# Elon Musk in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania | Saturday, October 19, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Sunday, 20 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/eKTuDbdMHh4Lp_n0PSCGzOZvwlgY32Vo * Words : 9,389 * Duration : 01:09:04 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-20 20:24:01 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Elon Musk - 100.0% ---------------------------- Elon Musk [00:00:04] Hi, everyone. Elon Musk [00:00:26] Well, I'm guessing this is a pro elon crowd somehow. Thanks, guys. Uh, well, thank you for coming tonight. Um, and, uh, it's an honor to be here and, um, be able to speak to you, and, uh, I look forward to questions and comments. Uh, it's always interesting to have that q and a and hear what people's concerns are, answer questions, and I think, uh, these things are great. Elon Musk [00:00:55] Um, so, uh, one of the things that has been concerning me for, uh, a while, particularly it's ramped up, uh, this year is that there's increasingly attacks on the constitution. Um, and specifically, there are attacks on, uh, your right to freedom, uh, of speech. Uh, there are attacks on your right to bear arms. Elon Musk [00:01:26] And, you know, without the right to bear arms, the second amendment is there to protect the first amendment. So, uh, you have to say, why were these the first and second amendments? Elon Musk [00:01:47] Is because the countries that people came from, um, if you spoke your mind, you could get imprisoned or you could get killed. That's why they said, we've got to make sure we have freedom of speech. Well, how do we ensure that we have freedom of speech? Well, the right to bear arms. So, I mean, the founders of the constitution must have been saying to themselves, this country is going to be lit. Elon Musk [00:02:19] Um, so, uh, and I believe everyone here has actually signed the petition in support of the. Yeah, so, so one of the things we're doing is, uh, we want to try to get, um, over a million, maybe 2 million of, uh, voters, uh, in the battleground states, uh, to sign the petition in support of the first and second amendment. Elon Musk [00:02:51] Because, uh, I think this sends a crucial message to our elected politicians, uh, to, you know, who care about the outcome in battleground states. Say, okay, wow, people in these states really, actually care about these things. It's a big deal. Elon Musk [00:03:08] Um, so, um. Um, we really want to try to get as many people as possible to sign, uh, this petition. So I have a surprise for you, uh, which is that, uh, we are going to be awarding a million dollars to, uh, randomly to people who have signed the petition every day from now until the election. Elon Musk [00:03:55] So, you know, one of the challenges we're having is like, well, how do we get people to know about this petition? Because the legacy media won't report on it. You know, not everyone's on x. Uh, so I figure, how do we get people to know about it? Well, this news, I think, is gonna really fly. Elon Musk [00:04:18] So. Elon Musk [00:04:25] So every day between now and the election, we'll be awarding a million dollars starting tonight. Elon Musk [00:04:41] All right, so uh, tonight's person is John Dreher. Elon Musk [00:05:05] Thank you. All right. Thank you. So, by, uh, the way, uh, John had no idea, so, um, anyway, you're welcome. Uh, and, yeah, so the only thing we ask, uh, for the million dollars is that you be a spokesperson for the petition. Elon Musk [00:05:38] And, uh, that's it, really. That's the whole. That's it. Um, and, uh, yeah, that's it. So, wait, do you want to say anything? Elon Musk [00:05:48] Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead. Thanks, elon. This is great. I really ecstatic. Uh, I want to congratulate you on your rocket, uh, catch last week. Elon Musk [00:05:57] Big kerbal catch. But, yeah, I've been following you for ten years. Got your biography ten years ago. Uh, been watching ever since, and big fan. So thank you. Elon Musk [00:06:08] All right, well, cool. So, yeah, so I think this is kind of fun. Um, and, uh, you know, it, ah, seems like a good use of money, basically. Ah, so, um, and we really need to go all out to protect the constitution. Um, the constitution is there for a reason. Elon Musk [00:06:39] There was great wisdom in that document. Uh, and if anything, uh, it is what will save us from tyranny. And, um, yeah, well, let's see. So, um, I don't actually have any, like, as you can see, there's no teleprompter or anything. I'm just like, what should I say next? Elon Musk [00:07:17] I don't know. Elon Musk [00:07:20] But, you know, it's worth reiterating. Uh, why, um, I'm supporting Donald Trump for president, um, and, you know, there's, I think, important things that need to happen. I mean, I think we want. We essentially want the sensible, basic things. We want safe cities, uh, we want secure borders. Elon Musk [00:07:46] Uh, we want, obviously, support for the constitution. Uh, you know, we want, I think, less, uh, government, uh, sort of overreach. Um, and, you know, really, I think we want to restore freedom to the people, um, you know, so that your individual levities are prized and you get to do what you want to do. Elon Musk [00:08:13] Um, and you're not sort of over regulated to death, which is kind of what's happening. You know, it's sort of shocking that I think there's something like 428, uh, federal agencies, that's almost two agencies per year since the founding of the country, um, and more being created. Elon Musk [00:08:31] And so I call this, like, uh, sort of strangulation by overregulation. Um, and this is crazy. So I think with, with the Trump presidency, we have real opportunity to, um, reduce, uh, the size of government, to, uh, have a sensible regulation, uh, and really, uh, free the american people to do what they want to do. Elon Musk [00:09:09] Yeah, I mean, I'm not sure. Like, these are sort of right wing values. I don't. They seem like sensible values. Uh, I mean, like, in fact, I find it strange that these are even question marks, frankly. Elon Musk [00:09:27] So it's just, uh, obvious things that should happen. Um, so, well, let's go straight into q and a, because I feel like a lot of things you've kind of heard before or people out there have heard before. Um, and if I keep repeating myself, it's going to be kind of boring. So better to have questions, and then the questions can lead to interesting discussions. Elon Musk [00:10:00] Um, and, um, one note I should make with respect to questions or comments. Elon Musk [00:10:08] Uh, the kind of questions or comments you want to have are things that you think the public would be interested in hearing. So it's sort of, um. What would people out there, uh, be interested in hearing? Hearing, um, me answer or hearing you say. And, uh, that that's the way to kind of think about the framing of the questions. Elon Musk [00:10:34] Please, go