# Kamala Harris on The View | October 8, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Friday, 11 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/eOzF_ZWmaBvfj9RyAL8THlwJ6t1DCr7K * Words : 4,943 * Duration : 00:31:23 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-11 15:54:37 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Joy Behar - 9.0% * Kamala Harris - 54.95% * Sunny Hostin - 7.28% * Whoopi Goldberg - 13.59% * Ana Navarro - 6.29% * Sara Haines - 4.17% * Alyssa Farah Griffin - 4.71% ---------------------------- Joy Behar [00:00:00] It's wonderful to see you. Kamala Harris [00:00:01] It's wonderful to see you. Joy Behar [00:00:02] And look at how we're all dressed. So. Kamala Harris [00:00:04] Yes, yes. Sunny Hostin [00:00:05] Well, most of us. Whoopi Goldberg [00:00:07] Some of us are just as we are. But, uh, you walked. You just walked out to freedom by Beyonce, which is a campaign anthem for you. Kamala Harris [00:00:15] Yes. Whoopi Goldberg [00:00:15] And you've barely taken a breath since, you know, 79 days ago when President Biden called your house and said he was stepping down and passing you the torch. Bye. And then hung up. Kamala Harris [00:00:29] So kind of how close? Whoopi Goldberg [00:00:32] I mean, so you get this phone call, and I guess you can tell who's calling and what does he say? Kamala Harris [00:00:45] So I'll set the scene for you. Whoopi Goldberg [00:00:46] Okay. Kamala Harris [00:00:47] So it was a Sunday, and our family, my niece, her husband, and their two daughters were staying with us. And I had promised them that Sunday, Auntie was gonna make pancakes and bacon, and we're gonna have a really. And, you know, the kids wake up. The girls, they're six and eight. They were at the time. They wake up early. We always wake up the first, right? So they come knocking on the door, and then we have our quiet time in the morning, just me and the girls. And so I went to work out, and I had on, um, cooking shows, and they were asking me, aunty, what's that ingredient? What's that ingredient? And they're playing while I'm working out. Make breakfast. We sit down, we're having breakfast. And we'd been working on a puzzle, so they wanted more bacon. Got more bacon. You know how it goes. And so then we had a puzzle. So we went back up to work on the puzzle. I'm still in my workout clothes, right? Uh, and we're working on the puzzle, and the phone rings. So I said, auntie, you'll be right back. And it was the president. And he told me his decision. And I'll tell you, the first thing I asked him is, are you sure? Cause what a big decision. Yeah. Yeah. And historic. Joy Behar [00:01:57] Oh, yeah. Kamala Harris [00:01:58] And, um, we talked for a while. Meanwhile, um, I went back into the room where the girls were, and I'm like, go get your father. Cause I knew he'd be up somewhere. And so we laughed afterwards. Nick is their father. We laughed that Amara, the elder one, was kind of like Paul Revere, and Leela, the younger one, was Paul Revere's horse. But, you know, so there were these. It was a real split screen, obviously. And then the rest of the day was. I mean, it was, um, surreal. I'll tell you honestly. One of the first people I called was my pastor. I mean, I needed to talk to God, you know, and to pray to. I understood in real time what was happening, and obviously then it really set in, in the hours and days to come. But, um, it was quite a day. Sunny Hostin [00:03:03] We are very happy to see you here today. Kamala Harris [00:03:05] Thank you. Thank you. Sunny Hostin [00:03:06] Thank you. Kamala Harris [00:03:06] I'm glad to be with you. Sunny Hostin [00:03:08] As vice president, you've worked very closely with President Biden for almost four years. He was here on our show, and he said there wasn't a single thing that he did that you could not do. Kamala Harris [00:03:19] Mhm. Sunny Hostin [00:03:20] What do you think would be the biggest specific difference between your presidency and a bidency, a Biden presidency? Kamala Harris [00:03:29] Well, we're obviously two different people, and, um, we have a lot of shared life experiences, for example, the way we feel about our family and our parents and so on. But we're also different people, and I will bring those sensibilities to how I lead. Um, you know, for example, I know we're going to talk today, but one of the issues that I'm very focused on is what we do around home health care. Sunny Hostin [00:03:53] Yes. Kamala Harris [00:03:54] Um, I have done a lot of work as it relates to, sadly, but violence against women and children. I care a lot about that. I love our small businesses. Um, my mother raised my sister and me predominantly, but we had what we called a second mother who lived two houses down, who helped my mother raise us. She was a small business owner. I love our small businesses. And, um. So the influence of a personal experience will have its impact on the presidency. Sunny Hostin [00:04:24] Well, if anything, would you have done something differently than President Biden during the past four years? Kamala Harris [00:04:33] There