Kamala Harris Speech in Pittsburgh, PA | 11.04.24

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Speaker A - 15.7% Speaker B - 51.53% Speaker C - 21.64% Speaker D - 5.18% Speaker E - 5.94%

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Duration 00:26:21
Word Count 1,987
Source Uploaded [WATCH LIVE_ Harris attends campaign rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania(3).mp4]
Transcribed Nov 05, 2024 at 07:30 AM UTC
Language English (US)
Sent to E-mail Google Drive
Speakers Speaker A - 15.7%
Speaker B - 51.53%
Speaker C - 21.64%
Speaker D - 5.18%
Speaker E - 5.94%

- Cedric the Entertainer: Are we ready to win? I want to thank Representatives Lee D'Aluzzio. Please send Bob Casey back to the United States Senate. I thank everyone for being here and taking the time out of your busy lives to be here.
- Tomorrow is election day. We know it is time for a new generation of leadership in America. I pledge to always put country above party and self and to be a president for all Americans. America is ready for a fresh start.
- Polls are open here in Pennsylvania tomorrow from 7:00am to 8:00pm. Go to iwillvote. com for all the information you need to vote. Let us be intentional about building community. Your vote is your voice, and your voice is your power.
- Katy Perry says she is voting for Kamala Harris to be the next President of the United States. She says she knows she will protect her daughter's future and your children's future. Perry: "You'll find your strength in love"
- Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind? Cause there's a spark in you you got overnight. And live it shining just all the. Night like the moon across the sky. Don't forget to vote tomorrow for Kamala Harris.

Speaker A
[00:00:01] Hello, Fitzberg.
Speaker B
[00:00:07] Hey, everybody. Can we hear from Cedric the Entertainer?
Speaker C
[00:00:20] Hey, everyone.
Speaker A
[00:00:30] We're doing this.
Speaker B
[00:00:35] Pittsburgh. Are we ready to do this? Are we ready to vote? Are we ready to win? Oh, it is good to be here tonight with all these leaders. I thank you all so, so very much. I want to thank Representatives Lee D'Aluzzio. Let's send them back to the US House of Representatives. Please send Bob Casey back to the United States Senate.
[00:01:16] And I thank everyone for being here and taking the time out of your busy lives to be here this evening. I love you back.
Speaker C
[00:01:23] I love you back.
Speaker B
[00:01:25] I love you back. All right, so, Pittsburgh, this is it. Tomorrow is election day. Tomorrow is election day, and the momentum is on our side. Our campaign has tapped into the ambitions, the aspirations and the dreams of the American people. And we know it is time for a new generation of leadership in America.
[00:01:59] And I am ready to offer that leadership as the next President of the United States. But we still got some work to do because, look, the race is not over, and we must finish strong. So, listen, here's the thing about the hard work. We like hard work. Hard work is good work. Hard work is joyful work.
[00:02:30] And make no mistake, we will win. We will win. We will win. We will win. And we will win. Because when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. And we have an opportunity in this election to finally turn the page on a decade of politics driven by fear and division.
[00:03:01] We are done with that. We're done. We're done. We're exhausted with it. And Pittsburgh. We are not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker A
[00:03:15] We're not going back. We're not going back. We're not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker B
[00:03:21] And we are not going back because America is ready for a fresh start. And we are ready for a president who knows the true measure of a leader is not based on who you beat down. It is based on who you lift up. And instead of stewing over an enemies list, I will spend every day working on my to do list, full of priorities to improve your life.
[00:03:59] Because ours is not a fight against something. It is a fight for something. It is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom. Like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, as President of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law.
[00:04:39] Proudly. Proudly. So, America, I am asking for your vote. I am asking for your vote. And here. And here is my pledge to you as president. I pledge to seek common ground and common sense solutions to the challenges you face. I am not looking to score political points. I am looking to make progress.
[00:05:11] I pledge to listen to those who will be impacted by the decisions I make. And we are not going back.
