# Donald Trump in Wilmington, North Carolina | September 21, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Sunday, 29 Sep 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/_Uwlg4T0KWzkqsNFYtmnvMQiOop1PC69 * Words : 10,272 * Duration : 01:04:28 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-09-29 19:10:53 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 100.0% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:00] Uh oh, what a crowd this is. That's a big, beautiful. We flew over, I said, that's a lot of people. That's a lot of people. Donald Trump [00:00:11] As far as the eye can see. I hope you can see back there. It's a long way back. I want to thank everybody and hello to North Carolina. And I'm thrilled to be back in this incredible state with thousands of hardworking, God fearing american patriots. Donald Trump [00:00:30] Amazing. Donald Trump [00:00:33] We have a little thing called an election coming up, but we're going to win this election. Donald Trump [00:00:40] You know, I don't know if you've seen the polls, but they're very good. We'll be going over that in just a minute, but we're doing really well, and I appreciate it. And we've won this state every election, the primaries, we've won. We've won the general elections, and we got one more left before we make America great again. Have to do it again. Donald Trump [00:01:00] We have to do it again. Really, uh. They really loused things up in four years, didn't they? Didn't they? Just what they've done exactly 45 days from now, we're going to win North Carolina, we're going to defeat Kamala Harris, and we're going to make America great again. Donald Trump [00:01:21] We're going to make it great again. When you cast your ballot for Trump this November, thank you very much. That's the best seat in the house. I always said it, you know, they can't see me too well, but oftentimes they're picked to be movie stars. They're so beautiful. Donald Trump [00:01:54] All of the fake news up there, you know, you think you have the best seat. Donald Trump [00:02:01] See, you think you have the best seat. Actually, they do, because. Because what happens is Hollywood is watching, and every once in a while, they see a face. They see this beautiful face, and they don't see your face. They only see the back of your head. Donald Trump [00:02:19] Would anybody like to change seats? Would you rather change? Donald Trump [00:02:25] I didn't think so. I didn't think so. When you cast your ballot for Trump this November, it means that America's borders will be instantly secured. Can you believe what they've done, have done to our country? With millions and millions of people walking right through our border, it means the price of household goods will start to plummet. Donald Trump [00:02:48] Groceries and rent will no longer break your budgets, and you will have thousands of dollars of savings by the end of the year. Let me just tell you, we're going to get your energy costs down in one year. We're going to get your energy costs down by 50%. We'll cut it in half. We're going to cut it in half. Donald Trump [00:03:08] It means young people will once again be able to afford a mortgage and a home. Donald Trump [00:03:18] Thank you very much. Uncle Sam. Look, Uncle Sam is here. I love Uncle Sam. I love Uncle Sam. Donald Trump [00:03:27] Look at him. Um, it means the streets of your cities will be safe and clean. The homeless encampments will be gone. They're going to be gone. Oh, you have to see. Donald Trump [00:03:37] You have to see some of these encampments, what they've done to our cities, and we've got to take care of the people, but they're destroying our cities. And instead of a planet on the edge of global war, we will have world peace. We won't have world War III, which we're very close. We're very close to having right now. That's the future that awaits the America that we love under President Donald J. Donald Trump [00:04:02] Trump. But if you cast your vote for Kamala Harris. Comrade. Comrade. We call her comrade. Donald Trump [00:04:12] You're voting for four more years of brutal job loss, higher taxes, surging prices, falling wages, and economic depression and despair. Other than that, you'll be doing quite well, I think, actually, a vote for Kamala Harris means 40 or 50 million more illegal aliens will invade across our borders, stealing your money, stealing your job, stealing your life. It means your police forces will be gutted, your guns will be confiscated, and savage criminals will run wild in the streets. So that's what it means. You know what? Donald Trump [00:04:46] That's what it means. You know, she's always said, we will confiscate all guns. Now she's saying, oh, no guns. I think they're wonderful, right? Doesn't work that way. Donald Trump [00:04:55] They're going to confiscate your guns. I'm the one that's protecting it. You know, we got the total endorsement of every gun group, including the NRA. And. Donald Trump [00:05:06] And we have protected your second amendment. And if you think it was easy, it was not easy. If Kamala Harris is reelected, she will kill the american dream forever. She's not competent to be president, either. But, you know, I don't want to be rude. Donald Trump [00:05:21] I don't want to be rude. She's not competent to be president. Did you see her on Oprah? That's not going to be m. That's not going to be president. Donald Trump [00:05:31] Oprah didn't know what the hell to do. Oprah was, like, embarrassed. She wanted to hide under the table, but she's a professional, and she was able to sort of disguise it. No, she wanted to go right under the table. Vote Trump. Donald Trump [00:05:44] And we will bring back the american dream, bigger, better, and stronger than ever before. Kamala can't be trusted with your economy or anything else. She's just, uh. I mean, how this happened. Explain it to me, please. Donald Trump [00:06:01] How did this happen? And we all saw what happened, and we see what happened. Kamala was a total disaster yesterday. At every other interview, she's been just a free fall. I don't know what the hell's going on. Donald Trump [00:06:15] She can't do an interview. She doesn't want to do them. Something's wrong. Let's just take a look. Let me just see. Donald Trump [00:06:22] We have a little video. You know, we spend all the money on these screens. We want to use them a little bit. Let's play it just for a second. Thank you. Donald Trump [00:06:29] The Kamala word of the day is clearly story. It is your story. And the story of our friends before you is really. That's the american story, right? In telling your story and being so strong in the way you do, do it in both of these stories for you to tell these stories. Donald Trump [00:06:50] This story is a story that is, um, sadly not the only story. Donald Trump [00:07:01] It's unbelievable. It's simply unbelievable. It's like a child who learns one word and then they struggle for the next thought and it never comes. But maybe this daytime talk candidacy will work. It's all emotion, but not a very good one. Donald Trump [00:07:16] Certainly not an articulate one. Laura. And being a bitch. Donald Trump [00:07:28] Turn that off. Donald Trump [00:07:42] M that's not what you want. That's not what you want. Kamala and her group have seen what's happening to their campaign, and it's not going well for them. And they would like, just announced a little while ago as it was coming off the plane, they would like to do another debate. Donald Trump [00:08:06] Although good entertainment value, a lot of people say, oh, dude, it's great entertainment. I've already done two. One with crooked Joe Biden at CNN and the other one with Kamala on ABC. Um, CNN was very