is not a thing that comes to mind in terms of. And I've been a part of most of the decisions that have had impact. Um, the work that we have done, for example, capping the cost of insulin at $35 a month for our seniors is something I care deeply about, about allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices and bring the cost of prescription medication down for seniors. But my intention is to expand that for all americans. Um, the work we have done to invest in american industries, whether it be in terms of manufacturing and creating almost 800,000 new jobs around manufacturing, those were all, um, a shared priority. Ana Navarro [00:05:12] Well, let's, um. Kamala. And I'm calling you Kamala because for all of those who are mispronouncing it, I want you all to know how to say it. Hey, but let's talk about something you would do different from Donald Trump. Right now, there is a monster storm barreling towards my state of Florida. Kamala Harris [00:05:32] Yeah. Ana Navarro [00:05:32] A place that's still reeling from Hurricane Helene. Trump is lying, claiming that the Biden administration is intentionally withholding Aidan from the areas where republicans live and that FEMA funds are being redirected to migrants. Ironically, that is something he did in 2019. What do you think the effect of these lies are and why is he doing this? Kamala Harris [00:05:59] It's profound and it is the height of irresponsibility and frankly, callousness. Lives are literally at stake right now. I traveled to Georgia and to North Carolina after Hurricane Helene. In Georgia, I met a woman who just days earlier, her husband was killed in their home by a fallen tree. Days later, I met with her and her daughter. You can imagine the pain, the shock that they are still in, about what they experienced, what they witnessed. Yeah, I mean, we're talking about real human beings and their lives and them losing everything. Everything. This woman lost her husband, her child lost her father. People are losing their home with no hope of ever being able to reconstruct or return. And the idea that somebody would be playing political games for the sake of himself. But this is so consistent about Donald Trump himself before the needs of others. I fear that he really lacks empathy on a very basic level. To care about the suffering of other people and then understand the role of a leader is not to beat people down, it's to lift people up. Sara Haines [00:07:24] Absolutely. Kamala Harris [00:07:25] Especially in a time of crisis. Sara Haines [00:07:28] Vice president, in the name of the storm, as this massive storm is heading, it's about to hit. You and Governor DeSantis have been going back and forth, trading jabs over your attempt to check in and, um, ahead of the storm, you've called him selfish for not taking your calls. Now, he said this morning you've never called regarding any of the storms Florida has had since you've been vice president until apparently now, and called it political. What's your response to that? Kamala Harris [00:07:53] Well, first of all, I have called and talked with in the course of this crisis, this most recent crisis, Democrat and republican governors called, taken the call, answered the call, had a conversation. So obviously, this is not an issue that is about partisanship or politics for certain leaders, but maybe is for others, uh, what you also know and the issue of what's about to hit Florida and your live show. So I just can't stress enough this hurricane coming to Florida is catastrophic. Uh, it is. And predicted to be historic in terms of how serious and devastating it will be. And I urge every, and anybody who is watching or has family members in that area, please, please, please take seriously your local officials admonition to you if they're telling you to evacuate, get your stuff and go. Mhm. Whatever they're telling you, because, you know, we gotta. You don't. Floridians. Tough folks, been through a lot. But this is going to be different than they've been before. And I know a lot of folks might think, I've been through this. I grew up here, I've seen it all. I'll be fine. This one is going to be different. And that's why I called the governor about what Florida has received in terms of impact. We have to have an agreement that at some point we all need to work together to combine resources, especially federal, state and local resources, around these kinds of disasters. And I think it's a shame that, um, that hasn't happened. But look, it has at the local level and with, you know, other state elected. Ana Navarro [00:09:33] So he'll take your call on your precedent. Whoopi Goldberg [00:09:35] Yeah. Kamala Harris [00:09:38] And here's the thing. Here's the thing you should know on that point. And when I'm president, I, uh, will continue to call him to see what he needs for help. Joy Behar [00:09:44] Maybe he won't be in office anymore then. Just saying. Whoopi Goldberg [00:09:50] More predictions with Joy? No, um, more with the vice president when we come back. We're back with m Vice President Kamala Harris. Joy, as the next question? Joy