ahead. Hey, Elon. BJ wurzen. Uh, absolute honor to meet you tonight. First, I just want to say thank you for your leadership. Elon Musk [00:10:41] We all really appreciate what you're doing. It's absolutely amazing that you're even here, out here doing this. Absolutely. Well, you know, really appreciate that. I mean, the reason that I'm doing this is because I really think we're at a fork in the road of destiny. Elon Musk [00:10:59] And this election is an absolutely crucial one. I have not been politically active before, and I'm politically active now because, uh, every instinct that I have tells me that this is a fork in the road of destiny. Elon Musk [00:11:15] So you obviously are interested in Pennsylvania, and there's even a rumor that you might want to invest in Pennsylvania. That's true, actually, I spoke with. Yeah. So, well, my first question is, would you want to go halfsies with me on the Pittsburgh pirates? We could really piss off Mark Cuban. Elon Musk [00:11:36] Now, the real question, you're a numbers guy. You're looking at the numbers. What are you seeing here in Pennsylvania and others that's given you encouragement and what are you concerned about? Well, I'm very much encouraged by the enthusiasm that I see, obviously, in the crowd tonight is incredible energy and enthusiasm. It's like, uh, it's heartening. Elon Musk [00:12:01] It's really heartening. It encourages me, because sometimes I wonder, is there enthusiasm? Is there energy to make things happen? You know, like our biggest issue is often apathy. You know, is that if the people that if the people that could vote just actually voted, then Trump would win. Elon Musk [00:12:19] For sure. Elon Musk [00:12:23] You know, so a lot of it is, I think, convincing people who sometimes feel like the vote doesn't matter or it's all rigged or whatever, that actually the vote does matter. Um, and if there's any election in their lifetime that they're going to vote, they should vote in this one. This one. It really is a big deal. Elon Musk [00:12:46] So, you know, I really want to encourage people out there to, you know, this is a one time ask. Elon Musk [00:12:56] Just go out there and talk to your friends and family and acquaintances and people you meet on the street and convince them to vote. Obviously, you got to get registered, make sure they're registered, and then make sure they vote. Um, this one, this is a big one. This is a really big one, and I've never said that before. Elon Musk [00:13:16] So this one, you got to go all out. Elon Musk [00:13:20] All out. Elon Musk [00:13:28] Elon. I'm Senator Greg Rothman. Welcome to central Pennsylvania. We're so glad you're here. Thank you. Elon Musk [00:13:35] So you've been in Pennsylvania at least the last week or so. Um, anything surprises you about this state, uh, our commonwealth? What have you noticed? What have you seen that's been a surprise to you? Well, you know, I did live here for three years, uh, so I'm not like, a total stranger. Elon Musk [00:13:51] Um, I went to college in Pennsylvania, so, uh, you know, I'm not like some, you know, guy, just like, what is the state? What's it like? I lived here for three years. So, um, yeah, it's a great state. I really enjoyed my time here. Elon Musk [00:14:09] And, um, it's, ah, and I think, actually, Pennsylvania is really. It's the linchpin in this election, you know? And, uh, so it's how Pennsylvania goes, I think, is how the election goes. And, uh, yeah, yeah. Ilan. Elon Musk [00:14:34] My name is Chandi. I'm one of the pastors here. Thank you for hosting your town hall here at life center in Pennsylvania. My question for you is, would you hold an official position in the Trump administration? If so, what would it be? Elon Musk [00:14:48] Would you create a new role for you to help save our nation? Well, um, yes. So I've had many conversations with President Trump, um, who is very much aligned, uh, in thinking that we need significant government reform. Um, we need to get the government out of people's lives, really. Um, and have America be the land of liberty, which is. Elon Musk [00:15:17] That is what has made America great, is the land of liberty and opportunity. So you maximize people's personal freedom. Um, and we make sure that, uh, getting ahead is a function of hard work and talent, um, and an honest day's work. That's really what should get people ahead, and that's the only thing. Elon Musk [00:15:48] Hello, Elon Jerrel with genuine assets. Welcome to Pennsylvania again. Um, my question for you, um, Elon, is, um, the biggest obstacle that you've had in life and how you turn that obstacle into an opportunity? Elon Musk [00:16:07] Well, I guess I've had a lot of obstacles. Um, I certainly didn't expect to get the things done that I have gotten done. Quite frankly, I expected failure. Um, so it was really just that I wanted to do something that was as useful as possible. I wanted to be as useful as possible. Elon Musk [00:16:30] Um, and, um, that was it, really. I didn't even really actually originally intend to even start a company. I tried to get a job at Netscape after, uh, graduating from Penn. Uh, Mark Andreessen is a friend of mine. Uh, but they didn't respond to my resume that I mailed in. Elon Musk [00:16:55] So I was like, okay, well, I guess I'll try writing software. I've been writing software since I was a kid, so I'll write some Internet software and see if I can do some useful applications on the Internet. And I ended up sort of writing the first, uh, maps and directions and yellow pages and white pages on the Internet back in 95. Elon Musk [00:17:13] And, um, it was just really because nobody would give me a job on the Internet. Uh, so that was it. Elon Musk [00:17:21] If they gave me a job, I guess I would have just worked at Netscape or something. Um, my best advice really is just like, try to do, uh, an honest day's work and try to be as useful as possible to your fellow human beings. Um, try to, uh, give more than you take. Elon Musk [00:17:41] And, um, I just have a lot of respect for people who do an honest day's work. That's what really matters. Elon Musk [00:17:54] How's it going, Elon? Good to see you. Um, my name's Josh. Um, I'm worried about kids, um, in a big way. Um, I grew, uh, up in, uh, Wyoming county, up north, small town area, real conservative. Elon Musk [00:18:11] Got, um, an education at Penn State economics. And it really turned me, um, away from my father and our small business that we had. I was basically raised to take it over. And, uh, I did once I graduated, but it kind of imploded afterwards, about a year, um, and I moved to California, and I didn't know what really happened. Elon Musk [00:18:38] We got in a big argument and I had to go. Elon Musk [00:18:41] It was freeze. So flight happened next. Um, uh, explored, uh, homosexuality, considered, uh, transitioning, uh, to a female, and, well, this is quite the journey. Yeah. And I think that there's, uh, there's