# Donald Trump in Concord, North Carolina | October 22, 2024 Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Tuesday, 22 Oct 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/pYaUnHC4AdrF10jPxRsNtgQZ2GbLSw3y * Words : 7,918 * Duration : 00:55:05 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-10-22 04:26:10 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Donald Trump - 100.0% ---------------------------- Donald Trump [00:00:00] Thank you very much. You know, uh, over the years, I've had and heard that song sung by others, and, you know, honestly, it's not the same. This man just sings it in a way that nobody else can sing that particular song. And it's become so popular, like, in some circles, the most popular song of it of its kind. Donald Trump [00:00:24] And I just want to thank Lee. Donald Trump [00:00:25] He's been with us from the beginning. Uh, really talented, uh, unique guy and a good person with a great family. So thank you very much, Lee. We appreciate it very much. Donald Trump [00:00:38] And a very special hello to North Carolina. Donald Trump [00:00:46] I don't know if. I don't know if my boy told you, but Laura and Eric have two beautiful children. One of them happens to be named Carolina. So, uh, that's pretty good. That means you like the place pretty much, huh? Donald Trump [00:01:05] So it's great. But it's also great to be back in this, uh, incredible state with so many proud american patriots who believe in faith and family, God, and country. Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:01:20] We need more of that in this nation, don't we? We need more of that. Be a much different place right now, because right now it's not doing well. Right now, we're a failing nation, but we will soon be a great nation again. Donald Trump [00:01:37] Earlier today, I visited western North Carolina and witnessed the terrible devastation from Hurricane Helene. I was actually here about a week and a half ago, right after, but I didn't want to come into certain sections because I wanted to let them do their job. And our federal government, as you know, and FEMA's really let them down, especially in North Carolina. Donald Trump [00:01:59] It's a shame. Uh, they spent a lot of money on having illegal people come into our, uh, country. Donald Trump [00:02:05] Migrants, you've heard about it, and there wasn't a lot of money for the people of North Carolina or a lot of the people from a lot of other states that were also devastated by that monster. That was a monster storm. But, uh, so many people have come together and done an incredible job, including Franklin Graham, who's been amazing to every family who has lost a loved one or a home. Donald Trump [00:02:36] Our hearts are, uh, with you, and we're praying for you. I mean, the homes that. Donald Trump [00:02:40] Homes are bad, but family members are really bad. That's a tough one. Something you can never really. You can't shake that. But all I can do is say, uh, we love you, and we're with you 100%. Donald Trump [00:02:52] And on January 20, if we are. If we win this election, I always like to say. I always like to say if. And people say, oh, please say when. But, you know, we have to, we have to understand that bad things can happen, but we're not going to let it happen. Donald Trump [00:03:08] We're never going to let it happen again. We're doing really well. We're leading. I know nobody in this room gambles, but some of the gambling polls are really in there, like 65 to 35 or something like that. I served one, but nobody here gambles. Donald Trump [00:03:26] Is anybody in this room? No. No, no. Great christians don't gamble, do they? Oh, no. Donald Trump [00:03:35] So we're doing really well, uh, I would say beyond our wildest expectations. And that's not only in polls. Uh, more particularly, it's in, uh, the votes that are being cast. They're coming in at levels that we've never seen. One of the things that's amazing is North Carolina was devastated, devastated. Donald Trump [00:03:54] And yet areas that were, uh, the worst, the worst areas, we just left one, as you know. And I met some of the greatest people, but they just set a record for votes cast thus far, and their homes are gone. Donald Trump [00:04:11] I mean, it's an amazing, it's an amazing thing. Uh, I figured maybe you'd get 50%. And these are, they call it Trump country, and I'm very honored by that. But these are Trump people. And just think of that, their homes have gone, they've gone through such hell, and it's as big a water, you know, that's as big a water storm, they say, as we've ever seen in this country. Donald Trump [00:04:39] And they just set a record. They compared it to, uh, the two elections previous, and we have a substantial number more. Can you imagine that? I mean, those are great, great people. Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:04:57] I want to thank a, uh, very special man, Ben Carson, Doctor Ben Carson, for organizing this event. And of course, Candy. Because without candy, I don't know if Ben would be the same. I don't think so. Actually. Donald Trump [00:05:12] It's a special couple. But I. Can I tell them the one quick little story where you told me a couple of times? But, you know, Ben was very tough to beat, actually. He was getting up, up, up, and, uh, other people were falling in the wrong direction because he was in a primary with me, the original primary. Donald Trump [00:05:29] And one day in a church, it was a Sunday morning, and he was doing well, really well, and in a church, he came over to him and he said, you know you're going to win, don't you? And I said, what's this all about? Because he's a tough competitor. I said, what is this all about? Donald Trump [00:05:46] He said, God has picked you to win. Donald Trump [00:05:49] Can you believe that? Donald Trump [00:05:53] Right? Donald Trump [00:05:58] And you have no idea. He was so tough for him to say that. I said, this is really something. And he really was. He's, uh, something. Donald Trump [00:06:05] People loved him, and they loved him then, and they even love him more now. And he went to Hud, which is a. I must say, it's always mired in scandal, people. You know, you're giving out a lot of money, and there's a lot of bad things happen when you're giving out all that money. Donald Trump [00:06:22] And Ben went four years. Donald Trump [00:06:24] Perfection. I don't know. Has it ever happened before? Has it ever happened before? I wasn't surprised, but, uh, a lot of people were surprised. Donald Trump [00:06:35] Anytime you get through that one for four years, you have to be one honest, uh, one honest gentleman. But he ran it really great, and he's a special man, and he's done a special job today, and it's my honor to be here. Thank you very much. And thank you. Ben and candy very much. Donald Trump [00:06:49] Appreciate it. And some story, though, isn't it, Ben? Huh? Candy? I love that story. Donald Trump [00:06:58] I'd also like to thank somebody that's done unbelievable things, and especially in very hard times. I've, uh, seemed to whenever I, when I was president, and I would go to a lot of the sites, the tornadoes, the tornadoes, of vicious things they ask which are the worst are the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the tsunamis. Donald Trump [00:07:18] And I have a friend, that's what he does. He studies this. I said, so what's the worst of? Donald Trump [00:07:23] He actually said, tsunami. The ocean just lifts up and a lot of bad things happen, you know, in terms of the level. But they're all bad in their own way. But I've, uh, been with Franklin Graham through a lot of them, and we're very happy to have helped them out during the course of most of them. Donald Trump [00:07:39] And, uh, maybe in particular this one. Donald Trump [00:07:42] This was so sad to see such a great part of our country and, uh, so devastating. When you looked at the size of that storm, that hurricane, it covered the whole state of Florida, practically. You know, normally you see a little trough through it or hitting one area, but you'd look at the map and you look at the whole state of Florida was covered in one form or another. Donald Trump [00:08:03] And Franklin Graham just is a special person with a great family. And his father wasn't too bad either. Donald Trump [00:08:10] Right. Donald Trump [00:08:17] You know, my father used to take me, like, to yankee stadium. He loved, uh, he loved Billy Graham. And he would take me, as a young guy, he'd take me to yankee stadium, and he thought billy graham was great. And I'll tell you what, billy graham's looking down, and he's very proud of his son and his family. Donald Trump [00:08:34] I can tell you that without, quote, pastor paula white, I've known for a long time, and she is so unbelievable what she's done for the campaign. Donald Trump [00:08:48] She's just organized everything. Everybody respects her. She'll call meetings, and everybody shows up, even if it's 2 hours later, they'll get here. And, uh, she's just a very incredible woman. And what she's done with evangelicals, what she's done with actually people of all faiths. Donald Trump [00:09:05] But it's just, uh, what she's done really has made a big difference. We get 88% of the vote, and people would say, wow, that's not bad, 88%. And they said, how did you do that? I said, uh, would you please speak to Paula white? Because she knew what she was doing. Donald Trump [00:09:24] And, uh, we have a team of pastors, ministers, and even rabbis where we are very, uh, they like what I've done for israel. I can tell you that. We have a lot of rabbis. Donald Trump [00:09:45] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:09:49] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:09:55] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:10:02] Where is Paula? Where is Paula? She was right behind me before. You know, she's probably working, because she is. That's what she does. Donald Trump [00:10:11] But, Paul, she's here someplace. She's right back there. She's making phone calls, getting more people lined up for the vote. I'd rather have her do that than be here. But that's the kind of person she is. Donald Trump [00:10:21] She's fantastic. And Scott Turner, who was in the administration. Scott. Where's Scott? Come on, Scott. Donald Trump [00:10:27] This guy, a, uh, great person, a great everything, great athlete and a very fine mandeh. Uh, and you really did something very special for the administration. We really appreciate it. And get ready, get ready. Just keep yourself in good shape. Donald Trump [00:10:45] We don't have to worry about his shape, I can tell you that. But we appreciate it, Scott. Thank you very much. And a beautiful speaker. Boy, he got up and he would talk to groups of people, and they were so jazzed up, they could do anything. Donald Trump [00:10:58] He was very special. And a, uh, person that's, I, uh, have to say, the most special. We have to say this, Ben, the most special of them all, because he's my son, you know? Donald Trump [00:11:12] I mean, you know what I'm saying? How can he be more than Ben Carson? But, Ben, do you mind if I say he's my son? Am I allowed to say just slightly more special? Oh, you're tied. Donald Trump [00:11:37] Let's call it a tie. Okay. But Eric has been, uh, amazing, uh, in business. And everything he's done has been so incredible. He has become a legend in the legal profession because he's the most subpoenaed human being in history. Donald Trump [00:11:54] He's gotten more subpoenas than any human being in history every day. Congress. And this one and that one, deranged Jack Smith. We had people the likes of which nobody. You talk about weaponization of government. Donald Trump [00:12:07] What they've done is incredible. And he's cool as a cucumber. Yeah. Dad, we got another couple of subpoenas today. Where'd they come from? Donald Trump [00:12:16] M Congress. This one, that one. And, uh, crazy Nancy Pelosi would send them like it's cookies. Donald Trump [00:12:24] She