wanted to protect his family. And he did protect his family. At this time, it is 611, twelve weeks to the minute that the shooting began. I would like to ask everyone to join me in a moment of silence. Sadeena. O m m m m. Now that is what you call a voice. One of the greatest opera singers in the world, uh, Christopher Macchio, who is truly a great talent, uh, is going to be back when I leave. And I'm going to stay backstage watching every song. He's going to sing three or four great songs. Nese dorma and others. And, uh, so I wouldn't leave your seat too fast when we're finished today. But this is in honor of three great people. Actually, three great. And in particular, Corey. And, uh, we appreciate it, but that is a real voice, isn't it? Huh? That's not. What do you think, mister future vice president? Pretty good, right? I don't know if you could do that, JD. I don't know. I don't think JD can do that. In the face of murderous hate, Corey answered the most selfless kind of love. We are, uh, joined this evening by Corey's incredible widow, Helen, his two precious daughters, Kaylee and allison, and his sisters, Kelly and Dawn. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. This is an incredible tribute. This is a tribute like no other. And he deserves it. To Helen and the entire family, I can only begin to imagine the depths of your grief. But I want you to know that just like you, we will carry his memory and our hearts for as long as we live. Everybody in this stadium and everybody, uh, that was there on that tragic evening, uh, we, uh, are thinking about Cory. We think about him a lot. I know he's looking down on us right now from heaven, smiling at his beloved wife and daughters and his mother, Karen. And his entire family. His entire family. And. And he's with you. And he's going to be with us for a long time. Because, you know, uh, some people just don't die in vain. And what he's left behind is incredible. And so, God bless you, Corey. God bless you. Thank you very much. God bless you. You know, I just want a little story. Uh, Helen told me that on the day that they came to the rally, Corey was really excited because somebody gave him great seats right up front here with the, uh, with the people from North Carolina, the ladies from North Carolina. This is their 227th rally. I don't know what's going on with them, those beautiful ladies, but, uh, they always seem to have good seats. But Corey had the best seat in the house. And he was, uh, telling his wife and family on the way over in the car, he said, I'm telling you, he's going to invite me up in the stage. Because I do that sometimes. I take people, we invite him up at the stage and, uh, she smiled, thinking, it'll never happen. And little did anyone realize that Corey would be on the stage three months later in an almost immortal position. And that's where he is today. He's on the stage in a. I think not almost. I think it's a truly immortal position. So the love that he showed on that day and throughout his life is the love that sustains the entire movement, love that our families have and love of our communities and love of our country. It's a force more powerful than any hatred and malice. Because even in the darkest hours, it shines forth as a guide, and it guides us like nothing could ever guide us. It guides us, really, like a candle in the night. And so it's love like Corey's that is joining us to save our country, that's going to heal our country, and that is going to reunite our country as one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. So what our opponents have never understood is that this movement has never been about me. It's always been about you. It's been about a lot of people, millions and millions of people, the biggest ever in the history of this country, maybe anywhere. And everyday people who are the heart and soul of, uh, our country, they love our movement, they love our country, and they know they're doing right. Your hopes are my hopes. Your dreams are my dreams. And your future is what I am fighting for every single day. And now I have a great companion in JD Vance. How good was he the other night? How good? He was great. He was great. But from the very beginning of this journey, I've been on a mission to rescue our country from a failed and very corrupt political establishment. Very corrupt we have to change it. But we have to change it. We need also a very free and open press and to give it back to the country you believe in and I believe in. It's a country that we were born in. And the country that you deserve. You have to. You deserve this. In that mission. I will never quit. I will never bend. I will never break, I will never yield, not even in the face of death itself. And I believe that every citizen deserves an America with a grand, very, very grand ambition, great opportunities, and limitless. We just want limitless potential. We want an America where you can get ahead and be proud of life and provide for your family in a really decent way. Where we don't have crime, we have a fabulous military to protect us from evil. Everything has to be the best. We have to have the best schools. We have to have strong borders. We don't want bad people coming in and hurting us. Um, we don't want to have, we don't want to have open borders, do we? You deserve a government that protects and respects its own citizens, that defends your sovereignty, your security, and your dignity and your freedom. You deserve a nation that builds things again, makes things better, that aims for the stars once more, and that once again commands respect. And we want to get respect like we had it four years ago. The entire world respected us. They respected us. They respected us more than they've ever respected us. And now they laugh at us. We can't have them laugh at us, can we? Above all, you deserve leadership in Washington that does not answer to the lobbyists, to the bureaucrats, or to the corrupt special interests, but answers only to you, the hard working citizens of America, of which there are a lot of them. Um, we have a lot of them. Um, we have a lot of them. Over the past eight years, those who want to stop us from achieving this future have slandered me, impeached me, indicted me, tried to throw me off the ballot, and who knows? Maybe even tried to kill me. But I've never stopped fighting for you. And I never will, never will. Never going to stop. Thank you. Thank you. And in turn, you have always stood with me. You have always stood with me. No matter what. You saw what was going on. You saw the hoaxes and the scams. You saw everything that went on. We are, uh, a team. We're a great team. I think we're probably the best team ever in the history of our country, if you really think about it. We fought together. We have endured together. We have pushed onward together. And right here in Pennsylvania. We have bled together. We've bled. We've had three people that really got hit hard. Two of them made it. Great doctors. Great doctors. They weren't supposed to make it. I wasn't supposed to make it. People said, my great doctor at Butler said, sir, you're the luckiest man alive. This would be a good time for you to go out and buy a lottery ticket. I've never seen anything like, I almost went out and bought a lottery ticket. I'll take it. And 31 days from now, here in this great commonwealth and all across our land, we are going to win together. We are going to vote together. We are going to win the greatest election in the history of our country, maybe the greatest election all time. After we all have been through all of this together, we have. Nobody's gone through what, uh, we've gone