Behar [00:10:26] Well, first let me say that I like candidates who show up for interviews. Just saying. Um, so, uh, you know, we all know the background of the guy is, uh, a convicted felon. Okay. A big time loser has been pretty open about his plans, if elected, to stack DC with loyalists going after the media and comedians. How threatened you have to be to go after comedians. He wants to do some mass deportations, which really, uh, really is a throwback to the thirties, a, uh, dictatorship by any other name. This is what he is planning. People, ah, are saying this could be the closest election in a century. I personally cannot understand why anyone would vote for him. A lot of it is. I think he's getting bad. People are getting bad information from other channels. But do you have an explanation for this at all? Kamala Harris [00:11:16] Well, let me just add to your list. I mean, we're not going to. Joy Behar [00:11:20] It's only an hour's show exactly how. Kamala Harris [00:11:22] Much time he is including. He has said he would turn the constitution of the United States. Yes, and joy, here's what I'd say. Um, look, I just recently did an event with Liz Cheney, the former congressman. I know her father, the former vice president, Dick Cheney, has supported me. Joy Behar [00:11:41] Unbelievable. Kamala Harris [00:11:42] Um, there are over 200 former members of both Bush presidencies. John McCain, Mitt Romney, who have endorsed me, leading thinkers in the national security space. And frankly, one of the things that I'm very proud of that we have done collectively, is we really are building a coalition around some very fundamental issues, including that we love our country and that we have to put country before party. We have to, we have to agree about the sanctity of the oath we take to defend the Constitution of the United States, to support the Constitution of the United States. And I do believe the closer we get to the election, the more that people reflect on what's at stake. M including the fact that the former president tried to undo the will of the people in a free and fair election on January 6, led what was a violent attack on the United States Capitol. 140 uniformed law enforcement officers were attacked. Some died. Uh, I have seen from people who are former Trump supporters who are supporting me that that was a bridge too far. And back to the point about even the hurricanes that are the one that's about to hit Florida, what has already hit, I think people are exhausted, and they're exhausted with the lies. They're exhausted with the selfishness. They're exhausted with the attempt to divide us as Americans, and they're ready to turn the page and chart a new way forward. And I feel very optimistic about that. Alyssa Farah Griffin [00:13:22] Oh, Madam vice president, when you were here last, I asked about the border, which remains a top issue to voters. And as you rightly pointed out, uh, the former president blocked the strongest border security bill in decades. But there remains this perception among voters that the Biden administration dragged its feet and waited too long to act to address the border crisis. Can you speak to why voters may feel that way? Kamala Harris [00:13:43] Sure. Well, first of all, to your point, when we first came in office hours after we were inaugurated, the first bill we offered before infrastructure, before bringing down the cost of prescription medications, it was to fix our broken immigration system. And it never got taken up, in large part for political reasons, because solutions are at hand and we need to fix the problem. Then, to your point, a bipartisan group of members of the United States Congress, including some of the most conservative members, worked together with our support to craft the most serious and strong border security bill weve seen in years. Donald Trump got word of it and told him, dont put the bill up for a vote because he didnt want a solution, because hed prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. So then we had to do, uh, in addition to what weve done since day one in trying to strengthen the border, we took further action in terms of executive action, we have seen illegal immigration reduced by half, the intake of fentanyl reduced by half. But ultimately, if we want a real fix to this, Congress has to act. We need, for example, in that bill, we would have put 1500 more border agents at the border, which is why the Border Patrol supported it. I went down to the border, and let me tell you, these border agents are working around the clock. They're trying as hard as they can. They need more resources. I have personally prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns, drugs, and human beings. I have taken on the cartels. I've prosecuted the cartels. I understand the serious nature of this issue and the need to fix it, and solutions are at hand. But again, Donald Trump prefers to run on problems instead of fixing problems. He's not solution oriented. And again, I will invite people, if you really need to know how you think, since he doesn't do these