Speaker A
[00:05:22] We're not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker B
[00:05:28] And here's the thing, guys. We are fighting for a democracy. We are fighting for a democracy. And in a democracy, true leadership understands that the leader listens to the experts and listens to people who disagree with them. I will listen to people who disagree with me because I do not believe that people who disagree with me are the enemy.
[00:05:53] In fact, I will give them a seat at the table. That is what real leaders do. That is what strong leaders do. And I pledge to always put country above party and self and to be a president for all Americans. So, Pittsburgh, that is my pledge to you. And to you. I ask, then, who here has a plan to vote?
[00:06:32] Fantastic. Okay, so help spread the word then. Polls are open here in Pennsylvania tomorrow from 7:00am to 8:00pm you know that. Go to iwillvote.com for all the information you need, including where and when to vote and where to drop off your mail ballot, because we need everyone to vote Pennsylvania. You will make the difference in this election.
[00:07:00] You will make the difference. And friends, listen. We are all here together because we love our country. We love our country. And when you love something, you fight for it. And I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism. I love you. Love you back. And one of the highest forms of our love of our country is to then fight for the ideals of our country and to fight to realize the promise of America.
[00:07:40] So, Pittsburgh, listen. We got one day left to get this done. So now we work to get out the vote. Let's reach out in these next 24 hours to family and friends, including classmates and neighbors and co workers. And as we do that, let us really be true to what our campaign has been about from the very start.
[00:08:04] And on that, I say, please, let us be intentional about building community. Let us be intentional about building coalitions. Because here's the thing. So much about these last several years has been about trying to make people point their fingers at each other, to have Americans point their fingers at each other, to try and make people feel alone or feel small.
[00:08:30] But let us do the work as we work toward this win of building up community and coalition and reminding everyone that we have so Much more in common than what separates us. Let that be our goal. And let us remind everyone, your vote is your voice, and your voice is your power. So one last time, Pittsburgh, I ask you, are you ready to make your voices heard?
[00:09:11] Do we believe in freedom? Do we believe in opportunity? Do we believe in the promise of America? And are we ready to fight for it? And when we fight, we win. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. God bless you.
Speaker A
[00:09:38] Freedom. Freedom I can't move.
Speaker D
[00:09:41] Freedom copy lose Freedom freedom where are you? Cause I need freedom too I break today's all by myself Won't let my freedom ride in hell hey Imma keep on running Cause the winner don't quit on themselves I'ma wait I'ma wave through the waters tell the tide don't move I'ma riot I'ma riot through your borders Call me bulletproof love forgive me I feel I'm running blind in truth I'ma wait I'ma wave through your child love tell the deep I know I'm tellin these tears go and fall away Fall away oh may the Last 1 Burning 2 Flames Freedom, freedom.
Speaker A
[00:10:59] Please welcome global pop superstar Katy Perry.
Speaker C
[00:11:32] Let's go. Of anything and everything make me.
Speaker A
[00:11:55] Make.
Speaker C
[00:11:56] Me one and only make me ready. You're enemy, you're enemy.
Speaker A
[00:12:07] So you want to play with my J boy? You should know what you all are baby Today can do this let's go.
Speaker C
[00:12:44] Just love them make you levitate like a bird like a bird without a gaze but if you choose to walk away don't walk away no it's in.
Speaker A
[00:12:57] The palm of your head now baby.
Speaker C
[00:13:00] It'S a yes or a no no baby so just be sure before you give it out to me cause we're.
Speaker A
[00:13:08] Scorpios babe.
Speaker C
[00:13:50] It's my body and my choice Days like this I wanna drive away but we're almost there.
Speaker A
[00:14:04] Pack my.
Speaker C
[00:14:05] Bags and watch us shadow face.
Speaker A
[00:14:26] This.
Speaker C
[00:14:27] Is the part of me that you never going to ever take away from me no this is the part of.
Speaker A
[00:14:36] Me that you never going to ever.
Speaker C
[00:14:38] Take away from me Me I just wanna throw my phone away.
Speaker A
[00:15:17] Find out.
Speaker C
[00:15:18] Who is really there for me.