through. Nobody. Because I go through it, you're going through it, too. But there's never been anything like this. You know, I always say, there's an enemy from within, and there's an outside enemy. And if you're smart, the outside enemy is not going to be a problem. Russia, China, and North Korea, we're not going to have a problem. If you have a smart president. If you have not such a smart president, then it's a problem. But we have an enemy from within, which I think is much more dangerous than the outside enemy. We stand on the verge of the four greatest years in the history of our country. We can make these the four greatest years. We'll turn it around so fast that your head will spin with victory on November 5. We are going to redeem America's promise and unlock the extraordinary future that is just within our reach. It is now within our reach. Think of it, one month from today. One month. We got to get there. We got to get there. They'll drop all sorts of bombs. They'll be hitting you, JD. They'll be hitting me. These people, they'll hit and hit. But I think we've almost become immune to it, haven't we? We've become immune to it. You got a little dose of it? A couple of little doses. No, uh, that's the only way. That's the only way they can even think about winning. With open borders. Who wants open borders? Who wants men playing in women's sports? Who wants sex change operations for illegal aliens in holding bins? No, I don't think so. We will begin a new era of soaring income, skyrocketing wealth, millions and millions of new jobs, and a booming middle class we are going to boom like we've never boomed before. And we're going to unleash a manufacturing renaissance right here in Pennsylvania, including fracking. Like we've never fracked before. We're going to frack, frack, fracken. You know, our opponent said, uh, there'll be no fracking. No fracking. We'll never frack. We'll never frack. Then about she started seeing poll numbers. Um, by the way, and by the way, speaking of poll numbers, do you mind if I mention poll numbers? Because I only mention them when they're good. I'd never mention it, but one that's hit me really amazingly. Rasmussen, very highly respected. Paul. JD, it just came out. I don't think you heard this one, but this is a shocker. You know, they always say the Democrats will win the hispanic vote, but we've been creeping up rather rapidly. And Rasmussen is one of the most respected polls. I mean, Republicans would get four, five, 6910 percent. They just came out with a poll, 62% for Trump. Think of that. Think of that. And 34% for Kamala. I don't usually use her last name because nobody knows who I'm talking about. I go, Harris, Harris. They say, who's Harris? It's happening all the time, who's Harris? And we can't find out who she is, because if we do, our country is going to be in big trouble. We will live in a very beautiful city or town that are safe and clean, with borders that are sealed and secure. And again, we want people to come into our country. We all want that. We need that. But you know what? We want them to come in legally. They're going to come in legally and love for our country. And America will once again be strong and confident and free. And we're going to have that. We're going to have it strong, confident, and free. That's why I'm here today. You know, I could right now be having a beautiful life. I don't have to be here. I could instead, I could be on a gorgeous beach someplace. I have such nice property. I could be. I could be in Monte Carlo as an example. But I'd rather be in Butler with you. I'd rather be in Butler. And I think JD would rather be in Butler. Jdeh. Now, I'd rather be here because we're doing something. You know, they got a lot of rich guys that go, nobody cares about them. I had one about a month ago, very, very rich guy. He called me up, he said, president, uh, I've known him for a long time. I don't say how long, because I don't want my wife to hear that number. It's a long time. But he's very successful. And he said to me, sir, could you do me a favor? A guy's worth billions of dollars. He said, could you do me a favor? I can't get into a restaurant. Do you think you could call them to get me in? And I said, what the hell is the good of being rich if you can't get into a restaurant, right? And I called the maitre D. Hi, I'm a little embarrassed. Hi, this is Donald Trump. I recommend, recognize your voice. So would you do me a favor? A friend of mine is online about a mile back. This is a very successful restaurant. And, uh, he's got his wife. I described the wife. Could you possibly go get them? Could you go get them and bring them in? And he did. And my friend called me up the next day, he said, thank you very much. Thank you. Oh, doctor, please, doctor in the house. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much, doctor. Yeah. Thank you. Take your time. Doctor, please. We got plenty of time, right? We got a lot of time. Uh, you doing okay? Take your time. We've got to protect our people, right? Take your time. It's all right, doctor. Go ahead. That's all right. That's all right. People come out two, three days ago, and then they get, it's a, uh, it's an amazing thing. It's an amazing thing. We appreciate, everybody appreciates it. Yep. Take your time. That's great. That's great. Do we have the greatest people in the world? We have the greatest people in the world. First responders. Thank you very much. Mhm. M mhm. God let, thank you. God bless God. Let's, thanks for being a family. M thank you, doctor. Great job. Thank you very much. Thank you all, uh, fellas. Thank you, first responders. Thank you very much. People are here for a long time and we appreciate it very much. And so sometimes that happens. A lot of times it happens, actually. But, uh, she'll be great. You watch. So twelve weeks ago, we all took a bullet for America. And all we are all asking is that everyone goes out and votes. We got to win. We can't let this happen to our country. We can't take another four years like this. We won't have a country left. We're not going to have a country left. And all of this will be for nothing. If you don't get out and vote, it will all be for nothing. We will have talked about it, but. And if we do it, it'll be the greatest achievement, I think, in the history of politics for all of us for this age, because we're going to change our country around and fast. We're going to do things that nobody thought were possible. We're going to do them fast. So, Pennsylvania, it's time to stand up for America and, uh, time to save our country. This is really about saving our country. It's never been like this. When you look at the crime, look at the crime, look at the people that are coming in. Murderers. 