a big problem with education, uh, that is having people. Elon Musk [00:19:08] I guess my question is, what are other things we can do besides the impact, uh, that we can have on the department of education to help confuse children that are trying to know who they are and how they can fit into their community and be productive? Sure. Yeah. Elon Musk [00:19:31] Well, I think there's. What I think, I mean, what I see is that there's like a tremendous amount of propaganda being pushed on kids in schools. Um, and, uh, I think it's just messing with kids heads. I mean, anyone that goes through puberty, it's going to be an identity crisis. Going through puberty. Elon Musk [00:19:54] It's normal to have an identity crisis, really. And I think we should tell kids, like, yeah, if you're confused, that's okay, it's coming of age, you know? Um, we shouldn't, like, steer them in a particular direction, uh, or convince them of something that's. That they're not, um, it's just, it's okay to go through an identity crisis. Elon Musk [00:20:19] Everyone does. Elon Musk [00:20:21] Um, and, uh, but I think what I see in schools is that they tend to send kids down paths that they, you know, they wouldn't actually go down because they're being pushed down that way by the teachers and by the propaganda that's pushed in the schools. So I think we need to tell kids it's okay to live with uncertainty, that it's normal to have uncertainty, um, and it'll settle down over time. Elon Musk [00:20:58] And, um, you know, and don't make any permanent decisions, you know, like decisions that can't be reversed. Uh, can't be reversed. So, you know, I think we definitely should not have any sort of sterilization of kids, you know, below 18. Elon Musk [00:21:16] That's no good. Um, that there's an age of consent for a reason. Um, and, you know, we don't let kids get tattoos until they're 18, and we don't, you know, alcohol is technically illegal until 21, although that's often, you know, observed in the breach. Um, so. But we just want people to, um, not make decisions when they're young that make them unhappy as an adulthood. Elon Musk [00:21:50] That's really what it comes down to. And I think you want to say we want to optimize for people's long term happiness. Um, but that means making sure, like I said, that there are no irreversible changes during a kid, when a kid has an identity crisis, which every kid has. And that's totally cool. Elon Musk [00:22:12] And so my opinion is we should just tell kids when they're going through puberty and an identity crisis that's totally normal and don't get too stressed about it. Elon Musk [00:22:23] Um, and things will settle out how they settle out. And, you know, that's the right thing to do. Elon Musk [00:22:36] Hello. Thank you very much, Mister Elon Musk. M my name is Lenka White. I'm, um, a, uh, legal immigrant from the church republic. Um, we are all very grateful for x. Elon Musk [00:22:48] I think it's the only platform where we can find the truth, and not only here in the United States, but in places like Europe. My question is, what is your vision on the future of the media under Harris versus under Trump? How it would look like, and can the, ah, legacy media still earn the trust and what would happen to x? Elon Musk [00:23:12] Of course. Thank you so much. Elon Musk [00:23:14] Sure. Well, no, it's a great question because there's a, I mean, there's, um. I think what we'll see is, ah, a lot of censorship under sort of the akamala regime. Um, you know, Kamala is really just, she's just a puppet, frankly. I mean, you know, if the teleprompter breaks, doesn't know what to say. Elon Musk [00:23:38] So I just call it the machine, the kind of big government machine, essentially. Um, and you sort of have a face on the big government machine. And when the Biden puppet was not working out, they sort of got a new puppet. Uh, but it's still the same machine, obviously, and it's extremely undemocratic what was done. Elon Musk [00:24:01] Um, uh, it's bizarre and hypocritical to claim that Trump is somehow a danger to democracy when what happened with Biden being removed as the candidate was incredibly undemocratic. Elon Musk [00:24:18] Yeah. So it doesn't make sense. Um, but there's clearly a strong push for, uh, censorship under the guise of fighting, uh, disinformation. Um, and, uh, but really, disinformation is a propaganda word. Uh, it's not a, it's, well, who's going to decide what's disinformation? Elon Musk [00:24:41] The government. That's crazy. You know, so that, that's, you know. Yeah, so I think we'll see. Um, this is like a very, this is why we have this petition in support of freedom of speech and right to bear arms, is that it's under siege, it's being attacked. Elon Musk [00:25:04] Um, but really, we should have the free marketplace of ideas. People can propose an idea, the people can discuss an idea, and, um, they can make a statement, people can rebut that. You can have the sort of, the people can decide to. And I think it's far better for information to um, sort of bubble up from the voice of the people than to be decided by a handful of editors in chiefs of newspapers. Elon Musk [00:25:37] Um, yeah, I mean, the sort of the biggest point of manipulation that occurs in the media is not when the media says something that's false, ah, or misleading, because they do that, but their choice of narrative, what are they going to talk about? Elon Musk [00:26:04] Uh, by choosing to focus on one thing and not focus on another thing, they're sort of steering, um, what information the public receives, whereas, ah, I think the right thing is that the narratives that are important should be the narratives that the people as a whole think are important, not what a few media oligarchs think is important, but they sure like controlling information. Elon Musk [00:26:44] So I think, uh, if the Kamala machine wins, uh, then, uh, we'll see. Uh, I think severe censorship is what's going to happen, and that's why I think this is the last election. Yeah. Elon Musk [00:27:05] Thanks to you, Kamala is not going to win. Uh, I'm Chet. Elon Musk [00:27:16] My name is Chet Beiler. I'm from right here in central Pennsylvania, and I don't think that was an overstatement. Thanks to you, Kamala will not win. I have two questions regarding the election itself and what you believe can be done to create not only a victory, but a strong victory. Yes, I'm now convinced that, again, thanks to you, we're going to sweep the seven, uh, states that we must win. Elon Musk [00:27:42] But I also hope we could pick up New Hampshire, New Jersey, and Virginia. So I wonder what your thoughts are as to how decisive the victory could be. And then, number two, as was referenced earlier, we and all of America is very enthused about you working with Donald Trump to make our government appropriately smaller and more effective. Elon Musk [00:28:05] So, because that message is so compelling, I wonder if your