had subpoenas on the corner of her desk, and congressman would just walk in and grab a subpoena, write it and send it. And I'd say, here, Eric handler, he became very proficient. Uh, he's a great young man, and, uh, he really is very excited about today. Did he do a good job when he spoke? Donald Trump [00:12:52] No, he's great. Uh, got a lot of talent. A lot of talent. And also here is my daughter Tiffany, and her husband Michael. And Tiffany is pregnant. Donald Trump [00:13:03] She's gonna have a baby. Donald Trump [00:13:13] She's going to have a baby. And it's gonna be a, uh. I'm not allowed to say what the baby is gonna be, am I? Am. I don't know. Donald Trump [00:13:20] I'm not going to put her on the spot. I'm not going to say it. I'm not taking a chance. I don't want to see her have a long face. Dad. Donald Trump [00:13:26] You shouldn't have said that, dad. But she's been, uh, from day one. She was a great student. And, uh, she went to a fantastic law school. Graduated number one in her class. Donald Trump [00:13:44] And, uh, we couldn't be happier. Uh, just never had a problem with her. I shouldn't say. We better knock on wood. Where's some wood around here? Donald Trump [00:13:53] That's one piece of wood. Most of it's plastic. But she has been. She's been an amazing person. And her husband's doing a great job. Donald Trump [00:14:01] And thank you, Michael, for the job you're doing. Appreciate it. Congratulations. And Linda McMahon, who's, uh, who most of you? No, she headed up small business for the government. Donald Trump [00:14:16] Now, small business is giant business. When you add it all up, it's about as big as any. I think it's probably bigger than any bank in the world. And she was one of our great, great people in the administration, and, uh, very, very successful woman. Uh, she was very generous. Donald Trump [00:14:34] I know with Franklin. And with the work done here, she was really very generous. She's always generous. She's been generous to the campaign, but we're very proud of her. Linda, wherever you may be, where are you? Donald Trump [00:14:45] Linda? Linda? Linda. Thank you, Linda. Thank you. Donald Trump [00:14:53] Thank you. Incredible. An incredible woman. And a friend of mine, also, Steve Witkoff, who's a very successful man. And he is, uh. Donald Trump [00:15:03] Where is Witkoff? He is somebody that's been also very. He wrote a big check for Franklin to take care of a place called North Carolina. And so we like him. Even if we didn't like him, we like him, right? Donald Trump [00:15:15] Steve Witcuff. Thank you, Steve, very much. And Peter Navarro, I heard he gave a great speech. And Peter's. Peter took a lot of abuse. Donald Trump [00:15:26] You talk about weaponization, and do I see my favorite person here? Will you please stand up? What's this all about? Stand up. Wow. Donald Trump [00:15:38] Thank you, darlingen. Right from the beginning, right? Right from the beginning. From day one. Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:15:46] Thank you very much. Appreciate it. And thank you to every pastor, patriot and faith leader here today. We have so many, so many people. You know, this is the worst is when you, when you introduce some, you're in trouble, because I'm seeing six, seven people. Donald Trump [00:16:03] I get a lot of people that I see a group of too over there. I'm in trouble. But let's get on with it. Do you mind? Let's get on, because with your help, we're going to make America great again. Donald Trump [00:16:20] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. Donald Trump [00:16:29] Thank you, Michael. Donald Trump [00:16:32] Thank you very much. So I was introduced to church at a very early age, and I had a wonderful church, actually, in Jamaica, queens, uh, first presbyterian church. I don't know if you know it. Uh, it was built a long time ago, and it was great, but very early. And then ultimately, on Sundays, my parents, Fred and Mary, would drive me into Manhattan to worship at Marble Collegiate Church, where doctor Norman Vincent Peale, the author of the, one of the really big bestsellers, the power of positive thinking. Donald Trump [00:17:14] He was the head pastor. Great book. It was a great book then and a great book now. Power of positive thinking. A lot of people could use a little positive thinking, right? Donald Trump [00:17:25] And he was an incredible speaker. Uh, my sister and I were both married there, and the funeral services for both of my parents, I mean, my mom and dad were, they took place in the main sanctuary of Marble Collegiate church. And it was just always very special. I still remember the great sermons of Norman Vincent Peale, and he truly was one of the greatest speakers I've ever first, he was a believer, but he was also a great speaker, an unbelievable man. Donald Trump [00:17:55] I actually saw his last sermon. Donald Trump [00:17:57] But, uh, when you left church, you were really disappointed that it was over. I mean, I can't. I have to say, we have no. We have a lot of pastors and ministers, but sometimes it's like, am I allowed to say that? It's like, uh, a biden, you know, sometimes, not often, of course, but this man. Donald Trump [00:18:26] And, you know, he always preached in sort of modern times, a little bit. In modern times, he'd bring it up. I remember. I remember so many of his sermons. But he talked about Alfred Sloan, who was the founder of General Motors, and how he grew up and how he had tremendous problems with alcohol, and he became a major alcoholic. Donald Trump [00:18:49] And then, you know, Norman Vincent Peale would just say, and then one day he met God, and he was just the expression of this man. He used to stand at a podium, and he'd always be like this, just like that. And he'd preach. And you really were, you know, you were disappointed when it was over. Donald Trump [00:19:09] He'd tell you stories about God, uh, about many things, about life. Donald Trump [00:19:16] It was really stories about life and how it