AI & Ethics Art, Creativity, Tech

Words: 3,242
Duration: 00:23:00
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Uploaded On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:55 UTC]
Transcribed On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:57 UTC]
Using: Uploaded [AI & Ethics Art, Creativity, Tech.mp4]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
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Speakers: Speaker A - 33.31% Speaker B - 66.69%


- Yoshiki: I'm here to bring up the issue how artistic industry, like entertainment industry and then technology industry can coexist. Also, I wanted to look at this AI issue from inside and outside. So inside means creating AI products. Outside means as an, um, entertainment industry.
- I'm very lucky to be in this industry. I'm part of the ecosystem. Because of this ecosystem, I'm still motivated to create amazing art. AI could be, depends on how we develop it, how we use it. Could be also a disruptive tool for this ecosystem.
- Music producer talks about how important it is that technology companies and the creative ecosystem, the music ecosystem, come together in dialogue. Both sides have like amazing things going on. I respect both industries then.
- Do you think there's any potential that, uh, people will ingest AI creativity in the same way as electronic music? Or is it really about this personal connection that can't be replaced? Those two things needs to be carefully discussed.
- The AI movement is somehow unstoppable. We need to try to find a way to coexist. There may be some, like, inspirational, you know, sound, or something AI can create. So then we can concentrate on more creativity side as well.
- Dreamforce attendees can receive a complimentary special edition of this year's time 100 AI issue. Yoshiki: This is a moment where the future is in our hands. It's about how we design the future of technology and people working together. Let's find a way to code, exist and create a better future.

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