super PAC could be a little more clear about that point as it relates to you affecting that upgrade to this group country. Uh, certainly, I'm happy to clarify that. Elon Musk [00:28:27] Um, you know, I think a lot of the things I say, I feel like I'm just stating the obvious, but sometimes the obvious isn't what happens. Or, um, is that if America is not strong, um, if the west is not strong, then nothing else matters. Uh, you know, the companies that I run, they don't matter. Elon Musk [00:28:55] Basically, America is the central pole holding up the tent that is western civilization. And if that poll fails, nothing else matters. Elon Musk [00:29:07] Nothing else matters. Elon Musk [00:29:11] So I try to encourage a lot of people in business and technology to say, like, hey, you just got to think long term. You don't even need to be altruistic. You just got to think long term and say, uh, if America fails, what good is your business? It doesn't matter. So America must be strong. Elon Musk [00:29:31] Uh, and, uh, the central pole that holds up the town of western civilization must be firm as an oak. Elon Musk [00:29:44] Hi, Elon. My name is Jocelle, and thank you for saving free speech. Elon Musk [00:29:55] My question is, what would you expect to see when you head the government efficiency department? What are your strategies and priorities to curb government spending? Well, I've had some exposure to government, uh, spending, uh, because SpaceX, uh, does have a lot of government contracts. There's a lot of work for NASA and for, um, dod, uh, intel and whatnot. Elon Musk [00:30:22] And so I've actually seen just the level of waste that happens. Elon Musk [00:30:27] And if you talk to people in the government, they actually agree. Yes, this is very wasteful and inefficient. And I'm like, well, why do we do something about it? But really, in order to do something about it, it has to be a mandate from the top. And if the president is. Elon Musk [00:30:40] If we have a great president like Donald Trump, uh, who is willing to make major changes, and it's difficult because the system will fight you. The system is not going to be like, oh, yeah, totally, uh, we're totally happy, uh, being smaller. That will not be like, the sort of anti body reaction of the system will be quite severe. Elon Musk [00:31:02] Uh, you know, I don't think it's going to be. They're not going to like it, basically. Elon Musk [00:31:09] Um, so. But you have to have that mandate from the president, and we need a real president, not a puppet. You know. Elon Musk [00:31:21] You know, the thing that, that scares the system, that scares the machine is that Donald Trump is not a puppet. He's a real person, you know, and he's not beholden to anyone. And, uh, that's why you see sort of, you know, they're trying to kill him, you know? And, uh, you know, I mentioned as a joke, I meant it as a joke, um, that no one's even bothering to try to kill Kamala, uh, you know, because there's no point. Elon Musk [00:31:53] There's no point is what? Elon Musk [00:31:54] I just get another puppet, you know? Um, so I'm not suggesting someone should try to kill her. It's pointless. Um, but I'm just saying. I'm just making an observation. Elon Musk [00:32:05] Nobody's bothered. Why is that? Because it doesn't matter. Yeah, assassinating a puppet is pointless. Elon Musk [00:32:18] So, yeah. Elon Musk [00:32:28] Hi, elon. Um, I'm Chad Wick from Westchester, Pennsylvania, and I think more people are voting for Trump than ever before. It's historically been democratic. I wear my trump hat and walking around, people come up to me all the time, all races, all sexes, and they're like, cheers. Let's go. Elon Musk [00:32:47] I was just like, let's go. Yeah, Maga. Exactly. Maga. Loud and proud. Elon Musk [00:32:52] Let's go. Uh, I encourage people to put trump band signs on their lawn and wear MagA merch. Uh, because a lot of it is, like, people. A lot of people, they actually would like to, uh, support Donald Trump, but they aren't sure if anyone around them does, too. And a lot of people. Elon Musk [00:33:09] So you got to sort of, you know, if you sort of kind of plant the flag, then people are like, yeah, you know, I see other people are doing it, then maybe I will, too. So, yeah, thank you for doing what you're doing, 100%. Thank you for what you're doing. Thank you for standing up for Trump and putting your voice out there, because it's really important seeing your face. Elon Musk [00:33:26] The richest person in the world, that's you. Elon Musk [00:33:29] So thank you for that. Um, I mean, I just said I built some companies that are to do a lot of useful things, and as a result, the stock's worth a lot. So that's kind of what happens. It's like, you know, um, but in terms of personal expenditures, I do not live a. Elon Musk [00:33:47] Ah. Elon Musk [00:33:47] Particularly, you know, I don't have, like, a yacht or islands or anything like that. I just work, you know, so. Elon Musk [00:34:03] Good evening, Elon. My name is Jared. It's a pleasure and honor to meet you here in Pennsylvania. It's an honor and pleasure to meet all you guys. You guys rock. Elon Musk [00:34:14] I mean, this is. This is fire. I mean, seeing the level of enthusiasm, uh, is just. I mean, this is firing me up big time. This is awesome. Elon Musk [00:34:22] Me too. Yeah, me too. Elon Musk [00:34:30] USA. Uh, USA. Absolutely. I have a two part question. Part a, uh, I admire your authenticity, as well as Donald Trump and truly wanting to make America great again. Elon Musk [00:34:40] Giving up whatever you need to just do the right thing, even if it's unpopular. Yeah. With all the government spending that you keep talking about on x, do you believe that in combination with the Department of government efficiency, with Donald Trump's policies, do you think we can reduce the us national debt that's currently at under $36 trillion? Elon Musk [00:34:59] And part B is that after you do it, we have to, like, if we don't do something about the debt, it's going to, like, this is, like, for some reason, you know, just the legacy. Mainstream media just ignores the fact that America is going bankrupt like crazy. Elon Musk [00:35:13] It's like, at a rate that is unprecedented. Um, and the reality is that all government spending is, uh, taxation. So even I. So people think, well, this government spending and taxation are somehow separate, but they're not. All government spending is taxation because the deficit is what results in inflation. Elon Musk [00:35:33] And so inflation is a de facto tax because it causes oil prices to rise and makes people try to just live their lives have, uh, a lot of difficulty. But, uh, inflation throughout history has been used as a pernicious tax because it's like it's one degree removed. So people don't feel it directly. Elon Musk [00:35:56] They sort of, and then the politicians will try to blame it on something else. But it's all about government