fair. I thought Joe was driven out of the race. Donald Trump [00:08:25] He was. It was a coup, by the way, but he was driven out of the race. And they've been widely criticized by the radical left lunatics for all of the fairness. They were very fair. In other words, they won't be fair again because they took a lot of abuse from the radical left. Donald Trump [00:08:40] ABC was three on one, but I was given credit for having done a very, very good job. I appreciate that. We did a great job. It was three on one. Donald Trump [00:08:54] The problem with another debate is that it's just too late. Voting has already started. She's had her chance to do it with Fox. You know, Fox invited us on the. I waited and waited, and they turned it down. Donald Trump [00:09:07] They turned it down. But now she wants to do a debate right before the election with CNN because she's losing badly. You know, it's like a fighter. She sees the poll, she sees what's happening. She's losing badly. Donald Trump [00:09:19] But it's like a fighter who goes into the ring and gets knocked out. The first thing he says is, I want to rematch. I want to rematch. And I won all of the primaries, remember? She won none. Donald Trump [00:09:30] She went into no primary. She got no votes. In all fairness, I'm no fan, but in all fairness to him, he got 14 million votes. She got none. Uh, she's done one debate. Donald Trump [00:09:42] I've done two. It's too late to do another. I'd love to in many ways, but it's too late. The voting is cast. The voters are out there immediately. Donald Trump [00:09:51] Is everybody voting? Please get out and vote. Donald Trump [00:09:57] I would rather see one day voting, paper ballots, voter id, and proof of citizenship. And we have a nice honor, honest election. Donald Trump [00:10:09] We have one state. You go forever. I mean, it's like, for two and a half months, and then they have the right to delay the count for weeks and weeks. The whole thing is crazy. We're going to get it changed. Donald Trump [00:10:21] We got to get in when we get it. When we get in, we're going to get this craziness change. Everyone knows that Kamala Harris cannot explain how she would make your life better, because it's a really her policies that have destroyed this country in the last three years. She was the border czar. Now she says she wasn't the border czar. Donald Trump [00:10:40] Uh, it doesn't matter. She was in charge of the border, put there by sleepy Joe Biden. He wanted to go to the beach. She said, I don't have time. I got to go to the beach and sleep. Donald Trump [00:10:49] Who the hell sleeps on camera? You have cameras watching? I don't want to ever fall asleep on live television. Kamala Harris cost your family $28,000 in higher prices. Last month alone, she lost. Donald Trump [00:11:04] Think of this. Last month, they lost in this country, 438,000 full time jobs. That's a government number, including 24,000 manufacturing jobs. That's last month. And, uh, the interest rates are lowered for political reasons, but they're also lowered because the country is not doing well. Donald Trump [00:11:23] We would rather have you as president. Think of this if you would rather have me as president or. Okay, let's do this. Let's do a poll. You ready? Donald Trump [00:11:34] Who wants Trump as president? Donald Trump [00:11:40] I'm shocked. Donald Trump [00:11:45] Is there anyone brave enough to raise your hand? Who wants Kamala as president? Donald Trump [00:11:53] I'm looking for one brave soul that would be very brave. Who would you rather have as your president? Radical liberal Kamala Harris, who created the worst economy in your lifetime? It's the worst economy that we've ever had under them. Or the businessman who created the greatest economy in the history of our country and in the history of the world? Donald Trump [00:12:15] We created the greatest. Kamala Harris's promising war and american energy. Oh, she's after energy. Oh, she's after it. You know what they did? Donald Trump [00:12:25] She came in, they closed up all of the energy. The prices started going crazy. So Biden started screaming, get back to what Trump was doing. But as soon if they won this election, the day after they win, your energy prices are going to double and triple. You know that the largest tax hikes on families in american history is what they say, the largest small business tax hikes in american history and the most crippling regulations in american history. Donald Trump [00:12:53] All of this is shutting down power plants and banning gasoline powered cars and trucks. Would anybody like to drive on occasion, a beautiful gasoline driven car. We want a gasoline powered. Now, they do have a new one, hydrogen. The problem is it tends to blow up every once in a while. Donald Trump [00:13:14] And you go many, many blocks in the air. You say, what happened with. So that's a little bit early, but we want new technology, we want hybrids, we want a lot of things. Under the Trump economic plan, we will cut your energy prices in half within. Mark it down with. Donald Trump [00:13:31] And you can get very angry at me. If we don't do it within twelve months, your energy prices will be cut in half. We have more liquid gold under our feet than anybody else, and we will rapidly defeat inflation. So inflation is a misnomer because the inflation is now getting stabilized because the country is doing badly, but the prices have been driven up here and people can't afford the groceries. I told the story the other day. Donald Trump [00:13:59] A woman, sort of elderly woman, who was sad, goes up to the counter register, puts three apples on, and then realizes she can't afford it. And she took one apple, brought it back into the refrigeration, came back, and she took two apples. That shouldn't be happening in this country. That shouldn't be happening. And by slashing inflation, we will cut interest rates and reduce the monthly cost of your typical mortgage by $1,000, $1,000 a month. Donald Trump [00:14:26] Listen, so interest rates with me were at 2% interest rates with her and Joe. I got to add him. I don't know. Is he still the president? I'm trying to figure it out. Donald Trump [00:14:41] You know, I hate to waste the time by saying. And him, because I don't think. I don't know. Is he the president? Because yesterday his wife took over the cabinet meeting, right? Donald Trump [00:14:54] Said, I'm going to ask my wife to take her. He hasn't had a cabinet meeting, like, in two years. And yesterday they finally had it, and he said, I'm going to let Jill handle it. We will mass. A lot of things are happening there. Donald Trump [00:15:07] A lot of bad things are happening. We will massively cut taxes for workers. We will have no tax on tips. Donald Trump [00:15:18] We will have no tax on, uh, overtime, and no tax on Social Security benefits for our great seniors. No tax. And it makes sense because the seniors have been hurt. Hurts so badly with inflation. So we're going to have no tax on Social Security for our cities. Donald Trump [00:15:40] And while working Americans catch up, um, we're going to put a temporary cap on interest rates, on credit card debt at 10%. Some people are paying 25 and 30%. It's crazy. You know, in theory, that's against the law, okay? Called the usury laws, but in theory, that's against. Donald Trump [00:15:59] We're going to cap it for a period of time at 10%. This election is about the economy. This election is about the border. That's what it is. And I am your border president. Donald Trump [00:16:10] Your border president, Kamala, would be your invasion president. She would be your country destroying president. But remember this look on the border in 