13,099 murderers let in over the last short period of time. Murderers that have been released from penitentiaries, prisons, jails, uh, released into our country. Crime rates all over the world are down. They're taking their gang members and their criminals. They're taking their people in jail, and they're releasing them into our country. We can't have it. You know, we just can't have it. How do you get more simple than that? They're releasing murderers. They're releasing drug dealers. They're releasing gang members and criminals. Human traffickers, mostly. They traffic in women, and they're releasing them all into our country. And they're emptying their jails. And their crime rates in Venezuela, uh, are way down because, you know, but it's not only in South America. It's all over the world. In Africa, the Congo. A lot of people coming out of the Congo in Africa. They're coming out from Asia. They're coming out from the middle East. Yemen. They're coming out from Yemen. A lot of people coming out of yemenite, and they are known terrorists, and they just release them into our country from countries unknown. Also, they know nothing about the people. I'll go right in. These people are crazy, and we have to win. We'll stop it immediately, and we'll have to. We will. Look, it will be a big deportation. We're going to deport these people. We're going to get them, um, out of our country immediately, or we won't have a country. And if we win Pennsylvania, we will win the whole thing. The whole thing will be won. So for the sake of our families, for the sake of our children, we will keep on going. And as the expression goes, I mean, I'm a little embarrassed to say it, to be honest with you, but I'm going to say it because a lot of people do say it. We will fight, fight, fight. We're going to fight for our country. We're going to fight for our country. And together we will save this country. We will restore the republic. And America's future will be bigger, better, bolder, brighter, happier, stronger, freer, and greater and more united than ever before. Our, uh, country will be united. You'll watch. You'll watch. You know, we had the most successful country ever, maybe in the world, during my term. We're the greatest economy that we've ever had. And you know what was happening? We were uniting the other side. Radical left people were coming over. They wanted to meet. They were coming over. Women, men, uh, if you look at population, our black population, our hispanic population, our asian population, everybody was doing better. Uh, people that went to the best schools and best colleges in the world got the highest marks and people that couldn't get a high school degree, everybody was doing better. And our country was coming together. And then we got hit with COVID a gift from China. Some people would call it the China virus. And we did a great job on that, too. We did a great job. But the world was disturbed. $60 trillion in damage worldwide. Millions and millions of tens of millions of people killed. And we still, during this four year period, we had the greatest economy, one of the great countries of the world, and we left with a stock market that was higher than it was just prior to Covid coming in. So what we did was something really incredible. But we had the greatest, most successful country ever. We had the greatest economy in our history. And we're going to do it again and maybe even better. We learned a lot. We learned a lot about people and about doing things and what works and what doesn't work. And we're going to do it and it's going to be quick. It's going to be quick and we're going to have safe cities and we're going to have great cities again. And we're going to have a capital in Washington, DC, which is right now crime ridden. You leave from the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania, you go drive down to Washington, DC, and you drive down and you end up getting murdered, you end up getting hurt, you get mugged. We're going to straighten, we are, uh, going to straighten out Washington, DC. We're going to make it again the most beautiful capital in the world. We're not going to have graffiti. We're not going to have graffiti on our marble columns. We're not going to have roads that have potholes all over them and medians that are falling into the highways. We're going to run it properly. We're going to change it. We're going to run it properly. It's an embarrassment to us. Can you imagine foreign leaders coming in and running over roads that haven't been paved in years? We're honored to be joined tonight by one of the people who is going to help us build this incredible future. And he is a truly incredible guy. And I don't say that that often. He's a great gentleman. He's done such an unbelievable job. For North Carolina, for Georgia, for Alabama, for Florida, for Tennessee. His name is Elon Musk. He saved free speech. He created so many different great things. Where is he? Come on up here, Elon. He created the first major american car company in generations. And his rocket company is the only reason we can now send american astronauts, uh, into space. Come here. Take over. Elijah, take over. Hi, everyone. Elon Musk [00:42:58] As you can see, I'm not just Maga, I'm dark Maga. Um, well, first of all, I want to say what an honor it is to be here. And, um, you know, the true test of someone's character is how they behave under fire. And we had one president who couldn't climb a flight of stairs, and another who was fist pumping after getting shot. Donald Trump [00:43:27] Fight, fight. Elon Musk [00:43:30] Blood coming down the face. Now, America is the home of the brave. And there's no truer test than courage under fire. So who do you want representing America? Yeah, absolutely. And, um, I think this election. I think it's the most important election of our lifetime. This is no ordinary election. The, uh, other side wants to take away your freedom of speech. They want to take away your right to bear arms. They want to take away your right to vote. Effectively, you've got 14 states now that don't require voter id. California, where I used to live, um, is just. Just passed a law banning voter id for voting. Uh, I still can't believe that's real. So how you supposed to have a good, proper election if there's no id? It's just meaningless. And free speech. Free speech is the best bedrock of democracy. And if people don't know what's going on, if they don't know the truth, how can you make an informed vote? You must have free speech in order to have democracy. That's why it's the first amendment. And the second amendment is there to ensure that we have the first amendment. President Trump must win to preserve the constitution. He must win to preserve democracy in America. Yes. This is a must win situation. Must win. So I have one ask for everyone in the audience, everyone who watches this video, everyone on the live stream. There's one request it's very important. Register to vote. Okay. And get everyone you know and everyone you don't know. Drag them to register to vote. There's only two days left to register to vote in Georgia and Arizona, 48 hours. Uh, like text people now, now. Donald Trump [00:46:30] Uh. Elon Musk [00:46:33] And then make sure they actually do vote. If they don't, this will be the last election. That's my prediction. Nothing's more important. Nothing's more important. Um, so get everyone you know, everyone. Uh, so speaking to people out there, everyone in the crowd, I think is already convinced. But for people out there that are watching the video, watching the live stream, you need to get everyone you know, ah, at work, your friends, family, text groups, your social media, everything. Get them to register to vote right now. Only two days left for Georgia and Arizona. Only a couple weeks left in Pennsylvania. And if they're not registered to vote, it doesn't matter at that point. Registered, but I'm being repetitive for a reason. Okay? So nothing is more important. Um, and a lot of people think maybe their vote doesn't count. Well, it does. Okay? It does. It matters. And this election could be decided by 1000 votes, 500 votes, a tiny margin. So get everyone you know to register to vote. I believe it's swapthevote.com. i believe that's, uh, the site. If you double check that your registration is good, don't take it for granted. Um, I'm just being repetitive about this point because it is one takeaway, more than anything that will matter is getting those registrations and then getting everyone, you know to actually vote. That is what will decide this election, especially