Speaker A
[00:15:23] You.
Speaker C
[00:15:24] Ripped me off Love was cheap was always down the seat I felt ashamed.
Speaker A
[00:15:33] You let me drown but there was better this is now now look at us. This is the part of me this is never nothing this is the part of me that you never come in love take away from me but you're not gonna break us down this is a part of me that you never see forever.
Speaker C
[00:16:11] Now look at us. We're sparkling.
Speaker A
[00:16:14] A firework condensed flame. I'll see you in the mug again. We're going.
Speaker C
[00:16:23] Let's go.
Speaker A
[00:16:25] So you can keep the devil Mary Nothing anyway, doctor can't keep everything.
Speaker C
[00:16:35] Yeah, let's go, Tony.
Speaker A
[00:16:56] But you never gonna ever. I'll see you over there. This is the part of it. But you never gonna let the chicken wake up you sh. But you not gonna break up. Stop. This is the wanna be cause you never gonna ever get out.
Speaker C
[00:17:30] Thank you.
Speaker E
[00:17:38] Period. Listen, four years ago, I became a mother. Best decision I ever made. Orlando and I, we welcomed our daughter, Daisy. And she is the reason I am voting for Kamala Harris. I've known Kamala since before she was a senator. I've always known her to fight for the most vulnerable. To speak up for the voiceless.
[00:18:19] To protect our rights as women. To make decisions about our own bodies. Yeah.
Speaker C
[00:18:29] Go figure.
Speaker E
[00:18:31] I know she will protect my daughter's future. And your children's future. And our family's future. So, Pittsburgh, let's make Kamala Harris the next President of the United States. Thank you so much for having me. I am so proud to be here. I'm Katy Perry.
Speaker C
[00:19:15] The children, our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
Speaker A
[00:19:44] Unsigned long ago. Never to walk in anyone's shadow.
Speaker C
[00:19:52] If I fail, if I succeed at.
Speaker A
[00:19:55] Least on it as I believe.
Speaker C
[00:19:58] No matter what they say about me. They can't take away my dignity.
Speaker A
[00:20:06] No. Because the great end.
Speaker C
[00:20:12] Love of all is happening to me.
Speaker A
[00:20:21] I found love.
Speaker C
[00:20:23] Greatest love of us inside of me. And if by chance there's very short that you been dreaming of. It leads you to a lonely place.
Speaker A
[00:20:53] You'll find your strength in love.
Speaker C
[00:21:19] Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind? I mean you start again. Do you ever feel so paper thin? Like a house of cart won't blow from cave and in? Do you ever feel or any buried deep six feet under screens but no one seems to hear a thing.
[00:21:45] Do you know that there's still a chance for you? Cause there's a spark in you you got overnight. And live it shining just all the.
Speaker A
[00:22:02] Night like the moon across the sky. Maybe you're a fool that you.
Speaker C
[00:22:38] Don'T have to feel like a wasted space. Your original cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds after a hurricane. What may be a reason why all the doors are closed Till you could open one that leads you to the perfect road? Like a lightning bolt you heart will.
Speaker A
[00:23:03] Blow open it's chuckle? You just gotta ignite the light? The layer that shines? Just all on the night?
Speaker C
[00:23:18] Like the 4th of July? Let's go.
Speaker A
[00:23:36] Maybe you're a. Let me hear you. You're gonna leave? I'm calling back home. Even brighter than the moon? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom? Even brighter than the moon? We are going.
Speaker C
[00:25:23] God bless you. Thank you so much. Don't forget to vote tomorrow for Kamala Harris. I didn't even imagine anybody was trying to make that live. Yeah.
Speaker A
[00:00:01] Hello, Fitzberg.
Speaker B
[00:00:07] Hey, everybody. Can we hear from Cedric the Entertainer?
Speaker C
[00:00:20] Hey, everyone.
Speaker A
[00:00:30] We're doing this.
