# DNC 2024 | Day 3 Speeches | Kenan Thompson Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Thursday, 22 Aug 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/j3wvAI7V1XUxO9epfELMWtzYR4_qlFZ0 * Words : 741 * Duration : 00:06:25 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-08-22 01:06:34 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Kenan Thompson - 85.16% * Becky - 4.32% * Anita - 3.64% * Nirvana - 6.88% ---------------------------- Kenan Thompson [00:00:01] All right, all right, all right. What's up, DNC? All right, y'all remember this big old book from before when Colorado Governor Jared Polis ripped a page out of it? This is Project 2025, the republican blueprint for a second Trump terminal. It is a. Yeah, yeah. Becky [00:00:27] Boo. Kenan Thompson [00:00:31] It is a real document that you can read for yourself@kamalaharris.com. project 2025. You ever seen a document that could kill a small animal and democracy at the same time? Here it is. You know how when you download an app and there are hundreds of pages there that you don't read? It's just the terms and conditions, and you just click agree, right? Well, these are the terms and conditions of a second Trump presidency. You vote for him. You vote for all of this. Let's take a look. All right, do we got Matt here with us tonight? Is Matt here? Hey, there he is. Matt. How are you, sir? All right, Matt. Now, Matt, I understand that you work as an av tech in Nevada, and you make a decent hourly rage. Is that right? Oh, I don't know if we can hear Matt. Can we hear Matt? So who's going to fix it? Keep speaking, Matt, till we can hear you. Anita [00:01:45] Uh huh. Kenan Thompson [00:01:45] Uh, okay, that's good. I guess we're gonna move on from Matt. And this is Becky. Becky, can we hear you? Becky [00:01:56] Hi, Kenan. It's great to be here. Kenan Thompson [00:02:00] Thank you all. Uh, right, good. Now, Becky, you're married, correct? Becky [00:02:06] I am. Me and my wife have been together for about eight years. Kenan Thompson [00:02:10] Oh, that's amazing. Very, very cute. Nirvana [00:02:16] Thanks. Kenan Thompson [00:02:17] But I have got some bad news for you. Becky [00:02:22] I hate that. Kenan Thompson [00:02:23] On page 584, project 2025 calls for the elimination of protections for LGBTQ Americans. So, yeah, right back to the Stone Age. I'm afraid so. Becky [00:02:42] Right back to the Stone Age. That's terrible. Kenan Thompson [00:02:43] Yeah, it is. Thank you, Becky, for being here and making that wonderful point. All right, next up, we have Nirvana. Nirvana, are you with us? And your people are with us as well. All right, good. Now, Nirvana, I understand that you are on insulin to manage your diabetes. Yes. Nirvana [00:03:07] Yes. And thanks to President Biden and Vice President Harris, I only pay $35 a month for my insulin. Kenan Thompson [00:03:19] That is great. That is great. But on page 465, project 2025 calls for millions of people like yourself to pay more for prescription drugs like insulin. Nirvana [00:03:38] Why? Kenan Thompson [00:03:39] Why? Well, I guess maybe to help big pharma make more money than they can donate to republican politicians, I assume. Nirvana [00:03:49] Yeah, that makes sense. Kenan Thompson [00:03:51] Yes, unfortunately, it does make sense. All right, let's talk to Anita. Anita, are you there? Yes. Hello, Anita. Anita [00:04:02] Hello. Kenan Thompson [00:04:03] And, Anita, what do you do for a living? Anita [00:04:06] I'm an ob gyn who delivers babies and does surgery. Kenan Thompson [00:04:10] An ob gyn? She is an ob gyn that delivers babies. Uh oh. Anita [00:04:22] Uh oh. Yeah, it's bad news, isn't it? Kenan Thompson [00:04:25] It sure is. On page 459, project 2025 resurrects a law from the 18 hundreds called the Comstock act to ban abortion nationwide and throw healthcare providers in jail. Anita [00:04:40] Oh, my God. That is awful. Kenan Thompson [00:04:42] Uh, yes, it is awful. All right, let's do one more. Is Sharia with us? Sharia, are you there? Nirvana [00:04:49] Hey, Keenan, I'm here. Kenan Thompson [00:04:50] Yes. Sharia. I love it. All right, let's talk to you. Um, I understand that you work for the federal government. Nirvana [00:04:59] Yes, sir. I'm in the United States Department of Education. I'm a proud civil servant and a proud union president. Kenan Thompson [00:05:09] She works for the Department of Education, and she's a proud civil servant. Well, unfortunately for you, on page 78, project 2025 calls for President Trump to purge the civil service of everyone who isn't a MAGA loyalist. Are you a Maga loyalist now, Keenan? Nirvana [00:05:34] Absolutely not. Kenan Thompson [00:05:36] I'm just. I'm just asking. I mean, you might as well be, because also page 319 calls for the complete elimination of the Department of Education. Uh, yeah, there's a bunch of stuff in here, but that's all we have time for at the moment. Just remember, everything that we just talked about is very real. It is in this book. You can read it online at, uh, kamalaharris.com. project 2025. And most importantly, you can stop it from ever happening by electing Kamala Harris as the next president of the United States.