spending. Elon Musk [00:36:03] Government spending is what drives inflation. So the key is we've got to reduce the government spending. Um, and, uh, if we don't, we're going to go bankrupt as a country. End of story. Just like a person, you know, if a person spends beyond their means, they go bankrupt and we're spending beyond our means and we're spending on, like, silly stuff that doesn't actually benefit the public. Elon Musk [00:36:26] Correct. And part two to that, I believe you're going to do that with Donald Trump. I'm just telling you that it's not if, it's when. Because I am confident you and Donald Trump are going to truly make America great again. Well, thank you. Elon Musk [00:36:38] But I do want to, I do want to caution against complacency is the only thing. So it's like, we just need to be super hardcore about getting every possible vote. Confidence you have. Not complacency. Yes, exactly. Elon Musk [00:36:48] You want to be confident but not complacent. And, uh, so that's why it's like, we've got to just be total evangelists about the voting. Um, and really, every vote counts and just make sure everyone, you know is registered. The deadline for registration in Pennsylvania is Monday. Yeah, midnight Monday. Elon Musk [00:37:05] Like, you can register online, it's super easy. Um, but, like, hound everyone, you know, to get registered because after, uh, midnight on Monday, it's no good. And this is a silly question, but when you cut the government spending and you have a stack of all these deregulations, can you live stream on x and use not a flamethrower and burn that to the ground? Elon Musk [00:37:29] Yeah, great idea. Yeah. Elon Musk [00:37:38] I think a bonfire of nonsense regulations would be epic. Yeah. Elon Musk [00:37:47] And, you know, sometimes people, sometimes people are concerned, like, well, what if there's some regulation that's actually, uh, really important? And, uh, we get rid of that and say, well, you know what? We'll put it right back. Problem solved. Elon Musk [00:38:02] So. All right, well, mister Mosk, thank you for speaking directly with the voters of the United States. Pretty great view. Uh, yeah, absolutely. Removing yourself from the equation. Elon Musk [00:38:15] What, um, does it say about the Biden Harris administration and the would be Harris administration that she had, that they haven't worked with such great, um, american companies such as SpaceX to, uh, Tesla and then even speak out against x? Elon Musk [00:38:31] Yeah, I mean, it's pretty weird. Um, you know, uh, yeah, because it was kind of a surprise because it's like Biden, for example, had that, like, electric vehicle summit at the White House six months after getting integral graded and specifically excluded Tesla. Even though Tesla makes more electric cars than ever. Yeah, it was not cool. Elon Musk [00:38:58] Um. Elon Musk [00:39:00] Ah, and then credited GM with driving the electric vehicle revolution. And that was the second event. And then in that quarter, GM shipped 26 electric cars and Tesla shipped 300,000. So I'm like, and Tesla's at this point about 140,000 people. It's really, it's like, there's a lot of blood, sweat and tears from 140,000 people working hard to make great electric cars. Elon Musk [00:39:29] Um, and, uh, you know, to be sort of cold shouldered like that for no reason, it's like, what's the deal? You know, that was wrong. So, um, yeah, and then there was like that crazy thing wherever SpaceX competed for the rural broadband initiative, um, which, by the way, I'm actually generally against subsidies and incentives. Elon Musk [00:39:52] Uh, we should let taxpayers keep their money, is my opinion. But they had this $42 billion thing and we competed and we won. Elon Musk [00:40:04] And we would have actually, uh, been able to supply a lot of, uh, stalling terminals to the states that were affected by the hurricanes. Um, and, uh, they revoked the award. It's messed up. Like why? Um, and then to date, that 42 billion program, total number of citizens that have received broadband from that $42 billion allocation is zero. Elon Musk [00:40:35] Now, that's a. If you want to see $42 billion for zero, I would call that waste. Yeah, that's waste. That is not a good use of money. Um, so, uh, there was also a big government initiative, I, uh, think $7 billion, something like that, for a nationwide network of electric superchargers. Elon Musk [00:40:58] And I think they made like ten. I'm like, this is the most egregious waste of money. And there's so many situations like that. So, um, you know, it just goes like, bureaucrats and consultants and nothing gets done and it's wasting your money, uh, which is crazy. So what I'm saying is like, this the opportunity to reduce government wasteland, uh, is actually, I think, easy because there's so much of it, you know, it's not like they just don't care about your money, which is messed up. Elon Musk [00:41:38] And so, uh, I think the department of government efficiency is going to face a target rich environment for reducing costs. Elon Musk [00:41:52] Hi, elon. Um, I've been waiting years for you to join the Maga movement, so we're so glad you did. Yeah. Um, I guess my question is, um, you keep repeating that most of these things we believe in are common sense, and I really feel like they are. Yeah. Elon Musk [00:42:09] Um, do you have any woke friends and how do you deal with them? Elon Musk [00:42:17] Well, I mean, I have been red pilling my friends like crazy lately, so I have fewer and fewer, uh, work friends. Um, at least they're still friends, but they're not woke. Um, so, you know, they. I think where. You know, where the sort of. Elon Musk [00:42:40] The sort of good interpretation of the woke movement is that we want to have empathy for our fellow human beings, and of course we want to have empathy for our fellow humans. I strongly believe we should care about humanity and we should care about the future. Um, but we need to have empathy that is deep, not shallow. Elon Musk [00:43:00] Um, you know, shallow empathy is caring about criminals. Um, but deep empathy is caring about the victims of the criminals, you know? Elon Musk [00:43:09] And so, um, you know, why do we have, uh, repeat violent offenders released on the streets, often with no bail? It's crazy. And they prey upon people, innocent people. And then our streets are not safe. And how can America be the greatest country in the world and we don't even have safe streets? Elon Musk [00:43:36] This is so crazy. Um, you know, I was talking to my mom, and she was saying, like, just this year, like, three of her friends have been assaulted in New York, you know, and it's. And I said, well, was anyone arrested? No. Uh, they didn't even try. Elon Musk [00:43:54] We can't have this. You know, people deserve to, you know, perhaps save cities and secure borders and the basic stuff like that, you know? Um, yeah, so I think it's. I do feel that there's a shifting