Speaker B
[00:00:35] Pittsburgh. Are we ready to do this? Are we ready to vote? Are we ready to win? Oh, it is good to be here tonight with all these leaders. I thank you all so, so very much. I want to thank Representatives Lee D'Aluzzio. Let's send them back to the US House of Representatives. Please send Bob Casey back to the United States Senate.
[00:01:16] And I thank everyone for being here and taking the time out of your busy lives to be here this evening. I love you back.
Speaker C
[00:01:23] I love you back.
Speaker B
[00:01:25] I love you back. All right, so, Pittsburgh, this is it. Tomorrow is election day. Tomorrow is election day, and the momentum is on our side. Our campaign has tapped into the ambitions, the aspirations and the dreams of the American people. And we know it is time for a new generation of leadership in America.
[00:01:59] And I am ready to offer that leadership as the next President of the United States. But we still got some work to do because, look, the race is not over, and we must finish strong. So, listen, here's the thing about the hard work. We like hard work. Hard work is good work. Hard work is joyful work.
[00:02:30] And make no mistake, we will win. We will win. We will win. We will win. And we will win. Because when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. And we have an opportunity in this election to finally turn the page on a decade of politics driven by fear and division.
[00:03:01] We are done with that. We're done. We're done. We're exhausted with it. And Pittsburgh. We are not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker A
[00:03:15] We're not going back. We're not going back. We're not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker B
[00:03:21] And we are not going back because America is ready for a fresh start. And we are ready for a president who knows the true measure of a leader is not based on who you beat down. It is based on who you lift up. And instead of stewing over an enemies list, I will spend every day working on my to do list, full of priorities to improve your life.
[00:03:59] Because ours is not a fight against something. It is a fight for something. It is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom. Like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, as President of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law.
[00:04:39] Proudly. Proudly. So, America, I am asking for your vote. I am asking for your vote. And here. And here is my pledge to you as president. I pledge to seek common ground and common sense solutions to the challenges you face. I am not looking to score political points. I am looking to make progress.
[00:05:11] I pledge to listen to those who will be impacted by the decisions I make. And we are not going back.
Speaker A
[00:05:22] We're not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker B
[00:05:28] And here's the thing, guys. We are fighting for a democracy. We are fighting for a democracy. And in a democracy, true leadership understands that the leader listens to the experts and listens to people who disagree with them. I will listen to people who disagree with me because I do not believe that people who disagree with me are the enemy.
[00:05:53] In fact, I will give them a seat at the table. That is what real leaders do. That is what strong leaders do. And I pledge to always put country above party and self and to be a president for all Americans. So, Pittsburgh, that is my pledge to you. And to you. I ask, then, who here has a plan to vote?
[00:06:32] Fantastic. Okay, so help spread the word then. Polls are open here in Pennsylvania tomorrow from 7:00am to 8:00pm you know that. Go to iwillvote.com for all the information you need, including where and when to vote and where to drop off your mail ballot, because we need everyone to vote Pennsylvania. You will make the difference in this election.
[00:07:00] You will make the difference. And friends, listen. We are all here together because we love our country. We love our country. And when you love something, you fight for it. And I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism. I love you. Love you back. And one of the highest forms of our love of our country is to then fight for the ideals of our country and to fight to realize the promise of America.
[00:07:40] So, Pittsburgh, listen. We got one day left to get this done. So now we work to get out the vote. Let's reach out in these next 24 hours to family and friends, including classmates and neighbors and co workers. And as we do that, let us really be true to what our campaign has been about from the very start.
[00:08:04] And on that, I say, please, let us be intentional about building community. Let us be intentional about building coalitions. Because here's the thing. So much about these last several years has been about trying to make people point their fingers at each other, to have Americans point their fingers at each other, to try and make people feel alone or feel small.
[00:08:30] But let us do the work as we work toward this win of building up community and coalition and reminding everyone that we have so Much more in common than what separates us. Let that be our goal. And let us remind everyone, your vote is your voice, and your voice is your power. So one last time, Pittsburgh, I ask you, are you ready to make your voices heard?
[00:09:11] Do we believe in freedom? Do we believe in opportunity? Do we believe in the promise of America? And are we ready to fight for it? And when we fight, we win. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. God bless you.