2016. We had a bad border. I fixed it, and it was so good that I couldn't mention it in 2020, even though, excuse me, I might say we got millions more votes in 2020 than we did in 2016. Donald Trump [00:16:34] Right? Some bad crap happened. Some bad things happened. We got millions and millions of more votes. Uh uh. Donald Trump [00:16:42] What a disgrace. Think of our country. If I were president, you wouldn't have Ukraine, Russia, that wouldn't happen. You wouldn't have any inflation, you wouldn't have had the attack on Israel, and you wouldn't have had the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. And that's the way they withdrew from Afghanistan. Donald Trump [00:17:00] None of this would have happened. And a lot of other good things. We would be energy independent. We were already energy independent. We were going to be energy dominant by now. Donald Trump [00:17:09] More than Russia, more than. More than anything. We have more than Russia. We have more than Saudi Arabia, more oil. We have more than anybody. Donald Trump [00:17:18] I call it liquid gold. We have more liquid gold under our feet. And what do we do? We go to Venezuela to get oil, to get tar. They sell us tar that we refine in our country. Donald Trump [00:17:30] In Houston, Texas, not a pretty sight, as border czar Kamala Harris has allowed 21 million illegals to pour in from all over the world. They're coming from the prisons and the jails. They're coming from mental institutions and insane asylums. They're terrorists. And she's letting literally at record level, terrorists are pouring into our country. Donald Trump [00:17:53] Did you see the chart? Four years ago, we had eleven terrorists come in, and we got them. Everyone. Now we have thousands of terrorists in our country, and the worst terrorists from the worst countries. Here in North Carolina, migrant crime is totally out of control, encouraged by sanctuary jurisdictions. Donald Trump [00:18:16] Sanctuary cities all across your state. In July, an illegal alien who borders our Harris released. She released him. Special order into our country was arrested for stalking a woman into a public bathroom in Charlotte and attempting to rape her and ultimately rape her and hurt her very badly. Here in Wilmington last month, an illegal alien from Venezuela brutally stabbed a man to death. Donald Trump [00:18:44] This murder came just four days after he was arrested for horrible domestic violence. But instead of being deported, this criminal alien was released to kill again. Kill again. He did. And in June, a fugitive illegal alien criminal from Honduras was arrested after savagely murdering a 23 year old in the sanctuary jurisdiction of Mecklenburg. Donald Trump [00:19:10] Anybody come from Mecklenburg county? You read about it? That was a big one. That was a bad one. Nasty, nasty. Donald Trump [00:19:18] Today I'm announcing a new plan to end all sanctuary cities in North Carolina and all across our country. No more sanctuary cities. Uncle Sam, do you agree? Uncle Sam agrees. I had a feeling you would. Donald Trump [00:19:34] Right? You're great. As soon as I take office, we will immediately surge federal law enforcement to every city that is failing, which is a lot of them, um, to turn over criminal aliens. And we will hunt down, capture every single gang member, drug dealer, rapist, murderer, and migrant criminal that is being illegally harbored. Every one of the top 25 worst cities are Democrat run cities. Donald Trump [00:20:06] We will get them out of North Carolina, and we will send them home where they belong. Donald Trump [00:20:14] I will ask Congress to pass a law outlawing sanctuary cities nationwide. And we will bring down the full weight of the federal government on any jurisdiction that refuses to cooperate with ice and our great. These are great patriots, ice and border patrol. And our great border patrol. They're not allowed. Donald Trump [00:20:34] They're not allowed to do their job. They want to do their job. They're not allowed. Within two years, there will not be one single foreign criminal gang operated in North Carolina or anywhere else. You have a lot of gangs. Donald Trump [00:20:46] Hate to say you have a lot of gangs in this state. Are, uh, there any gang members in the audience, please? Would you please raise your head? So that's the choice. Kamala Harris will fly criminal migrants into every one of your cities and towns. Donald Trump [00:20:59] Did you see that? They say, well, we've decided to get tough on crime, you know, like two weeks ago, because they want to try and get some votes because they're not doing so good. This issue is not a good one for them. But did you see, and then we learned that they're flying them in, in beautiful, big, fat, beautiful Boeing aircraft just like that one with more seats. Actually, I have fewer seats in mind than they do. Donald Trump [00:21:24] But they fly them in with beautiful aircraft. They fly all over the country by the hundreds of thousands. They're flying in over the border. So they don't want to stop them because they're continuing the flights into our country. I will get every migrant criminal out of our country, and I'll get them out fast. Donald Trump [00:21:43] We have to. We have no choice. And they're taking over our country. You see what they're doing? Kamala Harris border invasion is also crushing the jobs and wages of african american workers and hispanic american workers and also union members. Donald Trump [00:22:00] Unions are next. You watch. They are working and hurting. What's going on with african american workers and with Hispanic in particular. Just, they're, uh, taking your jobs. Donald Trump [00:22:13] They're taking your jobs. Every job produced in this country over the last two years has gone to illegal aliens. Every job. Think of it. We are. Donald Trump [00:22:25] What we're doing to this country is so sad. You know, I stand up here. Thank you. Thank you. You're right about that. Donald Trump [00:22:34] We'll save you. We're gonna save you. We're gonna save you. We're gonna save you. Donald Trump [00:22:47] Yeah, we're gonna save you. But it is saved. Sad young guy. I don't know where the hell he is. A lot of people out here. Donald Trump [00:22:53] But when he screams, you've got to save us, President Trump, that we need to scream like that, that you would think in this country that you even need something like that. It's very sad. But we're going to save you. We will. We did it once, we're going to do it again, and we're going to do it at even a higher level. Donald Trump [00:23:08] An even higher level. That's one of the big reasons why I just won the overwhelming endorsement of the rank and file membership of the Teamsters. They voted for Trump they voted for Trump last month, american board workers lost, think of this, 1.3 million jobs. So american voters, uh, and their voters, american workers lost 1.3 million jobs. Meanwhile, the migrants picked up 635,000 jobs, plus another seven or 800,000 jobs, at least that we know of. Donald Trump [00:23:44] But the Americans lost jobs. What a disgrace. I don't, I don't even, you know, you read some of this and you hear the facts, you find it hard to believe it could be happening, actually because, you know, the republican party has become a party of common sense. I call it the party of common sense. We're conservative. Donald Trump [00:24:03] We're all of the, uh, but it's a, become a party. Where is the common sense in open borders and high taxes and the job numbers that I just read to you, even Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell said this week, quote, of the influx across the borders has been one of the things that has