Leading with Purpose, Building for Legacy

Words: 7,032
Duration: 00:45:39
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Uploaded On: 5 months ago [Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:16 UTC]
Transcribed On: 5 months ago [Thu, 19 Sep 2024 02:20 UTC]
Using: Uploaded [Leading with Purpose, Building for Legacy.mp4]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
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Speakers: Speaker A - 16.48% Speaker B - 36.72% Speaker C - 23.68% Speaker D - 23.12%


- Hollywood actor and renowned guru have a lot in common. All of them are best selling authors and motivational speakers. All have started major nonprofits that have had an incredible impact on the world. And all of them care deeply about the future of our planet. The panel will discuss leading for purpose.
- Roots and shoots began with twelve high school students in Tanzania. It now has members from kindergarten through university and grown ups as well. The program is in 70 countries. Engage your kids in the program, share the word.
- Matthews: What are you working on as it relates to climate? He says youth prevent before you need to cure. He started the just keep living foundation to be a curriculum in title one schools. Matthews: The more you're thankful for, the more you will create in your life to be thankful for.
- Isha foundation's aim is to expand human experience in such a way that you transcend the limitations of your physical experience and in turn, your physical identity. As we get more and more enabled and empowered, we will create bigger and bigger problems, says Sadhguru.
- Only 15% of the green cover is left. Every extra green leaf that you put on this planet from this moment onwards is one small step towards climate mitigation. How life will be in the next 30 to 40 years is not very pretty. We must take collective action.
- Alex Castellanos: I excited about what Mark and Salesforce are doing with this idea of agent force. He says human mind is the basis of most of the misery that human beings go through. What is a miracle has become misery, he says. It's important that humans learn how to make a miracle out of this.

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