of, you know, shifting of perception. Um, and, uh, I think we. Elon Musk [00:44:22] I think. I hope I'm not being too optimistic, but, um, I am a naturally optimistic person, obviously. Um, but I do feel as though that there's a shift in the national mindset, um, and, uh, a shift to more just common sense and not believing everything that the media tells, uh, you. Um, and I think actually, in the US, people are starting to realize that the legacy media is just a propaganda machine. Elon Musk [00:44:53] Um, uh, in Europe, they still believe the news, so we've got to work on Europe, they still think the news is real. Elon Musk [00:45:05] Um, ah, but, uh, here, uh, thanks to x and just people being, I think, maybe a bit more aware, and having an actual free, uh, speech constitutional amendment, um, has helped Americans understand what is actually real. Um, and, uh, I do find it remarkable, like the, um, just how sort of coordinated the legacy media is, uh, and their talking points, um, it's absurd. Elon Musk [00:45:39] Um, and kudos to those who put together the compilations of where all of the talking heads will say the same thing, word for word. Elon Musk [00:45:54] Yeah, and they'll say the exact same thing, but I mean, I think the propaganda is not even good, frankly. It's not even entertaining. Um, and so a week before, um, the Biden trump debate, every, um, media organization was saying that, uh, Biden show up, his attack, the exact same words, office attack, show office attack, over and over again. Elon Musk [00:46:20] Then it became obvious to the public that he was indeed not a schwarfist attack. Um, but then immediately, the legacy media pivoted to knifing Biden, um, and anointing a successor. Elon Musk [00:46:35] Um, so we see this over and over again and, um, yeah, so anyway, but that's why we need to have the voice of the people. Uh, and that's why I felt it was necessary to acquire Twitter. And the whole point of acquiring Twitter was to restore the voice of the people. Elon Musk [00:47:14] And it's important to note that, um, while the far left activists that used to control Twitter obviously, uh, did extreme censorship of voices on the right, there has been no censorship of voices on the left. They suspended a sitting president. Um, Twitter suspended a sitting president, which is insane. Um, but there's been no suspension or censorship or shadow banning or anything of anyone on the left. Elon Musk [00:47:44] So it's a level playing field. Elon Musk [00:47:48] But I think the reason that, um, the sort of far left activists want unanimity in all social media platforms and in all legacy media is that their ideas do not stand the light of day. That is the reason they actually don't stand up. And so unless everyone is parroting the same thing, um, their ideas will fail. Elon Musk [00:48:20] Um, hello, Mister Musk. My name is Zeon Thomas, and, you know, I was going to ask for a million dollars, but my parents told me to keep it professional, so. Well, it's actually still possible that you may win that. Um, but, yeah, so you taking over Twitter was awesome. Um, I want to know what other radical ideas you have to save our nation, uh, while working with Trump. Elon Musk [00:48:48] Yeah, well, I try to be as literal as possible. So, you know, uh, the value stated on the, um, americapac, uh, website, um, and x account, try to be just as straightforward and literal as possible, you know. So that's why it's sort of safe cities, secure borders, sensible spending, um, to protect the constitution, um, especially the right to free speech. Elon Musk [00:49:17] Um, and these are all, like I said, things that seem very obvious and frankly, normal. Um, but they're not being done and they're in severe, uh, danger if, uh, the Kamala machine wins. Elon Musk [00:49:37] Hi, I'm Nikki and I've been working with voter registration and a lot of people are concerned about the escalation in the us military in Israel, because there's over 100 troops, they're on land now. What do you think of this idea? A boring company offering to build an island off the coast of Israel and call it Palestine. Elon Musk [00:49:57] They can finally have their nation state, like Cyprus. It's been done in China, Dubai and the Philippines, and we can finally end these endless wars. Elon Musk [00:50:06] Could there be enough rubble in Gaza to do it? Thank you. Well, I mean, Gaza is a thorny problem indeed. I, um. You know, the Middle east has been, ah, an area of contention, well, for thousands of years. Elon Musk [00:50:21] Um, I would say, uh, that I do not know the solution to that difficult situation there. Um, so, uh, I'm not sure there is a good solution. There may be. I think we need to make sure that America is solid. So I'm like, let's just make sure America is strong. Elon Musk [00:50:50] And, you know, there's. I mean, I do think we interfere too much in what other countries do, um, and a lot of our attempts at regime change. In fact, the success of the state department in achieving regime change is terrible. So there's all this, uh, effort spent, all this money spent, uh, trying to affect regime change in various countries, uh, but, uh, failed in Cuba, failed in Iran, failed in North Korea, um, failed in Russia. Elon Musk [00:51:30] Where were the successes? Elon Musk [00:51:31] Um, but a lot of people died, um, and a lot of money was spent. Um, but what good has come of it? Um, so I think we should interfere with other countries a lot less. Elon Musk [00:51:51] Hi, Elon. My name is Luke. I'm a local liberty lover who lives just across the river, actually. Um, I find the idea that basically, um, everything that we care about is dependent on a single federal election to, for lack of a better word, be unacceptable. So, um. Elon Musk [00:52:11] Um, what I and some colleagues of mine have talked about is decentralization and localism, specifically nullification at the state and local level of the federal leviathan. Yeah. Um, at the state level, uh, the 10th amendment center has done great work. The basis of nullification is the 10th amendment. The idea that no powers. Elon Musk [00:52:34] I mean, I agree. The federal government should get off people's backs. Yeah, absolutely. And do you believe that nullification is a viable path forward to getting that done? Well, I can't speak to whether that is legally. Elon Musk [00:52:49] Would legally stand up or not. I mean, um, but I think if there's an executive branch, um, and we also need to try to win the senate and the house. Uh, but if there's a consensus that the federal government, uh, should do less, um, and restore power to the states and to the communities, which I think should be the case, uh, then, then I think we can make that happen. Elon Musk [00:53:17] Yeah. Elon Musk [00:53:22] Hi, Yolanda. Uh, my name is Edward. And one of the really great things about going to these rallies are the people that you meet Tuesday at the JD Vance rally. I spoke to some young