Speaker A
[00:09:38] Freedom. Freedom I can't move.
Speaker D
[00:09:41] Freedom copy lose Freedom freedom where are you? Cause I need freedom too I break today's all by myself Won't let my freedom ride in hell hey Imma keep on running Cause the winner don't quit on themselves I'ma wait I'ma wave through the waters tell the tide don't move I'ma riot I'ma riot through your borders Call me bulletproof love forgive me I feel I'm running blind in truth I'ma wait I'ma wave through your child love tell the deep I know I'm tellin these tears go and fall away Fall away oh may the Last 1 Burning 2 Flames Freedom, freedom.
Speaker A
[00:10:59] Please welcome global pop superstar Katy Perry.
Speaker C
[00:11:32] Let's go. Of anything and everything make me.
Speaker A
[00:11:55] Make.
Speaker C
[00:11:56] Me one and only make me ready. You're enemy, you're enemy.
Speaker A
[00:12:07] So you want to play with my J boy? You should know what you all are baby Today can do this let's go.
Speaker C
[00:12:44] Just love them make you levitate like a bird like a bird without a gaze but if you choose to walk away don't walk away no it's in.
Speaker A
[00:12:57] The palm of your head now baby.
Speaker C
[00:13:00] It'S a yes or a no no baby so just be sure before you give it out to me cause we're.
Speaker A
[00:13:08] Scorpios babe.
Speaker C
[00:13:50] It's my body and my choice Days like this I wanna drive away but we're almost there.
Speaker A
[00:14:04] Pack my.
Speaker C
[00:14:05] Bags and watch us shadow face.
Speaker A
[00:14:26] This.
Speaker C
[00:14:27] Is the part of me that you never going to ever take away from me no this is the part of.
Speaker A
[00:14:36] Me that you never going to ever.
Speaker C
[00:14:38] Take away from me Me I just wanna throw my phone away.
Speaker A
[00:15:17] Find out.
Speaker C
[00:15:18] Who is really there for me.
Speaker A
[00:15:23] You.
Speaker C
[00:15:24] Ripped me off Love was cheap was always down the seat I felt ashamed.
Speaker A
[00:15:33] You let me drown but there was better this is now now look at us. This is the part of me this is never nothing this is the part of me that you never come in love take away from me but you're not gonna break us down this is a part of me that you never see forever.
Speaker C
[00:16:11] Now look at us. We're sparkling.
Speaker A
[00:16:14] A firework condensed flame. I'll see you in the mug again. We're going.
Speaker C
[00:16:23] Let's go.
Speaker A
[00:16:25] So you can keep the devil Mary Nothing anyway, doctor can't keep everything.
Speaker C
[00:16:35] Yeah, let's go, Tony.
Speaker A
[00:16:56] But you never gonna ever. I'll see you over there. This is the part of it. But you never gonna let the chicken wake up you sh. But you not gonna break up. Stop. This is the wanna be cause you never gonna ever get out.
Speaker C
[00:17:30] Thank you.
Speaker E
[00:17:38] Period. Listen, four years ago, I became a mother. Best decision I ever made. Orlando and I, we welcomed our daughter, Daisy. And she is the reason I am voting for Kamala Harris. I've known Kamala since before she was a senator. I've always known her to fight for the most vulnerable. To speak up for the voiceless.
[00:18:19] To protect our rights as women. To make decisions about our own bodies. Yeah.
Speaker C
[00:18:29] Go figure.
Speaker E
[00:18:31] I know she will protect my daughter's future. And your children's future. And our family's future. So, Pittsburgh, let's make Kamala Harris the next President of the United States. Thank you so much for having me. I am so proud to be here. I'm Katy Perry.
Speaker C
[00:19:15] The children, our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
Speaker A
[00:19:44] Unsigned long ago. Never to walk in anyone's shadow.
Speaker C
[00:19:52] If I fail, if I succeed at.
Speaker A
[00:19:55] Least on it as I believe.