allowed unemployment to rise and rise substantially. To save your jobs, you must vote for Trump. Very simple. Very simple. Donald Trump [00:24:34] So in the latest Rasmussen poll, just out. Uh, thank you. Remember I used to talk about the polls, right? I used to talk about the polls and I forgot about it because I won the primers by so much. I didn't have to talk about them. Donald Trump [00:24:48] But in the latest, uh, Rasmussen poll, you know what happened with Joe? We beat him by, I think, 21 points. And they said, you got to get out. You can't win. And he got out. Donald Trump [00:24:57] So now I got a second race. This never happened. I went, think of it, spent $100 million on beating Joe and we beat him and he couldn't win. And they went to him and they said, you can't win. You're out. Donald Trump [00:25:11] You're not supposed to say that to a president. But they said, joe, you're out. Get out of here, Joe. And they really, they took it over. He got 14 million votes and she got none. Donald Trump [00:25:21] And then they never thought she was going to get it. But it turned out that she got it because they wanted to be politically correct. She didn't get one vote. She didn't win one primary. She was the first one that quit the race when they had 22 candidates where Biden won it. Donald Trump [00:25:36] But in the latest Rasmussen poll against her just came out. We're eight points up, uh, in the New York Times. In the New York Times, see Anna poll. Can you believe New York Times? They can't be happy. Donald Trump [00:25:51] We're nine points up, um, in the midwest alone. In the Emerson poll, highly respected. We're three up in Georgia and leading Arizona by a lot, Wisconsin by a lot. And I think we're really doing well in Pennsylvania. That's what the word is. Donald Trump [00:26:07] But remember, don't get too carried away. They cheat. That's what they do. They cheat too big to rig. We got to get out there. Donald Trump [00:26:14] Everybody's got to vote. And in the american greatness poll, we're beating Kamala by three here in a place called North Carolina. Donald Trump [00:26:26] And one that's very exciting. A poll just came out where we're actually leading in the state of Virginia, which no Republican has wondez in many, many a, uh, long time, but take nothing for granted. You have to get out and vote. You just have to get out and vote. We cannot accept it. Donald Trump [00:26:45] What they do is, it's the only thing they do well. They cheat. Their policies are no good, their government is no good, their management is no good. But they cheat like nobody can cheat. We're pleased to be joined today by a senator that I'm very proud of, actually ran and won and beat somebody who was tough. Donald Trump [00:27:05] And, uh, I recommended before that Laura run for that office. But Laura said, I have a beautiful family, a husband and two the most beautiful kids. You're going to meet one of them in a minute because we happen to name her Carolina. Donald Trump [00:27:25] So she said, you know, dad, I'd really. And we have a great gentleman named Ted Budd, a congressman, and he's fantastic. And so I said, ted, you want to do it? I'm going to give you my endor. And I gave him the endorsement and he has been a great senator. Donald Trump [00:27:40] Ted Budd. Ted. Hi, Ted. He's done a fantastic job also. I was early with him, too. Donald Trump [00:27:49] Dan Bishop, who is fantastic. Dan, you're looking good. You looking good. Thank you, Dan. He's great. Donald Trump [00:27:56] He's a warrior. David Rouser, David Rouser. David. We love David and Anna Paulina Luna. I want to say it perfectly. Donald Trump [00:28:08] Ana, she's so popular in Florida. I don't know. What's your next move? Say, just relax. But what's your next move? Donald Trump [00:28:15] She is so popular and she's a warrior. They're all warriors, that whole group. North Carolina Republican Party chairman. He's been incredible. Jason Simmons, you know Jason. Donald Trump [00:28:26] Thank you, Jason. How are we doing? Are we okay? Okay. We got to be okay. Donald Trump [00:28:31] We got to win. This is a very important state. We win this state, I think it's going to be over fast. And we've only won it. We've won it every time. Donald Trump [00:28:39] Every time. So we're five and we're five and o including primaries, RNC chairman. So he was so good. And you know what he was good on? Stopping the cheating, because when other places were winning, we're going to win. Donald Trump [00:28:52] 10:00 in the evening. Then at 03:02, a lot of ballots came in, but they didn't come in here. He had 603 lawyers, and he was tough as hell. And I said, that's the guy I want to run the RNC with. Laura, uh, they're doing an unbelievable job. Donald Trump [00:29:07] And by the way, Laura's here. Would you stand up? Laura and Eric. Laura and Eric. Donald Trump [00:29:15] I call it a super couple. That's a super couple. Donald Trump [00:29:21] Thank you. And you're doing a great job, Laura. And he's doing a great job. He's the most subpoenaed human being in the history of the United States. Every day he gets a subpoena from Congress, from, uh, crooked da, a crooked ag, Democrat, areas only. Donald Trump [00:29:38] But, man, he's tough as hell. He's become, he was such a nice young man just a little while ago. Now he's become like a hard and tough. He said, is that my beautiful Eric? But it is. Donald Trump [00:29:49] And he's still beautiful, and he's, he's smart and he is tough, and he's handled it so well. Eric, stand up separately. Come on. He is the most subpoenaed man in the history of our country. He got more subpoenas than the late, great Al Capone. Donald Trump [00:30:07] Al Capone is like a baby compared to Eric. Thanks, Eric. Good. Great job, honey. Great job. Donald Trump [00:30:15] And Robeson county commissioner. Uh, Michael, where's, where's Michael Whatley, by the way? Where are you? Where are you now? Stand up. Donald Trump [00:30:22] We're counting on this guy. I didn't take him from any other state. I took him right from here. He was your party chairman. And it's true, though, you see about 11:00, 12:00 and then 03:02, you see these states that were easy wins, they sort of fell off because of COVID and lots of problems. Donald Trump [00:30:43] Lots of problems. But bottom line, they cheated and they fell off. But, you know, a place that didn't fall off? North Carolina. And it was headed up by that man. Donald Trump [00:30:55] So, Michael, you better win or you're never going to be able to come back here. If he doesn't win, he won't be at, uh, RNC, and he will no longer be in North Carolina. He'll be looking for a job. I think he's going to win. And that's what he's focused. Donald Trump [00:31:07] I said, you know, we don't need votes. What we need is honesty in the election. If we have honesty, we have all the votes we need. And, uh, by the way, before I forget, I don't want to forget. You have about 30 of the most incredible women that follow me all over the place. Donald Trump [00:31:22] And they're from North Carolina. Unbelievable. Donald Trump [00:31:28] They follow me all over the country. They're from North Carolina. Isn't it nice? Isn't it nice to finally be here? You don't have to travel to California, Texas. Donald Trump [00:31:37] They travel all over the place. They're great, and we love them, and they're beautiful. I don't get the husband. They're all happily married, right? I don't quite get it. Donald Trump [00:31:46] And here's another one. Look at that. They didn't want to sit with you. They wanted a better location. That's the boss. Donald Trump [00:31:53] Thank you very much. It's a great honor. And we also have front road joes. They're all over