students and they wanted to be healthcare professionals. And the hardest thing for them to deal with was a financial obligations of doing it, trying to get an apartment and everything else. Elon Musk [00:53:45] And uh, I mean, I went to Germany and college is free over there. So there's no one in the world that can tell me that America can't do it better. Can you help those rileys of the world out, please? Well, I think that there are a lot of issues with college education. It's gotten very expensive because, uh, the administrative, uh, portion of colleges and universities has grown dramatically compared to the educational portion. Elon Musk [00:54:12] So you say, like, how much is actually spent on teaching people? Very little. Elon Musk [00:54:20] So the. You know, so I think that you've got these sort of administrative groups that are far outnumber the actual number of professors. Um, and like, there isn't actually a need for college to be so expensive. It should be far less expensive. But the sort of bureaucratic creep and the administrative burden have grown dramatically over time. Elon Musk [00:54:45] Um, and that is what has caused college to be so expensive. It doesn't make any sense. So, yeah. Um. But there is. Elon Musk [00:54:55] I mean, if we do sort of make college free, we have to be careful about that. Because then it's open season for wasteful spending at universities. Um, and then, however bad it is now, is going to be even worse in the future. Um, I think we need new, uh, universities, uh, to compete with the existing ones. Elon Musk [00:55:17] Um, because what actually matters is how good is your education, not how much was spent on administrative b's. Elon Musk [00:55:31] I also think that the value of a college education is somewhat overweighted. I think it's too many people actually spend four years, accumulate a ton of debt, and then often don't have useful skills that they can apply afterwards. And I think, um, I have a lot of respect for people who work with their hands. Elon Musk [00:55:52] And, uh, we need electricity, electricians and plumbers and, uh, carpenters. And, you know, that's a lot more important than having incremental political science majors. Elon Musk [00:56:08] I, uh, think, um, you know, so I think we should not have this idea that, uh, to be successful, you need to have a four year college. That is simply not true. Hello, Elon. My name is Beam. It's a pleasure to meet you. Elon Musk [00:56:25] Um, my question is, as we near the election, um, I know you're covering a lot of ground going to battle down states. Uh, how important do you think ad buys will be this election? Because in 2020, Mike Bloomberg, we know, spend a vast amount of money trying to get Biden into the White House. Elon Musk [00:56:42] So are you looking into that? And, yeah, that's my question. Elon Musk [00:56:46] Well, actually, I'm not sure. I mean, the amount of money spent on advertising in the battleground states is truly staggering. And, in effect, uh, the, uh, Democrats are outspending Republicans dramatically, um, depending on how you count it, I think it's like two or three times, uh, more money is being spent by Democrats, uh, than Republicans. Elon Musk [00:57:06] Uh, and in addition, they have the legacy media on this side, and they have a whole bunch of Hollywood celebrities on the side. So it's remarkable that the election is, uh, in contention at all, given that they have really, uh, all that on their side. Elon Musk [00:57:20] Um, but I guess you got to reach people with a message somehow. Um, so I think probably we do need to do more advertising, uh, just so that people hear the message. Um, but in my opinion, the thing that's actually most important, uh, is getting friends, family, acquaintances, um, anyone you run into to register to vote and then to actually vote. Elon Musk [00:57:50] So it's. And this election could be decided by, you know, 1000 people, 100 people. Elon Musk [00:58:01] It could be a very tiny margin. Every incremental person makes a difference. Um, and I've seen some pretty wild numbers where there's, and I think even right now, there's a lot of people that have requested, a lot of Republicans that have requested absentee ballots, but they have not mailed them in. I'm like, guys, mail it in. Elon Musk [00:58:20] Come on, just mail in your ballot. Elon Musk [00:58:22] You can do it. You have it in your house. Mail it in. Now would be a good time, and if you're worried about the mail, you can bring it in person. So, uh, yeah, I think it's very important to encourage people to vote. Elon Musk [00:58:41] Like I said, I'm really emphasizing this registration point because we've only got a couple days left, uh, for registration. Um, so that's why the top priority is get people registered before Monday night, uh, and then make sure that they vote. Um, and I would recommend voting early. Um, and then you can check to see if your vote's been received. Elon Musk [00:59:03] Uh, uh, I think there should be a lot more republicans voting early. Elon Musk [00:59:11] Yeah. Elon Musk [00:59:17] Hi, mister Musk. It's a pleasure to be able to speak to you. Thank, uh, you so much for pushing the world forward in every industry, and I'm sure you'll be doing the same now in politics. So my question is, given the recent hacking of Donald Trump, how important do you think it is for the tech industry and government to back platforms that prioritize privacy and secure communications, such as signal? Elon Musk [00:59:36] And do you see an opportunity for your companies to partner with this platform or to better protect user data or even safeguard government communications? Elon Musk [00:59:45] Yeah, um, I mean, there's always this debate between, uh, you know, privacy and security. Um, but I think the bias should be towards privacy. Uh, you know, I think we should not trust the government, uh, really, um, and, um, we just shouldn't. So. And I'd say, even if I'm in the government, don't trust the government. Elon Musk [01:00:11] Like, that's, uh, it's just, you know, we've got to protect the privacy of citizens. Uh, uh, and m make sure that people really have their liberty and they're not being spied on or manipulated. So, um, yeah, so I think we need to make sure that there are not backdoors and weird things where the government can spy on and potentially, potentially, um, take action against people. Elon Musk [01:00:48] Hey, elon. Uh, my name is Ron Blauk. I'm from Harrisburg. Um, before I ask my election question, I just have to tell you that I accidentally caught the launch and catch of both sections of starship on live. And it was breathtaking, which I know everyone in here knows, but I want you to be acknowledged for the level of inspiration that you're creating worldwide. Elon Musk [01:01:12] I was cheering in my office watching this thing go down, and so. Thank you for that. You're most welcome. I mean, I think it's. It was a. Elon Musk [01:01:21] Ah, yeah, I mean, it certainly inspired me, and that's. It's a. That's a testament to the incredible work by the SpaceX team. Um, very talented, super hardworking team. Um, and, uh, you know, the making rockets fully and rapidly reusable is really what's going to open up space for humanity and enable us to have a base on the moon and build a city on Mars and be a space bearing civilization. Elon Musk [01:01:49] So a lot of people don't realize the difference between an expandable rocket and a reusable rocket is like 10,000%, at least you can think of it. Just the difference between what is the cost to, you know, uh, fill up a car, uh, versus buy a car. It's the same difference for rockets. Elon Musk [01:02:13] If a new rocket is needed every flight, uh, that's super expensive and difficult, but if you only have to refill the rocket, uh, it's dramatically cheaper, just like it is for a car or an airplane. Understood. Pulling that off and doing the catch and the landing in the ocean was just so stellar. Elon Musk [01:02:33] Yeah. All right, so my question is, on election, um, night 2020, I sat down to watch the returns and I watched them steal the election, all right? Elon Musk [01:02:43] I saw it live, watched it all night. If you were watching it then you knew at 09:00 when Fox declared Arizona that it was going down. That was the moment. Okay. But even worse than that, Washington over the next months, watching the courts and the shenanigans in the courts and the lack of good representation that Trump had, and just nothing happening, because there was obviously a problem. Elon Musk [01:03:07] Nothing seemed to be happening in the courts at all. And between that day and now, it doesn't look like anything has changed. And so we're about to, I think the votes matter, but the count is what matters. And if the courts are corrupted, we're not going to get anywhere. And so do you have, are you participating in that? Elon Musk [01:03:25] It seems as though you're aware of that. How can you help solve that issue so that we don't have that problem again? Yeah, well, I mean, the, uh, if the margin of victory is high enough, then I think any, it can exceed any sort of cheating that may take place. Um, so we got to aim for just a massive margin. Elon Musk [01:03:52] That's the key. Elon Musk [01:03:53] It's really aim for a margin that it is impossible to have any shenanigans. But on the x platform, I certainly would invite people to, uh, if there's any, uh, voting, uh, issues, um, if people think there's fraud, then, then post the images, post the videos, post the evidence, um, and let's shine a bright light. Elon Musk [01:04:20] And the brighter the light, the harder it will be to cheat. Elon Musk [01:04:29] Hi, Ilan. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Thank you for the work you're doing for humanity. There are a lot of changes happening in our world right now. A lot of changes happening in our own country. Elon Musk [01:04:41] And these changes are being perceived as chaos. Um, but I always say that if it wasn't for chaos, we wouldn't be able to experience peace. If it wasn't for chaos, we wouldn't be able to experience growth and evolution. And with AI being the new kid on the block and advancing at an incredible pace, I guess my question is, how do you foresee the election of President Donald Trump influencing technological advancements and, um, societal transformation? Elon Musk [01:05:12] Well, I think, um, reducing the sort of strangulation by overregulation, uh, is a super big deal. Elon Musk [01:05:23] Um, the rocket that we were just talking about, um, it was sitting on the launch pad for two months waiting for paperwork to be processed. And it's just insane that, uh, the SpaceX team can build a giant rocket faster than the government can move paperwork from one desk to another. Like, that's just crazy. Elon Musk [01:05:47] And the problem is that's getting worse and worse every year. So if that training continues, it's just going to be illegal. Elon Musk [01:05:54] We just won't be able to get anything done. Um, so, ah, that's why I call it this extreme over regulation where there's just new agencies being created every year. Um, and the difficulty of getting anything done is like the square of the number of agencies involved. So if there's one agency, it's like one, but if there's like three agencies, it's like nine times harder because they all have to meet with each other. Elon Musk [01:06:19] Um, and, uh, we get crazy things like SpaceX got fined $140,000 for dumping, uh, potable drinking water on the ground. Elon Musk [01:06:30] Uh, at starbase, where we launched the rocket, because we cool the launch pad with water and in excess of caution, we said, we're going to bring in drinking water just to be sure. Um, uh, and we're going to cool the pad with that. We didn't know there was a permit needed for that. Elon Musk [01:06:50] Water falls from the sky all the time. You know, Starbase is in a tropical thunderstorm area. Elon Musk [01:06:58] It rains so much that the roads get flooded. Why are we getting fined for a tiny amount of water on the ground? But the EPA said they're not going to process any future applications for launch unless we pay those fines. So we just got, you know, help for ransom, basically. And that's tip of the iceberg. Elon Musk [01:07:16] Um, I mean, I got a bunch of sort of nutty stories, you know. Uh, some of them are, I guess, kind of funny. Um, you know, we had to do this. SpaceX had to do the study to see if starship, ah, would hit a shark. And I'm like, it's a big ocean, you know, uh, there's a lot of sharks. Elon Musk [01:07:41] It's not impossible, but it's very unlikely. And, uh, said, well, you have to. This is, I think, from national marine fisheries, one of the nymph, it's called, um, uh, and, uh, they were like, well, you have to do the study on whether you're going to hit a shark. We're like, what? Um, and then we said, okay, fine, we'll do the analysis. Elon Musk [01:08:04] And can you give us the shark, um, beta? They're like, no, we can't give you the shock data. Okay, well, then we're in a bit of a quandary. How do we solve this difficult, this shock probability issue? And they said, well, um, we could give it to our western division, but we don't trust them. Elon Musk [01:08:24] And I'm like, am I in a comedy sketch here? Um, like they're worried about the shark density data, like the people who hunt sharks for shark fins somehow getting their hands on this, the shock data. So eventually I think we got the data and we could run the analysis to say like, yeah, the sharks are going to be fine. Elon Musk [01:08:48] Um, but they wouldn't let us proceed with launch until we did this crazy shock data. And then we thought, okay, now we're done. Elon Musk [01:08:54] And they said, but what about whales? I'm like, when you look at a picture of the Pacific, what percentage of the surface area of the Pacific do you see as whale?