Kate Hudson Brand Building in an Ever-Evolving Career

Words: 3,096
Duration: 00:17:33
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Uploaded On: 5 months ago [Tue, 17 Sep 2024 21:21 UTC]
Transcribed On: 5 months ago [Tue, 17 Sep 2024 21:23 UTC]
Using: Uploaded [Kate Hudson Brand Building in an Ever-Evolving Career.mp4]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
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Speakers: Speaker A - 33.43% Speaker B - 66.57%


- We've got a very special guest for you. She is an award winning actress. She's got a new film coming out called Shell. And if that wasn't enough, she has a new album out. I need the most glorious welcome for the glorious Kate Hudson.
- As I got older, I lost that sense of fearlessness. Staying true to who you are allows you to have more courage to put things out there. There's lots of benefits to getting older. Where does the inspiration come from?
- Sustainability is a core value for us at Salesforce. And we believe that business is the greatest platform for change. Uh, hopefully all, uh, uphold the spirit of sustainability.
- What advice would you have for these leaders in the room about staying true to your values? If I'm gonna sell anyone anything, I want it to be something I believe in and that I love. And then I think if it feels authentic, people know that it's a real thing.
- I want to get into your shoes. All I see are these sparkles. Are those Jimmy choose? They are Jimmy Choo. I'll swap my shoes for that lovely crescent. You hold on to that one.
- But this, now we have to give Kate a massive round of applause. We have to thank her for this. This concludes.

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