Speaker C
[00:19:58] No matter what they say about me. They can't take away my dignity.
Speaker A
[00:20:06] No. Because the great end.
Speaker C
[00:20:12] Love of all is happening to me.
Speaker A
[00:20:21] I found love.
Speaker C
[00:20:23] Greatest love of us inside of me. And if by chance there's very short that you been dreaming of. It leads you to a lonely place.
Speaker A
[00:20:53] You'll find your strength in love.
Speaker C
[00:21:19] Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind? I mean you start again. Do you ever feel so paper thin? Like a house of cart won't blow from cave and in? Do you ever feel or any buried deep six feet under screens but no one seems to hear a thing.
[00:21:45] Do you know that there's still a chance for you? Cause there's a spark in you you got overnight. And live it shining just all the.
Speaker A
[00:22:02] Night like the moon across the sky. Maybe you're a fool that you.
Speaker C
[00:22:38] Don'T have to feel like a wasted space. Your original cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds after a hurricane. What may be a reason why all the doors are closed Till you could open one that leads you to the perfect road? Like a lightning bolt you heart will.
Speaker A
[00:23:03] Blow open it's chuckle? You just gotta ignite the light? The layer that shines? Just all on the night?
Speaker C
[00:23:18] Like the 4th of July? Let's go.
Speaker A
[00:23:36] Maybe you're a. Let me hear you. You're gonna leave? I'm calling back home. Even brighter than the moon? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom? Even brighter than the moon? We are going.
Speaker C
[00:25:23] God bless you. Thank you so much. Don't forget to vote tomorrow for Kamala Harris. I didn't even imagine anybody was trying to make that live. Yeah.
Speaker A
[00:00:01] Hello, Fitzberg.
Speaker B
[00:00:07] Hey, everybody. Can we hear from Cedric the Entertainer?
Speaker C
[00:00:20] Hey, everyone.
Speaker A
[00:00:30] We're doing this.
Speaker B
[00:00:35] Pittsburgh. Are we ready to do this? Are we ready to vote? Are we ready to win? Oh, it is good to be here tonight with all these leaders. I thank you all so, so very much. I want to thank Representatives Lee D'Aluzzio. Let's send them back to the US House of Representatives. Please send Bob Casey back to the United States Senate.
[00:01:16] And I thank everyone for being here and taking the time out of your busy lives to be here this evening. I love you back.
Speaker C
[00:01:23] I love you back.
Speaker B
[00:01:25] I love you back. All right, so, Pittsburgh, this is it. Tomorrow is election day. Tomorrow is election day, and the momentum is on our side. Our campaign has tapped into the ambitions, the aspirations and the dreams of the American people. And we know it is time for a new generation of leadership in America.
[00:01:59] And I am ready to offer that leadership as the next President of the United States. But we still got some work to do because, look, the race is not over, and we must finish strong. So, listen, here's the thing about the hard work. We like hard work. Hard work is good work. Hard work is joyful work.
[00:02:30] And make no mistake, we will win. We will win. We will win. We will win. And we will win. Because when you know what you stand for, you know what to fight for. And we have an opportunity in this election to finally turn the page on a decade of politics driven by fear and division.
[00:03:01] We are done with that. We're done. We're done. We're exhausted with it. And Pittsburgh. We are not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker A
[00:03:15] We're not going back. We're not going back. We're not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker B
[00:03:21] And we are not going back because America is ready for a fresh start. And we are ready for a president who knows the true measure of a leader is not based on who you beat down. It is based on who you lift up. And instead of stewing over an enemies list, I will spend every day working on my to do list, full of priorities to improve your life.
[00:03:59] Because ours is not a fight against something. It is a fight for something. It is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom. Like the fundamental freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do. And when Congress passes a bill to restore reproductive freedom nationwide, as President of the United States, I will proudly sign it into law.
[00:04:39] Proudly. Proudly. So, America, I am asking for your vote. I am asking for your vote. And here. And here is my pledge to you as president. I pledge to seek common ground and common sense solutions to the challenges you face. I am not looking to score political points. I am looking to make progress.
