Alice started with a slick new recorder designed from first principles. We then added high accuracy AI models for speech-to-text + data processing. All very fast, simple and above all - an exceptional commitment to customer privacy.

We thoughtfully designed Alice to fit into your workflow. Many conversations with our customers helped shaped the product and the transparent business model. Alice is structured as a tangible business: we provide something of value, and if people like it enough, they buy it, tell a few friends, and we get to continue tomorrow. You can begin using Alice with a full-featured free trial. You aren't tied into a subscription model. No commitment. Nothing to cancel. No kidding.

Read more about Alice and privacy on the FAQs page. Reach us at


Speech Intelligence For A Privacy First World

We’re on a journey to build the most trusted, efficient, and beloved speech AI company.



1. Be worthy of trust

Commit to the highest standards of integrity in every action. Protect privacy, be reliable, talk frankly: no corporate-speak.

2. Customer empathy is core

A customer’s pain is our pain. Your problem is our problem. We are here to invent on your behalf. It’s how Alice started, and continues to be how we operate.

3. Privacy is a human right

We approach every action with the customer’s privacy and confidentiality in mind. Nothing is above this — not revenue, not profits, not our convenience.

4. Speed over everything else

We approach things with an element of urgency. You, our customer, should be able to move on quickly from whatever you are attempting to achieve and get back to what else is important in your life. Responding to customers, product development, the design of workflows - everything should factor in speed & performance. Quick decisions. Lightning fast websites and apps.

5. Care about accessibility

We acknowledge there are all kinds of humans, and different things are important to different people. We care about the differently-abled. It’s not an afterthought, and we don’t work on it to pass an arbitrary certification.

6. Think long-term

We enjoy long-term relationships with our customers, team members, and partners. We love the independence which comes from building a strong, profitable business. We’re not chasing a quick exit. We’re building for years to come. No shortcuts, no tricks.

7. When others zig, we zag

If we just did what everyone else was doing, we will be in the race to the bottom, the lowest common denominator. If we do what appears logical and safe, we will become average: the only thing we fear. We think differently, we think way ahead, we take risks, to invent a future most can barely imagine.

8. Technology exists to serve humanity

We harness technology to solve real problems, avoiding the allure of fleeting trends. We prioritize usability over novelty, and take pride in being pragmatic. By balancing cutting-edge advancements with reliable, proven solutions, we ensure optimal performance and predictable maintenance.

9. In team we trust

We remember we spend a big part of our life with who we work with. We respect that working together is a choice, not an obligation. We trust one another. We assume positive intent. When one of us is facing a problem, it’s everyone’s problem. We approach every situation with an open mind and an open heart. We listen, understand, and support.


We work directly and through a select few trusted partners around the world, to the highest US and European privacy standards.

Alice is headquartered in Seattle, USA. For Asia, EGM Consulting (India) is our official partner.

Alice office cities