# Mark Cuban at Kamala Harris Rally | October 17, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Thursday, 17 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/fAnFCm5YxXj_MzBwGSiL7uyW81sQRI43 * Words : 1,667 * Duration : 00:11:36 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-17 20:49:17 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Mark Cuban - 100.0% ---------------------------- Mark Cuban [00:00:02] What's up, lacrosse? How y'all doing? Mark Cuban [00:00:08] Y'all here to have a little bit of fun? Mark Cuban [00:00:12] I like that. Would y'all mind if I, like, pick on Donald Trump a little bit? Okay, so those. Some of you may know me, some of you may not. But I'm on the show called Shark Tank. Mark Cuban [00:00:24] Has anybody ever watched it? That's what I like to hear. And I also own part of a team called the Dallas Maverick who happened to be playing the bucks tonight in Dallas. Mark Cuban [00:00:41] I won't make you say go, mavs. What you may not know is that I have started and invested in a lot of different businesses. A lot of them. And I'm proud of the fact that I've created more than 1000 millionaires. More than 1000. Mark Cuban [00:01:01] A lot of that on shark Tank. And so a lot of what I love doing is I love helping companies become successful, which is why this election is so important to me and to all of us. This election is a battle for entrepreneurs. This election is a battle for small business. Do we have any entrepreneurs in the house? Mark Cuban [00:01:23] Anybody who ever started a small business works at a small business. That's what I like to hear. I got some interesting information for you. Did you know that there are 33 million businesses in this country? 33 million. Mark Cuban [00:01:38] That's a lot. But did you know that 99.5% of them are small businesses? That's insane. When you think about it, the big guys only have one half of 1% are big companies. And that's why Kamala Harris wants to grow the number of small businesses in this country from 33 million to more than 50 million. Mark Cuban [00:02:01] She wants to do it because she knows that small businesses drive this economy. She knows that more than 55% of new hires. New jobs, new hires every single year. More than 55% come from small businesses. So it's all of you that are here, the entrepreneurs, the small business that are here. Mark Cuban [00:02:22] You guys drive the economy and make it better. But you. I like that. Uh, I like you guys. Yeah, you guys, I get it. Mark Cuban [00:02:37] You know, small businesses aren't just about driving the national economy. They're about communities as well. We all have the stores that we've been going to for years. The people we know that work there, maybe they were the first jobs that we had when we were in school. Oh, you can't hear me. Mark Cuban [00:02:52] You can't hear me as loud as I am and you guys can't hear me. Is that better? As I was saying, she knows that small businesses are an integral part of our community, that, uh, we grow up with them. And she wants to help those businesses grow because she knows that maybe one of you here right now will start a business that turns into the next Google, that turns into the next nike. Mark Cuban [00:03:25] And I want all of you to just ask yourself, why not me? Mark Cuban [00:03:31] Why can't I be the one that starts that business? Why can't I be the one that changes the world? Because I took that first step to start that business, and Kamala Harris helped me take that first step. That's why what she is doing is so important. Mark Cuban [00:03:51] You know, in my career, I've learned a lot about business, including how tariffs work. Mark Cuban [00:04:01] Now, let me just ask you a question. Do you all know anybody who doesn't know how tariffs work? All right, I'll give you a hint. That other guy, now, he has this crazy, crazy, crazy notion that putting a tariff of 60% on every single product imported from China is a good idea. Let me just tell you, this man has so little understanding of tariffs, he thinks that China pays for them. Mark Cuban [00:04:30] This is the same guy who also thought that Mexico would pay for the wall. So there's no Mexico. Mark Cuban [00:04:45] Did Mexico pay for that wall? Hell, no. You said it wrong. Hell no. That's what I'm talking about. Mark Cuban [00:04:53] You know, we all know that across the board, tariffs are attacks on everybody. All the major economists have said so. Uh, Kamala has talked about it over and over again. But, you know, I'm gonna give him a little bit of credit. Mark Cuban [00:05:08] I honestly think that he used to understand how tariffs work. I mean, back in the nineties and the early two thousands, he was a little bit coherent when he talked about trade policy, and he actually made a little bit of sense. But I don't know what happened to him. The way he's been thinking about tariffs and trade now, something's a little bit lost. Mark Cuban [00:05:29] And now his trade policies, particularly with tariffs, are basically just gibberish. Mark Cuban [00:05:35] Do you hear