in Pennsylvania. So, so thank you. And honestly, uh, you want to just be a pest, just be a pest to everyone, you know, people on the street, everywhere. Vote, vote, vote. Fight, vote, vote, vote. Donald Trump [00:48:37] Thank you. What a great guy. And he'd rather be making rocket ships because he'd really rather do that. Nobody better. I think he's got 90% of the rockets that go up. But, uh, elon, thank you very much. Incredible. Incredible. What he says is true. What he says is true. You know, we're all having fun here tonight, but if we don't register and if we don't vote, we're just going to look upon this as another sort of nice day in our life, but it won't even be a nice day. We're going to look back and we're going to say, uh, wow, it's a lot of time, a lot of effort. We got to win. If we don't win, it's, uh, as he said, it's just not important. We have to save our country. So you have to get out and vote. You got to get out and vote. You got to get your friends and vote, because, you know, they play a lot of tricks. This particular other side. Elon's a very nice guy. He doesn't want to say it, but they play a lot of tricks. We can't let it happen. We can't let it happen again. We can't let it happen. And one thing, they showed us how bad they are. They showed us how bad a job they do. So that's one thing we got from this four years. They've done the worst job. That's the worst president in the history of our country. It's the worst vice president in the history of our country. And if you watched over the last couple of days, they, uh, are doing, this is a Katrina for them. This is one of the worst. They say it's the worst job ever done on helping people through the ravages of a hurricane. And they're watching, uh, she's out there campaigning in San Francisco, a place that she ruined, okay? She ruined. She ruined San Francisco. She ruined. Think of this. She ruined San Francisco. She was the worst of da, and she ruined the state of California. And now she wants to ruin the United States of America. We can't let her do it. So I called Elon to tell him that they needed Starlink as an example. Uh, they couldn't get Starlink. I didn't know what Starlink was. I must tell you. I didn't. Elon, I'm so embarrassed. I didn't know what the hell Starlink was. He loves Starlink. He can tell you every little screw that's needed, every wire. Me, I didn't know when I was in North Carolina and Georgia, just the other day, yesterday, to be exact. But they were saying, we have tremendous communications, especially in North Carolina, and we have tremendous problems. We have no communication. The polls were ripped down. The wires were underwater. Houses were destroyed. Possibly 1000 people. Maybe more will be. You know, there's 600 people missing. Missing is not good, because you know what missing means, generally, that's really bad. And they had no communication. They had literally no communication with, they called it the mainland because the water was so crazy. It was like they were in the middle of a lake and they'd never seen anything like it. And they said, do you know somebody named Elon Musk? I said, yeah, I happen to know him a little bit. He just endorsed me, actually, although he endorsed me a long time ago. But he still, to me, every day is a good endorsement from Elon. Nobody's smarter than Elon. And they said, could you do us a favor? Could you help us? We're trying to get Starlink, and it's very hard to get. Most people say you can't even get it. I called up Elon. I said, North Carolina is in big trouble. Georgia's in big trouble. They need communication. They have none because their poles have been knocked down and their wires are underwater and even dangerous, dangerously underwater, but they have no communication. Elon, could you do something about Starlink, whatever the hell that is? Elon, whatever. Starlink. That's all they want to hear, is Starlink. And, um, an amazing thing happened. I got a call from one of the top people in North Carolina. I got a call from another great person in Georgia, and I wasn't finished with my phone call yet, and they got word that Starlink would be delivered to the states. I said, no. And I said, what the hell is hedehethere? What kind of a system is that? Normally, you'd have to hang up, and he'd go and call people. He did it during the phone call. What kind of a system do you have? That's why he's a, he's a very advanced, he is a very advanced person. But, uh, I want to thank you, Elon, because I got it. And I said, how does it work? Two days later, how does it work? They said, much better than the wires. So now I'm saying, why the hell aren't they? You're going to come out very well anyway. And, you know, he also said, you don't have to pay me. You pay me someday when you get the money back. You don't have to pay me. He wanted nothing. He's a great guy. Thank you, Elon, for being here. Thank you very much. Great honor. Great honor. Thank you, Ela. And, ah, that's heartfelt. I can't even see the end. That's a lot of people here today. We're also joined by a great gentleman, a top, top brilliant student. He went to a tremendous college, and he graduated right at the top of his class in two years. I didn't know you could do that. Four year college. Then he went to the military. Then he came out, and he did fantastically inside the military. Then he came out, he went to Yale without the benefit of family ties. You know what that means, right? Without the benefit. That's pretty good. Without family ties. I don't know too many of those people they had no family ties. They got in, he can't get in. And he graduated along with his wife. They're not going to have any problems with your kids academically, I can tell you. His wife and him were like the top students. But he went to Yale law school and then he went out into the private sector, did great. Then he ran for the senate and he did fantastically. He won. And he's like a rocket ship. He's like one of Elon's rocket ships the way his career is going. But you see why. Because he's a really brilliant guy. And you saw that the other night in the debate, right? You saw that the other night in the back. You know the expression they have? If that were a fight, they would have stopped it. Right? So I just want to thank JD. I was, uh, I was always confident in that pick. And we had great people, too, JD. We have. Every one of those guys were great. Every one of them would have done a great job. It was amazing. But, uh, we appreciate the job you're doing. And he's also very energetic and he'll go on anywhere. He'll go on MSDNC. I say, oh, he's on that. He'll go on CNN. It's like he has no problem. He swats him like this. He has no problem. No, it's true. You know, other people say, sir, I'd rather not do that one. I'd rather not do that one, sir, I'd rather not do them because they are, you know, very with him. He doesn't care. They're not going to outsmart me. So I want to thank JD. You've done a great job. Thank you very much. Amazing. Great. We have a lot of senators and a lot of people from Congress. I'm going to introduce a few of them that are really outstanding and, uh, they are warriors and they're great patriots. Senator Eric Schmidt. Where is Eric Schmidt? He's around here someplace. Nice, tall, handsome guy. Thank you, Eric. What a great job you've done. He helps us so much with the Senate and we've got a great senate. We have to. We have to get a couple of more senators elected, but I think it's going to happen, too. I think it's going to happen. We have members of Congress here. Dan Muser. Dan. Where's Dan? Great, great job. Real warrior. These are warriors. Guy Reshenthaler. That's the