pertained to religion. And it was really amazing. And he was amazing. And just, uh, the, uh, enthusiasm he had. And I listened to him for, I would say, 20 years. Donald Trump [00:19:32] And then one day I went to church, marble collegiate, and he was now, I guess, in his nineties. And he was preaching, and you could see he was getting a little bit tired. And he stood, just, like I said, right over here to the left of the podium. And he said, I can't do this anymore. Donald Trump [00:19:59] That was it. Donald Trump [00:20:01] And he just sat down. It was very. I mean, we all understood. He was just, uh. He was really. Donald Trump [00:20:07] No, I mean, he was really, uh. It was the last. His last time at the podium and the last time he preached. And it was an amazing moment, and everybody just stood up and applauded. It was sort of a beautiful thing to watch, actually, but, uh, to see him, because he was truly a very big name at the time and very respected. Donald Trump [00:20:30] And the fact that he wrote this book that was such a big best seller was a massive bestseller, still is, I think. But as I look back at my life's journey and events, I now recognize that it's been the hand of God leading me to where I am today. Donald Trump [00:20:55] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:21:06] And my faith took on new meaning on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania, where I was, uh, knocked to the ground, essentially, by what seemed like a supernatural, uh, hand. And I would like, to think that God saved me for a purpose, and that's to make our country greater than ever before. Donald Trump [00:21:42] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:21:51] Thank you very much. And that is, uh, something, you know, Eric is a great shooter. Great. If he were a golfer, he'd be like a plus four. He's a great shooter, and so is Don. Donald Trump [00:22:03] They're both great shooters. They know a lot about guns. In fact, I think I got the blessing of the NRA because of my son's early on. I remember I was running against a lot of people that had good gun credentials and 20, uh, 16. And the NRA, which was, you know, in its full bloom, actually, uh, they even spent $35 million on the campaign. Donald Trump [00:22:27] But I think they did it because of my sons, because I beat out a lot of very good people that believed in, uh, that whole world, a little different world, but that whole world. And because of Don and Eriche, when they both heard, uh, what had happened that day at Butler, they said, how far was it? Donald Trump [00:22:45] And they said it was 130 yards. And they knew the weapon. And they said, I can't believe it, because Eric actually said a bad shooter would hit you every single time. Donald Trump [00:23:01] And I didn't realize it to that extent. I made that right hand turn, and I made it a little quickly, and that got me in a position where it just not, uh, a good feeling, but much better than the alternative wasn't the best feeling, and it was a bloody sucker, I will tell you that. Donald Trump [00:23:25] I didn't realize, but the doctor told me, he told me a couple of things. He said, you're the luckiest man I've ever seen. He said, I've been doing this for 25 years. Donald Trump [00:23:35] And he said, sir, I'd like to suggest that you go out right now and buy a lottery ticket, because this is a good day. But Eric told me, and Don told me that, you know, that I, uh, think they became more religious that day because, uh, they, uh, really, they said that was amazing, that we, uh, could have survived something like that, an 8th of an inch to a quarter of an inch away. Donald Trump [00:24:02] So it's, uh, pretty amazing. And if we didn't make. Thank you. Donald Trump [00:24:05] And if we didn't make. Thank you very much. If we didn't make the turn, uh, that wouldn't have happened. And I made the turn to show a chart which became my all time favorite chart in the history of the world. Right. Donald Trump [00:24:19] Uh, my all time favorite. I sleep with that chart. Kiss that joy. But we're 15 days away from the most important election in the history of our country. And if you want to know what is at stake for christians in this race, just listen to what Kamala Harris had to say last week. Donald Trump [00:24:41] Because when two college students, religious college students and very good people, everybody said what wonderful young men they were and are at a campaign stop, she heard shouting from the background, Jesus is Lord. Jesus is lord. Donald Trump [00:25:08] And Kamala Harris ridiculed them, mocked them, and told them they were, quote, you're at the wrong rally. Get that. She basically said, get out. But I won't say that because people didn't hear that so much. But, uh, she said, you're at the wrong rally. Donald Trump [00:25:26] And that's really what she meant. That's really what she meant. She's very destructive to religion. She's very destructive to Christianity and very destructive to evangelicals and to the catholic church. And, uh, she's. Donald Trump [00:25:42] She is. She is. Let me put it this way, Ben. She is your worst nightmare. Much worse. Donald Trump [00:25:48] Much worse than Biden. And he wasn't so hot. But while Kamala says that people who believe in Jesus don't belong to her rallies, you have to remember that that's as loud as it can be. In fact, a lot of people said that would be disqualifying for her. That would be a disqualification in our movement. Donald Trump [00:26:08] We love christians, we welcome believers, and we embrace followers of Jesus. Donald Trump [00:26:24] Thank you, Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Donald Trump [00:26:42] Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Boy, this is a lively group, Ben. This is a very lively group you've assembled. What's going on with Ben? Donald Trump [00:26:54] This is something, Ben, but at Trump rallies, we don't tell christians to get lost. We tell christians to get out and vote. Donald Trump [00:27:13] You