Dreamforce Tonight Recap and Highlights from Day 1

Words: 4,235
Duration: 00:23:48
Recorded On:
Uploaded On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:40 UTC]
Transcribed On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 00:43 UTC]
Using: Uploaded [Dreamforce Tonight Recap and Highlights from Day 1.mp4]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
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Speakers: Speaker A - 19.2% Speaker B - 3.66% Speaker C - 5.05% Speaker D - 7.25% Speaker E - 1.28% Speaker F - 9.0% Speaker G - 22.76% Speaker H - 28.88% Speaker I - 2.93%


- Force is the hottest thing around humans and agents driving customer success together. Salesforce foundations was announced. Data cloud sees 130% year over year customer growth processes of more than 2 quadrillion records per core. We've got to get customers comfortable quickly.
- Tomorrow we see how digital agents are shaping the future of sales and service. Join us to see how Agent force agents are empowering employees and driving customer success. Dreamforce is just the start to your learning journey over the next few days.
- Zach Brown is the CEO of McLaren Racing. Formula one is one of the fastest growing sports globally and in the United States. Brown says the sport is very data centric. Women and youth are fastest growing new fans of the sport.
- How has salesforce specifically helped you grow that fan base? Engagement with our fans, understanding what our fans want from us so we can customize the experience. It felt like today's keynote was indicative of a big, giant step forward.
- When they talked about agent force, what did you take from that? What can agent force do for you, do you think? I think ultimately it's like having more people uh, on our racing team, so to speak. It's pace of integration and scaling.
- We're seeing tremendous interest in genaie. Customers use Genai to also answer customer questions directly. Customers love the fact that their pace of innovation is so high on Amazon Connect. It really does allow them to innovate on their customers behalf.

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