hardest name in the Senate to pronounce, but I've learned how to pronounce it. Guy, thank you very much. Great where's Guy? Guy, thank you very much. Guy. Glenn. Gt Thompson, fantastic guy. Thanks, Glenn. Great job. John. Joyce. Thank you, John. Great. Corey Mills, he's out there fighting, too. He's out there. He is out there in the, uh, in North Carolina, Georgia. He's out there helping people. Mike Waltz, who's a tremendous national security asset. Thank you, Mike. Thank you, Mike. Okay. And a man who was my doctor, I got to know him as a doctor in the White House, right? And then before that he was actually an admiral. And then he went to the White House. He's a great ad. He was a great admiral. He was a great doctor. And I love him for one reason. They asked him in the White House, the press, the fake news media said who is the most, he was the doctor for Obama, Bush and Trump. That's pretty good, right? White House doctor for the three of us. He said, the press, who is the healthiest of the three? He said, definitely it's Donald Trump. There's not even a contest. And I love that guy. When he said that, JD, when he said that, I said, I like this guy. So then he said, you know, sir, he was leaving the White House. He said, you know, I'd love to run for Congress. And he ran with, against 28 people. They were running, they were all running for the republican primary because whoever won that primary is going to win. I think it's a Trump plus 48. Whoever wins gets 48 point start. And, uh, not only did he win, he won easily. And now he's one of the most popular people in Congress, one of the most talented, maybe more importantly, Ronnie Jackson. Ronnie, where is. Ronnie, where is you? Oh, good. Thank you, Ronnie. And you got a lot of talent surrounding you there. I think it's very important. Also, we're here for a reason, and that's to win and to honor Corey. But Corey wants us to win, too. And, uh, there's a man in the audience that's a, uh, yeah, been very much a career path. A little bit like JD, a great student, great, talented student and fantastic in the military, then went out to be a tremendous success. One of the most successful people on Wall street, actually. And he's tough and he's smart. And he's going to make sure you always have fracking in Pennsylvania, and he's going to make sure you have many other things other than fracking. You have a senator that now does nothing. He does nothing. And, uh, he doesn't fight for you. He votes with Biden, if you can believe it, like 100% of the time. But this guy, and, you know, we're lucky that he does it. I don't know. He might not have done it if he had it to do again. I don't know. But I think he's just one of the most outstanding people anywhere in the country to run for office. And we're lucky that he's doing it. And he's got a real shot. He's doing very well in the polls. It's hard to beat somebody that's been there a long time, but I. This is somebody that's been there a long time and did nothing. He did nothing. And his name is David McCormick. And he's great. And I hope he's going to be your next senator. And I see somebody else. I didn't know he was here. Mike Kelly. I see Mike Kelly. Stand up. Oh, boy, am I lucky. Am I lucky I spotted him. If I didn't spot you, I was in big trouble. Right. This is a man who's beloved in this state, and he's fantastic. So thank you, Mike. Thank you. We also have, uh, some terrific people from law enforcement. Butler County Sheriff Mike Sloop. Thank you, Mike. Great job. Thank you. Thank you, Mike. Thank you for your help. I could tell you. Thank you for your help. I can say that. Thank you very much, butler county commissioner leslie oshi. Leslie, thank you. Thank you, Leslie. Great job. Rnc chairman Michael whatley. This guy is doing a great job. He's doing great. Came from North Carolina. We won North Carolina. He kept their cheating down to a minimum, and we were able to win it. And we were solid all night long. And he's great. But if we don't have good results by the 6 November, I will never say that about him again. No, he's a great guy. He's working very hard, 24 hours a day. He's working. I know that. And he's working mostly on stop this deal because we have a lot of votes. We have plenty of votes. Stop this deal. That's why you've got to get out. You've got to get out and vote. We're going to win this thing. And the more we win it, you know, it's, uh, too big to rig. You know the expression we use make it too big to rig. You know, at a certain point, Elon would understand this better than anybody. Statistically, at a certain point, uh, they're cheating. Doesn't matter. And we want to make it too big to rig. And we also have somebody that's very special, the co chair of the republican party, Lara Trump. Thank you. Laura, thanks. And, you know, oftentimes with families, they say, oh, you know, why did you put that one in or this one in? And all the different people, so many people have problems with that. In her case, everyone said, how the hell did you get her to do it? She has been unbelievable. So thank you very much. Comes from North Carolina, and I have a feeling she's going to be spending some time down there a little bit. And, uh, she's married to my wonderful son Eric, who's right here. So, Eric, please stand up. He's a great guy. Eric has a distinction. He has gotten more subpoenas than any man in the history of our country by about ten times every day. Congress would meet, they'd send him a subpoena. What is it about? They have no idea, but I think he's got the all time record, and he's handled it all beautifully. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. A friend of mine, a great, great businessman, one of the most respected people, and he made a big, big contribution yesterday to Georgia and a big contribution to North Carolina. Steve Witkoff is here. Hi, Steve. Thanks. And another man who's one of the greatest businessmen in the country, he actually said that if Trump doesn't win, this country is going to go into a massive depression. Well, I don't know about that, but he has been a very good predictor, I will say that. And truly, uh, one of the greats, one of the great pickers. Picker meaning stocks. He knows what he's doing and highly respected by everybody. John Paulson. Thank you, John. Great, great guy. Now, uh, we have so many others, and I won't do it because we have to really get out of here before it gets too cold for people. But I just, and I love it much better because there's one teleprompter, not that I use the teleprompters too much. Isn't it nice to have a president that doesn't need a teleprompter? No, we don't. We don't need it. But this one was right. I smack in the sun. Great job back there, fellas. They said the teleprompters are working fine. Well, thank goodness. Did you see what happened the other day with the teleprompter with her? That was not a pretty sight. The teleprompter went off, and she went off, too. She didn't know what the hell happened. And, you know, teleprompters are very dangerous because they go off a lot. You have to be prepared for them to go off cold, blank. You'll have 100,000 people. You have 75,000 people. And if the teleprompter goes off, you got to be able to move. She did not move. Well, this was not a good situation, but three more heroes from July 13 who rendered first aid to Cory. Incredibly, Doctor Jim Sweetland, Rico Elmore, who was unbelievable. Rico, you were unbelievable. He ran over National Guard. He ran over and grabbed Cory. And Corey was still living and he was doing mouth to mouth resuscitation on a man who was really in bad shape like nobody's ever seen. And his family appreciates it, and I