# DNC 2024 | Day 4 Speeches | Kerry Washington Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Friday, 23 Aug 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/uIiZF5gwEP7WLGncVR4Ahd0YUTkxQevt * Words : 352 * Duration : 00:03:20 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-08-23 01:17:34 UTC * Last update : * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Kerry Washington - 100.0% ---------------------------- Kerry Washington [00:00:00] Welcome. Welcome to the final night of the Democratic National Convention. The last three nights have been extraordinary, and tonight, we hear from our next president, Kamala Harris. [00:00:19] Now, as I stand here, I know that there are folks on social media already saying, go back to your tv show, shut up, and act. But I am not here tonight as an actor. I am here as a mother, as a daughter, as a proud union member. I'm here. I am here as the granddaughter of immigrants, as a black woman descended from enslaved people. [00:00:50] I am here tonight because I am an american and because I am a voter and because we, the people, are stronger when all our voices are heard. [00:01:06] Look, I know that I am the one standing on this stage, but I am not the lead character in this story. You are. All of you. You are the messengers. You are the fixers. [00:01:22] Dare I say it? You are the Olivia popes. [00:01:29] You are the superheroes saving this democracy. It is you, not me, who have the greatest power to convince your loved ones to vote. So just like Michelle Obama told us, let's do something. [00:01:49] Let's make a video. Everybody, take out your phones. Everybody, take out your phones. We're gonna make a moment. Can somebody bring me my phone? [00:02:00] I want to capture this historic moment and share it with the people that we love. [00:02:19] Okay, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna take this video, guys. We're all gonna take it together. We're gonna post it to social media, text your friends, send this message out into the world. When I say, when we fight, you're gonna say, are you ready? [00:02:34] Okay, let's record. We're recording. You ready, Tony? Yep. Okay. [00:02:37] Ready when we fight. When we fight. [00:02:45] When we fight. [00:02:48] Are you ready for Kamala Harris to win? [00:02:55] Good, because when Kamala wins, um, America wins. [00:03:03] We did it. We did it, Joe. [00:03:08] Thank you, Tony. I don't get to stay? No, you gotta go. Uh, bye, everybody. Tony Goldwyn, ladies and gentlemen.