don't have the choice of sitting out this election, because if Kamala Harris gets four more years, the radical left is not going to leave christians alone. It's going to get worse and worse, and you're going to suffer greatly. They will come after christians all over the country. Kamala Harris has vowed to abolish the filibuster, letting her pack the Supreme Court. Donald Trump [00:27:36] And I even heard as many as 25 justices, the Supreme Court, with Marxists, radicals, with people that we don't want on the Supreme Court to rewrite the constitution and to overrule your values. Donald Trump [00:27:52] I think one of the greatest things I've done is the Supreme Court and also getting over 300 judges appointed throughout our land that have made a tremendous difference. Those 300 judges have made a tremendous difference. She'll flood our country with tens of millions more illegal aliens and make them all citizens, canceling out your voting power forever. Donald Trump [00:28:18] Kamala will mandate that every public school in America must promote the idea that children can change their genders, allow men into girls locker room, and also allow men to play in women's sports. Donald Trump [00:28:37] Can you imagine that? Men and women sports, and it's such a strong movement by, I believe, really a very, very small group of people, because, you know, it's interesting. I haven't met one person that thinks that's a good idea, and yet it's like a movement. But I've never met anybody now, I don't know everybody, but I haven't met anybody that wants it, and even the young ladies that are afraid of what's happening. Donald Trump [00:29:03] You saw the other day the volleyball player who was hit very hard on the head by a ball, a smash that, uh, in fact, I saw this person, a person who transitioned, hit the ball. Donald Trump [00:29:15] I mean, that ball was moving as fast as the ball can move. And she said, I've never seen anything like it really whacked her. But some people were put out of commission just in volleyball, let alone other sports. But when you look at weightlifting, how about that one? Or you look at swimming records, track records, it's just, it's so demeaning to women. Donald Trump [00:29:36] It's so ridiculous. It's so demeaning. Donald Trump [00:29:42] But Kamala will force doctors and parents to allow sex changes and genital mutilation of minor children. That's what they do. She has it literally, where sex change operations for people in detention. When they were being held in detention, if they wanted a sex change operation, she said, yes, I approve it. I mean, who would do this? Donald Trump [00:30:07] Who would do this? And, you know, I'm talking about everything else, but I'm also talking. It's an extremely, um, difficult operation and a very expensive operation. Uh, but who would do this and who would want this? Between that she was the head of the movement. Donald Trump [00:30:26] Defund the police. You have to understand, she's a radical left marxist, and a lot of people want to know, what does that mean? She's a person so far left like nobody's seen in the Senate in many, many years. But the main thing is she's not a very bright person, either. That's a dangerous, that's a really dangerous combination. Donald Trump [00:30:50] Your religious liberty will be gone, your free speech will be gone, your second amendment will be gone, and parental rights will be gone forever. So I'm here tonight to deliver a simple message to christians across America. It's time to stand up and save your country. Donald Trump [00:31:32] M thank you very much. Thank you very much. On November 5, christian voters need to turn out in the largest numbers ever. Do you know that if you did that, because you have a reputation of not voting proportionately like you should, you do know that I think that maybe is a form of rebellion. Donald Trump [00:31:53] Could that be possible? Donald Trump [00:31:56] You know, the two groups, not to equate them, but, uh, they are probably associated in some form, but christians, evangelicals, but christians and gun owners. Gun owners don't vote. They vote, but very small proportions. If they did or if christians did, nobody could ever beat us. Nobody. Donald Trump [00:32:21] So I hope that we're going to get numbers like we haven't seen. You remember, this is your last day. Today is your last day of registration. You have to remember that. And so if you want to leave right now, go and leave. Donald Trump [00:32:35] I won't be insulted. Leave right now and go and register. But this is your last day. So we need to tell Kamala Harris that we've had enough. Uh, Kamala, you've been the worst vice president. Donald Trump [00:32:48] You're a member of the worst administration in the history of our country. The happiest person around is Jimmy Carter, because Jimmy Carter is considered a brilliant president by comparison to crooked Joe Biden. I, Jimmy Carter is brilliant. His administration will go down as a brilliant administration compared to crooked Joe. But we're going to say, Kamala, you've done a horrible job. Donald Trump [00:33:17] You're a horrible vice president. There's no way you're going to be our president. Kamala, you're fired. Get out. Out. Donald Trump [00:33:38] For four straight years, I fought for christians like no president has ever fought before. You know that. I protected the religious freedom of doctors, nurses, teachers, and faith groups like the little sisters of the poor. Oh, I fought for them. I blocked, I blocked the IR's. Donald Trump [00:33:58] They were coming after everybody. They still are, I guess, to an extent, but now they are because of this administration. But I blocked the IR's from using the Johnson amendment to interfere with pastors freedom of speech. I mean, we want to hear from our pastors. We don't want them to be shy where they take away your tax exempt status because a pastor mentioned something that's slightly political, and I ended it. Donald Trump [00:34:25] Kamala Harris has taken it away, and we're not. I'll tell you what. If you, if you take it, she has taken your right away, gave that to you, and they took it back. But we're going to give it back to you within the first week. I'd like to make it the first day, but it'll take me a little while. Donald Trump [00:34:43] So we're going to give it back to you within the first week. You're going to have that right, because we want to hear from these people. There aren't too many people I want to hear from, but you, I do want to hear from. So we're going to give you back within the first week, and Paula will make sure that, uh, that takes place. Donald Trump [00:35:00] I will not disappoint you. Donald Trump [00:35:01] I appointed 300 judges to interpret the law and the constitution as written and withstood the vicious attacks to confirm three great supreme court justices. Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. They're great and they're courageous. They are courageous and they're brilliant, but they are courageous. What they have to endure with the radical left and, uh, all of the things that they have to listen to. Donald Trump [00:35:35] I actually think it's illegal, what people do. They call it playing the ref. You know, playing the ref. They'll say horrible things, hoping that the three, but also judges, they play the ref with judges. They. Donald Trump [00:35:49] The great Bobby Knight basketball. He used to scream at the referee. He would scream like nobody ever screamed before. Indiana. He was a great guy. Donald Trump [00:35:57] He backed me early on. He said, you're going to win. I said, well, I don't know, bobby. He said, you're going to win. I have no doubt. Donald Trump [00:36:04] He said, I want this guy named Trump to run for president. I didn't know him. I called him up to thank him. He said, you're going to win. All you have to do is say it. Donald Trump [00:36:11] You got to run. And he was a tough cookie. Just died recently. But he had the last undefeated team in college basketball. He won two or three national championships. Donald Trump [00:36:22] He was a great coach, and he never had the great, uh. I had a couple, I guess, great players, but he never had that real player that some teams have. He just did it with team, but he would scream at the referees. They called it playing the ref. And they'd say, bobby, bobby, you got to stop. Donald Trump [00:36:40] Bobby, don't do it. You're not going to win this call. You're not going to win it. It's over. He said, no, but I'm going to win the next call. Donald Trump [00:36:47] And it's true. They'd have a knock the hell out of somebody, and the referee was afraid to call it. It's true. He was the master. But they do that. Donald Trump [00:36:56] They play the ref. They start screaming about the judge is no good, and this one's no good, and they're slow and they're lousy judges, and the judge should be impeached and all of this crap. When you have a brilliant judge that's doing the right thing. And they get, uh, and some people will fold a little bit. Donald Trump [00:37:13] They'll say, hey, I'll get them off my back. Donald Trump [00:37:15] Let me just give a bad ruling here or there. And some will do that, actually. But fortunately, most have courage and they understand. I really believe it's illegal, what they do. And I know there's some great lawyers in the room, you have to look at it, because what they do is so obvious what they've done to the supreme court. Donald Trump [00:37:31] Even with the protection of their houses, you're not supposed to be allowed to march in front. They didn't stop it. You're not allowed to do any of these things that are happening. But they're playing the ref and they're playing it with judges and justices and they shouldn't be allowed to do it. And I believe it's illegal. Donald Trump [00:37:48] I issued guidance making clear that the right to freedom of worship does not end at the door to a public school. Donald Trump [00:37:59] We took care of it. Donald Trump [00:38:06] Thank you. Thank you very much. And I stood proudly with our friend and ally, the state of Israel. I kept my promise, recognized Israel's eternal capital, and opened the american embassy in Jerusalem. And actually got it built. Donald Trump [00:38:23] I actually got it built. But, uh, many presidents, uh, many, many presidents before me said they campaigned on doing that. And then they didn't do it. And I understand why. Because when I got into office, I was called by people, heads of state, highest level. Donald Trump [00:38:38] I was called by kings and prime ministers. I was called by everybody, don't do it, don't do it. And then they heard I was going to do it and they all called me and I said, just do me a favor. I shouldn't say this because little white, uh, would you call it? Uh, yeah, I wasn't available. Donald Trump [00:38:58] I said, just tell him I won't be available, but I'll call this, I think was a Thursday. I said, I'll call you back on Monday. To kings, to the biggest people from the biggest countries, most powerful countries. And I said, I'll call you back. And then on Thursday, I announced it. Donald Trump [00:39:21] I said, uh, we are going to do exactly what a lot of people didn't want me to do. They said there'd be bloodshed and everything else all over. There was none. And I did something that no other president had the courage to do. And then on Monday, I called them back. Donald Trump [00:39:38] Hi, how have you been? Uh, I tried getting, I wasn't able to, but you've already done it. So we made Jerusalem the capital and that brought a lot of. Donald Trump [00:40:02] Did you know that? Donald Trump [00:40:07] That was something I didn't know, but I understood why other, uh, presidents were. I mean, every single person that campaigned for decades and decades, every president said they were going to do it. None of them did it. I did. I also recognized israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Donald Trump [00:40:24] The Golan Heights was a big deal. The Golan Heights, that's another thing. 