what I'm saying? Thank you. Thank you. But wait. It gets worse when it comes to tariffs. Mark Cuban [00:05:42] With M Donald Trump, it gets a lot worse. Hear me. I'm sounding like Colin. Uh, hear me when I say. Hear me when I say that Donald Trump wants you to have a lousy Christmas. Mark Cuban [00:05:58] Donald, uh, Trump. Donald Trump is that Grinch. The Grinch that wants to steal your Christmas. Mark Cuban [00:06:09] Now, let me explain. People just don't realize how many of the products that we use on a daily basis are made in China. It's a lot. And this time next year, you're going to be making decisions on the Christmas presents you want to buy for family and friends, won't you? All the toys, sporting goods, clothes, shoes, backpacks, even the good old book of dad jokes that I get every single Christmas. Mark Cuban [00:06:37] If Donald Trump is elected and he puts these 60% tariffs on chinese products, they are all going up. All those things you buy are going up not by 10% or 20%, but by 50 or 60% or more. It will be up so much, you won't be able to afford the presence that you want for your family and friends. Mark Cuban [00:07:01] That's how bad the tariffs he wants are. I didn't hear you. Mark Cuban [00:07:08] I'll ask you another question. If prices go up 50 or 60%, will you be able to afford all the presents you want to buy for your family and friends? Mark Cuban [00:07:19] Hell, no. Hell, no. I've got some new best friends. I like it here. You know, it'll be really. Mark Cuban [00:07:29] It'll be tough. It'll be heartbreaking not to be able to make the Christmas, buy the Christmas presents that you want. And you know who will be the grinch that stole that Christmas. Mark Cuban [00:07:40] Yeah, we don't like it. Let's just call them the Grinch from now on. But you know what? It gets worse than that. It's not just about the Christmas presents you won't be able to buy because the tariffs made them too expensive. Mark Cuban [00:07:51] But we were talking about small businesses, the local retailers that you've been supporting for years that are in your community. The local clothing shop, the local sporting goods store, the local knickknack store that carries all the candles and all the goodies and funky gifts that you like to buy, their costs for everything they sell, or most of the things they sell, could go up by 60%. Mark Cuban [00:08:13] And unfortunately, when you raise your prices again, the Grinch doesn't understand how economics work. But when the tariff increase, the cost of their goods, the things that they sell, and they have to raise the price to match the tariffs, are they going to sell as much? Mark Cuban [00:08:30] Thank you. I thought I had y'all trained, too. And so what happens is, when people can't buy as much as they were going to because the prices went up because of these stupid chinese tariffs, not only is it a bad Christmas for you, but it's a bad Christmas for every single retail. The Grinch is the one that's going to be putting these companies out of business. Mark Cuban [00:08:56] These small. Mark Cuban [00:08:57] The Grinch is the one that's going to be putting these small businesses. Thank you. Let me just say, this is the first time in my entire life someone's ever said they can't hear me behind every small business, there is an entrepreneur that busted their ass. Behind every small business, there is an entrepreneur who gave up almost everything to be able to start that business, who dreamed of a better future for their family. Mark Cuban [00:09:26] The Trump that stole Christmas, the Grinch, will crush his dreams, crush those dreams if elected. Mark Cuban [00:09:35] So let me tell you again, is there a candidate that will help those small businesses grow? Mark Cuban [00:09:45] Is there a candidate that is helping to thank you. There you go. Can I get a hell no. But there is one candidate who has an amazing program for small businesses. There is one candidate who is trying to help every single entrepreneur make their american dream come true. Mark Cuban [00:10:09] On shark Tank. I invest in so many companies, and I talk to so many, and I help them. I see the struggles. I see the opportunity, I see the heart. I see the fear sometimes when you're running the business and if Donald Trump is elected, that 60% across the board tariffs or even worse, can put them out of business. Mark Cuban [00:10:26] Which is exactly why we need Kamala Harris to be the next president of, uh, the United States of America. Mark Cuban [00:10:46] So I'm going to ask y'all one more question. I'm asking one question, and I want a hell yes. Mark Cuban [00:10:55] I haven't asked a question yet. Mark Cuban [00:10:59] Maybe there are going to be multiple hell yeses. Are you going to work to help Kamala Harris be elected? Mark Cuban [00:11:09] Are you going to go and talk to every single person you know and ask them and help them vote for Kamala Harris? Mark Cuban [00:11:17] Is Kamala Harris going to be the next president of the United States of America? Mark Cuban [00:11:24] Thank you, everybody. I appreciate it.