# DNC 2024 | Day 4 Speeches | Elizabeth Warren Auto-transcribed by https://aliceapp.ai on Thursday, 22 Aug 2024. Synced media and text playback available on this page: https://aliceapp.ai/recordings/ywiQB7j0d9LKFgc85OqMPCeAEVnIJSam * Words : 430 * Duration : 00:04:51 * Recorded on : Unknown date * Uploaded on : 2024-08-22 23:41:55 UTC * At : Unknown location * Using : Uploaded to aliceapp.ai ## Speakers: * Elizabeth Warren - 100.0% ---------------------------- Elizabeth Warren [00:00:00] You know what I love best about Kamala harris? Kamala harris can't be bought, and she can't be bossed around. Elizabeth Warren [00:00:14] Now, I first met Kamala in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crash. The banks had flat out broken laws, cheated people, and stolen homes. Millions of Americans had lost their jobs, their savings, their homes. Now, I was setting up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Go, Cftv. Elizabeth Warren [00:00:44] Kamala was protecting families. As California's attorney general, you, Bethe and Donald was scamming students at Trump University and trying to make money off people losing their homes. Kamala harris stepped up. She enforced the law. She fought the giant banks, and she delivered billions of dollars of help for families. Elizabeth Warren [00:01:22] And that is the difference between a criminal and a prosecutor. Elizabeth Warren [00:01:33] You know what else I love about Kamala? She gets it. We need to make life more affordable for working people. Yeah. Donald Trump, the felon has no plans to lower costs for families. Elizabeth Warren [00:01:52] He doesn't know how, and basically, he doesn't really care. When did he ever fill up a gas tank or worry about a grocery bill? The only bills he worries about are from his criminal defense lawyers. Elizabeth Warren [00:02:13] But Kamala, she cares deep down. And she will take on the giant corporations that are squeezing american families. In fact, it's something she's done before. During the California wildfires, she went after the price gougers. During the pandemic, we worked together in the Senate to stop price gouging. Elizabeth Warren [00:02:40] And as president, she will lower costs for your family. Elizabeth Warren [00:02:50] She'll take on the Wall street firms that buy up, uh, millions of houses and apartments and then jack up the rent. She'll take on drug companies that charge an arm and a leg for prescriptions. She'll take on corporate monopolies that rip off consumers and billionaires who don't pay taxes. Elizabeth Warren [00:03:18] And she'll take on right wing extremists who think they should decide who has access to abortion or IVF. Uh, Kamala will protect abortion rights nationwide. Elizabeth Warren [00:03:40] And there it is. Groceries, gas, housing, healthcare, taxes, abortion. Trust Donald Trump and JD fans to look out for your family. Shoot. I wouldn't let those guys. Elizabeth Warren [00:03:56] I wouldn't trust them to move my couch. Elizabeth Warren [00:04:12] We need Kamala Harris. This election is about your family and your future. I've seen Kamala Harris fight her win. And when it comes to our families and our futures, Kamala Harris is someone we can trust. So here it is with joy in our hearts. Elizabeth Warren [00:04:38] Let's elect Kamala Harris the next president of the United States.