72 years, people would come in and leave, come in and leave. They'd meet every year, every two years about the Golan Heights. And I spoke with David Friedman. Donald Trump [00:40:40] I said, give me a lesson in five minutes or less on the Golan Heights. And he did. Talked about how important it was strategically and before all of the modern equipment and radar and all of that that we have now. But it was unbelievably important from a military because it was the highest point in the Middle east. Donald Trump [00:40:58] And, uh, I did that, and nobody even asked for that because they thought that would be a bridge too far. Donald Trump [00:41:03] But I did that for Israel. And I was the first and only president to convene a meeting at the United nations to end religious persecution worldwide. Donald Trump [00:41:18] Nobody's done what I've done in terms of religion, in terms of Christianity, but in terms of religion, nobody's done what I did. And we did all of this and much more in four short years. And I will keep on fighting for our cherished american values when we become the 47th president of the United States. Donald Trump [00:41:48] Thank you. Donald Trump [00:41:53] Under Kamala Harris, you've seen the Department of Justice target parents at school board meetings. Have you ever seen anything like it? They're like the enemy. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen. These great people, they just want their children to be treated reasonably well. Donald Trump [00:42:10] And the FBI would send spies into catholic churches if. I don't know how many Catholics are here, but if you're catholic, there is no way you can be voting for these people. These people are a nightmare. I don't know what they have against Catholics, but Catholics are treated worse than anybody. So, uh. Donald Trump [00:42:32] And by the way, evangelicals are next. You can bet on it. Evangelicals are next. But they label Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. And the fact is that, uh, they'll be coming after you soon. Donald Trump [00:42:46] Um, these people are sick. These people are very sick people. Christians will not be safe with Kamala Harris as president of the United States. It's not even thinkable. She's going to deal with President Xi of China. Donald Trump [00:43:00] I don't think so. I know him very well. He's a very fierce mandehead and Putin, all of these people, I know them all very well. And we'll end up in third world war because they have no idea. They have no idea. Donald Trump [00:43:12] We're not going to have a third world war. But if they get in, I think that we will have a third world war out of stupidity. Out of absolute stupidity. Think of it. Putin would have never, ever attacked Ukraine. Donald Trump [00:43:25] If I were president, all of those people that are now dead would not be dead. All of those cities that are knocked to the ground with those magnificent domed towers that are laying on the side, shattered into a million pieces, all of that would be up right now. You take a look at those cities, they've been bombed. Donald Trump [00:43:46] They've been. There's nothing standing. Donald Trump [00:43:48] There's literally not a building standing in many of them. As soon as I take the oath of office, I will stop Kamala Harris weaponization of law enforcement against Americans of faith. We're going to do it. We're going to do it. Donald Trump [00:44:10] And, you know, I'm just. Did you ever notice? So it's Kamala Harris. Nobody knows who the hell Harris is, right? Do you ever say, and we're going to stop Harris? Donald Trump [00:44:23] They all go, who's Harris? It's a weird thing. You'd think your name would be, but isn't it true? Uh, nobody knows who Harris is, so we'll call her Kamala. It's a weird thing. Donald Trump [00:44:37] Lots of strange things take place in politics, don't they? But I will create a new federal task force on fighting anti christian bias. That'll be done immediately. Donald Trump [00:44:54] And I think it's very important for the people in this room to know, like doctor Ben Carson knows, Americans of faith are not a threat to our country. Americans of faith are the soul of our country. Right? Donald Trump [00:45:18] I will once again appoint rock solid, pro constitutional judges to faithfully interpret the law and the constitution. The 300 judges that we appointed changed the whole. I mean, it was so bad. It was so bad what was happening out there. And these are great people, and they're fair people, and they do the right thing. Donald Trump [00:45:40] We believe in the first amendment rights of freedom of worship and freedom of speech. Donald Trump [00:45:50] And I will deliver universal school choice, empowering every parent to send their child to the public, private, charter, or religious school that is right for them. Donald Trump [00:46:07] And I will allow homeschool parents to spend $10,000 a year tax free on costs associated with their children's education. Donald Trump [00:46:20] Under the Trump administration, we will return patriotic education to our schools. That's okay. That's a good thing. Donald Trump [00:46:31] Kamala Harris supports the 1619 project. Think of that. She supports it strongly. That teaches children to hate their country. That's what it does. Donald Trump [00:46:44] The 1619 project was condemned by every historian, and yet Kamala Harris's administration tried to push it into schools all across America. She fought very hard for that. She also fought very hard for the people that burned down Minneapolis, that were literally at war in Minnesota with one of the worst governors. I cannot believe this guy is a governor. Donald Trump [00:47:10] Can you imagine him as a president? Donald Trump [00:47:12] He is a whackadoo. Donald Trump [00:47:19] And by the way, how good did JD Vance do in exposing him? Donald Trump [00:47:35] They, uh, lie about everything. You know, they were going today. Every single thing. Like, uh, every single thing. They say