Welcome to Alice

Redefining Integrity in AI

In a world quick to compromise customer privacy for profit, Alice was created with the belief that technological advancement should not come at the expense of ethics. In a world where truth often gets lost in the noise, Alice is here to keep things real.

We didn’t set out to build just another tech company that mines data, sells ads, and chases a quick exit. Our goal is exactly the opposite: to protect your data, offer flexible pricing, and stay committed for the long term.



To ensure that truth is preserved and privacy is respected, giving everyone a platform to speak freely.



A world where every spoken word is captured truthfully and preserved authentically, giving people the power to protect their voice and share it with confidence.

A Note From Alice’s Founder

We started with a challenge: to build an intuitive, reliable, modern recorder.

During this journey, we met many people who helped us realize the importance of privacy — you need to feel safe to speak freely. As we’ve grown, our focus has remained the same: we put our customers first and keep things straightforward.

I created Alice so that everyone has the ability to speak freely, promote fairness, and, most importantly, capture and preserve the truth.

Spoken word is the deepest expression of our thoughts, emotions, and identity—especially when it’s unfiltered and authentic. Through speech, we don’t just communicate; we connect, understand, and preserve our shared human experiences. Alice exists to serve this profound form of communication, making spoken words accessible to all, regardless of language, geography, and circumstance.

To achieve this, we provide a set of tools:
  • Frictionless, reliable recorders to ensure that every word is captured with integrity.
  • State-of-the-art AI for cutting-edge accuracy, across situations and languages.
  • Plugins to integrate seamlessly with the services you rely on for work and communication.
  • A vault, private or public, for organizing and showcasing collected works.
  • Platform APIs & embeddable widgets for developing new product experiences.
Authenticity Will Become Critical

In a world where deepfakes now permeate every digital medium—audio, video, images, and even text—it’s hard to tell what’s real. How do you know what’s true? Who can you trust? This inability to distinguish fact from fake makes it difficult for society to function cohesively. It creates division. This is what we’re fighting for—the preservation of truth. Because truth maintains trust. Alice is the place where the spoken word remains authentic. If it’s on Alice, it was said exactly as it appears, by that person, at that moment in time. It is accessible, usable, and identifiable.

Privacy is Key

Privacy is your basic birthright. Yet it is eroded everyday, in more wilful ways. Not a day goes by when someone isn’t the victim of a data breach, or there isn’t an exposé of yet another data broker. If we don’t address this, future generations will grow up with no expectation of privacy— and that benefits only a very few large organizations, not the world. Alice is built on an unbeatable foundation of privacy. In our case, no one is listening, and that’s a good thing—it’s safe and trustworthy. No ads, no tracking, no data mining. We want every person, in any situation, to comfortably say what they want.

Trust keeps our society functioning. Without it, the basic fabric of our communities unravels, pulling us back into smaller, isolated groups instead of propelling us forward toward a connected, peaceful world.

In our quest to capture the truth, we began with journalists — those tenacious seekers of facts. And we’re just getting started.

Karan M Gupta
@karanmg, August 2024

Our Values

Our job is to invent on behalf of our customers.

We obsess over the problems they share with us and truly listen. We distill their feedback to identify the core obstacles. Then, we share what we've built as early as possible to get immediate feedback. Our customers shape what we create, and that’s how it should be. We’re not here to overwhelm you with features or chase the latest fad. We’re here to give you what you need to get the job done.

To uphold promises to our customers, we live by these core values.

Be Worthy of Trust
  • Protect our customer’s data at all costs. Our customers’ data belongs to them and only them. We work tirelessly to protect it. If it takes a little longer to launch, that’s okay—we never compromise on privacy or security.
  • Preserve authenticity by never touching original data. What you record with Alice stays exactly as it is—no filters, no tweaks. Just the truth.
  • Communicate authentically, and do the right thing. We embody this in our everyday work, even when it means admitting mistakes.
Act With Urgency
  • Move quickly with purpose. From responding to customers, product design, addressing challenges - act decisively.
  • Our products must factor in high performance, leading to lightning fast websites and apps.
Invent with Insight
  • Create the future by deeply understanding the challenges and context of the problem today.
  • Don’t chase trends. Build things that make a real difference.
Assume Positive Intent
  • We hear out different opinions because they lead us to deliver our best work.
  • We approach every situation with an open mind and an open heart. We listen, understand, and support.
Think Long Term
  • We’re here to build something that has staying power, something that grows with all of us over time.
  • Quick wins are fleeting, and shortcuts usually mean compromising our values.

Contact Us

Reach us at alice@aliceapp.ai.

We’re here to help — no question is too small or unimportant! Whether it’s about sales, our products, or your ideas, we’ll do our best to understand what you’re trying to achieve and guide appropriately.

Our Investors

Alice's key investors are renowned and respected entrepreneurs, executives, and journalists. We're deeply honored by their belief in our mission and vision.


We work directly and through a select few trusted partners around the world, to the highest US and European privacy standards. Alice is headquartered in Seattle, USA. For Asia, EGM Consulting (India) is our official sales partner.

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