the place. They stand online for two, three days because they want to get that front row. Donald Trump [00:32:03] Thank you very much. And they've seen plenty. And they were there, unfortunately, Butler, that was a hell of a day, sitting right where we're sitting right now. That was a hell of a day. That was something that could never let that happen. Donald Trump [00:32:17] And also, Robeson county commissioner and member of the Lumbee tribe, a friend of mine and a friend of ours, John Cummings. Where's John? Thank you, John. John is a real, a, uh, real supporter. We appreciate it very much, and we're going to make sure that you guys are okay, because they have not been treated properly by this administration, as we know. Donald Trump [00:32:42] Thank you. You can tell everybody the Lumbee tribe has been wrongfully denied federal recognition for more than a century. Only a century. That's not that long. Centuries. Donald Trump [00:32:52] Hundred years. That's not that long. But now we're going to take care of it. We'll take care of it right at the beginning. All right. Donald Trump [00:32:58] You can tell them Biden and Obama promised remedy. They want to remedy the injustice, but they never did it. They broke their promise. And today I'm officially announcing that if I am elected in November, I will sign legislation granting the great lumbee tribe the federal recognition that it deserves. Okay, you'll be all set. Donald Trump [00:33:22] Say hello to. And I got to know them. They're great. But unfortunately, we weren't in office when that happened. Uh, they treated him very badly. Donald Trump [00:33:30] Thank you very much, John. Uh, we also have, and I said to, I alluded to it, a very important member of my family. Far more important than Eric or Laura. And her name is Carolina. And she's beautiful and she's sweet, and she doesn't know how evil life is. Donald Trump [00:33:52] She hasn't experienced the. Yes, but she does know how great life is, and we want to make life great for everybody here, and we're going to do that. Can I ask Carolina to come up? Is that possible? Carolina, this is the. Donald Trump [00:34:08] She sat on my lap during the republican convention. Donald Trump [00:34:28] Make America great again. Go ahead, you shout it. Make American great again. Oh, that was great, honey. Donald Trump [00:34:42] Thank you. What a good job. Donald Trump [00:34:57] USA. USA. USA. USA. USA. Donald Trump [00:35:02] M. USA. USA. I can see the new senator when Ted, someday he's gonna say, sir, I've had it. I can't do it any longer. Donald Trump [00:35:12] He's gonna resign or leave, and we're gonna have Carolina get in there and run. Anyway, would anybody like to meet Luke? Her brother Luke? Come on up. Come on up. Donald Trump [00:35:40] Vote for grandpa, huh? Thank you. Thank you, honey. Great job. Donald Trump [00:35:55] So cute. Oh, he doesn't want to get off the stage. Oh, wow, look at that. He's got the gene. Thank you. Donald Trump [00:36:05] Thank you, Luke. You know, I said, say Maga. I whispered into his ear, so cute. I said, say Maga. He said, vote for grandpa. Donald Trump [00:36:14] He didn't care what I said. And that was actually much better, right? That was much better. Thanks, Luke. Thanks, Carolina. Donald Trump [00:36:22] Thank you, honey. What great kids, great people. That's a whole family is a wonderful family. Thank you. Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:36:30] And they're really helping. And Laura is all over the state, as you know, Laura grew up here, and she loves the state, and she spends more time here than anyplace else, and she really loves the state, and so do we. It's been a very special experience. Thank you. Thank you, Laura, for the help, too. Donald Trump [00:36:44] Appreciate it. We are seven weeks away from the most important election in the history of our country, and Kamala Harris is the most radical left nominee ever to seek the presidency by far. The problem with her is nobody knew who the hell she was. When you say, oh, Harris is running, nobody knows the last name. I could say it today if I just told, Harris is running. Donald Trump [00:37:07] You say, who the hell is Harris? Right? Look at the people up front. They're friends of mine. They're tough, smart, rich people. Donald Trump [00:37:12] Actually very good. They've made a lot of money in this state. But when I say Harris, they say, who the hell is Harris? We have know. They know Kamala, but they don't know Harris. Donald Trump [00:37:22] They know comrade. They also know comrade. And that's what she is. She's a comrade. But Harris, uh, is running, and she wants to open your borders. Donald Trump [00:37:33] I'll tell you what, 21 million people, and that's really not including Gottaways, came into this country, and they came in from a lot of bad places. Do you know that crime all over the world is down in Venezuela, it's down 72% because they've taken their criminals and they've dumped them into the United States. It's down 70. And nothing good is going to happen with that. But all over the world, not just South America, crime is way down. Donald Trump [00:37:59] Way down. And what a shame that is, right? What a shame that is. And you see how bad it's getting when you look at what's going on with the migrants attacking villages and cities all throughout the midwest in particular right now. But it's all. Donald Trump [00:38:14] But she's going to deliver rampant inflation and she wants to pack the Supreme Court, our great supreme Court, instead of nine justices. Kamala wants to bring it up. The other day, for the first time, I heard a number. It's got to be an odd number. They didn't like the number 13, so instead of going to 15, they went to 25. Donald Trump [00:38:31] I understand they want 25. So they want to pack our, uh, courts immediately. And we can't ever let them do that. And we're going to stop them. And we have to stop him at the presidency. Donald Trump [00:38:45] Ideally, we're going to do well, Ted, with the Senate, but we have to stop him with the presidency. We have to stop them. Ideally, you have some great congressmen and congresspeople running. We have to stop them there. So 25 justices is what she's looking for. Donald Trump [00:39:00] That's the real number, so she can rig the system. She was an original creator of defund the police movement. Just so you know, she's been there for 15 years. If you're there for one week, you cannot vote for her for president. Okay? Donald Trump [00:39:17] Anybody that once even had a thought of defunding our great police law enforcement can no longer serve or even be thought of to be president. And I met a lot of the officers backstage are incredible the job they do, and we appreciate it. She wants to defund the police. She wanted to do it in Minneapolis. That's why she picked this. Donald Trump [00:39:39] This character, this weird guy, you know, he said weird. JD and I are not weird. We got a lot of problems, but we're not weird. He is a weird dude. Isn't he, though? Donald Trump [00:39:49] Uh, so she got to meet him. He's a radical left lunatic. During the burning of Minnesota, they burned the whole state. Minneapolis was like a fire pit. And I saw a CNN announcer so saying, well, this has been a friendly gathering. Donald Trump [00:40:06] And behind him, the entire city was burning down. Nobody's ever seen it looked like world War two. No, we're not going to do it. And, uh, we're going to stop world War three, by the way. We're going to stop it. Donald Trump [00:40:18] We're going to stop it cold. Kamala Harris vowed to abolish ice. Under Borzar Harris. Venezuelan gangs have taken over entire apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado. The