it's the opposite. Donald Trump [00:47:45] Project 2025. Trump loves it. He loves it. He loves it. They just say it. Donald Trump [00:47:49] And I've totally disavowed it. A group of people went, and I don't know what they did. I said specifically, I will, I refuse to read it. But every time they get up, they say everything that I've disavowed, they go on again and again and again. And the radical left people that are listening to them, just let them talk. Donald Trump [00:48:12] And they know it's all a big lie, but they just lie. I've never seen anything like it. You know, I've had some, uh, political opponents before. I've never seen even crooked. Hillary didn't lie like these people, and she lied a lot. Donald Trump [00:48:25] But these people are going, I actually think they're choking, because I watch today every single thing that I've said. No, no, no. They say, he said, yes, yes, yes. Like, point after point. And, uh, no, there's something going on in their heads. Donald Trump [00:48:42] Perhaps it's Trump derangement syndrome. Um, horrible. Or perhaps they know they're losing because we're doing very well. They know. They know how well we're doing. Donald Trump [00:48:57] Even the fake news. And that's a lot of fake news back there, Ben. Donald Trump [00:49:04] The fake news knows. The fake news knows how well we're doing. Isn't it said that we have to rely on the gambling? The gambling. The gamblers are the ones that are the only ones that want to say it. Donald Trump [00:49:18] They're the 165 percent. No, no, they know. But we're going to just let it wait. And I really think we're going to have maybe one of the greatest victories in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:49:34] The history of our country. Donald Trump [00:49:39] On day one, I will sign an executive order banning schools from promoting critical race theory or transgender insanity. Um, I will take historic action to defeat the toxic poison of gender ideology and reaffirm that God created two genders, male and female. I will keep men out of women's sports. Donald Trump [00:50:07] I will sign a law banning child sexual mutilation in all 50 states. Won't happen anymore. Donald Trump [00:50:18] And we will proudly say merry, ah, Christmas again. Donald Trump [00:50:29] On day one. I will stop the migrant invasion. We will begin the largest deportation operation in the history of our country. Donald Trump [00:50:39] I will end inflation. And we will make America affordable again. Donald Trump [00:50:47] We will quickly become energy independent again. You know, we were energy independent just four years ago. And we will frack, frack, frack and drill, baby, drill. Donald Trump [00:51:02] And I will cut energy prices in half within twelve months, from January 20, the day you assume the office of president, we will have. Because we have more liquid gold under our feet than any other country, including Russia and including Saudi Arabia. We were third and maybe even fourth when I got in there. Donald Trump [00:51:25] When I left, we were number one in energy production. And, uh, we did things that were amazing. Donald Trump [00:51:31] We would have, uh, right now been four times higher than we were. We would have been making money, paying down debt. We would have been in a position that you wouldn't believe. But they decided to do it a different way. It's terrible wind. Donald Trump [00:51:46] They put wind all over the place. Wind kills your birds. And if you want to watch television and the wind isn't blowing, you can forget it, darling. Let's watch the president tonight. I'm sorry, Esther, but the wind isn't blowing. Donald Trump [00:52:02] We won't be able to watch. Uh, it's not exactly the most reliable source, but it is something. It's the most expensive source by far. I will end the war in Ukraine, stop the chaos in the Middle east, and prevent World War III. I will crush violent crime and give our police the support, protection, resources and respect they so dearly deserve. Donald Trump [00:52:27] We will rebuild our cities, including our capital in Washington, DC, making them safe, clean and beautiful again. And we will secure our elections. Everyone will prosper. Every family will thrive. And every day we will be filled with opportunity and hope. Donald Trump [00:52:48] We will again have the american dream for our children. But for that to happen, we must defeat Kamala Harris and stop her radical left agenda. We have to stop it once and for all. We want a landslide that is too big to rig. Too big to rig. Donald Trump [00:53:10] Early voting is underway, so you know what you have to do. So christians, get everyone you know and vote. You have to vote or we're not going to have the life that we should have. A life of prosperity and hope, a life of beauty. We're not going to have it we're going to be fighting for our lives. Donald Trump [00:53:30] These people have. They mean serious business. I, uh, honestly believe in many cases, they're sick. And we cannot let this happen. Because it was a religion that kept our country together for many years. Donald Trump [00:53:46] It was our religion that kept it together. And they're trying to take that away, and they're trying to destroy our country. After all we have been through together, we stand on the verge of the four greatest years in the history of our country. With your help, from now until election day, we will redeem America's promise. Donald Trump [00:54:05] We will put America first. Donald Trump [00:54:08] And we will take back the nation that we love. Donald Trump [00:54:18] November 5 will be the most important day in the history of our country. And together, we will make America powerful again. Donald Trump [00:54:30] We will make America wealthy again. We will make America healthy again. We will make America strong again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. Donald Trump [00:54:53] And we will make America great again. Thank you very much. God bless you all. God bless you all. Thank you.