do, too. So thank you, Rico, very much. Right. Amazing, amazing, amazing, amazing. The people that we have and you learn about them under times like that's when you really learn. So we're going to be seeing Rico again. And Ed Shear, fantastic job. Thank you, Ed. We appreciate it. Thank you, Ed. Thank you. Thank you very much, Ed. Ah, great job. In addition, this evening, we have to send our prayers and support to all the families affected by Hurricane Helene. This has been the worst hurricane response by a president and vice President since Katrina. And this is simply not acceptable. Those people, I was there yesterday with North Carolina and Georgia, and I'll tell you, and by the way, the governor of Georgia is doing an excellent job. Excellent job. But we have other people that aren't doing a good job and we have to, we have to have them do a good job. But the federal government is doing a very bad job. They are not doing the job. And we have, we have death and destruction that we haven't seen, maybe ever. It's a real bad one. And they have to get people there because they don't have people there. They don't have the people. Kamala wined and dined in San Francisco. And all of the people in North Carolina, no helicopters, no rescue. It's just, uh, what's happened there is very bad. They're offering them $750 to people whose homes have been washed away. And yet we send tens of billions of dollars to foreign countries that most people have never heard of. They're offering them, um, $750. They've been destroyed. These people have been destroyed. The one young lady washed, you saw that with her son. I mean, pretty. I wish I never saw it, but just washed away. Your son was washed away with the grandparents. And so sad. And they offering, they're giving him $750. And think of it, we give foreign countries hundreds of billions of dollars and we're handing North Carolina 700. And if you want a president who won't even try to save you when the flood waters are rising. Vote for Kamala. She's not the right person. Look, you know what? If they were, if they did a good job, I wouldn't have run. To be honest with you, I didn't need to do this. I didn't need to. If I thought they were doing an even modestly good job, I wouldn't have run. But I saw right from the beginning, grossly incompetent, and I was right about that, and I decided to run. And we're doing really well. I was telling you about polls. We're way up in some polls. We're up in other polls. And with the swing states, I think most of them have us up in every single swing state, including the great commonwealth of a place called Pennsylvania. And don't ever not call it a commonwealth, because I've seen people call it a state, and that's a, the end of them. That's practically the end of their political career. You got to be very careful with Pennsylvania. It's that commonwealth. I haven't made that mistake. I don't want to either. It was not a pretty picture. If you want a president who will stop at nothing to protect you and your family, I hope you're going to vote for a gentleman named Donald J. Trump. Have you heard of him? Together, we will rebuild western North Carolina, rural Georgia, and every other state that's been so badly affected. That includes Alabama. Virginia was very hit hard. South Carolina was hit very hard. Florida, so many states. Tennessee was hit really hard. Uh, they were all hit. And we're going to work with them. And, uh, you know, the next president is going to be the one that really, once they get, they got to get this done. But once that happens, the next president is going to be the one that has to really help him, and JD will be there to help him. I know that 2024 is the most important election in the history of our country, and here are the facts. My opponent, Kamala Harris, is the most incompetent and far left nominee ever to run for president. You know, she's much further left than crazy Bernie Sanders. You know that she wants to open borders. She took the most secure border in us history and turned it into to the worst border in the history of the world. Remember, she was appointed border czar. Uh, she says she wasn't now after three years, but she was. But whether she was or not, she was in charge of the border. And the other day, I saw her get up and say, we will do this, we will do that. We're going to. Why didn't they do it four years ago? Why didn't they do it? The damage is so bad. And so it's been done. She let in 21 million illegal aliens from all over the world, from prisons and jails and mental institutions and insane asylums, and they're terrorists at record levels, at levels we've never seen before. She costs you $29,000 a family through inflation, price hikes, and now she wants a larger tax hike, and she wants to go the largest tax hike in american history. There's never been a tax hike like what she's proposing. She's going to raise your taxes a minimum of $3,000. She's a big taxer, and she was the original creator of defund the police. I think for all the sheriffs over here, if you're a partner in defund the police for even two days, you cannot be president. But she was one of the founders of defund the police, and she still believes that, by the way. I don't know how anybody could, but she still believes that. And if she ever had a chance, there's a good possibility she'd go back to it. Can you imagine? Somebody's robbing our house? Well, there's nothing we can do about it. That's what they, uh. They say. There's nothing. You know, they tried it, and, you know, when they tried it in Minnesota with our vice president, and it wasn't working out too well. It was working out very well for the robbers and the criminals. That's the only one it was working out well for. Kamala Harris vowed to abolish ice. She wants mass amnesty and citizenship for illegals. And worst of all, she lost. And this is maybe the worst thing in the whole that nobody talks. The fake news, won't mention it. She lost more than 325,000 migrant children that are now dead, in slavery or just plain missing, probably never to be seen again, never to see their parents again. But. But this isn't like. This is. 325,000 have been lost. She praised the idea of a 70% to an 80% tax rate. She imposed a natural gas export ban on Pennsylvania, which is killing your energy workers and your pricing. You know, you have one of the highest energy costs in the country, and yet you're sitting on top of a massive amount of energy that she doesn't want to get. It's been a disaster for your state, and now she's vowed repeatedly. Now all of a sudden, she changed her mind. But when you know, with politicians, it's always the first statement that comes out to be the one they want. So she spent 14 years knocking fracking and we're never going to have fracking. We're not going to frack. All of a sudden, a little while ago, she came. I love fracking very much. No, she'll go back to it. And she even endorsed free sex changes for illegal aliens and detention at, ah, taxpayer expense. I don't think Elon likes that idea. These are not ideas that Elon Musk likes too much. And it was just announced yesterday in California, and she took this one from me. I'm so upset. But think of it, that the far less than average governor, Gavin Newscomb, has banned any and all id requirements from voting and registering to vote. You're not even allowed to mention the fact, Ilan. You're not allowed to mention the fact. You can't say, may I see your id? If you do, it's a criminal act. This is like, this is a takeover of the country. You're not allowed to ask for an id. If you do, it's a criminal count. Other Democrat states are following. This is only so they can cheat. There's