governor is petrified in Colorado. Donald Trump [00:40:34] He's a liberal governor. He doesn't know what to do. The guy is so scared of these guys. And maybe you can't blame them. They have military style weapons, ak 47 supremes. Donald Trump [00:40:46] They've got stuff that's unbelievable. They're young, they're tough, nasty people, and they got a lot of them. They came in from Venezuela in that case, in Aurora's case. And you have a great sheriff in town. But the sheriff is looking at this. Donald Trump [00:40:59] He said, wow, wow, that's a lot of firepower. They're in the real estate business. They're taking over buildings, okay? They're doing it the old fashioned way. She supports free health care for illegal aliens while our hospitals and emergency rooms are being overrun by migrants. Donald Trump [00:41:16] If you want to go to a, uh, hospital because you have an emergency and you paid taxes in North Carolina for 40 years, you won't be able to get in. And some places you don't even have a chance of getting in. You know that you don't even have a chance. She wants mass amnesty and citizenship for all illegals. And she says that she must. Donald Trump [00:41:36] Anybody that utters the word, think of this. The words illegal alien, radical, islamic, terrorist. She said, don't you ever use those terms. But here's the worst. Think of this. Donald Trump [00:41:49] She lost 325,000 migrant children. They're gone. They're gone. Many are dead. Many are just kidnapped. Donald Trump [00:42:00] Many are working in slavery. 325,000. That's filling up. Pick a nice stadium. Let's go to New York. Donald Trump [00:42:11] Pick Yankee Stadium. Right? It holds 55,000. Think of that. You could fill it up. Donald Trump [00:42:17] So many times. You could fill it up. It would never end. 325,000 young children are missing. Many are dead. Donald Trump [00:42:26] And that's under their watch. It's the most cruel thing. And the press, the fake news right there, they won't talk about it. They don't want to talk about it. They don't want to talk about any of the bad things. Donald Trump [00:42:37] As California attorney general, she redefined child sex trafficking. That's a term, assault with a deadly weapon and rape of an unconscious person. And also other names that are too bad to name. I'm not going to name them as, because these young children are here. We don't want to name them as nonviolent crimes. Donald Trump [00:43:03] She said they're nonviolent crimes. Think of that. Rape of an unconscious woman. She vowed repeatedly to ban fracking. She imposed natural gas exportation. Donald Trump [00:43:14] Think of that. She banned natural gas exports where we would have made a fortune. Everybody wanted our oil and gas. Banned it. And it's crushing Pennsylvania. Donald Trump [00:43:24] She praised the idea of 70% to 80% tax rates. And she pledged to abolish private health care. People in this audience, some have private health care. They want to pay a little bit more, and they want to have great health care and force everyone onto socialist, government run health care with high taxes and deadly wait times. People are waiting on line at these places for four months for the most routine examination. Donald Trump [00:43:48] She wants to ban the sale of gas powered vehicles. She wants to. She's already banned them, which will destroy North Carolina's way of life. And she even endorsed free sex changes for illegal aliens. We're going to do operations. Donald Trump [00:44:05] I mean, it's not even believable. And she's running. She's running, think of it. Sex change for people that are in prisons and detention centers. If they ask for it and she wants it, check it out, because it's not even believable. Donald Trump [00:44:20] But it's true. As Da and as attorney general, she destroyed the great city of San Francisco, one of the greatest cities in our country, just 15 years ago. And she destroyed the state of California. People are leaving. She led the change in California law so that if you steal less than dollar 950 worth of merchandise, you are not prosecuted. Donald Trump [00:44:42] And if you steal more than $950 worth of merchandise, you're also not prosecuted. Frankly, you see these criminals going into school, they go into a store with a calculator. Let's see, that's $10, $12. Uh, they want to keep it under 950. What a. Donald Trump [00:44:59] Can you imagine being able to steal $1,000 worth of stuff and you're not going to be prosecuted. She even lied to the american people about Joe Biden's cognitive abilities. A great disservice to the american people. It's a great. Think of it, we had a man who was cognitively impaired dealing with Russia, China, uh, Kim Jong un of North Korea, nuclear weapons all over the place, all of these countries. Donald Trump [00:45:31] And she said, no, no, I found them to be fine. She didn't find them m to be fine. She lied. She lied about McDonald's. She said she worked in McDonald's. Donald Trump [00:45:40] She said she worked in McDonald's. Oh, uh, she worked over the french fries. It was so hot. They eat the heat. It was so hot, she'd burn her hand every once in a while on the grease. Donald Trump [00:45:51] Oh, McDonald's. It was a lie. She never worked at McDonald's. And the fake news doesn't want to mention it. They had a big thing about her job at McDonald's. Donald Trump [00:46:01] Uh, and they went there, and the manager's been there a long time. Other people have been there a long time. Say, no, no. She never worked here. Never worked here. Donald Trump [00:46:10] She lied. That, you know, that sounds simple, but that's really bad. It was a pure and simple lie. She never worked at McDonald's. And didn't Oprah ask her about her time at McDonald's? Donald Trump [00:46:23] And she just sort of didn't want to answer that one. Let me not talk about that. Oprah said, you work at McDonald's. That's great. You know, Oprah didn't hear the end result. Donald Trump [00:46:32] She never worked there. So Kamala just sort of hid under the desk along with every other answer she gave. That's why less than two months from now, we are going to tell her that we've had enough. Kamala. We can't take it anymore. Donald Trump [00:46:45] Kamala. Ah. You're the worst vice president in history, Kamala. You're fired. Get out of here. Donald Trump [00:46:51] Get the hell out of here. You're fired. Donald Trump [00:46:57] Get out of here. Donald Trump [00:47:02] So let's talk about our, uh, great women, all right? Because women have gone through a lot. They've gone through a lot. Women are poorer than they were four years ago, are less healthy than they were four years ago, are less safe on the streets than they were four years ago, are paying much higher prices for groceries and everything else than they were four years ago, are more stressed and depressed and unhappy than they were four years ago, and are less optimistic and confident in the future than they were just four years ago. I will fix all of that, women. Donald Trump [00:47:48] I will fix all of that. And I will fix it fair. And at long last, this national nightmare that we're going through will be over. Women will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion because it is now where it always had to be, with the states and with the vote of the people. Donald Trump [00:48:14] The people are now voting, and many of those votes are far more liberal than we thought. But every legal scholar, every Republican and Democrat for years didn't want it in federal, they wanted it in the states and a vote of the people. And that's what's happening right now. And with the powerful exceptions like those that Ronald Reagan insisted on. Ronald Reagan insisted