kinds of interviews, watch his rallies. M he spends full time engaged in grievance about what has happened to him. Right. He spends full time perpetuating lies and misinformation. He spends full time talking about fictional characters. You know, I mean, name calling, a lot of name calling and name calling and demeaning people, belittling people. But what he does not talk about is you. He does not talk about what you need. He does not talk about what your parents need, what your children's need. That's not what he talks about. He doesn't talk about your child's needs. He talks about his needs. And I think, again, back to the point in this election, people are ready for a new generation of leadership that's about fixing problems. Whoopi Goldberg [00:16:36] We have more with vice president when we come back. We are back with a room full of people who are supposed to be in school today and with Vice President Kamala Harris. Sonny has some experts. Sunny Hostin [00:17:18] Madam Vice President, um, this next issue is a personal one for me because I am part of what they call the sandwich generation. Kamala Harris [00:17:24] Yeah. Sunny Hostin [00:17:24] Um, I'm an only child, and I will likely be responsible for taking care of my children and my parents at the same time. And us also, and perhaps joy and my co host, um, my mother, in fact, she's here in the audience. As I've told you, she's a retired teacher. Her application, her application for long term health care was denied because of a pre existing health condition. Um, you are announcing on our show a plan to ease the financial and emotional burdens on families like mine. Kamala Harris [00:17:57] Yeah. Sunny Hostin [00:17:58] Caring for our aging loved ones. What is that plan? Kamala Harris [00:18:02] So, sunny, like you um, I took care of my mother when she was sick. She was diagnosed with cancer. And so it is a personal experience for me as well as something I care deeply about. Um, you know, taking care of a parent, um, you know, that means trying to cook what they want to eat, what they can't eat. It means picking out clothes for them that's soft enough that it doesn't irritate their skin, right. It means trying to think of something funny to make them laugh or smile. And there's so much about that that really is about giving folks dignity. And to your point, about being in the sandwich generation, there are so many people in our country who are right in the middle. Uh, they're taking care of their kids and they're taking care of their aging parents, and it's just almost impossible to do it all, especially if they work. We're finding that so many are then having to leave their job, which means losing a source of income, not to mention the emotional stress. And so what I am proposing is that basically what we will do is allow Medicare to cover in home health care, right? Because we're talking about these kinds of things where it's just about helping an aging parent or person, um, you know, prepare a meal, um, you know, put their sweater on. And it's about dignity for that individual. It's about independence for that individual. I mean, people are of declining skills to some extent, but their dignity has, their pride has not declined. They want to stay in their home. They don't want to go somewhere else. Plus, for the family to send them to a residential care facility to hire somebody is so expensive wipes you out. And I'll just say, well, but here's the other thing about it. You know, people say, well, how are you going to pay for it? Here's the thing. Here's how we pay for it. Part of what I also intend to do is allow Medicare to continue to negotiate drug prices against these big pharmaceutical companies, which means we are going to save Medicare the money because we're not going to be paying these high prices. And those resources are best then put in a way that helps a family like the one you are describing, which. Ana Navarro [00:20:39] You have already done, which we have. Kamala Harris [00:20:41] Already done with insulin. Sunny Hostin [00:20:42] So it can be done. Kamala Harris [00:20:43] It absolutely can be done. And it has to be about just seeing what's happening. And it's such a burden that's emotional, financial. Physical care is about physical work and helping people do what they rightly want and need to be able to do. Whoopi Goldberg [00:21:01] Are we going to get any help from, um, insurance. Cause I'm telling you, insurance is the bane of most people's existence. They have it, but it doesn't cover anything anymore. Sunny Hostin [00:21:13] And sometimes they deny it and they. Whoopi Goldberg [00:21:16] Deny all of this stuff without knowing or talking to people or finding anything out. Uh, is there anything that can be done to curb them? Cause I feel, uh, I feel like if I haven't used my insurance for a year, give me the money back. Sunny Hostin [00:21:34] Give me the money back. Whoopi Goldberg [00:21:36] Let me reinvest it in my family. But there has to be some way where we can say to insurance companies, listen, you can't just knock people off and say, no, it's not