Speaker A [00:00:00] The role of the media in a democracy is to maintain a fierce posture of skepticism toward government authorities and toward official pronouncements. That was what the media did in this country for the first 285 years of our existence. But in the last decade, and particularly culminating in Covid, you saw the media completely take the opposite posture. The media became the mouthpiece for government policies. It shamed people who dissented for them and disagreed. Speaker A [00:00:30] It silenced them. It marginalized them. It gaslit them. People who said that they had an injury from one of the interventions, people who complained about the impacts of their children on the school closures, people who said, you, don't have any evidence that masks are actually based on science or social distancing. Those people became heretics and had to be silenced and discredited and burned. Speaker A [00:00:53] And the media was leading that, rather than, you know, being skeptical towards government authority. Speaker A [00:01:05] Our channel.