TIME100 Talks: Harnessing AI for Humanity’s Benefit

Words: 4,108
Duration: 00:27:43
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Uploaded On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 23:30 UTC]
Transcribed On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 23:32 UTC]
Using: Uploaded [TIME100 Talks Harnessing AI for Humanity’s Benefit.mp4]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
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Speakers: Speaker A - 18.84% Speaker B - 81.16%


- The UN's role in the governance of artificial intelligence is largely going to be facilitative, so facilitating the efforts of governments and of the private sector. What would it look like if we get AI governance wrong? I think we will see massive societal impact.
- We need a consolidated funding capacity to build capacity, capacity of government officials for governance, smart governance. We also need to knit together the capacity development efforts that are popping up across the globe. If you want AI to be really impactful, then you need to start the data effort today.
- There are many, many lessons we can take away from these three areas. Also from space, which is developing very rapidly. Leaders around the world, in the private sector, in governments, in international organizations, would be up to the task.
- How can we use AI to reduce energy consumption in other sectors? This again, uh, requires cross domain collaboration, often cross border collaboration. How can we create incentives? I think that's going to be our work for the next few years.
- Are there other areas of the sustainable development goals where you feel like AI is particularly relevant outside of climate? Health, education, agriculture, food security, environment are obviously the priority areas. What can happen in the next three to five years seems to be limited unless we really double down on the enablers.
- What keeps you in the fight for better governance? Ministers, prime ministers, presidents, leaders of international organization. They simply don't understand the technology enough. How can I bridge this gap?

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