Meet Agentforce Humans + AI + Data + Action

Words: 5,140
Duration: 00:32:27
Recorded On:
Uploaded On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 17:36 UTC]
Transcribed On: 5 months ago [Wed, 18 Sep 2024 17:38 UTC]
Using: Uploaded [Meet Agentforce Humans + AI + Data + Action.mp4]
Language: English (US)
Channels: 2
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
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Speakers: Speaker A - 6.61% Speaker B - 8.07% Speaker C - 55.33% Speaker D - 29.98%


- Customers across the board. We stick with our low code, no code, pro code, but there's some really amazing out of box agents that our customers can take advantage of. This is amazing for everything from answering questions about your products, deflecting cases and support.
- agents can be triggered by a conversation, just like a co pilot. They understand your business with the data that you have. They're able to plan and reason. And so, last but not least, this is scalable. You can have multiple agents.
- The power of agent force is really that it brings the humans, the data, the AI, and the actionability. Together with data cloud, you can ground these agents in your enterprise data and context. You can deploy these agents on any channel and take advantage of the automation that already exists in the platform.
- agent Builder is your one stop shop where you can create, customize, maintain, govern these agents. You can add actions to agents, then you can deploy those agents on channels. And boom, just like that, you are ready to activate your agents in minutes.
- There are three concepts that are integral to the working of an agent. Topics represent a user's intent, a goal, a job to be done. Instructions are natural language instructions that you embed in the topics to provide additional guidance to your agent. Finally, actions are how agent takes actions.
- You can win a Starbucks gift card as well. And please, please, uh, provide us feedback that is really, really important to us. Have a good evening, everyone.

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