on the exceptions for rape, incest, and life of the mother. Donald Trump [00:48:43] But not allowing for Democrat demanded late term abortion in the 7th, 8th, and 9th month or even execution of a baby after birth, which is what they want. I asked her about it during the bait and she didn't want to answer it. I said, are you willing to have an abortion on a woman in the 9th month? And she didn't want to answer. The answer is yes. Donald Trump [00:49:08] And think of it, even. Even after birth. It's called execution. I will protect women at a level never seen before. They will finally be healthy, hopeful, safe and secure. Donald Trump [00:49:23] Their lives will be happy, beautiful, and ah, their lives will be great again. So, women, we love you. We're going to take care of you. Donald Trump [00:49:33] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:49:37] We're going to take care of you. It's where they've always wanted it. Everybody, every legal scholar in the country, that's where they wanted it. From the moment, moment we take back the White House from Kamala Harris, I believe we're going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country. Starting on day one, I will seal the border and stop this horrible migrant invasion that is destroying our country. Donald Trump [00:50:03] We will carry out the largest deportation operation of criminals in american history. We will end inflation and make America affordable again. And we will get your energy bills cut in half within twelve months. Donald Trump [00:50:22] We will come. That's right. Thank you. We will become energy independent and then, uh, energy dominant like no country has ever been before. Remember, again, we have more than Saudi Arabia, we have more than Russia, by a lot. Donald Trump [00:50:37] We will open Anwar, because, you know, Anwar, I. A lot of you know what? Nwar is the biggest site maybe in the world. In Alaska. It took every. Donald Trump [00:50:46] It took years, decades. Nobody could get it approved. Ronald Reagan failed. Everybody failed. I got it approved in the first week. Donald Trump [00:50:53] They closed it. The most dominant, the biggest, probably the biggest oil site anywhere in the world. We'll get it open very quickly, and we'll start producing tremendous amounts of oil and energy. We will stop the outsourcing and turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower. That includes automobiles, by the way. Donald Trump [00:51:13] Other countries that make us pay a tax or a tariff to do business with them will be charged the same tax or tariff when they send their product into the United States. It will be called the Trump Reciprocal Trade act. It basically says that if China or any other country charges us 100 or 200% tax or tariff, then we will charge them a 100 or 200% tax or tariff in return. That message is very simple. Make your product here in the United States of America, you have absolutely no tariff to pay. Donald Trump [00:51:53] It works beautifully, and it's going to bring business like you wouldn't believe. Nobody's been able to do it except me. We were doing it, and then we had to take care of COVID our gift from China. The China virus came in, and we did a great job. Never got credit like we did in the economy. Donald Trump [00:52:08] The military, we defeated ISIS. But, uh, we're going to get that done fast, and it's going to have. You will have more jobs in North Carolina, you'll have more jobs in this country than we've ever had before. You already had it under my administration. My plan is that if you open your factory in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, or anywhere else in the US, you don't have to pay a tariff, but you move your production outside of the United States, you do it like they're doing it right now. Donald Trump [00:52:38] Mexico is going to try and take over our car industry. Not if I were in there, but they did this. During the last four years, some of the biggest automobile manufacturing plants in the world are being built right now in Mexico, as we sit here and listen, and we're not going to let it happen. They're not going to make millions of cars and send them into. They're, uh, going to pay a 200% tariff, which means they're not going to be able to send their cars in here. Donald Trump [00:53:03] It'll be a big waste of money. I will not let Mexico, China, or any other country sell cars into the United States to the detriment of our auto workers. And that goes for Detroit. Detroit will be wiped out within two years. You watch. Donald Trump [00:53:18] If I lose this election, two things you won't have. You won't have auto workers in this country. Country. And Israel will be totally demolished if I don't. If I don't make it, if she runs it, Israel will be gone, and you won't have auto workers. Donald Trump [00:53:34] The auto workers will be gone because all the electric cars are going to be made in China. I will end the insane electric vehicle mandate. And by the way, I love electric cars. And I have such respect for Elon. We love Elon. Donald Trump [00:53:47] Right? He endorsed me. And, uh, what he makes is great. It's a great product. But he understands it's not going to be 100% of the cars he's got a great product. Donald Trump [00:53:58] You want people. If they want a gasoline powered car, if they want a hybrid, they can have whatever they want. Maybe not hydrogen yet. As I said, this gets a little bit tricky. But they can have what they want. Donald Trump [00:54:11] They can have electric, but that's the way it should be. It's got a strong market. It's got a great market, but it's not a market for everyone. We're going to have gasoline powered cars because they go far, they're less expensive, and they take care of a lot of needs. When you drive up to Washington, DC or down to Washington, DC, from wherever you are in the country, I want you. Donald Trump [00:54:34] You're going to see, number one, a safe capital, a beautiful capital with no graffiti, with beautiful roads. With everything done, it looks like hell. Right now. It looks like hell. But you're going to be able to make it on a tank of gas. Donald Trump [00:54:46] Yes. Not five stops. Do you know in the midwest they built eight electric chargers. That's like a gasoline pump with electricity in it. They spent $9 billion under Biden for eight charges. Donald Trump [00:55:03] No, we're not going to do that and make, we're going to make our auto manufacturing business stronger than it ever has been. We are going to bring back the manufacturing of automobile. It affects you, too, because you do certain aspects of it. But Michigan and frankly, your sister, your brother, South Carolina, do we love South Carolina? I think so. Donald Trump [00:55:25] I think so. But they do a lot of, uh, car manufacturing, and they're going to be a big beneficiary of what we're doing. We're going to make cars the way we had it 40 or 50 years ago. We were dominant. We're going to be dominant again. Donald Trump [00:55:39] They all want our market, but they don't want to make them here. Make them here. I will also protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts. They will not do it. They're putting migrants into the Social Security system. Donald Trump [00:55:51] They're putting migrants into your Medicare system and they're destroying it. We are going to take care of it. She will let illegal aliens plunder the benefits our seniors rely on and our seniors deserve leaving North Carolina seniors in poverty and desperation. Remember, Trump was right about everything. They have a hat. Donald Trump [00:56:11] It says. He's laughing. It's true. Trump was right about everything. Everything. Donald Trump [00:56:18] They will destroy your Social Security, and I won't let them do it. Vote Trump for no taxpayer. Think of it. No taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens. We can't do that. Donald Trump [00:56:32] This is one of the reasons that they're coming in. They hear, they're going to get all sorts of welfare benefits. They're taking over your schools, they're taking over your hospitals. Of course they're coming. And when they learn that that's not going to happen, they won't be coming any longer. Donald Trump [00:56:46] I will stop the drugs and fentanyl pouring into the United States at levels never seen before. Killing our kids and killing our families. It's killed over 320,000 children this year. Can you imagine that? Or Americans. Donald Trump [00:57:00] And uh, it's not even. And if you had a war you wouldn't lose that many people. 