only one thing that you do this for, so that you can cheat on elections. There's no other conceivable reason. Kamala Harris is a radical left marxist. He is a woman that's not respected in Congress. He was laughed at at Congress. Nobody thought she could win. You know, they did a coup, whether you like him or not. I'm not a particularly big fan, but, uh, we had a debate and debate ended, and all of a sudden they come to him and they say, we want you out. You're not going to win the election. And he said, I don't want to get out. He got 14 million votes. If you believe in democracy or assist, he got 14 million votes and she got none. She was the first one out. Uh, 22 candidates, and she never made it to Iowa. She quit before Iowa and now she's running and that's okay. But, you know, we spent $150 million beating Biden, and as soon as he was down and out for the count, they said, let's take him out, we'll give somebody else to run. Never happened before. We do a lot of firsts. I will tell you, we do a lot of firsts. But she's a person that rated even worse in every statistic than any other senator. She was rated at the bottom of the US Senate. She's destroyed everything she touched. But the good news is that we have a plan to fix it. We're going to fix it. We're going to fix it fast. Nobody is going to stand for open borders. Nobody is going to stand for a bad military. Nobody is going to stand for education. That's not proper. We're moving education back to the states. You're going to be running your own educate. So we have, you know, in education, so important is what's more important than education. But we rank at the bottom of every list. They rank 40 major countries. We're at the bottom, but we're top of the list as the cost per pupil. We spend more per pupil, per student than any other country anywhere in the world. So we're number one in that. And we're number 38, 39 or 40 every single time. And you have Denmark, you have Sweden, you have Norway, you have China. It's always the top five. Can you believe it? China is the top five. Uh, that's amazing. But we're going to move our education back to the states. So places like Indiana and Iowa and Idaho, states that you don't even hear too much of because they're so good and so well run, they're going to run their own education. And you know what's going to come out of that? A Denmark, a Norway, a Sweden, uh, maybe I don't even know China. Can you imagine? China with 1.4 billion people is, uh, a, ah, top five. And we're in. We're close to 40. We are 40. Sometimes, starting on day one, I will seal the border and stop the migrant invasion into our country. We will begin the largest deportation operation in the history of the United States. Dwight Eisenhower right now has that record. It's not. And by the way, it's not something I want to do. I dread having to do it, but we have no choice. What they've done to our country is not even believable. Especially the criminals, the criminal element that's in our country. And again, all over the world, crime rates are down because they've taken their criminals and they've dumped them into the United States. And you know what? I would have been worse than them. I would have had it done even faster. They've dumped them into the United States of America, and that's what we have. And it's dangerous out there. We're getting them out. We're getting them out quickly, and we will defeat inflation and we will make America affordable again. And it's going to start with liquid gold. We have more liquid gold, oil and gas under our feet than any nation in the world, including Saudi Arabia and Russia. We will become energy independent like we were just four years ago, you know, four years ago, we were energy independent. Can you believe it? And then we were going to become energy dominant. We will be dominant within a matter of months, and we will make so much money. We are going to drill, baby, drill, and we will again open ANWR. Ronald Reagan tried to do it. Every single president from before Reagan tried to do it, and I got it done. ANWR is the largest drilling site anywhere in the world. It could be larger, could be larger than Saudi Arabia, could be larger than Russia. It's in Alaska. And I got it done. And we worked to get it done. And one of the first things he did was terminate ANWR. And that was going to. That was going to take care of all of Asia. That was going to make us, uh, so much money. We would have paid off debt. You would have gotten, I gave you the biggest tax reduction in history. You would have gotten even a bigger one. You were going to be just very happy. You could say, I like that guy very much. 20 million Americans are behind on their electric bills right now, was just announced. 20 million Americans. They're struggling to pay their monthly bills at a record rate. There's never been anything like it. And it's all because of their anti us energy regime, which has caused Pennsylvania electricity prices to raise almost 50%. We will cut energy and electricity prices in half within twelve months. We will have your energy prices, your air conditioning, heating, cars. If you buy a Tesla, which is good, which is good, we will have your energy prices cut in half. It'll be cut in half within a period of one year, from January 20, which is the day we take office. And that's going to save you a lot of money. And that's going to, in turn, bring down. That's going to bring down the prices of everything. Because, you know, more than anything else, people tell me about the groceries. The groceries are, uh, groceries they used to. And what they're talking about is food. Everything's going to be coming down when we do that. We're also going to get your interest rates way down. We will bring automobile manufacturing back to the United States at levels never seen before. And we will turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower again. It hasn't been there in many, many years. We had it started four years ago. The centerpiece of my plan for a manufacturing renaissance will be a 15% made in America corporate tax rate. In other words, if you make your product in the United States, you get a rate. So I cut it from 39% to 21%. Everyone said that was impossible. I got it done, and we had the best boom we've ever had. We did more revenue when we had it at, uh, 21 than when it was at 39. Think of it. Much more. The following year, we did much more. And then I'm going to take it from 21 to 15, which will make us the most competitive country in the world. Nobody will be able to compete with us. But that 15 rate only goes for those who make their product in America. They have to make their product here, otherwise they pay 20. Or, and we will protect those companies moving into America and all of our existing companies with stiff tariffs placed on companies that don't move in. If they don't come in, if they don't want to make their product here, that's fine, but they're going to be tariff. We have to protect our companies, and that's what we're going to do. The only way they can get out of paying those tariffs is to build their plants and factories, factories in America. M we may even be able to get elon to build some of them. I think we will. And hire american workers for the job. We're going to hire american workers for the job. We will pass the reciprocal trade act. If China or any other country charges us 100 or 200% tax, then we will likewise charge them a 100 or 200% tax. We had a lot of problems on that one with the Senate, and we're going to get that done. Think of it. They charge us, and, uh, we don't charge them now. They charge us. We're going to charge them the same thing. Reciprocal. It's reciprocal. I will not let Mexico, China, or any other country sell cars into the United States to the detriment of our auto workers, who will do better than they have ever done. We're going to bring back the car business like it was 50, 60, and 70 years ago ago. Everyone's going to want to be back here, and I will not approve Japan buying us steel. 