good, particularly when it's older folks. Kamala Harris [00:21:49] So part of the reason for my plan is that this is about Medicare, because otherwise people have to spend down everything they've got to only be able to be eligible for the care they need as a Medicaid recipient, which means they have to spend down everything, basically, you know, feel like they're going broke in order to qualify for Medicaid assistance. So that's why my plan is about Medicare. So that can coexist with insurance, but it is a way to help people actually, not just get by, but get ahead. And again, uh, the core of this is about just practical solutions, common sense solutions. I mean, that's really how I come at most of the things I work on and the things I intend to. Ana Navarro [00:22:33] Work on as president. Kamala Harris [00:22:35] Listen, I plan on having a Republican in my cabinet. Ana Navarro [00:22:38] Oh, I got a list. Kamala Harris [00:22:38] Yes, right. You asked me what's the difference between Joe Biden and me? Well, that will be one of the differences. I'm going to have a Republican in my cabinet. I don't feel burdened by letting pride get in the way of a good idea. Yeah, right, right. Joy Behar [00:22:55] So, you know, because I know you have to leave. They say that imitation is the highest form flattery. Kamala Harris [00:23:01] Yeah. Joy Behar [00:23:02] So, uh, Maya Rudolph on SNL, the cast of Saturday Night Live is delivering, uh, for you. I think she's really good. She's spot on. Let's watch her do it. Ana Navarro [00:23:11] Let's watch her. Kamala Harris [00:23:12] I am so happy to be campaigning whatever swing state I'm in, which I will just refer to as Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, because I am going to protect Yorva. Georgia. Oh my God, she did it, right? Ana Navarro [00:23:35] Do you like it? Joy Behar [00:23:35] Do you like it? Do you like it? It's fun. Kamala Harris [00:23:37] I admire, I mean, she's so good. She's so good. Uh, she had the whole thing, the suit, the jewelry is over. Ana Navarro [00:23:46] Georgia, wait, one last question. If. No, when you become president. Will you come back on the view? Kamala Harris [00:23:54] Yes, we'll hold you to it. Of course I will. Of course I will. Whoopi Goldberg [00:23:57] Yeah. So, yeah. Okay. We're honored and proud. Kamala Harris [00:24:05] Yeah. Joy Behar [00:24:06] Mhm. Whoopi Goldberg [00:24:06] To have you at this table. Our thanks to Vice President Kamala. Um, Harris, we'll be right back. I'm just basking in the light, you know, it's pretty remarkable. I mean, I remember when Obama was running and my mother said to me, I never in my lifetime thought I would ever see a black man run and win. Joy Behar [00:25:02] Yeah. Twice. Whoopi Goldberg [00:25:03] Twice, twice. Well, she was gone by the time, the second time. But she said she always thought it was gonna be a woman before it was gonna be a black man. And if she'd only known. Joy Behar [00:25:15] Yeah. Whoopi Goldberg [00:25:16] That it's not only gonna. People keep saying, what are black jobs? Yeah. I vote that we put this woman into that black job. I'm just. Joy Behar [00:25:34] Yeah, but what if. Whoopi Goldberg [00:25:36] What? So just. Joy Behar [00:25:37] How you feeling? Sara Haines [00:25:38] I loved the common sense of it all. As an independent, I've always struggled with the partisan, uh, politics. She's someone that has not only served in an administration that I find falls, uh, in line with a lot of what I believe, but she's even taking different stances. And as she said in one of her last answers, I'm a common sense person. That's all we've been wanting to hear. She's going to put a Republican in her cabinet is to say we're all different. I just want to have a great idea. And that's so refreshing to hear. Alyssa Farah Griffin [00:26:05] And I think when she talks about the stakes of the election, because there's not a lot she and I agree with on policy, just candidly. But this is, this is an election unlike anyone that we've been in before. And I think that we understand just the danger that Donald Trump poses and the things that he's talking about. And this is the final stretch. I keep saying it, but we're one month out. Voting deadlines are coming up. You need to file and register to vote. Sunny Hostin [00:26:27] Um, check our website. Alyssa Farah Griffin [00:26:28] Check our website where we've got all that information up there. Ana Navarro [00:26:31] For me, it's the empathy, the humanity, the relatability. Yesterday I saw this video that I hope we can pull up of this little girl seeing Kamala for the first time. The little girl could pronounce Kamala, which apparently Donald Trump can't do it. Joy Behar [00:26:46] I don't know if we have, if. Ana Navarro [00:26:47] We have the video, but here's. I love you so much. Kamala Harris [00:26:49] Come on. We fight, we win. You're kidding me. You are kidding me? Come here. Come here. I'm voting for her. Ana Navarro [00:27:01] What I would say to people is, can you imagine for 1 second Donald Trump doing that with a child? Can you imagine Donald Trump