DNC 2024 | Day 3 Speeches | Bill Clinton

Words: 2,449
Duration: 00:27:29
Recorded On:
Uploaded On: 2 months ago [Thu, 22 Aug 2024 01:49 UTC]
Transcribed On: 2 months ago [Thu, 22 Aug 2024 01:51 UTC]
Using: uploaded [Bill Clinton.mp3]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
Shareable Link:
Speakers: Bill Clinton - 100.0%


- A presidential election is the best job interview for the greatest job in the world. Will this president bring us together or tear us apart? We, the people, we have to make a decision about these kind of questions. In 2024, we got a pretty clear choice, it seems to me, Kamala Harris for the people.
- Kamala Harris has already made her first presidential decision. Do you want to build a strong economy from the bottom up, in the middle out? Or do you spend the next four years talking about crowd size?
- I'll be doing my part. You do yours. I'll see you when we're making a real joyful nose noise. When the votes are counted. God bless you, and God bless America.