70 years ago, the greatest company anywhere in the world. It was the greatest company, uh, anywhere in the world. And now we have Japan buying us steel. I don't like that. We will deliver massive tax cuts for workers, and we will have a policy that I think is so great. No tax on tips, no tax on overtime, and no tax on Social Security for our great seniors. No time. And, you know, when you think of it, our seniors were hurt so badly, inflation has killed our seniors. You know, they have a fixed income. And it just got worse and worse. Every week, every month, it's gotten worse and worse and it's just horrible. And they haven't gone down, they've only gone up. Prices have still only gone up. And while working Americans catch up, we're going to put a temporary cap on the credit card. Interest rates at 10%. People are paying 28% interest, 25% interest. I will always protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts. We're not going to do anything with Social Security, but they're going to destroy Social Security because all of the migrants coming in are going on between Medicare, Social Security, other programs, and nobody is able to afford it. I will settle the war in Ukraine, I will end the chaos in the Middle east, and I will prevent, I promise you, world War three. We're not going to have world War three. And right now we're very close to having it. We will lead the world in space exploration. Thank you, Elon. We will lead the world in military and we will reach Mars before the end of my term. Ilan promised me he was going to do that. I don't know. Can you do that? Stand up. Can we do that? He wants to reach. I think he's going to do it. JD, work on him, work on him, work on him. JD is working on Elon now. He told me that we're going to win and he's going to reach Mars by the end of our term, which is a big thing. Before China, before anybody. Right? My money is on that guy right there. We will rebuild our cities, including Washington, DC, making them safe, clean and beautiful again. And we will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. It's losing right now. It's losing right now, but I'll be able to do it. Other people won't. I'll, um, tell these countries as they leave us on the. I say, you want to do business in the United States, you're going back into the reserve currency. And if you don't, we're going to charge you a big, fat, beautiful tax to do business in the United States. And they're going to say, I would love very much to go back into the US reserve currency. No, we're going to save it. But these people aren't going to save it. They don't know how to talk. They don't know how to think. Together we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates and low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries, a, ah, beautiful car and a home. Very basic. It's very basic. We will stop the invasion, end migrant crime, strengthen our military, build a missile defense shield around our country, keep critical race theory and transgender insanity. We're going to keep it the hell out of our school. We're going to keep that insanity out of our school. And as I said, we will keep men out of women's sports. So demeaning to women. You saw that in the Olympics, they have female boxing, women's boxing, and a young lady from Italy, very good boxer. Very, very good. She was all excited, but she played a person who transitioned. Person transitioned, a male transition to a female. And, uh, the young girl from Italy, beautiful young woman. I'm not allowed to say that anymore politically, but I'll say it. She was a beautiful young woman. If you say that, that's the end of your career. Right? But it's not. If it is, so be it. Okay, we've got to get back to real life. But this beautiful young lady is out, and she gets bum. Little jab, left jab. And she goes back, oh, my God. I've never been hit like that. This is just like a defensive. Then he goes, coroner says, you can do. You can take her, you could. So they push her out. Boom, another one. And she says, that's enough. I can't do it. I can't take it. I've never seen anything like. So we had two people that transitioned. Both people, shockingly, won the gold medal in their division. So it's crazy. And if you look at weightlifting contests, they're the best of all. For years and years and years, they go, they put an 8th of an. They put an 8th of a pound on one side of the barbell, an 8th of a pound in the other, and they can't do it. And the record standing for 18 years, they just can't do it. And then a guy comes along who never lifted before, and he puts 100 pounds on, and he goes like this, like it's nothing. It's so demeaning to women. We're not going to allow it to happen. It's ending. No men playing in women's sport. And we will defend the second amendment, protect religious liberty, restore free speech, and we will secure our elections. Everyone will prosper, every family will thrive, and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope. We need hope. We need the american dream back, don't we? We're going to have the american dream. We're going to have the american dream. So every kid in your family is going to grow up and say, I want to be like Elon Musk. I want to have. I want to have 200 billion in cash. I'm going to be like Elon Musk. That's the way. That's the american dream. But for that to happen, we must defeat Kamala Harris, and we must stop her country destroying radical left agenda once and for all. We cannot have it happen. So you must get out, and you must vote. Here in this incredible commonwealth, we stand on the shoulders of generations of Pennsylvania patriots who gave everything they could give, every single thing for their rights and for their freedom. Pennsylvania is where our, uh, founding fathers declared american independence and sounded the beautiful Liberty Bell. It's where the army weathered its brutal winter at Valley Forge, where General George Washington led his men on a daring mission across the Delaware. And where generations of tough, strong, beautiful miners and steel workers put Pennsylvania spirit into every single thing they did. And from Gettysburg to Germantown and Philadelphia to barren Hill, and from Brandywine to right here in Butler, this is the place where Pennsylvania patriots poured out their blood with the love of their country. They love their country so much. And so, in honor of all those american heroes who came before us, we will press forward. We will push onward. And together, we will win. Win. They're going to win. Win. Win. Nothing will sway us. Nothing will slow us. And no one will ever stop us. No matter what dangers come our way, no matter what obstacles we must face, we will keep striving toward our magnificent american future. We will not fail. We will not allow ourselves to fail. From this day forward, we will always put America first. And we will take back and save the United States. November 5, election day, will be the most important day in the history of our country. And together with the great people of Pennsylvania, we will make America powerful again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America healthy again. We will make, uh, America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again. Thank you, Pennsylvania. God bless you. God bless you, Pennsylvania.