A Greener Future EPA's Michael Regan & Marc Benioff

Words: 6,329
Duration: 00:40:55
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Uploaded On: 5 months ago [Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:30 UTC]
Transcribed On: 5 months ago [Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:33 UTC]
Using: Uploaded [A Greener Future EPA's Michael Regan & Marc Benioff.mp4]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
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Speakers: Speaker A - 38.71% Speaker B - 61.29%


- All right. How are you all doing? Good. Um, has anyone built an agent yet? Oh, wow. How has your experience been so far? Fantastic. All right, is the conference going well?
- Mark O'Mara: I've always had a natural interest in the environment and the interconnectivity of our environment and public health. Both of my parents set examples for what true public servants are. They understand the work that I'm doing. And they're grateful that it is a goal of mine to not leave any child behind.
- Growth up in North Carolina encouraged him to pursue a degree in environmental science. His first job was an intern at EPA. Coming back to lead this agency has been the best experience of his lifetime so far.
- In North Carolina, you and your father hunted quail and dove. Now in Hawaii, you have quail on your property. Whenever I see them, I'm like, oh, my father would be thrilled to take out his shotgun. But no, they're alive and happy and getting quite plump.
- Former Environmental Defense Fund senior vice president worked for North Carolina governor for four years. Says Roy Cooper is an exceptional leader, but an especially values based leader. Says working with Cooper forced him to be solutions oriented.
- Mark Watson: Every major movement and social movement in this country has been led by young people. Watson: I'm very optimistic, because the solutions are there. You gotta plant trees, we need to recycle. We need to leverage technology. He wants to inspire an ecopreneur revolution.

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