[00:05:11] I pledge to listen to those who will be impacted by the decisions I make. And we are not going back.
Speaker A
[00:05:22] We're not going back. We're not going back.
Speaker B
[00:05:28] And here's the thing, guys. We are fighting for a democracy. We are fighting for a democracy. And in a democracy, true leadership understands that the leader listens to the experts and listens to people who disagree with them. I will listen to people who disagree with me because I do not believe that people who disagree with me are the enemy.
[00:05:53] In fact, I will give them a seat at the table. That is what real leaders do. That is what strong leaders do. And I pledge to always put country above party and self and to be a president for all Americans. So, Pittsburgh, that is my pledge to you. And to you. I ask, then, who here has a plan to vote?
[00:06:32] Fantastic. Okay, so help spread the word then. Polls are open here in Pennsylvania tomorrow from 7:00am to 8:00pm you know that. Go to iwillvote.com for all the information you need, including where and when to vote and where to drop off your mail ballot, because we need everyone to vote Pennsylvania. You will make the difference in this election.
[00:07:00] You will make the difference. And friends, listen. We are all here together because we love our country. We love our country. And when you love something, you fight for it. And I do believe it is one of the highest forms of patriotism. I love you. Love you back. And one of the highest forms of our love of our country is to then fight for the ideals of our country and to fight to realize the promise of America.
[00:07:40] So, Pittsburgh, listen. We got one day left to get this done. So now we work to get out the vote. Let's reach out in these next 24 hours to family and friends, including classmates and neighbors and co workers. And as we do that, let us really be true to what our campaign has been about from the very start.
[00:08:04] And on that, I say, please, let us be intentional about building community. Let us be intentional about building coalitions. Because here's the thing. So much about these last several years has been about trying to make people point their fingers at each other, to have Americans point their fingers at each other, to try and make people feel alone or feel small.
[00:08:30] But let us do the work as we work toward this win of building up community and coalition and reminding everyone that we have so Much more in common than what separates us. Let that be our goal. And let us remind everyone, your vote is your voice, and your voice is your power. So one last time, Pittsburgh, I ask you, are you ready to make your voices heard?
[00:09:11] Do we believe in freedom? Do we believe in opportunity? Do we believe in the promise of America? And are we ready to fight for it? And when we fight, we win. God bless you. And God bless the United States of America. God bless you.
Speaker A
[00:09:38] Freedom. Freedom I can't move.
Speaker D
[00:09:41] Freedom copy lose Freedom freedom where are you? Cause I need freedom too I break today's all by myself Won't let my freedom ride in hell hey Imma keep on running Cause the winner don't quit on themselves I'ma wait I'ma wave through the waters tell the tide don't move I'ma riot I'ma riot through your borders Call me bulletproof love forgive me I feel I'm running blind in truth I'ma wait I'ma wave through your child love tell the deep I know I'm tellin these tears go and fall away Fall away oh may the Last 1 Burning 2 Flames Freedom, freedom.
Speaker A
[00:10:59] Please welcome global pop superstar Katy Perry.
Speaker C
[00:11:32] Let's go. Of anything and everything make me.
Speaker A
[00:11:55] Make.
Speaker C
[00:11:56] Me one and only make me ready. You're enemy, you're enemy.
Speaker A
[00:12:07] So you want to play with my J boy? You should know what you all are baby Today can do this let's go.
Speaker C
[00:12:44] Just love them make you levitate like a bird like a bird without a gaze but if you choose to walk away don't walk away no it's in.
Speaker A
[00:12:57] The palm of your head now baby.
Speaker C
[00:13:00] It'S a yes or a no no baby so just be sure before you give it out to me cause we're.
Speaker A
[00:13:08] Scorpios babe.
Speaker C
[00:13:50] It's my body and my choice Days like this I wanna drive away but we're almost there.
Speaker A
[00:14:04] Pack my.
Speaker C
[00:14:05] Bags and watch us shadow face.
Speaker A
[00:14:26] This.