300 and 2325 thousand people killed by drugs that pour in through our southern border. And by the way, four years ago we had the strongest border in the history of our country. Now we have the worst border in the history of the world. Donald Trump [00:57:18] And she was the one that ran it. She doesn't want to take credit for it but she was the one. We will protect all law enforcement including border patrol, ice, all of the sheriffs tariffs and secret service. We're going to protect all of them. We're going to take care of our law enforcement and we will terminate the green news scam and spend trillions and trillions of unspent dollars on roads and bridges and infrastructure and paying down our debt and not fake infrastructure that has caused massive inflation and has been no benefit whatsoever to our country. Donald Trump [00:57:50] We're going to have the cleanest water in the world which we had four years ago and we're going to have the cleanest air in the world. I will settle the war in Ukraine and I will end the chaos in the middle east and I will prevent World War III. We will have peace through strength. We don't have to have people dying. Donald Trump [00:58:10] We will lead the world in space. Remember I did space force. I did that. I rebuilt the military, I did a lot. But we have space force. Donald Trump [00:58:18] First time in 79 years since air force. First time. Think of it, space Force. And now we're leading in space over Russia and China. They were killing us when I took over and now we're leading, but military we're going to reach and it's my plan. Donald Trump [00:58:33] I'll talk to Elon. Elon, get those rocket ships going because we want to reach Mars before the end of my term. We want to do it and we want to have also great military protection in space because that's where it's going to be at. That we will rebuild our cities including Washington DC, making them safe, clean and beautiful again. And we will keep the US dollar as the world's reserve currency, which we're losing right now. Donald Trump [00:59:00] And if we lose that, it's like losing a war, and we're losing it as the world's reserve currency. This is how we will end the era of inflation, mayhem, and misery under Kamala and Krookajo and unleash safety, prosperity, and peace for Americans of every race, religion, color, and creed. Together, we will deliver low taxes, low regulations, low energy costs, low interest rates, low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries, a car, and a home. We will stop the invasion and end migrant crime. We are going to totally stop this invasion. Donald Trump [00:59:41] This invasion is destroying the fabric of our country. We're going to support our police, strengthen our military, build a missile defense shield around our country, keep critical race theory the hell out of, uh, our politics. Donald Trump [01:00:02] We're going to end transgender insanity in our schools, and we're going to keep men out of women's sports. Donald Trump [01:00:16] I don't know if you watch the Olympics, did you see the young italian boxer? Beautiful, beautiful young girl, and she was boxing a person who transitioned. We want to use that term. I'm, uh, very precise, because if I do wrong, he should resign. He used the wrong word. Donald Trump [01:00:31] These people are sick. Okay, the fake news. So, fighting a young person who transitioned to female, there were two of them allowed in olympic boxing. And, you know, a jab is not the hardest. It's like that just to keep away, you know, you. Donald Trump [01:00:49] So she's fighting him, and she's a little concerned, and he looked like Muhammad Ali would be afraid of him, I have to say. Oh, she looked like. She looked like Muhammad Ali, the one who transitioned, and she's doing a laughter left. So, anyway, first punch was a little left jab. Hit her in the face. Donald Trump [01:01:05] The Italian go. Haha. And the italian girl went back to her corner. I never was hit like that. Then they said, try it again. Donald Trump [01:01:13] Boom. Um, again, she went back and she quit. Shockingly, this person won the gold medal. Shockingly, the other person that transitioned into a female won the gold medal. So they both won gold medals. Donald Trump [01:01:30] How demeaning is this to women? How demeaning is this to our country? How crazy is it? Think of it. Open borders and men going into women's sports. Donald Trump [01:01:41] It's so horrible that things are so crazy that this could even be happening, that I even have to respond to saying, we will no longer have open borders. I mean, think of, you know, we built hundreds of miles of. And we also had 28,000 soldiers from Mexico as guards, because if they didn't do that, I said very nicely, we're going to put tariffs on your products coming in. Sir, we would love to do that. We would be honored to do that. Donald Trump [01:02:05] So we had a lot of help from Mexico. They were great. But, you know, they've made a fortune off of us, so it's one of those things. But all of these things that we did, they were making our country so strong, they were all given up by these people that have no clue what the hell they're doing. Our country will be dead if she gets elected. Donald Trump [01:02:22] We won't even have a country. It won't be recognizable. We will defend the second amendment, protect religious liberty, restore free speech, and we will totally secure our elections for once, everyone will prosper, every family will thrive, and every day will be filled with opportunity and hope. But for that to happen, we must defend defeat Kamala Harris, and we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda. It's not even her agenda. Donald Trump [01:02:54] It's other people. You know that. It's other people. You know it. So get everyone you know and vote. Donald Trump [01:03:00] We want a landslide that's too big to rig. Okay? Too big to rig. Donald Trump [01:03:07] November 5 will be the most important day in the history of our country. That's the day we're going to save our country. That's the day we're going to save our economy. Meaning November 5 and two months earlier, because you could go out and vote right now. We will rescue our middle class. Donald Trump [01:03:26] We will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders. We will put America first, and we will take back our country. And our country will become bigger, better, stronger than ever. Because together, we will make America powerful again, make America wealthy again, make America healthy again. Make America strong again. Donald Trump [01:04:00] We will make America proud again, America safe again. We will make America free again. And we will make, uh, America great again. Thank you very much. Thank you, North Carolina. Donald Trump [01:04:22] Go out and vote. God bless you. God bless you. Thank you very much.