hugging a victim of a hurricane? Kamala Harris [00:27:10] No. Ana Navarro [00:27:10] No. He's throwing them paper towels. He is treating them depending on what their partisanship is. We need a precedent that's capable of lifting America in our saddest times, which we will have. We need a president capable of holding us when we are sad. The only thing Donald Trump can hold is a grudge and a golf club. Kamala Harris [00:27:29] I just. Whoopi Goldberg [00:27:32] I'll put it at this. Sunny Hostin [00:27:34] She is presidential. She is presidential. Right. And I think what was very important for her to mention is that she is a former prosecutor who has been at the border prosecuting drug cartels. She was the ag, a, uh, da of a border state. Immigration matters to her. People are saying she's so to the left. She's so progressive. She's very centered. She's gonna have a Republican in her cabinet. Whoopi Goldberg [00:27:56] And this is. Where did woman come from who said. Sunny Hostin [00:27:59] Lincoln needs to be a team of rivals? Whoopi Goldberg [00:28:01] Who said there needs to be a mix? Kamala Harris [00:28:03] Mm hmm. Whoopi Goldberg [00:28:05] And everybody said, it can never happen. Sunny Hostin [00:28:07] It can. Whoopi Goldberg [00:28:07] Watch her. Kamala Harris [00:28:08] Yeah. Whoopi Goldberg [00:28:09] We'll be right back. Joy. Joy Behar [00:28:25] What? Whoopi Goldberg [00:28:25] I don't know. It just says joy. Joy Behar [00:28:27] Oh. Cause I didn't say. Sunny Hostin [00:28:28] I didn't say anything. Kamala Harris [00:28:29] Oh. Ana Navarro [00:28:29] Oh. Joy Behar [00:28:30] You know what? Uh, she was great. She was fantastic. And she's tough like that about as a prosecutor, you know, Trump has not come on any, like I said, he doesn't go on any interviews now because he's afraid they're gonna fact check him. The other thing, he wouldn't go on 60 minutes. He would never come here. He's scared of us. You know? Alyssa Farah Griffin [00:28:45] And we've invited Trump surrogates on our show. Joy Behar [00:28:48] Yeah, we have. And I just. Whoopi Goldberg [00:28:50] And then I call him and tell him, don't you dare. Joy Behar [00:28:51] I just feel like those people out there who still don't know what to vote for, I can't believe it. They should take a look at the two of them. One is a coward, one is brave. That's another point to be made. Sunny Hostin [00:29:02] Yeah. Joy Behar [00:29:02] You know, and the other thing I want to say, I've been looking, watching him lately. He's really taking a drop. He's starting to really ramble. He doesn't. He's not making any sense anymore. Sara Haines [00:29:11] That's why she said, you should watch the rallies. It becomes very clear. Whoopi Goldberg [00:29:14] And that's scary, I hate to tell you. He's never made sense. Joy Behar [00:29:18] Well, if you look at like 20 years ago. Whoopi Goldberg [00:29:20] 20 years ago. Joy Behar [00:29:20] He was. Whoopi Goldberg [00:29:21] 20 years ago, he was still saying dumb stuff. Remember, he was the one that even after they were proved innocent. Joy Behar [00:29:28] Yes. Whoopi Goldberg [00:29:28] He insisted that, well, that's a racist. He's a racist. But he's also so. He's never made sense to me. But on the commercial break, the vice president helped out some audience members. Remember I told you there were people here who were supposed to be in school. Let's see what happens. I expect that there's more to this. Sara Haines [00:29:51] She was writing some notes to their teachers. Whoopi Goldberg [00:29:53] Writing notes to their teachers so that. Joy Behar [00:29:56] They know long, extensive notes. Whoopi Goldberg [00:30:02] You know, listen, she's not gonna get everything right for everybody on day one, but I believe she's actually gonna do her best to try to do it. I want that. Sunny Hostin [00:30:15] And don't you think, whoopi, that she brings this sense of hope in such a divisive time that I don't think that we've seen for a very long time? I don't remember feeling this way since the Obama years. I don't. Whoopi Goldberg [00:30:33] For me, when Biden came back and said, I will face this. Joy Behar [00:30:38] Yeah. Whoopi Goldberg [00:30:39] I got very hopeful. Because you needed cojones to do that. Joy Behar [00:30:43] And she's got it. Ana Navarro [00:30:44] He's got it. Whoopi Goldberg [00:30:46] No, no. But you needed somebody who was not going to take any of the things they were saying about him. Joy Behar [00:30:53] Yeah, yeah. Whoopi Goldberg [00:30:54] He said, I know who I am and I know what I need to do. Joy Behar [00:30:57] And she's like, at the end of. Whoopi Goldberg [00:30:58] The day, and he is like that. Yes. Alyssa Farah Griffin [00:30:59] Because there are still undecided voters or voters willing to change their minds. Talking about issues is what matters. That's why I wanted to ask about the border. That is a top issue for so many voters. She has to be able to convince people she's got a plan to solve it. Whoopi Goldberg [00:31:11] Yes. And remember, we're not one issue voters. We are whole human being voters. We'll be right back.