Speaker C
[00:14:27] Is the part of me that you never going to ever take away from me no this is the part of.
Speaker A
[00:14:36] Me that you never going to ever.
Speaker C
[00:14:38] Take away from me Me I just wanna throw my phone away.
Speaker A
[00:15:17] Find out.
Speaker C
[00:15:18] Who is really there for me.
Speaker A
[00:15:23] You.
Speaker C
[00:15:24] Ripped me off Love was cheap was always down the seat I felt ashamed.
Speaker A
[00:15:33] You let me drown but there was better this is now now look at us. This is the part of me this is never nothing this is the part of me that you never come in love take away from me but you're not gonna break us down this is a part of me that you never see forever.
Speaker C
[00:16:11] Now look at us. We're sparkling.
Speaker A
[00:16:14] A firework condensed flame. I'll see you in the mug again. We're going.
Speaker C
[00:16:23] Let's go.
Speaker A
[00:16:25] So you can keep the devil Mary Nothing anyway, doctor can't keep everything.
Speaker C
[00:16:35] Yeah, let's go, Tony.
Speaker A
[00:16:56] But you never gonna ever. I'll see you over there. This is the part of it. But you never gonna let the chicken wake up you sh. But you not gonna break up. Stop. This is the wanna be cause you never gonna ever get out.
Speaker C
[00:17:30] Thank you.
Speaker E
[00:17:38] Period. Listen, four years ago, I became a mother. Best decision I ever made. Orlando and I, we welcomed our daughter, Daisy. And she is the reason I am voting for Kamala Harris. I've known Kamala since before she was a senator. I've always known her to fight for the most vulnerable. To speak up for the voiceless.
[00:18:19] To protect our rights as women. To make decisions about our own bodies. Yeah.
Speaker C
[00:18:29] Go figure.
Speaker E
[00:18:31] I know she will protect my daughter's future. And your children's future. And our family's future. So, Pittsburgh, let's make Kamala Harris the next President of the United States. Thank you so much for having me. I am so proud to be here. I'm Katy Perry.
Speaker C
[00:19:15] The children, our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be.
Speaker A
[00:19:44] Unsigned long ago. Never to walk in anyone's shadow.
Speaker C
[00:19:52] If I fail, if I succeed at.
Speaker A
[00:19:55] Least on it as I believe.
Speaker C
[00:19:58] No matter what they say about me. They can't take away my dignity.
Speaker A
[00:20:06] No. Because the great end.
Speaker C
[00:20:12] Love of all is happening to me.
Speaker A
[00:20:21] I found love.
Speaker C
[00:20:23] Greatest love of us inside of me. And if by chance there's very short that you been dreaming of. It leads you to a lonely place.
Speaker A
[00:20:53] You'll find your strength in love.
Speaker C
[00:21:19] Do you ever feel like a plastic bag drifting through the wind? I mean you start again. Do you ever feel so paper thin? Like a house of cart won't blow from cave and in? Do you ever feel or any buried deep six feet under screens but no one seems to hear a thing.
[00:21:45] Do you know that there's still a chance for you? Cause there's a spark in you you got overnight. And live it shining just all the.
Speaker A
[00:22:02] Night like the moon across the sky. Maybe you're a fool that you.
Speaker C
[00:22:38] Don'T have to feel like a wasted space. Your original cannot be replaced. If you only knew what the future holds after a hurricane. What may be a reason why all the doors are closed Till you could open one that leads you to the perfect road? Like a lightning bolt you heart will.
Speaker A
[00:23:03] Blow open it's chuckle? You just gotta ignite the light? The layer that shines? Just all on the night?
Speaker C
[00:23:18] Like the 4th of July? Let's go.
Speaker A
[00:23:36] Maybe you're a. Let me hear you. You're gonna leave? I'm calling back home. Even brighter than the moon? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom? Even brighter than the moon? We are going.
Speaker C
[00:25:23] God bless you. Thank you so much. Don't forget to vote tomorrow for Kamala Harris. I didn't even imagine anybody was trying to make that live. Yeah.